I Learned It at Camp

By ozzalone65

Published on Dec 30, 2021


This is a fictional tale about a young mans time at the camp he was shipped off to each summer by his parents. Over several years and many experiences how he quickly grew from a boy to young man who was in love with men. In this tale are familiar characters from previous stories. Billy our young hero and the awesome sex God Tony.

Do enjoy...

I Learned it at Camp (10)

... Billy was there on his knees in the cabin. There with the hotter than Hell Tony, the camp counselor. He had pulled down the mans underwear that had been holding on to the mans big gorgeous dick. But now that mans dick was out and waiting for him to do something with it. But he was conflicted as to where to start in Tony's big equipment. Did he just go for the meaty tube swaying before him, or did he start at those heavy pendulous looking balls. It was indeed a quandary to decide. But Tony grasped his dick and waved it at the boy.

"Here kid." He said "Open that mouth and suck it"

Billy licked at his lips again and then grasped at the mans dick too. Holding it as Tony lifted his own hand from it. Billy wrapped his fingers around the somewhat rigid tube now. He could feel the heat coming off of the mans dick. It was certainly very warm. Almost hot as he held it. And as he held it in his small hand he felt the thing throb. He gazed at the mushroom head on Tony's cock. The thing seemed to swell right before him. Bloating up as the man sighed. He knew it was time as Tony's eyes closed and he leaned back. Letting Billy do as he was expecting him to. Suck. Billy again licked his lips and then moved in closer to the big fabulous looking dick. His hunger for it in his eyes. Then he opened up his mouth as he closed the gap. Then he gingerly slipped the first few inches of Tony's dick into his mouth. His head swirled about as his desire coursed through him. Feeling the luxuriant texture of the mans dick. The skin tight bit soft, the head slightly rougher on his tongue. And the taste. Exquisite.

"Holy fuck!" His head screamed at him "He tastes soo. Hmm!" "Soo good"

Yes Tony's cock did taste wonderful. Clean yet with a slightly salted taste to it. Sweat mingling with other flavors that came off his spectacular dick. This making Billy all the more hungry for it. So Billy did as he knew he should be doing for this man. He sucked on Tony's cock. Slipping the big dick into his mouth lovingly. Using his tongue on the head and just under it to lap at the dew that was being pushed out at the top. The semi salted dew that reach his flavor palette and sent Billy into a frenzy of hunger and lust. Billy grabbed the base of the mans dick. Holding the big mighty cock as he worshiped the big fantastic dick that Tony had. Moving up and down the thing. Trying to emulate the porn queens in the videos he had seen. Sucking madly on their porn kings great dick. And Billy could see Tony as a porn king. The sexy man before him with the great arms and body. A stud God with big dick. Yes he could picture this.

"Yeah Billy. Awe fuck boy" Tony moaned "Suck that dick. Suck it man"

And Billy did as well as he could. Trying to suck as well as he could. But it was still a big dick for his young mouth. A big delicious dick.

"So big" Billy crowed "Such a big dick Tony"

Billy pulled off to tell Tony how great his cock was. How utterly fantastic it was. But as he did this, he pulled his hand off. And that was when Tony lunged at his head. Thrusting his big dick hard into Billy's mouth. The tube of it pushing into Billy's throat. And Billy gagged. How could he not. All that dick forced into his throat made the young kid gag. His inexperience having not prepared for such an act.

"Glarphh!" Billy gagged

And Tony just moaned. He held the boy to his dick for a few moments and just moaned. It felt so fucking good. But he released Billy when he saw his trouble. The bots fave red from lack of oxygen. The tears pouring from his eyes. And Billy pulled of and coughed and hacked to get air.

"Sorry kid" Tony said "But that mouth just felt so great on my cock" "Had to have it all"

Billy coughed a half a dozen times before getting a good breath of air. He then looked up at the hot Tony. Pondering whether his throat and choking to death on dick was worth it. Even from this hot as heck stud. But Tony smiled at him. Sexy as it was. Then he waved his dick at the boy. Telling him that he promised not to choke him again. That he had other ideas of stuff they could do. But just to suck him for just a bit longer. That he liked Billy's mouth on his dick.

"For a kid you have some talent" he had said "Always nice when someone knows how to suck" "Maybe you can suck these fuckers now" "You sure were eyeing them"

Billy licked at his lips as he stared at the mans balls. They were truly a sight to behold. And now Tony was offering them up to him. So he took the man up.on it. He reached for them and grabbed gold of the big full balls. They felt heavy )At least compared to his own). And they were certainly meaty looking too. He pulled them up as he leaned back on to Tony's crotch. Then he opened up his mouth and went for the mans balls pushing one of them into his face. The big balls was definitely substantial feeling in hus mouth filling up the cavity of his mouth easily. He wanted to take the other one too, but felt he would not be able to with this one in his mouth already. Tony moaned as he felt the pull of Billy's mouth in his balls. Loving how the kid sucked on it. His mouth tugging lightly as his tongue licked at the fleshy orb. The kid was good.and he liked that.

"Yeah buddy. Suck" he moaned "Awe fuck that is good"

And Billy did sick on it. Worshiping the mans one nut for some time before pulling off of it. Then he released it to go for the other one. And sucking that one into his face for a bit too. But that ball suck did not last long. For Tony told him to get off his nuts and go back to his dick. Saying that the kid was making him nuts with what he had been doing to his balls.

"Here Billy. Suck!" He ordered

So Billy went back to sucking in the mans big cock. Moving back over the schlong that was utter perfection to him. Stroking the big dick as his mouth moved over the top half of it.

"So big man. Soo big" he said as he came off of Tony "Wow. So big"

He paused for a few moments. Getting some.much needed air before going back down on Tony. And then he did. He opened his hungry mouth and slid it down the mans long shaft again. And again Tony moaned out his pleasures. Telling Billy that it was great. To keep this up. To stay in his cock. Sucking it like that. That was until Tony pushed him from his dick. Billy was fully enjoying the bug dick as he slurped and sucked on it. Loved holding on to the mans big meaty balls and rolling them around in his fingers as he sucked. Milking the big nuts. Coaxing the cum up that was brewing down deep inside them. And he wanted it too. Yes Billy was now wanting the man to cum. To blast up a hardy dose of juice into his very hungry mouth.

"Suck him man!" His head shouted "Suck this big fucker" "Drain his huge balls!"

But that was when Tony shoved him off.

"Stoop. Oh God you gotta stop!" He crowed.

Billy stared at the man woth confusion. Not getting why he wanted him to stop. But he pulled off of Tony's awesome cock. Tony then sat back for moment. His chest heaving as he tried to slow his heavy breaths. Billy gazed t the big dick between his legs. His hand still holding in to the base. The big dick was slick woth his drool now. And it looked spectacular.

"What..?" He started to say

But Tony cut him off. Then the man aid what he wanted next. And Billy's eyes widened s the words slipped from Tony's lips.

"I wanna fuck you Billy" Tony then said...

More to cum

Next: Chapter 11: Alex N Tony 1

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