I Like Football

By Norm Millberry

Published on Dec 6, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This story contains subject matter that may not be appropriate for younger readers. It deals with homosexuality, homosexual acts, and all things homosexual. If you are offended by this, please stop reading now.

I Like Football Unpublished Work Copyright 2003 Norm Millberry. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 2 - "Spin The Bottle"

Monday, by far the worst day of the week. You get up at 6:30 am (but you were supposed to get up at 6:00...you just stayed up too late on Sunday didn't you?), and you drive to school, you sit down in an uncomfortable chair and listen to your instructor babble on about perspective - a subject you couldn't be less interested in at this stage. But that's okay, because soon - in 3 agonizing hours or so - it's all over, and you get to go back to practical work. I'm thankful that I don't have to face Ms. Davis on Monday. She's reserved for the second worst day of the week, that of course being Tuesday.

I try to remind myself that these classes are actually meant to help us. It isn't as if the sessions are completely without practical value. For instance, you can see which people ask stupid questions, and know not to use them on your crew (if you can avoid it). I don't think I was the beneficiary of any good information in this day's talk however, granted I hadn't been paying attention, no, I was busy plotting ways to spend time with Aiden...preferably without Akined. I'm sure he has a weakness, some soft spot that I can find out and exploit. Myself, I love Yogurt. The man who presents me with yogurt will be the man I spend eternity with. Well, it's not that bad, but yes I do enjoy my yogurt. If Akined has been doing some digging, I might soon know my method of attack.

I made my way down the long corridors of USC passing dozens of bulletin boards for employment, exams, everything...even personals. I turned around the final corner and could hear the chatter coming from the green room at the end of the hall. As I moved closer it became clear that Akined was in the room. A few more steps, and I could hear Aiden's voice as well. I always was a nosy boy, so I waited outside and listened in.

"What was wrong with that one Aki?" Aiden asked

"His whole body smelled like feet! Not just his feet, his whole body. It was gross."

"You shouldn't have invited him to come over."

"How can I know what a person smells like over the phone?"

"Did your sheets smell bad?"

"I had to burn them all!" Aki shouted

"Yes, men are nothing but heartache and trouble, and they stink."

"Oh, they're useful for SOME things."

"Not recently." Aiden replied

"Why is it that you haven't been out at all recently? There are millions of bodies state-wide for the taking, but you're not out there."

"I'm just tired of the dating scene. I'm taking a well deserved break."

"Enlighten me." Aki said "Tell me about the last one, and wise Aki shall divine the solution. What did he look like?"


"Help me out. On a scale of 0 to 10."


"What did he do? Where did he live?"

"Lived in his own apartment. He worked at a gas station."

"No, no, no. All wrong. Was he smart?"

Aiden giggled a little "No, no he wasn't."

"Now listen to me carefully, because it's very important. Jeff and I have a way of describing people like this."

"People like what?" Aiden asked

"People who are really sexy, and really stupid. All looks and no brain. They're called 'I Like Football'."

"Because they watch sports, and not the news?"

"You've got the jist of it. The type of guy who has his mouth open when he isn't speaking, ends his sentences with 'like, ya know, man, whatever'"

"Then he was an 'I Like Football'."

"Established." Aki said "But that week's experience"

"Two days."

"Oh, even better. Just because you got involved with one 'I Like Football' doesn't mean that everyone you meet is one. I usually just get as new boy as soon as I can, to forget about the last one."

"And when the new guy is also an 'I Like Football'?"

"Then you get rid of him too."

"But how do you screen them beforehand...to avoid getting involved with one?"

"Well that's not as hard as you might think. You talk to them. Sleep at your own risk. And don't be afraid that someone might be an 'I Like Football' just because they watch football. It really isn't about football, it's about that macho image, the bulging muscles, and the brain that doesn't work too well. If worst comes to worst you can always tell them the story of what an 'I Like Football' is. If anyone asks themselves "am I an I Like Fottball?", then that means they care about their image! That means they can't be an 'I Like Football'!"

"I think I'd rather just wait for someone to come along."

Akined was never one to disappoint. She wasn't very good at segways, but she always got the job done, one way or another.

"So," She began "What do you think about Jeff?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play stupid. What do you think about him?"

"He's pretty cute."

"CUTE???" Aki was appauled "He's fucking super HOT!"

Laughing, Aiden answered back "Yeah, yeah he is."

"What else?"

"He has no shame."

"Yes." Aki confirmed.

"He could have anybody he wanted."

