I Learned It at Camp

By ozzalone65

Published on Jun 14, 2023


This is a fictional tale about a young mans time at the camp he was shipped off to each summer by his parents. Over several years and many experiences how he quickly grew from a boy to young man who was in love with men. In this tale are familiar characters from previous stories. Billy our young hero and the awesome sex God Tony.

Do enjoy...

I Learned it at Camp (19)

... It was that night after the first day with the kids that Billy and Tony had some time to talk and reconnect. The kids had all gone to bed and Billy was about to prepare for it himself. In the bath room himself brushing his teeth. Just sitting there in front of the mirror by himself. The tooth brush moving back and forth in his mouth. It was then he heard the door to the bathroom. Then someone coming it. He looked up in the mirror to see Tony himself walking into the bathroom. Billy stopped his hand motions of brushing as he looked at the hit man walk into the bathroom

"Hey" Tony said as he saw Billy there "Getting ready for bed I see"

Billy just nodded at him through the reflection. His face stuffed with foamy toothpaste. Man did the guy look hot. Bearded face and nice body in his Tshirt. Billy felt his groin twitch as he blonde that he was getting excited already. Tony came over and placed his bag in the counter. Then he headed over to pee. Standing at the urinal and fiddling g with the zipper in his shorts. Then signing as he began to do his business. Billy heard the sigh and the sound of the man's pee hitting the urinal. Again he felt his dick throb in his pants for the man just a few feet away. The man who he was flaring at through the mirrors reflection

"So fucking hot' he huffed to himself

He returned to brushing as his eyes stayed in the image in the mirror. Tony peeing. How he wanted to be that urinal at that moment. Anything to accept Tony's gifts. But all he could do was glance at the hit man in the mirror. When Tony was finished he came up to the mirror as Billy was finishing up. He washed up his hands and looked at Billy through the mirror.

"Billy right?" He then said "Uhm. Yeah. That's Me Billy" he huffed out stupidity

Tony stopped and then turned to Billy. He let out his hand to shake Billy's. And Billy shook him back. Feeling the strength in the man's shake. Man did it feel good to at least touch him in some manner

"Good to have you on board Billy" Tony said to him "Always glad to get some new people here to help with the kids"

That was when Billy let him know who he was, as it appeared that tiny had no idea who he was. That he was talking to a guy that used to come there. A guy that he used to bang up over the summer to get off. But he sure was gonna let this man know

"Oh, I have been here before" Billy declared "I came to camp here when I was a.kid" "Oh yeah. Great, when?' Tony asked "Hell, and you were one of the counselors at camp when I was here last" "Oh man.cool!" Tony spit back

So Billy went further in the talk. Looking at the hit man's body again. His eyes roaming over it all. Then he told him more with a learning eye.

"You were actually my favorite counselor" Billy added "Made me want to come back now"

Tony looked at the guy staring at him. Trying to remember Billy. It was hard after so many years of so many kids that came through there. But then Billy reminded him of why he was his favorite. His eyes now not leaving Tony's.

"I remember that bug fucking cock" Billy then spat out "Such a studly dick you have" "And those big heavy nuts as you fucked me"

Tony's eyes widened as he listened to the tale that he knew was true. He had fucked many a kid over the years here. And as Billy spoke more his eyes found the memory in his head of Billy. And he just stared back at him. Confusion and a bit of excitement about it all.

"Loved the feel of those big fuckers hitting me as you plowed up my boy hole" "To this day it's still the best sex I have ever had." "And I wouldn't mind riding that big dick again"

Billy smiled at Tony as he said that. Hoping the hot man was up for some smoldering sex again. Then he decided to move in on Tony. Reaching down for the man crotch. Tony smiled but stopped him. He figured the guy did not want any of this now. But Tony suggested to do it elsewhere.

"Not here" he huffed "Let's go someplace where we won't be bothered"

Billy knew where Tony was going to take him. And the images and memories of it filled his head. Exiting him more than ever. For Tony was going to take him to the place where all this lust had started in the first place. Back to the lonesome table back off from the camp ground. Covered in trees. He lead Billy there after finishing in the bathroom. The two men then headed out to exactly where Billy believed he was going. Finding the old wood table where so much sex had happened in the past. Tony reached for his shorts and undid them. Then he tugged them down his legs and whipped out his cock. Billy gazed at the man's equipment. Semi soft cok over those low hangers. His crotch twitched at the sight as excitement took him

"Well Billy" Tony said to him. "Get down to business" "Open that whore mouth of yours"

Not the best invitation for sure. But it was a good to go' nonetheless by the hot Tony. So Billy dropped his own shorts and the. Fot down in his knees as Tony leaned his ass on the table. Waiting for service...

To be continued

Next: Chapter 26

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