I Like Football

By Norm Millberry

Published on Nov 10, 2004


DISCLAIMER: This story contains subject matter that may not be appropriate for younger readers. It deals with homosexuality, homosexual acts, and all things homosexual. If you are offended by this, please stop reading now.

I Like Football

Unpublished Work Copyright 2004 Norm Millberry. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 3 - "Old Black River Road"

I had been having a wonderful dream. There I was, basking in the glory of my latest Hollywood premiere, my friends and family at my side. Akined and Aiden were there with me as I discussed the film with some reporters. Everyone had loved what they saw. I was destined for the Academy Award for best picture they said. After we cleared out of there, Aiden and I went back to my Apartment. He thought we should celebrate the premiere of my big movie, and I couldn't resist. Aiden's amazing hazel eyes locked onto mine from across the living room, and he began to walk towards me very slowly. He placed one hand on either side of my waist, and raised himself up and inch or so, planting his lips on mine. He pressed his forehead into mine and flashed me a penetrating gaze. I was so hot for him. My cock was screaming at me "Let me out to play! Let me OUT!!" Then, while still piercing me with his eyes, he softly licked my lips, from right to left. It was driving me absolutely nuts. I tried to kiss him, but he moved his head back and made a sound that seemed to say "no you don't!". I tried to kiss him again, but he pushed my head to the side with his, and softy bit my neck on the left side. He started walking me backwards towards the bedroom, continuing to kiss my neck with every step. We reached the door to my bedroom. Aiden had me pressed against the door, and he pulled himself close to me. I could feel his hardness rubbing against my thigh. I squirmed to try to push myself onto him, but he moved his arms up, pressed my shoulders back, and pushed himself up to softly nibble on my left earlobe. He rubbed his hands slowly down my chest and abdomen, and - having had just about as much as I could stand - I opened up the door to the bedroom. A wild look came over Aiden's face, and he took me, and tossed me down onto the bed. The phone started to ring. Aiden mounted me, and held my hands down above my head with his. He started to stroke my cock with his ass. I wanted to rip his clothes off, but really couldn't do much about anything. Aiden took the phone off of the charger, hung up, and tossed it out of the room. But the phone didn't stop ringing. It got louder and louder until...

I woke up. I could have avoided this scenario if I had just remembered to turn off the ringer, but things can never be simple like that can they? I rolled over to the bedside table and reached for the phone. In my groggy state, I knocked it over onto the floor by mistake. I could hear as I reached down to pick it up an all too familiar voice shouting "Hello!! Jeff, are you there? Hello". Not the least bit amused, I answered Akined very sternly. "This had better be good!"

"Oh my god!!! It is good!! OHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDD!!!!"

I had the phone at arms length but it was still pretty loud. "Okay, out with it then. What is it?"

"You're not going to believe this Jeff!!"

"Well spit it out!"


Oh my god. There was total silence on the line. I tried to absorb this comment, but as I repeated what she had said back over in my head, it remained unregistered.

"Did you hear me Jeff?? I am ENGAGED!!!" And in memory of the stupid people in our society, she added "You know...to be married!"

I hung up the phone, and went back under the covers, completely certain in the knowledge that I had simply woken up in the middle of the night, was confused, and had no conversation of any kind with anyone. The phone rang thirty seconds later.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked. "Why did you hang up on me?"

"I'm sorry Aki, but I didn't hang up on you. Someone called me from your telephone, pretending to be you, and they told me that you were engaged to be wed."

"I am."

"You're not serious?" This was totally absurd. I don't even remember the name of the guy she met two days ago. "Surely you're kidding."

"No Jeff, it's true! And you'll like this one, I know it!" Wait a second...'this' one? Is she talking about someone I haven't met? Someone she knows since only last night? It's not possible that you could become engaged after such a short period of courtship...even if you are Akined!

"Umm...you met this guy last night?"

"Actually, I haven't met him yet." What?? Wait. "Well, at least not in person yet. We spoke on the phone last night."

"No! No Aki...you did not meet him on the Grapevine." At least I hoped. "Please tell me it's not a Grapevine boy."

"Jeff, do you think I'd actually do something so silly?" Well, Yes, I did.

"Well, where DID you find this poor fool?"

"He's not a fool, and it's actually quite an interesting story how we came to speak." I must admit to being quite interested in what she was saying...not a common event. "I was dialing up my friend Jason at the Pizza Shack on White and Robie because I was really hungry, and I wanted him to hook me up with a free Pizza. But it turns out that some really weird line-crossing occurred, and next thing I knew, I was talking to this guy! His name is Chip, and he lives in London!"

"You're not talking about the London that's across the pond are you?"

"London England!" She exclaimed. "And his accent is so very hot!"

"Wait just a minute." I was really losing it now. "You mean to tell me that you, by freak accident, were connected to a phone line in Britain, and after speaking to this total stranger with a hot accent, became engaged."


I hung up the phone. Never the type to give up, she rang me back. "Akined, you are just pulling my leg aren't you? You're not really engaged to some English guy that you just met yesterday."

"I am Jeff. And that's not all!!"

"I'm not sure I can handle anymore Aki. What does he look like, did you see a picture online or anything?"

"Actually Jeff, that's just what I was getting at." Aki paused for a brief moment before continuing. "I did not see what he looks like, and he has not seen what I look like. Chip is blind."

Now this is a revelation. "He's blind?"

"Yep! So that means he can't judge me on the basis of my looks, so I don't want to know what he looks like, for as long as I can put it off. I think it's great!"

"I'm happy for you Aki, but I need to get myself together, so why don't we meet up at the school in say, two hours, and we can pick up our grades together?" She agreed, and I got myself out of bed and into the shower. As the water poured over my body, my mind kept wandering to different subjects. I still couldn't grasp that Akined was engaged to a Londoner. I thought about my dream of Aiden. I wonder if that's what he would be like in real life. I don't think so, but wouldn't that be hot?

After my shower I put on my blue fleece robe and wandered out to the kitchen to put on some breakfast. Nothing special, just some buttermilk pancakes and maple syrup. I watched a tape of my final film projects from second year while I ate. I did manage to get some maple syrup on my robe, but that's just life. I went into my bedroom, walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and one of my favorite T-shirts. It was a medium shade of pink and written on it in white letters was "Roller Queens", with a cute illustration of a girl in a skate park. I checked the mirror briefly and determined that while my hair was fine the way it was, it would soon need to be trimmed a bit. I once pulled a stunt where I let my hair grow extremely long. I told Akined that I wanted a ponytail, because I knew this would frighten her beyond belief. She had vehemently protested, saying my dark brown hair would be unacceptable at any length over a few inches. I had told her that I would simply die it blonde, but as she correctly pointed out, blond does not go well with dark eyebrows...and besides, why would I want to follow up the 'I Like Football' image by having blonde hair of all things? Akined suggested red for my hair, on account that my grandfather had red hair, and we shared the same deep brown eyes. In the end, my hair grew out over my ears, and after a few months I couldn't take it any longer and cut it. Today thought, my hair was fine.