"It's funny you mention that. This morning I would have disagreed. Yes, my Jeff can be quite the snob sometimes. He's a spoiled little brat sometimes. Deep down though, I think he's a good guy. I wouldn't have him for a friend if all he was good for was attracting men."

I'd heard enough, it was time to waltz in. I stepped into the room, greeted them with a simple 'hi guys', grabbed a banana and took a seat.

"Jeff!!" Aki said "Sweetie, how are you?"

"Happy, in a modest sort of way." I said

"We were just talking about you." Aiden said

"Yeah" Aki interrupted "We were talking about how annoying you are."

"Glad I didn't miss anything important." I peeled open my banana "You've wrapped up haven't you Aki?"

"Sure have. Free until next week when we start prep work on our final projects."

"What about you Aiden?" I asked

"I wrap up tomorrow."

"Jeff...I'm hungry!"

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Stop eating that banana."

"Here's an idea," I started "Why don't the three of us go eat at that new place, The Fireside!"

"You're so smart Jeff, I love you"

"You game Aiden?"

"Yeah why not. But I've got to drop some things off at home first."

"No problem. Aki and I will come and get you." Just as things were going swell, something horrible happened. Who walks in to the green room at that moment of triumph? Brad Emery. He stands in the doorway, spots me, smiles.

"Hi guys," He said "Hey Jeff, tonight is the game between SMU and SFX, I thought we could go watch it, you know, scout the competition."

"I HATE FOOTBALL" I shouted, probably a bit louder than was called for. Brad looked devastated. I thought he might cry.

"Uh, okay then....see you later."

He exited the doorway, and Akined immediately burst into laughter. Aiden was fighting to hold back, and I soon started to laugh as well. "I'll catch up with you two later." Aiden said, and he left the green room. Aki was still laughing. When Aki laughs, it makes me laugh, so I just kept on laughing with her. When she finally calmed herself down, I told her that I had been listening in outside, and she gave me that sinister grin of hers.

"I really think it's just a matter of time now." She said

"You really think so?"

"It's a mere formality." She grabbed a banana, and sat back down "The only question is, when and how is it going to happen?"

"What do I need to do? Help me, oh wise and experienced one."

"You need to do the same thing I told you last time. Lay low. Don't follow him around, just let the situations play out as they may."


"Do NOT plot anything!"

"That's outrageous! I never plot things."

"You are such a liar Jeff! Dragging the poor boy to Reflections, throwing him at the mercy of Big Bertha."

"Speaking of which, how did things go with your lady friend?"

"Ditched her. I got a call from Greg on my cell."

"Who's Greg? And I thought you were with Jake?"

"I am with Jake. You're going to meet him damn it! But Greg...oh god."

Here we go again.

"Met him on the grapevine, he was sooooo gross Jeff!! On the scale of 0 to 10, he is a minus sixty!"

I started to laugh.

"He had slimy greasy hair!! It had so much grease, we could have squeezed his hair out and used the grease to cook the burgers we ate..at BURGER KING."

Oh, this was too good.

"The sick bastard tried to kiss me...fucking sick Jeff, you don't understand!"

"I have sympathy, but Aki, it's funny, I'm sorry."

I said goodbye to Aki and went home to get ready for tonight's dinner date.

Plot things? How could she say that I plot things? It's outrageous. The Corner Pocket was a nice, relaxed place, perfect for dining in small groups. It's a good place to go if you're looking for a nice atmosphere to get to know someone. I'm not a big fan of Aki's 'lay low' advice, but I will try to follow, if only just to blame her if things don't go right. I think that this night will be different. We're going to Akined's or my place afterward, and that is where I intend to initiate plan A. I don't have a plan B yet, but given the sheer genius of plan A, I shouldn't need a back-up.

Being the good little boy that I am, I decided that I would go to The Corner Pocket early so that I would be the first there. This way, I don't make a 'grand entrance'. I'm laying low...sort of. It wasn't terribly far from my apartment, so the drive there was only a few minutes. As soon as I entered through the revolving Plexiglass doors I was greeted by the familiar French accent of Carl, the owner of the establishment, as he shouted at me "Hey Kiddo, how ya doin my man"

"Great Carl, thanks!" Did I tell you that I hate being called 'kiddo'? Carl was really a nice guy, too nice for his own good really. Carl was a Canadian import, from Quebec City. He lost his wife to breast cancer ten years ago, just three years after they opened The Corner Pocket. She was only thirty two years old. Carl has been raising awareness in our neighborhood for the past ten years, and he's donated thousands of dollars to cancer research. He's not a very tall man, and he has developed quite the waistline after all these years, no doubt on account of all that wonderful food. He always wears a smile under that hilarious moustache, and he is always there to lend an ear when you're feeling down. He has no children of his own, so I guess he compensates by being a father figure to a lot of the people around here.

