I Learned It at Camp

By ozzalone65

Published on Sep 21, 2021


This is a fictional tale about a young mans time at the camp he was shipped off to each summer by his parents. Over several years and many experiences how he quickly grew from a boy to young man who was in love with men. In this tale are familiar characters from previous stories. Billy our young hero and the awesome sex God Tony.

Do enjoy...

I Learned it at Camp (9)

... Billy thought his eyes may fall out of his head. He had been kept behind from the days fun by one of the counselors due to some false pretense. Illness. But the counselor that stayed behind was the sexy hot Tony that he had a crush on. The super hot guy that he had watched just the night before in the forest. They guy he had seen fucking the female counselor silly on the table as he watched hidden in the bushes. The sight that had Billy hornier than he had ever been in his youth. Watching this stud of the camp as he banged away at the girl. Those big meaty balls bouncing away under him as he fucked her silly. And the cries and groans only from them both only proved how much of a fuck God that man was. But now it was Billy here with the man. Here with the hot Tony in the mans cabin as he had brought Billy there for what Billy actually wanted. To experience Tony as that girl had last night.

"Come on Billy" Tony ordered "Get over here at take this dick" "I will show you what a real mans cock is all about"

Tony obviously talking about the other counselor Alex. Comparing himself to the smaller hung man. Tony pulled down his shorts and now stood there before Billy only in briefs. And those poor underwear were struggling to hold in what was a sizeable bulge of junk. The cock shaft spreading across the front if them. Moving along the leg line of the briefs. And just to the side and lower was the fullness of the mans big balls. Stuffed into those ever so lucky underwear. Billy's eyes wanted to fall out from his head at the sight

"Come in Billy boy" Tony said "My dick is not going to suck itself"

Tony grabbed at his big crotch and squeezed it for Billy's benefit. The shaft seemed to swell under the mans fingers as Billy stared at it. It truly was a sight to behold. Billy being so close to this hot man was already driving him crazy. But as he stared at it and up at the hot guy. Billy knew he had to do something. Tony had kept him back for some sexual fun. And if Billy didn't do anything about it he would lose any chance at worshiping this hot man. So he swallowed up a wad of saliva as he finally moved on what the man was offering him. Getting down on his knees for Tony. Just like the girl had done before. Just like he had done for Alex. He licked at his very hungry mouth and moved in closer to the man and that big bulging crotch. He reached up to it as he now knelt before his stud God. His hand shakily moving to the big bulge. Then he placed his hand to the man crotch. He then felt it, he felt the meaty thing through the briefs. Billy felt the heat and how big it was under his palm.

"Wow!" He huffed aloud "Feels so big"

He then started to gently move his hand over the large bulge. Feeling as it throbbed back at him in response to his gentle rubbing.

"Hmm. You sould rub harder" Tony said "Really grab hold of it" "Get my cock ready to that mouth and ass"

Billy near fell over when he heard Tony say he wanted his ass. Or at least he had plans on fucking his ass. Now Alex was a good average dick that was great to have. But this one which was obviously much bigger would shatter his ass. Images of Tony taking his young ass like he took that girls filled his head. And he knew his screams would rival hers as this stud of the camp fucked him. But it was the inevitable end results of his desires for Tony. So he complied with the hot mans request. His hand moving along the growing bulge. Feeling it as it pulsated against his hand in response to his rubbing. It wasn't very long before the covered tube was a lot bigger. Pushing at the material like a snake that was about to strike. And it was pretty rigid too.

"Wow" he sighed as he looked at the bulge "Looks so big." "Soo darned big"

He took a swallow and licked at his lips as he prepared to do more than just rub at Tony's big crotch. It was time to experience the hottest mans dick. So he looked up at the man before him. The very very sexy Tony. The handsome face and scruffy unshaven face looking so hot that Billy wished he could kiss the mans mouth. But his duties currently had little to do with subtle romantic motions. It was All about pleasuring the hot young camp counselor. Billy moved in closer and then brought his now very hungry mouth to the mans big crotch. Feeling the fullness if the man against his face. And man did it feel fantastic. So much so that he immediately started to kiss at the bull crotch.

"Wow. Feels awesome Tony" he huffed out "It is waiting for that mouth" Tony said "So you should go on and take my dick out buddy"

And Billy wasted little time as it felt more incredible than he could have imagined. And he was more hungry for Tony's dick than he had ever been or would ever be after. So he reluctantly pulled his face from the big bulge. Then he grabbed at the wait of the briefs containing his very big prize. Knowing what lay below the soft bulging cotton.

"Here goes" he then said to himself.

Then he pulled down the briefs. The cock moving down with them as he pulled. The big hardened cock bending downward with the material. But then as he pulled down further the cock had to be released from its entrapment. First the brown bush of crotch hairs showing. Then the base of the mans dick just before it jumped out at him.

"Ohh my God!" Billy blurted as it bounced out at him. "Look at it. My God"

The big dick swayed there before him after popping out of the briefs he had pulled down. And now Billy was staring wide eyed at Tony's big dick. Right there less that a foot away from the object if his hunger. And below the swaying cock was the mans equally substantial balls. Just hanging there in their wrinkled flesh sack. Two more objects of the boy hunger and lust. He swallowed a wad of saliva again. Bigger than before as it was fast collecting in his drooling mouth. And again he was in awe if the sight before him. All that big delicious looking junk. But where to start. His head was lost in confusion at what to have at first. That big cock that was just hanging there before him. Still slowly swaying just under a foot from his face. That cock that was all about sexing people. Tearing up hungry pussies with its almost brutal force. Or should he go for those big low balls. Hanging low before him. Slowly shifting before his eyes. So he knew they were brewing up the cum that would splash on him after Tony was done with him. The excitement of this all had Billy's ass literally twitching below. He was about to enter a world of pleasure and sex that he knew would be unlike anything before it. He was gonna be with the man of his dreams. Tony....

More to cum

Next: Chapter 10

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