I rinsed off the plate and put the dishes into the dishwasher, grabbed my keys off the counter by the door and went down the elevator to the lobby. It was a miserable day weather-wise. There were dark clouds all over, and it had already rained during the night. I borrowed an umbrella from the doorman, just in case I should needing it, and headed out to my car. The drive to USC was rather uneventful, though I did see a few cute boys when I was stopped at a red light downtown. The bad weather seems to have kept everyone away, because I found a really nice parking spot just outside the entrance to the Studios.

I strolled up to Ms. Davis' office and pulled my grade sheet out of the envelope posted outside her door. I glanced at the top, the grade was "Superior", the highest grade there is, above "proficient", "Acceptable" and "Fail". I paid no attention to all the comments she made on the sheet, and I made my way to the green room to meet Akined. Aiden was there as well. As soon as I walked in he glanced at me with a very confused look in his eye. "Did you know about...?" He pointed to Aki. I certainly did know, and I answered him with a laugh.

"Give it a week." I said.

"Guess what Jeff?" Aki said "I got a 95 on my lighting exam!" She thrust her grade sheet into my hands. "It's the second highest grade, right behind you." I handed the sheet back and then Aiden passed his to me. He had received a grade of Superior, with the comment from Ms. Davis "Nice use of extras."

"Why am I not surprised?" I said.

"It wasn't a very helpful grade sheet." Aiden seemed displeased. "Just 92, nice use of extras. That's it. I was looking for some helpful comments...perhaps an explanation as to why it was only 92."

"That's just something you have to get used to" I told him. "Ms. Davis is not one for going on at length about anything. You should be pleased with 'superior'...nobody is going to know it was a 92, and not a 98, except for you."

Our grading system was pretty simple. Grades of Superior cover the 90 to 100 range, Proficient covers 80-89, acceptable is 70-79 and anything less is a fail. When it comes time to covert the grades into letters for the University, a superior is an A, proficient is a B, acceptable is a C. It's not too hard to grasp. I suppose people get confused because our department is the only one using the "superior" system.

"Are you two busy this afternoon?" After Aiden and I both shook our heads 'no', she continued "How about we get out together and do something?"

Sounded alright to me. "What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Why don't we head down to The Plaza?" The Plaza is pretty much a mega-shopping mall. The only thing it's missing is a few midway rides. "I feel like bowling, and besides, I'm hungry too."

"I haven't bowled in ages," Aiden said. "I'd love to."

It was settled. I was more than happy to be spending the day with Aiden. I had much in store for that boy. I knew that all I needed to do was keep at it, and sooner or later that nut would crack...how could it not? I knew I had my work cut out for me though...Aiden has shown already that he's not going to fall easily. I was resigned to the fact that my good looks were not going to score me a victory in this pursuit. I had to do something that showed him that I was the kind of guy he could live with. With him being a Libra (Aki said he was born October 20) I knew I'd have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. I was glad I had cleaned my car only yesterday, because I wouldn't want to drive him anywhere in a filthy vehicle! The Plaza was just about 5 minutes from the school, so not a whole lot happened on the way there. I did however have to make use of my car's child-lock protection because Akined kept rolling the window down and then back up again, for pleasure. Normally I would let her play her silly games, but I had to lock her window because while we were stopped at a red light she rolled down her window and shouted out to the people crossing the street "I shat myself at work".

The bowling alley was located in the basement of The Plaza. The "cosmic" lights were on...you know, the special lights that make your white clothes glow green? Well, it didn't matter because none of us were wearing any white, but for the text on my pink shirt, which didn't glow very well. I should point out that I am reasonably good at this sport. I hadn't played since Christmas vacation, but I didn't see that as something that would haunt me. Akined was miserable at the game, but she enjoyed it more than anyone I know. We got our shoes and picked lane 3, Aki's lucky number. Shoes are very interesting. I asked for size 10's, but my feet are actually 11. I don't know what it is about gay men, but we always like to squeeze out feet into smaller shoes than we should. I'm not sure why. Perhaps we want people to think we have really tiny feet, and then when they see our cocks, they're surprised to see how big they are. Aiden wore a modest size 9 bowling shoe, though he had just as much trouble getting into his as I had mine. Not that you'd care, but Akined had big feet for a girl. She wore a women's 11. The rest of her body was not in proportion really, except her enormous breasts...she had big tities. They seemed almost unreal attached to her relatively small frame.

"Okay," Aki started "Here's what I think we should do." Aki stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "The winner of the string gets to kiss whoever they want." She smiled at me, and I smiled back. I liked the idea. Aiden quickly agreed, and I felt very secure at that moment. I was ready to bowl 300 if I had to...Aiden was mine! "I will go first."

Aki grabbed a 12 pound ball (we were using the big balls and pins) and looked resolutely down the lane. She took four steps before releasing the ball. Aiden and I chuckled as a buzzer sounded, indicating that Aki had breached the foul line. She though, oblivious to the sound, watched the ball roll down the lane, curve towards the center and knock down all the pins. She jumped with glee. "Why are you laughing?" We pointed up to the screen above the lane. There was an animation playing of a referee calling the foul. She was outraged! Her foot she insisted, did not cross the line.

Aiden rose up and proceeded calmly to pick up a 16 pound ball, and with his first shot took out all but the 10 pin. He took an early lead, picking up the spare. It was my turn next and I grabbed my trusty 16 pound ball "betsy" with the dark blue swirls. I had once gotten 6 strikes in a row with that ball. I released the ball, and knocked over six pins. My second shot netted me only three more. I went back to my seat disappointed. Akined improved slightly on her first frame, getting a gutter ball, then knocking down three pins. Aiden improved in frame two, with a strike. I told myself that I just needed to shake off the rust, and with my first ball I knocked all ten pins over. Aki chose to use a 10 pound ball this time, and good thing too, because she managed a spare. Unfortunately Aiden got another strike in frame three. Things were not looking good. I was unable to build on my strike from the previous frame, knocking only 8 pins down in the third. All was not lost however! Betsy soon started to come through for me. I had not only caught up, but I had been in the lead for a short time. Aki continued to do poorly, but every now and then fluked out a good frame. By the end of the seventh frame Akined had managed 41 points, I was sitting at a meager 119, and Aiden was at 108, but was working on a strike from frame seven.