"Table for two I prezume?" Carl gave me his his special wink, with a raised eyebrow.

"Actually it's three, Aki is coming too."

"Ahh ze crazy one! Good, good! Her boyfriend or yourz?"

"Mine, well not yet."


I sat down at one of the large tables near the windows, and after a few moments Aiden showed up. He entered and started to walk towards my table.

"Young man! Just where are you going?" Aiden stopped and turned around. Carl pointed to the sign at the reception podium that said clearly in bold red letters "Please Wait To Be Seated".

"Oh, sorry." Aiden replied "I'm with him."

"Now now my boy, you listen closely!" Carl leaned over the podium "You stay away from that man...he's a very bad man! Have you not heard of the Sirens of ancient Greece?" Aiden was both intrigued and nervous. "They stand guard over the most evil of beasts, the cyclopes!"

"Carl," I interrupted "The Sirens are the girls who lure sailers to their island with their beautiful voices. It's the Hundred-Handers who stand watch over the Titans...the cyclopes are good guys."

"Oh yes, right. Well you best beware my boy!"

"I will thanks." Aiden walked over and took a seat across from me. "What was that about? It doesn't make any sense."

"I don't have the slightest idea. Just ignore him." Aiden was wearing a blue mock-neck sweater that seemed to bring out his eyes. He was beginning to drop that habit of looking away every time our eyes met, which is nice. Akined walked through the revolving door.

"Hey Carl!"

"Miss Aki, my favorite little crazy girl."

Carl followed Aki to our table and he took our orders, T-Bone steak and Soup of the Day for Akined (a strange combination indeed), The Pocket's Club Sandwich for me, and the stuffed chicken breast for Aiden. Carl walked off towards the door to greet a couple of new patrons.

"We'll come get you he says! Well Jeffie-weffie difn't come get me DID HE?"

"Sorry, I forgot."

"I like this place." Aiden said

"Yeah," I said "It's even better once you get to know the staff."

"You're both coming over to my place tonight." It looks like Aki has taken care of the first part of my plan. "I want you to meet Jake."

"How is your exam schedule this year Aki?" I asked

"Not bad, but I haven't really thought about it, they're still some time away. I'm more worried about our final film projects."

"I'm still not sure of how Ms. Davis grades things." Aiden looked to me.

"Well," I tried to recall my last assignment that Ms. Davis marked. 100%. "She's not really that bad. You'll be getting marks back from her on your current film next week, so that should help."

"I've seen your stuff Aiden," Aki assured him "you've got nothing to worry about."

After a few minutes of idle chit-chat our food arrived, and the three of us dug in. Aside from the atmosphere and Carl, the reason people always come back to The Corner Pocket is the food! You know the food is good when three friends gathered in the same place are pretty much silent, but for the sound of chewing, and silverware scraping dishes.

"Did you guys hear about that new summer program that the Canadian government is running?"

"Saving some sad fish from extinction Aiden?"

"No no, they're hiring some promising film students to do commercials. I saw a notice on the bulletin board."

"I haven't heard about it."

"You spend a month of the summer up there doing stuff. It's designed to give us some experience in the real world, and it's a chance to earn lots of money at the same time."

"You going to apply?" Aki asked

"Yes, I already did."

I found that I wasn't really listening to what was coming out of Aiden's mouth, I was just watching his lips move as they formed every syllable. In fact, I was so lost in what I was doing that I failed to notice the insides of the club sandwich that I held in my hand slowly slipping out from between the bread. By the time I noticed, it had already fallen onto my shirt. Akined found this hilarious and was clutching herself while laughing. Aiden was laughing too. I dipped a spoon into my coleslaw and flung it into Akined's face. All the laughing stopped.

"You did not just do that."

"Yes I did."

"You did NOT just do that." Aki repeated.

"Oh yes I did."

"I see." Akined took her bowl of soup into her hands. "You did."

"Aki...get a grip on yourself...AKI NOOOO!!"

It is a strange world we live in. When your best friend decides to empty the contents of her dinner bowl on your favorite shirt, you might perhaps fall into despair. However, this is the modern world, and in the modern world we can take our articles of clothing down to the dry cleaning store, and tell the people there to clean the clothing for us. We come back the following day, and voila, they're clean. You exchange little green pieces of paper, and you go back home. Fascinating.

