I Learned It at Camp

By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 17, 2020


This is a fictional tale about a young mans time at the camp he was shipped off to each summer by his parents. Over several years and many experiences how he quickly grew from a boy to young man who was in love with men.In this tale are familiar characters from previous stories. Billy our young hero and the awesome sex God Tony.

Do enjoy...

I Learned it at Camp (2)

... And Billy was there at camp again. His bus pulled in with the group of kids he had and well as another counselor and her group. Brenda was about his age. Gingery red hair and pale skin. She was tall though and athletic looking. And she seemed to be hitting on him from the moment they got in the bus.

"Ughn. Noo!" His head screamed "Leave me alone woman" "I am gay"

It was what he wanted to shout at her, but if course did not. He just said he had a girlfriend already. So that seemed to somewhat satisfy her. But then she started again. She was a persistent thing. Wanting to hook up with him like they do in the movies. But Billy continued his pushing away at her. Then they saw him, Tony. And both of them stood there with a lust that could bot be denied. Mouths opened in disbelief of the man that was walking towards the groups of camp goers and counselors.

"Holy fuck me!" Billy mouthed

Yes there stood Tony. Hotter than ever he was too. Tall and lean, but more muscular than Billy remembered. The t-shirt clung to his strong appearing chest and hoa arms were long and muscular. He had a full beard that showed off his handsome face really well. Tony also had on a pair of cargo shorts that showed off his hairy lower legs. And they were kinda snug on his butt amd crotch. For Billy could see the soft bulge of the mans dick to the left and trailing slightly down his leg

"Boxers or commando" crossed his mind "And that big dick and those balls" "Ohh those balls."

Billy remembered the mans equipment. Very well mind you and he could already pictured the guys bug curved and cut 7 and a half inches. The veins that moved around and over his meaty shaft. He licked at his lips as Billy saw the beautiful image of a younger Tony. Nude. Cock and balls like no one else. And he wanted the man equipment again. He glanced at Brenda and she had the same lust filled look as he did. She was licking at her lips as she gazed at the smoldering Tony. Knowing she wanted him. Well it maybe pulled her desires for Billy away. But now she wanted who he wanted.

"Whore" he thought to himself. "He is mine." "He is mine..."

Billy then noticed some of the other counselors.a few more girls and guys. But his eyes fell back on to the God like Tony. And he thought Tony winked at him. But then as Brenda smiled stupidly at tony, he really wasn't sure who Tony winked at. Tony greeted everyone one. His soft deeper mans voice poured into Billy's ears and made his dick throb. He said for them to get situated with their kids in their cabins and for the counselors to meet him back at the fire pit to the left. They all smiled and took there kids to their designated cabins.

"Hope I get to see of Tony wants to have some private fun" Billy said to himself.

He hoped so. But again was not sure if Tony wanted him here for that. But he sure was going to find out.

"Okay guys" Tony started to say to the group "We are here for the kids and to show them a good time"

Billy sat on one of the huge logs next to another woman. Thankfully not Brenda. But he could see she was sitting close to Tony. Oggling him as he spoke. Billy sat across from him as he could get a grand view of the area between the mans nice legs. Knowing what lay between them. Tony's big dick and balls. He glanced down as Tony sat there. Glanced down between them to catch a glimpse of the delicious bulge that he knew was down there. And as if somehow thr man knew what I wanted, Tony seemed to spread his legs more. And there between his legs was a puffed out bulge.

"And there it is" my head crowed at me "Tonys delicious bulge"

Not as beautiful as in times if the past. Especially when he had on jeans.

"Oh those jeans" I sighed softly

Memory concocted an image of that bulging crotch from his past. The tight jeans that Tony had worn back then. Jeans that showed pff his dick and balls better than any jeans ever could. And Billy licked at his very hungry lips at the thought Yes he remembered Tony those years back ever so vividly. This hot guy that was half a dozen years his senior. Hot incredibly hot Tony hand been back then even. Even without the full facial hair of today.

"Yess. I remember those days" his mind chirped to him. "I remember the hot younger Tony"

Yes oh yes the hot younger and still nicely hung Tony of his teens. And as tiny talked about camp yo the counselors and what was expected if them, Billy's head exploded in to memory again. As clear as if he was just there for the first time.

"Oh Tony" he sighed as he remembered...

More to cum

Next: Chapter 3

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