Akined tossed ball one down the lane and we watched as it made it's way towards the center and crashed through all the pins. Aki did a cartwheel, and almost crashed to the floor when her left foot came down on the floor of the lane. Aiden wasn't able to follow up his seventh frame strike with another, but he did score a spare. I looked over the score sheet, and realizing that I could pull this out, I got up, and Betsy delivered me a strike. Akined followed up her strike with a spare bringing her up to 71 points going into the final frame. Aiden slipped up with his first ball, taking out just three pins. He finished the frame with nine pins down and a score of 150. I grabbed Betsy, and released her down the lane. She rolled on through the pins, but the seven pin still stood. I decided not to wait for Betsy to come back, and I grabbed Aiden's ball. It turns out that my act of disloyalty was a mistake, as luck would have it, for as soon as my fingers left the holes of the ball I heard the buzzer, and the screen above was flashing in big bold red letters "FOUL". Going into the tenth and final frame, I was down by 12 points.

Akined went first, and to her dismay, threw two gutter balls, finishing with only 71 points. Aiden rose out of his chair and I hoped that he would not do so well as to put me out of contention. It would be all to cruel if he shot three strikes right now. Aiden threw ball number one down the lane and to my relief knocked down just four pins. Aiden looked quite upset, and with a ruffle of his nose he picked up another ball. I don't think he was concentrating too hard because I heard the beautiful sound of the foul buzzer. Aiden had finished the string with 154 points. I needed seventeen points to win, which meant I needed at least a spare, and then seven pins on my third ball. I wondered what would happen in a tie, but as it turned out, there would be no tie. I grabbed my faithful betsy, said a quick prayer, and released her down the lane. I didn't foul, but I might as well have. No it wasn't a gutter ball either. I do not know how it was possible - and Dr. Leung of the USC's Physics Department was also at a loss when I confronted him about it - but three pins remained staring me down...the one, the seven, and the ten. How was I going to knock down all three from the triangle? I thought carefully about the vectors, and I looked up to the screen above the lane which gives advice on the shot. It simply said "unusual spare". That helped. I figured that if I rolled the ball through the one and towards the ten, that I might be able to knock the one into the seven. Aiden wore a smile of triumph on his face, certain that I was to lose the game. I grabbed Betsy, and tossed her. The ball wasn't going the way I had planned. Instead of hitting the one and ten in a diagonal line, I hit the one almost dead on, and it knocked over the ten while the ball rolled into the curtain. It nudged one pin that had been knocked over in the first shot into the seven, ever so slightly. The seven pin teetered for a moment, back and forth, but remained standing.

"Aiden wins 154 to 147!" Aki announced "Who ya gonna kiss?"

Aiden did not leave us in doubt for very long. "You know what...you just look so sad for finishing in third. Come here." Aiden and Aki walked towards each other and he gave her a big kiss on the cheek, and a big bear hug. When the horrible scene was over, Akined gave me a look that said "Oh well, I tried", and Aiden...he gave me a sinister smile, complete with narrowed eyebrows. I'll get you next time, Gadget....next time!

"Alright" I said "Re-match." I walked over, grabbed Betsy and opened with a strike. Aiden feigned fear, mocking me with a "ewwwwww", waving his fingers. Akined followed me.

"You guys are only winning cause you have bigger balls than me." We said nothing to this remark, but I could not help but smirk. "Oh you know what I meant! I'm going to use your ball." And little Aki went over, picked up Aiden's 16 pounder, with difficulty, then hoisted it up. She shook her head to get the hair away from her face, and slowly approached the lane. The ball hit the lane with a loud thud, and Aki yelped in pain. The ball went into the gutter about midway through its journey. Aki was holding her middle finger.

"Ahh, did Aki hurt her little pretty princess fingers?" I teased.

"Shut up...I don't want to play anymore."

I looked over at Aiden. He said to me "There is no kiss on the line this time." Just another minor setback, that's all. After all, the idea hadn't even been mine. It was a lost opportunity no doubt, but it's not as if MY plan had failed. I gave in to Akined and we headed up the stairs onto The Plaza's first floor. Aiden, the little cutie-pie, thought it would be nice to buy the poor princess an ice cream, so we went to Baskin Robins and she picked out a wildberry cone. Aiden chose a more conservative vanilla cone, and I bought strawberry blast. While we were walking around the floor, I slowed just a bit so that I was behind both of them just enough to have a visual of Aiden's ass. He was wearing black jeans and they wrapped nicely around his cheeks. I was very curious to see what was under there, but 'patience' I thought...all in good time.

"I want to get drunk."

"Aki," Aiden replied "You always want to get drunk."

"But really though, I think we should all get drunk. We've spent the day together, so why not spend the night together too?"

I was all in favor of spending the night with Aiden, but I wasn't all too keen on having a drunken Akined running around, blurting things out, like say 'Hey Aiden, Jeff really has the hots for you, I think you should get with each other', or 'Hey Aiden, what would you say if I told you Jeff wanted to lick chocolate off your cock?'...you get the idea. "Do we really need to get drunk?"

Aiden supplied the answer. "Oh yes, definitely."

Two to one. We stopped briefly at the liquor store, then drove back to my apartment. We got inside and I put our freshly purchased alcohol in the freezer, and took out some of my own supply. I made the drinks, and passed them around. I knew it wouldn't be long before Akined was totally out of it. She and I have a long standing tradition of playing charades whenever we have parties, and while this was just a small gathering, I thought the occasion called for a game. We wrote down notes on pieces of paper and stuffed them into a glass jar. I went first, and I pulled out of the jar: "baby eater".

I relaxed, and used my hands to begin. "Two words?" I nodded yes. "First word". I put my hands up under my head. "Sleep?" I shook my head no, then made a rocking motion with my arms. Aiden guessed it correctly "Baby!". "Second word". I made a motion like I was eating a slice of pizza. I'm not sure if Akined was already feeling the effects of the booze, because she said "Baby Pizza", despite the fact that I thought she had written 'baby eater' on the piece of paper.