Soup on my shirt or not, I was a happy man, because my master plan was in full swing: I walk to Akined's house, where they're all waiting for me, we talk for a few minutes, and then, when there's a lapse in the conversation I casually suggest my little game. Aki of course won't be able to refuse, and between the two of us, we can get Aiden to agree to play. Who knows? He may not even need convincing. Oh, it's perfect! There's no way this could possibly fail! I'll have Aiden eating out the palm of my hand before the night is through. Plot things? I never plot things.

Aki's apartment was on the top floor of a large 20 story-complex on Fenwick Street. It was a nice place, really... security on the premises, lots of elevators, quiet tenants (except Aki of course, who was prone to bringing in overnight guests, and participating in very loud activities in at least one room of the apartment). I reached the door to 210 and reached out to knock, but the door flew open before I had the chance.

So this was the 'absolutely, totally, amazingly incredible' Jake. I must admit, I am impressed. About 6 foot 2, long, light red-brown hair. It was tied back in a ponytail, but there were strands hanging down on both sides of his face. He had the most amazing lime green eyes, the cutest little 'baby ears', and...well I guess I would call it a vibe...the look he had said "I'm hot, I know it, what's your name?". Now don't get me wrong, I'm don't usually go for guys with long hair, but this Jake... built quite nicely...quite a catch, well done Aki.

"Hi" He said as I stood there in the hallway. He has all his teeth...good, that's an improvement on the last one of Aki's men that I met.

"Hi" I responded.

He was just looking at me with his eyes wide. He stepped aside and I walked in to the living room where Akined and Aiden were sitting down on the carpet. Jake and I found spots on the floor and joined them. The second we sat down, Aki jumped up and ran off into her bedroom. She returned a moment later with about a dozen VHS tapes, dropped them on the floor, then took some more movies off of her entertainment stand.

"Okay, here they are!" She stood over us, obviously expecting one of us to make a suggestion. "Those ones over there are the dirty ones, and those are the Disney ones. What do you guys want to watch?"

Honestly, I wasn't the least bit interested in what Akined had for porn, and as much as I love The Little Mermaid, I had something much better in mind. I could tell that Aiden and Jake weren't too keen on the movie idea either. This is it...time to set the plan in motion.

"Hey, Aki" I started "I don't think we should watch a movie."

"What do you want to do?"

"Why don't we play a little game?"

"I love games!" She did a little hop and thrust her fist into the air "I'll go get Monopoly."

"No Aki. Not Monopoly."

"Aww...what then?"

"Spin the bottle."

She was more excited than I was. Without a word she ran off to the storage room. Jake oddly enough seemed particularly happy about the suggestion, and Aiden looked as nervous as he always has when around me. I am a genius. It worked, it's only a matter of moments now. Akined returned with an empty bottle of Smirnoff Apple Cider, (one of her favorites) and wearing her signature grin.

"Okay," I said "Which one of us three will go first?"


I turned to Jake. "Yeah. You don't have to play."

"But I couldn't miss the chance to kiss Aki."

"Well, you can just wait until we leave right?"

"No, I can't wait a moment longer!"

"Okay...but you DO know the rules don't you?" I was trying to reason with this character. "If the bottle lands on someone else..."

"It's a risk I'm more than willing to take."

"Awww" Aki said "That's so sweet!" I already thought that there was something odd about this guy, and the feeling isn't changing for the better. "Sooooooo, who spins first?"

Jake grabbed the bottle, and everyone formed a circle on the carpet. Jake was sitting to my left, Aiden on my right, and Aki north of me. With a flick of his wrist, Jake set the bottle spinning. We waited as it spun around and around, slowed, and came to rest. I warned him this might happen, but he didn't seem upset...in fact, he looked quite pleased with the result. His eyes locked on mine, and from where I was sitting, they didn't appear to be the eyes of a vegetarian. On all fours he crawled towards me, and his soft lips were soon one with my own. He wasted no time in sliding his tongue into my mouth. There's really something wrong about this.

"Okay Aiden," Aki said "You go."

