I Know Danny

By Adelhardt H

Published on Aug 5, 2003


Hello everybody, I'm back! This is the fifth and last part of "I Know Danny". I hope you enjoy.

I also wrote:

"A Little Bit About Me, Alex" (gay college)

"Always Joey" (gay highschool)




I know Danny, V

July 28, 2000

I biked back to the beach house when dinnertime came around. Danny was with me on the bike - awkwardly - until we got close to his house. Then he got off and kissed me. He had a way of kissing me that no other boy ever had, and I liked it.

"Later," I whispered, and he nodded.

I put away the bike in the shed when I got back. The guys had started a barbecue in front of the house and the smoke was rising fragrantly.

"Hi, guys."

"Get any at the lake?" Kevin asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Nope," I said. "But only because I never got that far. I just walked around inland."

Laughlin eyed me skeptically. "That sounds as likely as me passing up on a cold beer on a warm summer's day."

"Nevertheless it's true," I grinned. "And I'm drenched. Anyone up for a swim?"

"No time, food's ready soon," Paul informed me. "Anyway, we just got back from swimming. Take a shower, you stink."

"So do you, but my stink can be washed off," I retorted.

"Then why have you never done that?" Kevin grinned. "Go. You have 10 minutes."

I glared at him as I pushed off my sandals and padded inside on my wet feet. I heard the shower running and threw my shirt on a chair before knocking on the bathroom door.

"What?" Brian yelled.

"Hurry up, I need to shower too," I replied.

"Five minutes," he said.

"Can't wait that long," I mumbled, pushing down my shorts and opening the door.

"Hey!" Brian shouted when he spotted me. "Get out!"

"You have one minute," I told him.

"You're naked!" he whined. "Can't you gays keep your pants on, ever?"

"Nope," I said.

"Hmpf," he huffed, going back to rinsing out the shampoo in his hair and trying to ignore me.

When his minute was up I walked into the stall.

"What are you doing, perv?" he protested. "Get out."

"I told you, one minute."

"Whose house is this?!"

"No need to shout, they can't hear you," I grinned lecherously as I moved closer to him. There was near-panic in his eyes as I placed my arms on the tiled wall, trapping him. "Want to get it oooon?" I breathed, struggling to keep the grin off my face.

"No," he whispered, shaking his head. "No."

"Then get out," I grinned, kissing him real quick on the lips.

"Ugh, pff, shit, you twisted asshole!" he hollered, spitting and breaking away from me. I grinned and made a show of enjoy the water spray all to myself.

"I need to get the shampoo out, at least," he said grumpily, coming back in. "Get out."

"There's room," I said. "I promise not to touch you."

He looked disbelieving but kept his mouth shut as he ran his hands through his brown hair.

"All done," I said, pushing him out with a hand on his hip.

"You said you wouldn't touch me!" he accused.

"While you got rid of the shampoo," I grinned. "That was long ago."

"That's not how I remember it," he said, grabbing his towel to start drying himself. He hopped up on the counter as he toweled his hair.

I soaped up myself.

"I can't believe it," Brian mumbled. "You're better hung than me."

I smiled. "So?"

"So?! So, you're gay. What do you need it for?"

I laughed. "Flawless logic, buddy."

"Whatever." He smiled slightly as he dried his torso. "Can I ask you..?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"How did you know you were.. you know.."


"Yeah." He blushed slightly.

"Well," I said, wondering where to begin. "I just... I guess I just got hard thinking about boys. It tipped me off."

He smiled. "I guess it would."



"You're not.. trying to tell me something..?"

"Oh no! No! Nothing like that." He looked horrified. "But.. I just.." He bit his lip.

I turned off the water and stepped out of the stall, dripping water on him. He looked a little frightened. I hadn't seen him frightened for years.

I caught his eyes. "But you're wondering..?"

"I'm not gay!" he said. "I mean, I like girls. I mean, I REALLY like girls!"

I laughed. "I know you do. I shared a cabin with you at summer camp that time when you divided your time between that woman counselor and the girl.. what's her name..?"

"Cathy." He smiled.

"Yeah. I know you like girls. I mean, I KNOW." I held my hands over my ears. "Shit. I got no sleep that week."

"Neither did I." He smiled smugly.

"But you sacrificed yours for a good cause," I grinned. "Anyway...?"

"Anyway," he sighed. "I guess I'm just wondering, you know, how it would be like... with a guy." He looked away, mortified that he'd said it out loud.

"Well," I replied calmly. "Only one way to find out. Plenty of guys want to find out, you know. They all wonder. But some people are too hung up to try it."

"I'm not sure I want to try," he admitted. "But I've just been thinking about it a little, since you.. you know."

"Told you I'm gay?"

"Yeah." He drew up his knees and leaned his head on them.

"You don't have to try it," I said, hanging up the towel. "But if you want to, you should. You'd have no problem finding someone to do it with you."

"Thanks," he smiled.

I looked him up and down. "No problem at all."

"Don't you dare wink at me!" he warmed me, grinning. "I CERTAINLY don't want, you know.." He made a weird movement with his head.

"...us to do it?" I finished his sentence. "You're right, it would be too weird."