Aiden guessed it correctly, and I took a seat next to Akined. She asked us to wait while she got herself another drink. When she returned, Aiden drew a slip out of the jar and his face wore an expression of shock, mixed with disgust. I was intrigued. "Four words" I said. "First word." Aiden started skipping in a circle. He shook his head no when I suggested the word skipping. He got on his knees and made his eyes wide and smiled, rocking his head back and forth. Akined shouted "KIDS", and Aiden agreed. "Second word." Aiden then made a motion like licking an ice cream cone. "Lick" I said. He nodded in agreement. "Third word". He rubbed his stomach and pushed it out. "Fat man" I suggested. Nope. He made a motion like he was whipping some animal in front of him. I took wild guess. "Santa?"

Aiden jumped with excitement. He then looked disapprovingly at the slip of paper and raised four fingers in the air. "Fourth word." His face was solemn, and he put his hands over his shoulder like he was carrying something.

"Kids lick Santa's bag?"

I was correct. He sat down next to Aki and told her she was sick. She just giggled, and then burped. I reached deep into the jar and pulled out a slip. 'Butterfly' was my word. I wasn't too worried. I started flapping my arms like wings. Akined thought I meant 'fly'. I pointed to my face and she said "pretty". I nodded, then flapped my arms again. "Pretty thing that flies!" she said. I looked at Aiden, who was smirking. I got down on the floor, curled into a ball and made like I was in a cocoon. Aiden laughed. I wanted to get up and kiss him, it was so cute. "Hiding" Aki said.

"I know what it is, but I can't say, it was mine!"

Just great. I looked to Aki. She took a gulp from her glass, and then sat up, appearing to give her attention to me in full. I burst out of the cocoon and flapped around again. She wasn't getting it. I didn't know what to do. I repeated my little demonstration, but she asked "Are you a missile that's just been launched?" Aiden was having a great old time on the sofa, relishing my pain. I stood up and opened an imaginary door. I pulled an imaginary knife out a drawer and started buttering a piece of bread. "Butter!" She said. Then I flapped around again. "Ohhhh, you're a butterfly!"

"YES!" I threw myself into the sofa, while Aiden just continued laughing. I glared at him, resisting a smile of my own, and it just made him laugh harder. "Cut it out!"

Akined stumbled over to the jar and plunged her arm inside. She pulled out a slip, then started to giggle. She didn't inform us of how many words there were. She started swimming around the room. I suggested swimming, but she shook her head. She then started moving her arms in a weird wavy-like motion at her sides. Neither Aiden or myself had a clue what she was getting at. She looked at us like we were stupid. She then pointed to her crotch and then made as if there was a gun there, shooting at us. Aiden was bewildered, and I had no clue. Akined was getting upset. She layed on the floor and started - what looked to me like - humping. I told her she needed to try something else. She grunted, got to her feet and glared at both of us.

"I may look drunk" She said "But I'm acting sober, because I'm an actress, and that's what actresses do!"

"You're not allowed to talk."

She put her hands at her waist, pointed them outward, palms up , flicked her fingers around, then ran in a circle. Aiden, the genius, figured it out.

"OCTOPUS" He shouted. Akined screamed and he laughed and they shared a huge hug, both of them bouncing around the room.

"How the hell did you get octopus out of that?" I demanded

"You remember Super Mario? The little purple octopi? They moved like that."

"Those were squid!" I needed a break. I went into the bathroom to piss. As I stepped in, I stopped to check myself out in the mirror. Everything was still okay on that front. I unzipped my jeans, pulled my pants down to my thighs, and began to pee. When I was finished, I pulled up my jeans and turned around. Aiden was approaching.

"Nice ass." It was an odd moment as I exited the bathroom, and he entered. We almost touched.

"Ohh can I watch?"

He moved his head within a few inches of mine. He just looked at me playfully with his hazel eyes for a moment, and said "You're cute."

"Well thank you very much. I think you're cute. Can I watch?"

He closed the door. Oh well, there would be other opportunities. I walked back out to the living room where Akined was sitting on the sofa twirling her empty glass in her hand. "Oh Jeff, could you get your best-est friend another drinkie-winkie?" Akined always had a way of making me smile. I took her glass and went into the kitchen to mix a few more drinks. I heard Aki talking to Aiden, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. When I came back into the room Aiden was passing Akined the phone book.

"Wait until you hear this." Aiden whispered in my ear.

"Jeff, I think we should call an escort service!"

"Aki, are you sure it's not time for you to go to sleep? You're engaged remember?"

"I love him!"

"It's his accent isn't it?" Aiden asked.

"You remember Aki," I had just remembered something from the year before, "You had a huge crush on Sean Biggerstaff...that hot British boy from the Harry Potter movie. It was his accent."

"It's not his accent! He's a great guy!" She sat up quickly. "We should make prank calls to escort services. It'll be fun."

Once Aki made up her mind about something, it wasn't going to change. I sat down while Akined picked up the phone and dialed the first number she found under "Escort Services". I looked over at Aiden, and he was looking at me. He quickly looked over at Aki, hoping I didn't notice. "Hello, I was just calling to inquire about the costs of your services." There was a pause. "What am I looking for? Well, um, I'd like someone to pretend to be my boyfriend at a gala I'll be attending next week." Aki started to laugh hysterically and hung up the phone.

"What did they say?" Aki ignored my question and dialed a second number from the book. I looked over and caught Aiden looking at me again. I took this all as very positive, mind you I wish he wouldn't feel the need to look away when I look over.

"Hi, I was just calling to find out what sort of services you offer." After a short pause Akined failed to hold in a giggle. "No, I didn't just call you!" But Aki hung up and burst into laughter again. "They must have the same operator or something."

I got up, took the phone and put it back in its holder. "I'm going to go fetch us a real game to play." Aki and Aiden both made sounds of eager anticipation, so I made haste to my bedroom closet where I had a stack of games that I played a lot as a kid. I grabbed the one I was looking for and returned to the living room. Akined saw it and her mouth opened wide...she seemed like she was looking at a magic lamp...it was that 'impressive'. Aiden said "Oh my god."

Alright, I admit it, Spin The Bottle didn't work out for me, but Twister!!! Twister was bound to work. I mean, how could it not? I would make sure it worked. I know it's cheap, but it's also guaranteed! I opened the box and layed the mat down on the floor. I tossed the spinner down onto the mat. "I trust you both know the rules. It's pretty much anything goes, just don't let your knees or elbows touch the mat, and don't wiggle around when it's not your turn." Akined was all too eager and spun first. She had to put her left foot on red. Aiden went next, left hand red. He went on the opposite end of Aki to give himself more space. I was fortunate to be placed on the opposite end of the board, spinning right foot green.