Aiden took the bottle into his hands and gave it a spin. We all watched as it spun round and around until finally coming to rest on...Akined. I guess I would describe it as cute, Aiden moseyed his way over to Aki and they had a little peck on the lips, complete with giggles. It was Aki's turn to spin and she really gave the bottle a spin, not that it really matters, but she always had a flare for the dramatic. The bottle came to rest on Jake, and when it did he took a deep breath. I suppose the anticipation had been building for a few moments. With much glee Aki crawled over to Jake, placed a hand on his left thigh and the other on his right shoulder, and went in for the kill. Jake's green eyes disappeared behind his eyelids as soon as Aki placed her lips on his. It looked quite awkward from this side of the room, but in about eight long seconds or so it was all over, and Jake, rather than appearing happy seemed like he was glad it was over.

I was next again, so I grabbed the bottle, gave it a spin and said a prayer. I didn't watch the bottle as it spun, I just closed my eyes and waited, knowing that when I did open them, the bottle would be pointing to my right.


It wasn't pointing to my right. No, it was pointing directly north, where a very happy Akined wiggled around in her crouched position. I should point out that Aki and I are strictly friends. She knows that she and I are never going to be an item, but she still LOVES to kiss me. On some rare nights when we're both alone, talking about any stupid thing, we play around a bit...completely harmless playing - she's missing one rather important mass of spongy tissue - and usually we have a big kiss or two. I know it's not fair to keep doing that to her, but she's a glutton for torture. I went over to her and proceeded to give her the full deal. A girl's mouth is similar to a man's mouth in many respects, so it isn't very difficult to get through the ordeal. The same cannot be said for certain other areas, and I don't intend to pursue first hand experience in that field...I never was the type to indulge in exploration of new territory, even in the interest of science. She raised a hand and placed it on my waist and I quickly slapped it away.

"Hey, none of that."

I made my back to my spot and Jake picked up the bottle and the game resumed. Interestingly enough, the bottle came to rest in between Aki and Aiden. Aki looked like she was preparing for another big smooch, but Jake thought the bottle was closer to Aiden than it was to Aki. I thought that was questionable, but before any of us really had the chance to examine more closely Jake knocked the bottle away and moved over to Aiden. They had a brief peck on the lips, and Jake quickly moved back to my left.

Aiden took the bottle and spun. This was it, I could feel it. The bottle passed me several times, and it slowed, there it comes....there it goes...Akined. Damn. She was pretty happy about it. They went a little further than last time, but there were still plenty of giggles between the two of them. On Aki's spin, she got Aiden, so they did it all over again. The situation wasn't a total loss, I did like the rear view I was getting.

It was my turn, and the odds of not spinning Aiden are getting lower. The bottle came to a stop on my left. The smile Jake wore at the start of the night returned. I was determined to give Aiden a little preview of what was coming for him. I slowly crawled over to Jake, pushed him flat against the floor, pinned his massive arms down and attacked him. I began to wrestle with his tongue, and he pushed his chest into mine. He certainly was a willing participant.

"Okay guys," Aki said "It's time for the next spin."

I pulled away from Jake and turned back towards my spot. I looked at Aiden, trying to do one of those really 'hot' looks that would say 'you're next'...he quickly looked away.

And of course, he wasn't next. Akined was next, then I spun Akined again, then Jake, and then Aki...I was at my wits end! How is it possible that in nearly two hours of this little game, not once did I spin Aiden and not once did he spin me? This must be a horrible joke being played on me by some higher power. I thought my sinister little plan was perfect, completely foolproof, but I was wrong. It must be the carpet! There's something wrong with the carpet! Who made this carpet? This would never have happened on my hardwood floors.

"Okay, you guys leave."

"What?" Aiden was quite surprised by Aki's sudden desire of our removal.

"I've grown tired of this game. You guys should go, it's late!"

This of course was just a cover up for the real reason she wanted us out, and neither of us were fooled. I'll be very interested to find out what happens with those two lovebirds.

Jake offered his two cents. "It's really not that late."

"Oh, it is." I said "Lot's of work to do." I rose up from the floor, stretched, and walked over towards the door. Aiden started to get up as I was putting my shoes on. Over here in the corner of her doorway there this book bag that must be Jake's. Being the nosy type that I am, I grabbed it. I opened up the top of the bag...what in the world? There was nothing but a brown paper bag. Time for a little fun. I put the brown paper bag over my head and turned towards everyone. "What do you think Akined? Does this look fashionable to you?"

I could hear Aiden's cute little laugh, some sort of gasp out of Aki, and footsteps, loud ones, heading in my direction. Before I knew it, Jake had toppled me to floor and ripped away the paper bag.

"NOO!" Aki screamed "I WILL NOT have you stealing my boyfriends on my living room floor!"