"Yeah," he nodded, relieved. "You're not mad that I'm not going to you, even if I do decide to try?"

"Nah," I said shrugging. "You need to do it with someone you don't know, right? So if it's not your thing at all you can just walk away."

"Yeah," he nodded. "I don't want any weirdness, or anyone to know."

"What if we tried and it was horrible?" I said. "It would be too weird."

"Yeah." He breathed out heavily. "I can't believe we're even talking about it."

I smiled. "Come on, let's get something to eat. Stud."

He grinned and elbowed me. "Shut up, fag! Hey Craig, you won't tell the others what I said, right?"

"Course not," I said. "Relax."

"Thanks, man."

I opened the door and we walked out from the steamy bathroom.

"I don't know what you guys did in there, and I don't want to know," Paul teased. "But the food's ready."

"What we did is secret," I said with a straight face. "But it's a miracle Brian can walk straight."

"Craig!" Brian yelled. "You ass!"

"Who was your first?" Danny whispered to me that night as we lay in my bed, our arms and legs tangled up.

"Gary Coburg," I said promptly. "He was in my class. We both wanted it, but we made such a mess of it we never tried again." I laughed softly. "Let's just say we weren't naturals."

He smiled. "I would have bet money you were a natural."

"Maybe I was, and Gary was just doubly awful. I wish I could believe that." I turned my face to him, stroking his hand. "Yours?"

"Uh," he said, hesitating. "Uh.. I guess.."

"Come on, you can tell me," I said.

"There is.. was his guy," he finally said, sounding odd. "He was a fantasy of mine, and in the end.." He didn't finish the sentence. "Let's do something else," he suggested, his hand sneaking under the blanket.

"Mmm," I sighed. "Good idea."


April 28, 2003

There was no message waiting for me. I'd hoped Danny had called.

I unloaded my groceries and sat down heavily in a chair. Danny had been in my mind all day. I couldn't stop thinking about him, and about how I'd messed everything up.

Finally I grabbed the phone and dialed his number.

No answer.

After a while his answering machine kicked in.

"This is Danny. I'm out, but please leave a message and I'll get back to you."

"Danny.. It's me, Craig. Are you OK? Listen man, I'm sorry I screwed up. Are you there? Please pick up." I paused. "Uh.. call me, please? I'm worried about you. I keep thinking about you." I twirled the cord between my fingers. "Please. OK? Please. Bye."

Great, I thought. Not the least bit needy, no sir.

But he didn't call, not that day or the next. And I still couldn't get him out of my head. So in the end I called again.

"Danny? Craig again. I bet you're sorry you gave me your number now, haha. Uhm, listen, please let me know you're OK so I don't have to worry. I really care about you, man. Please call me, OK? I'm dying here. Uh.. Bye."

I opened a beer and sat back. I'd practically forgotten about the guy, then I meet him by chance and now I can't stop thinking about him.

Of course I knew I wasn't in love. I never fell in love. But I also knew that I wanted to spend time with Danny as well as having sex with him, which was unusual for me.

Around 10, when I was getting ready for bed, the phone rang. I picked up.


"Craig? Danny. I got your message. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Have to go. Bye." He hung up before I could say anything.

Feeling sad beyond reason I hung up.

A few days later I cracked. I picked up the phone again, hating myself for doing so.

"Hello?" he said.

"Danny? Sorry to bug you again, but I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. I knew how you felt.."

"It's OK, Craig. No problem. Listen, I really have to.."

"No, please! I wanted to ask you, don't you think we could be friends again? If we just forgot the whole thing.."

"I can't just forget it," he said slowly.

"But I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm not even sure what I did, but I'm so stupid sometimes."


"But please give me a second chance. Please. You're absolutely right, I'm controlled by my hormones too much. But I promise you if you come over again I won't so much as touch you. Not an impure thought shall cross my mind. Well, not one that has anything to do with you."

He sighed. "That's not.. I mean.. God. Listen, Craig, this isn't all your fault because I kissed you too, but I really don't want that kind of thing right now. And I don't trust you, OR me."

"Then meet me in a restaurant or something. It'll be safe in public," I pleaded. "I really care about you. I really do. I don't want to lose contact again. Please?"

He sighed in frustration. "That will never work!"

"But can't we try? I'll pay the bill. Just please come with me. I like talking to you. You're so smart."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere."

"It's the truth!" I closed my eyes. "You like Italian?"

"Well OK," he finally said. "Somewhere public. Just to talk."

"Like friends do," I agreed. "Thank you."

"I'll regret it."

"I promise you won't," I assured him. "Divino, seven pm tomorrow?"

"K," he sighed, resigned to his fate.

I put on my best suit after showering and dithering over my hair for a long time. I wasn't sure why it meant so much, but it did.

He arrived two minutes early.

"So you can be on time!" I quipped.

He bit his lip. "Yeah."

I looked him over surreptitiously. His glasses, his short hair, his slim build almost had me drooling. I found him so attractive it took my breath away.

"I recommend the lasagna," I said, determined to carry the conversation if I had to.

"I'm afraid this is a mistake," he said softly, his eyes strangely vulnerable.