Aki reached down and spun right foot blue. The blue circles are adjacent to the red, so it wasn't a problem for her. Aiden got into a little trouble with left foot red. I spun left foot yellow. Yellow is adjacent to green, and now Aki and I were standing side by side, and Aiden was in the corner in front of Aki. Akined's next spin put her left hand on red. She chose the red circle two up from the one her foot was on. Aiden was sorry enough to spin right foot yellow. He turned his back on us and put his foot on the yellow circle parallel to the red circle housing his left foot. He was bent over to put his left rand on the red circle in front, and I pointed out that I found the view rather attractive. He almost toppled over.

I spun right foot yellow...just what I wanted. I stretched my leg out to the yellow circle behind the one occupied by Aiden's right foot. Aki asked the gods to let her spin something green so she could go between my legs to try to knock me over. The gods were asleep at the switch though, right foot blue. She moved her right foot from the blue circle it was on, one step up. She was hunched down and quite comfortable. I was upright, and completely fine...but poor Aiden. He spun right hand yellow. Picture this now, his left parts are on red, his right parts are on yellow. His hands are only one circle ahead of his feet. He's completely bent over, and the best part...his legs are parted over the blue circle gap! It was hot.

The gods didn't heed Aki's call, but I was not denied. I got exactly what I wanted...left foot red. I put my left foot on the red circle behind Aiden's left foot. It was priceless. I had two free hands, and I grabbed Aiden by the waist and pretended to be fucking him. Akined, when she removed her face from my thigh, saw this and laughed. She called time out so she could take a photograph. Aiden insisted I stop pressing into him through bits of laughter, on the grounds that I was cheating...trying to make him fall over. Aki came running back from my bedroom and slipped. She got up, laughing, and got in position to take a picture. "Smile Aiden!" I saw the flash go off. "Great, and I'm pretty sure Jeff's boner is in the shot too!"

She got back into position and spun left hand blue. Being the sneaky little girl she is, she slid her hand through both our legs onto the blue circle between Aiden's left and right foot. She was trying to make it difficult. Aiden got a reprieve with left foot green, and he put it on the opposite corner, removing himself from my reach. I spun left hand blue, so I bent over and placed my hand on the blue circle at the top of the row just beside Aiden's right leg. This put Aki's face right on my ass, but she made no mention of it at first...then she bit me. "No biting my ass!"

"Sorry." Aki spun left foot red, freeing her up to bring it further up the board to sturdy herself, but that didn't work so well. She fell over and brought me down with her. Aiden, who had been getting a core muscle workout, declared himself the winner. A graceful winner he was not, for he came down on top of me. His chest was on mine, and his left thigh was between mine. I could feel him there, hard, and I started to grow. My cock knew know better, after all it was a hot guy and we were lying on a hard surface...what is a penis to think? He was holding himself up by his arms now, and he looked down at me, exposing his two rows of gleaming teeth. Akined was apparently passed out cold. "This has been the most fun night I've had in a long time Jeff."

"Me too Aiden, me too." My plan worked perfectly. Aiden began to lean down. I know it was probably only about a second, but it felt like a minute, as I watched him lower, his lips coming closer and closer...his eyes began to close. It was the moment I had wanted so badly to come. His lips parted, ready to meet with mine, but I could smell vodka. My conscience wouldn't allow me to go through with it. I sat up slowly, pushing him off of me as I rose up. "I think it's bedtime." Aiden agreed. He gave me a hand depositing Akined on my bed, and I set him up on the sofa.

"Hey Jeff?"


"Read me a bedtime story?"

"Some other time, I promise. Goodnight Aiden, I'll see you in the morning." I walked into my room and pulled up the covers on the right side of the bed. I rolled Akined over there and put the blankets over her. I looked out at the sofa, Aiden's eyes were closed. I took off my pants, and put on an undershirt. Aki would be upset tomorrow morning if she found out I had gone to bed with her wearing any more than undies and a shirt. I crawled under the covers and she turned over and mumbled something incoherent. She sucked me in with her arm, and I turned out the light.

It was awfully cold when I woke up the next morning, and no wonder, Aki had hogged the blankets! I looked over to my left and there she was, wrapped like a cocoon while I was here in my undies and a thin white undershirt. I rolled out of bed and walked out into the living room. I was hungry. As I walked out, Aiden rolled over and said "Now there's something I could used to waking up beside every morning."

"Thanks." I said, checking out my ass.

"I was talking about the faux fireplace."

"I'm making french toast, would you like some?" I set to work preparing our breakfast, and the phone rang. Aiden retrieved it and brought it to me. I answered it. It was my mother. "Hi mom." My mom is an interesting character. I plan to make a movie about her one day. Who do I cast as her is the problem. "Yeah it has been a while since we talked mom. I've been busy." My mom was really nice. I was glad to have her really...she's just a bit...oh, I guess 'excitable' would be a kind word for describing my mother. "School is fine, I'm doing well, and it's almost the end of the year." I put the first slice of toast on the pan. "Yes you can come to the end of year ceremony with me." Aiden came into the kitchen and asked me where the glasses were. "They're over by the juicer in the cabinets" I told him. "No mom, that wasn't my boyfriend." Now look what he'd done! "I'm not hiding anyone mom, he's just a friend who spent the night."

"No mom, I didn't get drunk and have sex with a hot boy...Well I drank but, he's not my boyfriend." Aiden was finding this quite comical. "What does it matter if he's cute? It's what's on the inside that counts!" And she says to me 'Of course dear...is he cute?'. "I told you he's just a friend." Aiden took over cooking for me. "No mom, you don't have to come over right away and meet him! Mom, listen....yes...I love you too mom. Goodbye." I set the phone down on the kitchen counter.

"Mom coming to meet your sexy boyfriend huh?"

"You have no idea what you've just caused." He looked indifferent. "You don't know my mother...she's insane."

"I've met people's parents before, it's not that terrible."

"Oh it is...trust me." I left Aiden in charge of the french toast, and marched into my bedroom to summon Akined. I shook her a few times and she, begrudgingly, opened her eyes. "Aki, my mother is coming for lunch, you need to get up!"

"Janet's coming here?"

"Yes, now get up!"

"Why?" Aki rolled to a sitting position on the end of the bed. "What on earth is she coming to visit you for on such short notice?"

"She overheard me talking to Aiden, so she's coming to meet my boyfriend." Akined began laughing like Ursula from The Little Mermaid. "It's not funny!"

"You're wrong Jeff" Aki said as we walked back out to the kitchen. "It's very funny."

"Is it as bad as he says it is?" Aiden asked.

"Oh it's bad, make no mistake." She got out a few plates and started dishing out the toast. "It's every bit as bad as he makes it out to be...but just remember, it's bad for him, yes, but very good for us."

