I Learned It at Camp

By ozzalone65

Published on Mar 7, 2022


This is a fictional tale about a young mans time at the camp he was shipped off to each summer by his parents. Over several years and many experiences how he quickly grew from a boy to young man who was in love with men. In this tale are familiar characters from previous stories. Billy our young hero and the awesome sex God Tony.

Do enjoy...

I Learned it at Camp (Alex n Tony do it (1)

... Alex is a camp counselor that on the summer takes care of a bunch of kids that their parents drop off at camp just to be rid of the kids fir a hand full of weeks. He has been doing this for many years now. Teaching his group crafts and going canoeing and all other sorts of activities to keep kids engaged for several weeks. He loved doing it. One because it was something fun and engaging for himself over the summer. But secondly he loved it because of the hot head counselor Tony. Yes Tony has been the head counselor for a few years now. And he and Tony have because of this summer time gig got to hook up. Not that they were a couple or anything like that. Both were bisexual and had girlfriends. And both only found this time of year to let their inhibitions go. This was the tine if year that they had fun and sex with girls, guys and each other. And it was the best rime of year for Alex. For it was the time of year he was a bottom and getting slammed up by the camo stud Tony

"Back here again" he said as they pulled in to camp "Already feeling fucking horny" "God bless the summer"

He looked around to see if Tony was there. But the hunk was not. So he was not sure that he would see him again. And Alex was sure he wanted to. He wanted to hopefully get with Tony again. Wanted to have Tony and that big dick again. He wanted to suck off the hot Tony again. To lick and suck on his big beefy balls again. And surly to get fucked by the hot counselor again. Why? Well it is because Tony had fucked him silly several years back. Back when he first did this. When Alex first came to be a counselor for the kids at this camping site.

"Fuck yeah" he huffed as he remembered.

Yes it was several years ago when Alex first met Tony. It was his first year there and Tony had already been doing this for a good 6 years before him. But that first year was the year he let his gay flow. He could be with guys unlike at home where he was judged by all the straights if he were to do so. And it was here in that first year at camp that his eye lay upon Tony. Hot smoldering Tony. The hottest man he ever knew and would ever have. And as he saw him that first time. Showing up in those jeans that left so little to ones imagination. That bugle that was big and full and delicious looking. His eyes were instantly drawn to that

"Hey man. Tony" Tony said as they met "Hey" Alex said back

And he gave the hot guy his name. Tony telling him it would be weird his first year. But he could ask him anything if he needed. And Alex was intent on doing just that. Even if he had some idea what he was doing. So long as he could ask the guy anything. Just to be in the same place as the hot Tony. Anything to be able to behold the guy fantastic bulge again. A bulge that had both his crotch and ass twitching. And he knew he wanted Tony.

"Great" he had replied to Tony "I will take you up on that"

He watched as Tony headed over to his group. This giving him a grand view of the guys hot ass. Nicely tucked into those 'oh so lucky' jeans. The first day was already winding down when he took his kids to their barracks. He was planning on seeing if Tony wanted to hang out. To just talk about the camp and how tiny got so good at it. Maybe have a drink or two and see if he could somehow get Tony looser and more willing to do more than just talk But Tony had other plans. He said he was having a meeting with one of the other councelors. Maggie was her name. She was a pretty thing. Tony in size to any of the guys on the team. And smaller than many of the kids as well. But she was one of the counselors that had been doing this for a few years as well so he figured they were comparing notes. So he went back to the barracks and got ready for bed. His head with thoughts if the hit Tony flying about in it.

"What the.?" He the chirped as he looked out the window

There leaving his kids barracks was one of his kids. Billy. He pondered what the kid was up to so he got up and decided to follow him. Who knows what these kids nowadays were up to in their own. Especially out here, with little parental supervision. Drugs and what not

"What is he up to" he huffed as he left his room "Fucking kids"

Well he kept back just far enough behind the kid. Just so he could catch him in the act of whatever illegal substance he might be smoking or sniffing or what have you. Then as Billy slowed near some bushes. As he sat there in what appeared to be him watching something, Alex decided not to interrupt him. Maybe he was waiting on someone else to show. Someone else he had a deal with to give him drugs. So again Alex waited back behind him. A good 10 or so yards back behind where he was seated. And as Alex sat there waiting to see what Billy was going to do, he heard sounds that were beyond where Billy was. Moaning sounds. The sounds of pleasure.

"Who the fuck?" He huffed to himself "Is that what this kid is doing there?" "He is watching people have sex"

This he thought was disgusting. And he wanted to go over and pull Billy back and scold him for being a voyeur. But he wondered about whomever was doing it there. The kid would surly shout out as he was caught. And what ever coule was busy would be disturbed. But also he heard the male voice in the fun. It was some what deep and very familiar. Then he head out together whom it was having sex. Alex now knew who the kid Billy was watching. It was someone he wanted himself. The voice was that if the very hot Tony. The other camo counselor...

To be continued

Next: Chapter 12

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