I Learned It at Camp

By ozzalone65

Published on Nov 9, 2022


This is a fictional tale about a young mans time at the camp he was shipped off to each summer by his parents. Over several years and many experiences how he quickly grew from a boy to young man who was in love with men. In this tale are familiar characters from previous stories. Billy our young hero and the awesome sex God Tony.

Do enjoy...

I Learned it at Camp (13)

... Ah yes. That memory. The first fucking by a guy Billy had ever had. Losing his sacred virginity to gay sex. He was happy that it had happened. He just wish it would have been Tony to be his first. But Alex was a suitable alternative. Besides the guys dick (he would find) was smaller. And would prepare him for the ass crushing that he would get from his stud God. Then came the day. Just a day after Alex fucked his ass for the first time. That first wonderful time Billy was taken by Tony. Filled up and fucked up by the man with the bull sack. He was sitting at the edge of the water after some water sports with others in camp. Canoeing and just hanging out at the dock. He sat there when he saw Tony come up the dick to where he was. The man looked hot even if he could not see a hefty bulge at that moment. Just his arms and face were enough to get Billy's blood boiling.

"Hey Billy" Tony called to him

He was shocked that the man knew who he was. Shocked that the stud had even noticed him amongst all the other kids there. But here he was calling out Billy's name.

"Uhm. Hi-hi" he said to him "What, what do you need sir?"

Tony stepped over to him and then crouched down and then sat next to Billy. Right next to him. Billy looked at the man's legs in the shorts he wore. The hairs on his calves and up to the arms showing in the shirt he had on. Very nice muscled arms. Lean and strong. Then he saw the tattoo peeping out from under one sleeve. A Celtic symbol of some kind. He then looked up at the man's face. Handsome and bearded with a strong nose on it. Tony's eyes fell in him and the man smiled.

"Alex has told me how, uhm curious you are" Tony then said

'Curiois' Billy thought to himself. What had he meant by curious. And why was this hunk of man sitting there so close to him now. He glanced down at Tony's crotch. In his seated position Billy could now make out the bulge if the man's dick in them. A bulge that held all that fantastic junk. Cock and balls and all. How Billy wanted to just shove his face down in them. To bury his face into the man meaty groin. Then he looked up again at Tony as the man spoke. Tony decided to convey what was on his mind after mentioning what Alex had told him.

"Let me see your hand Billy" Tony then said "Give it to me"

Billy wondered what was on Tony's mind. Wondered what he wanted with his hand. But he lifted it and gave it to him. Tony smiled as he took Billy's smaller hand. Then he pulled it towards himself. Billy looked at the man's bigger gand as he pulled his over. He followed it with his eyes. Then he saw as tiny pulled his hand down. Guiding his hand down to where Tony wanted it. And that was down, down, down to Tony's big crotch. Down to the bulge there. Billy tried to pull back but the man's bigger stronger hand stopped his retreat and still pulled it down there. With a forceful tug he lead Billy's hand down on his crotch. His big meaty crotch.

"Ohh God?" Billy shouted out as he felt it "Ohh God?"

Tony stopped and looked around. As if seeing if the cry had others looking at them. But no one did. It was just Billy and Tony there at the edge of the docks. His hand in the warm full crotch.

"There" Tony said "Its what you wanted" "A nice big cock to feel"

Billy's eye widened to almost popping. His hand was in Tony's big crochet. And man did it feel fantastic. So big in his hand was that bulge that he could not help but lick at his mouth. Tony saw this and asked if he was hungry. He then rubbed his crotch with the boys hand some more. Then he lifted his hand up and Billy looked at the mighty lump in those shorts. He nodded in the affirmative

"Come in then" Tony said "They will be off for a few hours" "So we have the cabin all to ourselves"

He grabbed the boys hand and picked him up. Then he lead him from the docks and to the cabins. He then lead him into his cabin, then to the bed that Billy had seen him with that girl in. Having hard dirty sex in. Would he be next to be laid out on there taking the man's big dick. This made him ever so nervous. And it was just because it was Tony. He had had the sex with Alex and it was very good. At least shafter the initial pain if be devirginized. But Tony was obviously bigger down there. The whole fucking package was larger than Alex. And if Alex's cock hurt, Tony's would be like getting torn apart. That and he was in Billy's eyes a god. So yes, cock size and being with a god was a lot to take. But then Tony pulled down his shorts. Then his shirt came off. He then just stood there a few feet from billy in all his manly glory. All naked save for his briefs that held to his substantial junk.

"Ohh my fucking God" Billy chirped.

He was now looking at the gorgeous man. Strong athletic body, light amounts of hair growing in his chest and sexy arms. Man he was so hot. And that big lump stuffed into those briefs brought Billy back to the hunger that had started before he was brought to the cabin. Then Tony sat on the bed. He looked at Billy and suggested he get naked for him. That he wanted to see his young tight body. He even reach for Billy and pulled him in closer. Then he started to go for the kids clothes. First shirt then his shorts to get his body out for the man to see.

"Hmm. Cute" Tony said "Nice and young and fresh"

Tony's hand then went out at touched at Billy's chest. He felt the smooth and soft skin. Loving how smooth it was. "Yeah. Very very nice" he added

Then Tony pulled Billy in between his legs. He then wrapped his hands around Billy's side and leaned in and placed his lips to the tender torso. Kissing Billy's body just below his chest. His beard tickled at Billy's stomach and he quivered.

"Yes. Nice soft skin" Tony stated "No hairs to become a bother"

Billy felt the man's hand on his back moving up and down him. Then the man's hand moved down his back and grabbed at Billy's butt. Squeezing it through the boys briefs. He continued to kiss at Billy's chest and stomach. Even licking at the soft flesh some. This made Billy softly sigh too as he was liking this. Then hot man kissing at him as his hands felt him up. Then Tony's hand moved to his waistband and slid down the backside of them. Reaching under the briefs to grab at Billy's ass. Then he gripped at the sides and yanked down the boys underwear. Exposing Billy's dick. Billy instinctively tried to cover himself. Feeling self-conscious next to such a man.but Tony batted his hands away.

"Let me see what we have here" he said. "Mm hmm" "Now turn"

Then Tony grabbed at Billy's sides and turned him around. His ass facing the man. Then Billy felt tints hands on his butt cheeks. Then telling Billy how nice his butt was.

"Such a cute butt" he said "Gonna really love it"

Then he swatted on Billy's ass. It wasn't hard, but Billy felt it nonetheless. The man's big hand smack his ass cheek. "Yeah. Really gonna enjoy this" Tony said again...

To be continued

Next: Chapter 16: Alex N Tony 3

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