"You and I both?"

"You will come to understand. Janet is...how would you say it Jeff?"

"A character."

"Well that's putting it nicely." Aki put everything down at the kitchen table and I got out the syrup and other goodies, and we sat down to eat. "I first met Janet back when Jeff and I were in grade school. Usually when parents meet me, they act differently because I am from Korea...Janet...she acted differently alright. Janet had a way of always making me feel welcome...I guess you could say she tries to make you feel too welcome. Would you agree?"

"You could say that." I swallowed the food that was in my mouth before continuing. "My mom is like a super-Liberal. There's nothing you can do that she would say was out of line. Gay, Korean, hardcore leather swinger fetish...I bet if I told her I wanted to become a bigamist, she'd find a way to justify it."

"She sounds charming."

"You think that now Aiden, but just wait!" My mother has been married three times. I was a product of her first marriage. Her third divorce had given us a huge amount of cash. I had gotten along well with that guy...certainly much more than my father. He's as good as dead.

Without time to really prepare anything decent, we elected to order in from the Pizza Shack down the street. Akined handled the call, but warned me that all this pizza was going to turn my hot body into a blubber ball if I didn't stop. Perhaps I'd be less 'intimidating' then. I sat down in the living room with Aiden and told him to just be himself around my mother, and he should be fine. Akined came to join us shortly after she had secured us some free food from her friend Jason.

"So how about this Chip fellow?" I asked

"He's great. I've finally found a man who can't be a superficial beast."

"So he's safely not part of the 'I Like Football' crowd?"

"Not at all! He's got a real way with words!"

"Well obviously," Aiden said. "He got you to marry him on the first conversation."

"He's got a job at the British Institute for the Blind, and his seeing-eye dog is called Rex."

"How original" I said. "Are you sure you weren't being a bit hasty when you agreed to marry him? It is fast, even for you. Sex I can handle, but marriage?"

"I'm not going to explain myself to you. You should just be happy for me."

"I do hope it works out for you...but I'm just concerned, as a friend."

"And you had said that you would get married before I did...were you ever wrong."

"You don't have to move to a foreign country to get married. It was part of the joke." After a few moments the buzzer rang. I gave last minute counsel to Aiden on what my mom was going to be like, while Aki rushed to let her in. It turned out that it was just the Pizza. Aiden told me "stop trying to make me nervous!" The buzzer sounded again...it had to be her.

Aki pressed the switch. A moment later I could hear my mom yell "Ohh is this him?? It's just like Jeff to try to shoo him out the door before I get here!"

"Actually Janet, this is just the delivery guy." He left and Aki closed the door behind my mother. She looked at Aki, outstretched her arms and gave her a huge hug. "It's been a long time Ms. Green"

"Good thing that wasn't him...he wasn't very cute at all was he?" Aki laughed. "Where is he?" My mother looked around for Aiden. She brushed past me "Hello dear", entered the living room and threw her arms out as if to give a big hug. "AH HAH! So this is the new boy!" She rushed over and gave him a big hug. "Yes you ARE very cute aren't you."

"Mom, I told you he's not"

"Yes, yes dear, there's no need to hide it from me!" She walked over, pinched my cheeks, and gave me a kiss. "You're the greatest son a mother could have!" People always said I had gotten my good looks from my mother. She was a beautiful woman. She had red shoulder length hair that framed her face very well, and her eyes were the deepest green I had ever seen...I wish I had gotten them.

I had never feared telling my mother that I was gay. I knew she would be comfortable with my sexuality...I didn't know that she'd be just a bit TOO comfortable with my sexuality. My mother has scared away many potential mates of mine...she's just very open with what she says, and she usually speaks the truth. Aiden WAS cute after all. Akined brought out the goods.

"So you share the same career? How interesting!" My mother doesn't stop once she get's going. "Thomas and I had the same career..it didn't work out for us! The sex was great though, so even if you and Jeff don't stay together long, at least you'll have a few good fucks!"

Oh my god. I couldn't do anything to stop her...there was no point of even trying, it only made things worse. Changing the subject never works either...she always finds a way to bring it back! Aiden for his part was shocked, but enjoying it. That last remark had even throw Aki for a loop. Not me though...it had been two years since I had shown a boy to her, and she was going to squeeze this chance dry.

"Sex or money I always say! They're not good without at least one. Take Jim for instance, I was married to him for two years! God was it that long? He had a dick like you wouldn't believe!"


"Oh Jeff, it's just penis talk! I'm sure the boy knows all about nice penises..he is with you after all!"

"MOM!" I was in panic mode. "Two things! One: I'd rather not hear about my ex-stepfather's cock, and two: you have no idea of what my penis is like!"

"Well, I should! I changed your diapers when you were just a baby!" She looked over at Aiden with the 'I'm about to tell you an embarrassing moment' look. "When my Jeff was a baby he used to suck on my nipples soooo hard." Aki was convulsed with laughter. "I hated when it was time to breast feed! I don't know much about the kind of sucking he does these days, but I tell you"


"Oh, Aiden sweetheart, do you mind me talking about all these things?"

"Not at all Ms. Green" Aiden was smiling so broadly I wanted to kill him...after I kissed him all over. "I'm a grown boy, I can handle it."

"Well there was this one occasion when Jeff was 7 years old."

"Mom...don't tell him about that." Aki looked at me with sympathy.

"Jeff hadn't had a poop in a long time, so we had to by him some medicine. Well didn't he put up a fuss as I tried to put that suppository into his little bum! I bet he liked it though, didn't you Jeff."

"Mom, I was seven. I didn't even know I was gay."

"So after that, Jeff waited a long time and nothing happened! So we had to take him to the hospital to see what they could do...and you know what they did? That's right! Poor Jeffrey, he was so scared, he said to me 'mommy, don't let them put that tube in me'...oh it was adorable."

"Mom can you just fast forward to the horrible part at the end?"

"Alright dear." She resumed storytelling pose. "Jeff just couldn't hold it in any longer, and while he was rushing to the little boys room, didn't a whole bunch of poop come out of his bum right there in front of everyone!! Oh he cried so much, but I was there for him then, just like now."

"So mom, are there any new men in YOUR life?"

"No dear, I'm as single as can be, and it's kind of nice." No matter what I did though, she just would not lay off of Aiden. "So tell me dear, do you have a big penis? I certainly hope it's bigger than Jeff's...he so needs to have his ego checked!"

"I'll have to get back to you on that one Ms. Green."

"I understand dear...it is a very private detail...but remember size doesn't matter! Thomas had a small dick, but he certainly knew how to please a woman!"