To which Jake responded "Would you prefer we went into your bedroom?"

The walk to White Street was about as eventful as the last time Aiden and I walked home together, a lot of small talk about a bunch of different things. I've accepted the fact that my plan has failed, and it's back to the drawing board. It isn't like the entire day has been a total loss...there has been some progress, it just isn't a lot of progress. We reached his driveway.

"You know, after two whole hours, we never got to kiss."

"Yes," I said through gritted teeth "I know." Wait a minute! This is good!

"There must be some dark forces at play." Any second now, any second now!! "I have a day of filming left. You could be in it if you want...you'd just be an extra though."

"Sure! I get to see you in action."

"Okay then...goodnight"

"Goodnight." Oh yes, it worked! It didn't fail! Any second now. I am a genius, oh yes, thank you very much. And I had just ruled it out! How stupid of me! Wait? Goodnight? I watched in horror as I saw Aiden's back disappearing behind his front door. Moron.

Things were certainly looking up. I'll be spending most of the day with Aiden, and this time it was on his request! It just goes to show that plotting and scheming is far more effective than laying low...not that I plot things. I stepped into Studio E where Aiden was going to be working and wandered around the set. Aiden approached me.

"Come along, we've got to fix this." He pointed at my clothes.

"What's wrong? I'm just an extra."

"Oh yes, but we have something special picked out for you."


"There it is." Aiden was pointing at a metal folding chair. Upon closer inspection there was an impossibly small pair of shorts on top of the seat, shorts the color of hot-pink no less. I picked up the tiny thing and held it up to the light. I'm supposed to fit into these? Aiden added rather casually "Well there's no harm in looking!" No, certainly not. No harm at all. How can I fit into these?

I strolled off into the changing room and somehow - I'll spare you the gruesome details - I manages to put on the tiny hot-pink shorts. I'm not even sure if I can call them shorts, because to tell you the truth they look more like naughty underwear. The second I emerged from the changing room Aiden burst into laughter and walked away. Cheryl looked quite surprised. "What has he done to you? Nice though....very nice."

Nice is right. Comfortable? Not terribly. But it was all over in a few hours. From what I saw today, Aiden is a lot like me when Directing...no nonsense. From my count I was in three shots, and in each one I felt very uncomfortable. Aiden had no sympathy at all, ordering a few takes, even though the first two were flawless. I was the only one who caught on to what he meant when he said "We should try it from another angle". Very funny Aiden. It wasn't all fun and games though, these projects do have to be graded after all. Aiden was forced to cut me out of one scene because my hot-pink shorts were taking away from the main characters. After Aiden called it a day we all starting to go about the set cleaning up. Akined walked into the studio and after having a quick chat with Aiden ran over to me and proceeded to stare at my ass.

"You didn't tell me you were doing Aiden's film."

"Sorry mom. And stop staring!"

"You only wish I was your mother!"

"Sometimes I wonder, but still she isn't as crazy as you."

"Don't kid yourself! Ohhh Natashia hey!!" And just like that Aki was gone. I looked over to the right where Aiden was gathering up equipment. My worst fear started to come true. I was getting hard. These shorts are not the type of shorts one wants to get hard in. People everywhere...Aiden starting to walk this way...I looked around for something, anything...nothing. Aiden was coming towards me.


I grabbed hold of him and swung him around to hide behind him. "Shut up. This is your fault so you just stand here for a few minutes."

Akined reappeared as she always does when she's not wanted. "And what makes you think that THAT is going to make it go away?" She turned to Aiden and pointed at me. "This right here is called sexual harassment."

Aiden pulled himself away and went back to gathering things up. I did the only logical thing I could do...I grabbed and hid behind Aki. Big mistake.

"Ohhhh, OHHHh, OH my god!" Aki was doing this on purpose "oh my GOD Jeff" I threw her off me, and she walked away giggling like a little schoolgirl.

Ms. Davis appeared at the entrance to the Studio and made a beeline for me. Anything but that! I searched around and grabbed a book. "Hello Jeffrey" My eyes Ms. Davis, look at my EYES! Across the room Aiden and Akined were laughing like hyenas. Akined did a cartwheel, and she and Aiden gave each other a congratulatory high-five.

To Be Continued...

AUTHORS NOTE: Much more to come in chapter 3, which I think is going to be a pretty big chapter. In the meantime you can check out my other stories on the Nifty Archives, or you can visit my website, http://www.geocities.com/mli_stories/

Next: Chapter 3

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