"Actually it's nothing to do with being small Ms. Green, it's just"

"Oh no worries dear, your secret is safe with me...it's just sometimes I wish someone with an enormous monster cock would come along and make this little boy who never calls his mommy squeal in pain."

"You know mom, it's not a good idea to bottle up your feelings like that."

"You know I'm just kidding don't you dear?" She rose up from her chair, walked over to Aiden and whispered into his ear. He laughed hesitantly. My mom gave him a kiss on the cheek, then did the same to Akined before coming over to me. "I must be getting off now son. I enjoyed the visit, and your boy is very cute."

I walked her to the door. "You know Jeff, if you meet any BI-sexual boys,"


"Oh, well I'm sorry dear, but you do meet such cute ones...I thought,"

"I love you mom."

"Alright dear, have a great night, and call me tomorrow please!"

"I will. I love you!" I closed the door behind her and waited to hear the elevator close. It was over. Akined and Aiden were in a world of their own, laughing away. Aiden got up, held his ass, and ran around the room going "gotta poop, gotta poop, gotta poop". Aki was in stitches. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves."

"Jeff, I love her! She's great! I wish my mom was that lewd!"

"Aiden, I don't mean to scare you, but that was her best behavior." I recalled fondly the time my mother put Akined in a sticky spot. "Remember Aki when your parents met my mom."

"Oh god...that was the worst hour of my life."

"It's okay to watch me suffer though?"

"Jeff, you know there was nothing I could do!"

"I don't see what the fuss is about." Aiden was very happy. "I liked her." Then with an evil smile he asked me "So Jeff, about the sucking you do these days."

"Don't even start!" I remembered her parting words. "What did she say to you anyway?"

"Oh, she told me to ram you extra hard to get the point across."

A few hours later it was time to end our second day as a threesome...as a group ...whatever. Akined had to get back home to call Chip, so we drove out to her place and we walked up the entrance to the Fenwick Tower. I was going in to get a movie I had lent her, but I wish I hadn't. The second the three of us got in the lobby Akined's neighbour from downstairs appeared. Natashia was a very annoying girl. She was 20 years old, but you wouldn't know. Despite repeated attempts to explain to her I was gay, she continues to hit on me. Once while I was visiting Aki she kept throwing little bits of paper at me. I asked her to stop several times, but she kept on throwing. I question her mental stability. She does a lot of marijuana, and I suspect that has something to do with it. Another time she kept running around pushing me into walls at the school...I wanted to just smash her when no one was looking, but even my mother would have a hard time justifying that.

"Hi Sexy!"

"Go away Natashia." I signaled for Akined to go up the stairs and hurry back. She started off at a run.

"I told you I'm sorry about the paper thing. You should really get over it." She looked at Aiden. "Is this your boyfriend?"

I answered yes and he answered no. I guess he's my boyfriend when my mom is around. I bet my mother could take care of Natashia.

"Well I'll be your boyfriend!"

"There's just one problem with that Natashia.."

"Hey, I can take it like a man!"

Akined finally appeared with my video. Aiden and I got out of there quickly. It was dark, and I thought it might rain any time now...fortunately I had an umbrella. I started out of the parking lot. "Are you hungry?"

"A bit, sure."

"Where should we go?"

"I've heard of this really nice place" Aiden said. "It's a Texas theme restaurant called The Lone Star, and I'm told they have really nice food."

"You've sold me. Where is it?"

"That's the rub...I don't know EXACTLY where it is. But I'm pretty sure we can find it." And I began to follow Aiden's directions. I really don't know at what point it was that we were officially lost, but it was somewhere between the second we pulled out of Fenwick Tower, and an hour later when Aiden hopelessly proclaimed "We're lost." I looked over at him then, and he looked at me with a sheepish grin. I wanted to pull over right there and tear into him...but I knew better. He told me to go left, and as I was turning, he told me to go right instead. I turned around and went right. I'd never been in this area before, and I don't think he had either. "It'll be just around this next corner" he would say, but it never was. After taking his last turn, we hadn't come past a house for a little while. We arrived at a junction. The road to the left side was most appealing to me. The right side road was named Old Black River Road, and I can hazard a guess as to why. Turning onto Old Black River Road would mean going from a road with four lanes to a two lane road...I didn't like the idea much.

"It's a shortcut" Aiden insisted. And so I turned onto Old Black River Road, a very poorly kept road indeed. I had a bad feeling the moment the front wheels crossed the threshold of the street sign. Aiden's confused but confident look did not stick around long. After I ran over the first pothole, I suggested we turn back, but Aiden would not admit to being wrong so quickly. "Press on" He said!

"Aiden, we keep passing lots full of grass growing over spots where there used to be buildings! I don't think this is the right way."

"It must lead somewhere."

"Where? The Pacific? Canada?"

"It's a short-cut, I know it is. You'll see. It's like in the movies, the more dangerous road is always the fastest most efficient way to go."

"I don't know if you noticed Aiden, but this is not the movies." I was interrupted by another huge pothole. My poor car was taking a beating. There were a few houses on Old Black River Road, but they were few and far between. It was a good mile between each house and there was lots of forest in between. We passed a large corrections facility. "Aiden, if this is where they're keeping prisoners, do you really think it's going to lead to The Lone Star?" He smiled at me, and asked me to trust him. I kept driving. I became very concerned when the road became only one lane wide. Things were getting smaller, not bigger. "Press on" he would say, and I kept driving.

I caught him with a concerned look on his face. I was concerned too, for we had just driven past a couple of trailers. There were no more houses..now it was trailers! Not the ones on wheels! We approached a small wooden bridge about 6 feet long. I stopped before going over it. "Are you sure we should keep going this way?"

"I have faith" Aiden looked at me with a cute smile "And really, how bad could it get?" I'll admit to enjoying this extra time with him. I could however think of other more productive ways to spend that time. "Press on Jeff, press on!" I slowly drove over the bridge and was met with an unpleasant surprise on the other side. Our shitty one lane road had just turned into a dirt road. Wonderful. We drove on this winding dirt path for some time. We talked about my mothers visit, which put him the happiest mood. He told me "You'll be disappointed when you meet my parents."

We were now driving on rocks. This was not even a road anymore. I stopped. "Aiden this is ridiculous."

"Does this thing have four wheel drive?"

"Of course it does."

"Then PRESS ON!!"

He was like a war general, and it was quite amusing. What was not amusing were the rocks that were being kicked up at the underbelly of my car. This path was getting bumpier as we went along. We went over a particularly big one and my head hit the top of the car. Aiden laughed like there was no tomorrow! "This road has to lead somewhere Jeff."

"ROAD??? THIS ISN'T EVEN A ROAD!" I bet if I could have seen myself it would have been funny. Aiden certainly thought it was. Just then we hit another huge bump and HE hit the roof of the car this time. "It's not so funny is it!" The road got really bad, really quickly and all of a sudden the car stopped. I tried to get it to start, and it did. I pulled off the 'whatever it is you want to call it' to some space on the left side, preparing to turn around.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not pressing on, that's for sure!" But the car wasn't listening. It stopped again and I couldn't restart it. We were stuck in a small plot of land that looked like it had once had a house on it, maybe a decade ago. There were thick woods all around us. We got out of the car, and walked to the "road". I looked down as far as I could see in the darkness, and all I could see were large boulders all over the path. "I don't think we could have gone down there anyway."

"I don't suppose you brought your cell phone?"

Actually I did have my phone with me, but there wasn't a lot Triple A could do right now. I did call them, and after waiting on hold for a while I spoke with Susan. "I don't actually know where I am right now...I think it's Old Black River Road." Not surprisingly, it was not on their maps. Next time I must remember to get lost on the 'new' Black River Road. "No, the car wont start at all. I'm not exactly sure, it just stopped running." Yes...just. "Well I guess you could call it rough terrain." I couldn't remember the streets before we turned onto this road, so I was not much help to Susan.

"Tell her about that prison we passed!"

"Susan, I have something that might help. We passed a corrections facility while we were on this road." She informed that there were no operating facilities anywhere near an area like I was describing. How many run-down roads with a bunch of trailer homes can there be in one state? She promised that people would be working hard to find out where I was, and the second they determined my whereabouts, they would contact me. I thanked her.

"It looks like we're stuck here for the night Aiden."

"It's funny," He said "This isn't how I had imagined being stuck in the wilderness would be like."

"All we need now is a bear or two to come along."

"Are there bears in this part of the state?" I didn't know for sure so I didn't answer. "I mean, we're not going to be attacked out here are we?"

"I shouldn't think so...but I have no idea where this is, and there could be anything lurking in those trees." Aiden was leaning against the back of my car supporting himself with his arms, looking up at the stars. The sky was remarkably clear out here...just like I would expect from 'the middle of nowhere'. It had the feel of a very romantic moment, a 'Hollywood' moment if you will. I thought about how this situation came about. I found myself in a perfect situation, alone with Aiden, quite literally somewhere on the road to nowhere. Not only that, but we're trapped overnight - maybe longer - with nothing to do. It was perfect, and I hadn't plot a single bit of it. I had 'layed low', and been rewarded. Akined knows what she's talking about.

I thought Aiden had a very sexy neck. I thought he had a lot of sexy things actually...I just happened to be focused on his neck at this particular moment, forget about the stars. I really felt that this was the moment to let the cat out of the bag. Something about this ridiculous setting made me feel compelled to tell Aiden what was running through my mind. I didn't have anything to worry about right? When you have these discussions with yourself, aren't there supposed to be TWO voices in your head? Was the other guy off duty, or was there only one side to this story?

Aiden lowered his head and glanced over in my direction. I couldn't read much from his facial expression. It seemed like he was thinking as well, about what I'm not sure, but it was like he was almost looking past me. I decided it was time to go for broke. I would waltz right over there, kiss him, and it would all be over...all this tension, over and done with. When will we ever be lost in the wilderness again? If we were spending the night out here together, I wanted to do it with my arms around him. My right foot took a step forward, and soon after, so did my left. He seemed alarmed as I approached him, almost frightened. I started to reconsider my plan.

"Get in the car! Get in!" He seemed almost frantic as he swung around the side and threw himself into the backseat. I looked around quickly and then got in the back seat on the other side.

"What did you see?" I looked out at the trees but couldn't see anything to explain his sudden haste.

"You didn't see them?"

"See what?" I looked out again but couldn't see anything.

"The eyes? You didn't see them?" One more time I turned around to look out the window. I scanned from left to right but saw only darkness. I told him I saw no eyes. As I turned back to face him, he grabbed both sides of my face with his hands. "Your eyes." Aiden kissed me. His lips were more amazing than I imagined! It was a brief kiss. He pulled back a few inches and stared into my eyes. I was shocked. He let out a very soft laugh, and with his index finger he rubbed my still parted lips before lunging down on me. With his left hand on the seat of the car and his right on my shoulder, he continued kissing me, again and again. Aiden didn't get the chance to remove my shirt in my dream, but he started working on it right then. The second his hand touched my abdomen I could feel the goose bumps starting to form over every inch of my body. I remembered where I was.

"What are you doing?" I asked, the happiest way I knew how.

"Taking off your clothes...or are you a virgin?"

I was surprised, in the best possible way, but I couldn't do it HERE...in the back seat of a car?? MY first time with Aiden...a car? It wasn't happening! "Aiden, we're in the backseat of my car! Special places for special moments."

"Special places for special moments!!" He was incredulous. "I lost my virginity in a portable washroom at the county fair!"

"I can't."

He reached down, ran his hand along my waist and down to my cock. "You're hard! Of course you can!"

"No Aiden, it has a mind of its own! It doesn't appreciate candlelight, or background music."

"I've got a mini am-fm radio in my jacket pocket." The face on him was so irresistibly cute. He moved in on me and attacked with his lips. He followed up with a soft nibble on my right earlobe. He began to grind against me, and slowly reached down with his hand to the zipper of my jeans.

"Get out of it!" I laughed.

"I'm dead horny now, and you want to wait??" He looked around frantically, then reached into the driver's seat for my cell phone. "I'm calling your mother! She'll talk some sense into you!" I got up, took the phone and tossed it back up front. "What if we're eaten by animals? We'll have died without.."

"Shhhhhhh." I closed his mouth with my hand, and stared into his eyes. I took him into my arms and squeezed. His hands ran down my back, and he tried to slip under my pants. "Aiden." He stopped. We squeezed each other again. I was happier than I'd ever been. "So Aiden, have you ever eaten your own...you know, after, have you ever tasted it?"

"I have, and it tastes like a roll of old pennies."

"How about that bedtime story?"

To Be Continued...

[Authors Note: This is the third chapter in the series. There is much more to come. If you liked this, you may want to check out my other stories here in the Nifty Archives or you can check out my website at http://www.geocities.com/mli_stories. There you can find my stories, and much more. If you'd like to send comments about this or another story please email me at mli_55@yahoo.com, I'd love to hear from you!]

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