"Am I that bad?" I asked, feeling very hurt. "I'm sorry."

"No," he quickly said, his eyes finding mine. "It's not that. It's me."

"Can't we eat together?" I asked, ready to be rejected again. "And just talk?"

"We can try," he said, swallowing.

"That's all I ask," I nodded.

It took us a while, but eventually we got a real conversation going, and by the time we reached dessert he had let go and allowed himself to be himself. His eyes lit up, he gestured with his hands, he cocked his head. I found him utterly beautiful. It was almost hard to watch.

Somewhere in my stomach something was going crazy.

"We should be going," he finally said, looking regretfully at his watch. "This was a good idea. I'm so glad you talked me into it."

"I'm glad you came," I smiled. "It means a lot to me."

I paid the check and we made our way out into a light drizzle.

"I'm going this way," he said, pointing over his back.

I gave up talking him into having coffee with me in my apartment. "K," I smiled. "Thanks for a great evening."

"Thank you too," he smiled.

I reached out to hug him, jerking away when I realized I was breaking my promise. "Sorry," I mumbled, biting my lip. "I forgot. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Relax," he smiled. "You can't help it that you're a very physical guy."

"I am," I admitted right away. "Always was. All my family is, except my dad." I smiled. "It's hard for me not to touch people I like."

"I remember both you and your brother were that way," Danny said.


"Yeah. With each other, even. I used to think it was sexy."


"Yeah, you know. Two brothers, getting it on." He smiled wickedly.

I grinned. "Sorry, man, but it was never like that!"

"I know," he smiled. "But it was a sexy thought."

"I guess." I made a face. "But Kevin and me..? Eww."

"Let me have my fantasies," he grinned.


"So.. I'll be off."

"Me too."

He awkwardly held out his hand, and I accepted it and shook it.

"Well do this again soon," I said.

"Yeah. Call me."

"I will," I said, and I knew I would. I definitely would.

I got off work early the next day, and I saw there was a message on the machine for me.

"Hey bro, give me a call. Haven't heard from you for a few days. You OK? Bye."

It was from Kevin. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't from Danny, but I picked up the handle and dialed Kevin's number.

"Kevin? It's me."

"Craig? How are you, man?"

"I'm good. Been busy, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Made any friends yet out there?"

I shrugged, even though he couldn't see it. "Not really."

"Listen, I are you home today? I could come by."

"Sure," I said, happy. "Please do."

"Great," he said. "I have no classes to teach tomorrow, so it's perfect for me. In a few hours?"

"I'll be here," I smiled. "Hurry."

He laughed and hung up.

I opened the door after the first knock and dragged him inside to hug him hard.

"Mm, good to see you," I mumbled, trying to cover my need for physical contact in one go.

"This is nice, but could I take off my coat?" Kevin teased.

"K," I said, pulling away reluctantly.

Kevin hung up has coat and pulled me down on the couch. "How's it going?"

I put my arm round him. He didn't bat an eyelid; he knew me.

"Busy. Lonely," I said honestly. "I spent a bit of time with Danny."

"Yeah? Get any?"

"No, asshole," I grinned. "It's not like that. I just like him."

"Not like that?" He leaned away. "Who are you?! What did you do with my brother?"

"I'm not that bad!" I protested.

"Kid. I know you. Don't lie to me," he smiled. "You go out to score at least once a week."

"Whatever," I grunted.

"How long's it been?" he asked bluntly.

"What? I'm not telling you anything like that.."

"How long?"

"Four weeks." I blushed.

"Your balls must be exploding!" He grinned.

"No," I protested, pouting.

"You're hard up, and you claim it's not like that with Danny? This isn't like you, Craig," Kevin continued. "What's going on?"

"Nothing's going on," I protested. "I met with him a few times. That's all. We didn't have sex."

"You like him?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "He's interesting, and funny. You know what? He gets my jokes."

"Miracle of miracles," Kevin said dryly. "So you don't want sex with him?"

"Of course I do!" I shouted. "I want to lick him all over, hug him.." I stopped, realizing how I sounded.

Kevin eyed me strangely. "Could it be..?" he mumbled, incredulous.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "It CAN'T be."

"Maybe it is," he mumbled, ignoring me. "But.."

"NO!" I shouted.

Kevin turned his head to look me square in the eyes. "Craig," he said, ignoring me as I shook my head violently. "Are you in love?"

I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach, like I couldn't breathe. When he said it it became real. Damn.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

Something came out of my eyes instead. I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey," Kevin mumbled softly. "It's OK."

"No it isn't," I whispered, finding my voice. "Oh God." I leaned my head on his shoulder, seeking his safety.

He held me for a few minutes as I came down.

"It's not that bad," he finally said. "It's wonderful to be in love. It's a good thing."

"It's all so complicated," I sniffed. Now that it was real I felt it pulse through my body with each heartbeat. Love. I was in love. Oh, Danny.


"He doesn't like me that way. He will barely meet me," I explained.

"It's not complicated, it's simple," Kevin said.

"What?" I lifted my eyes up to meet his. They looked like mine, and yet didn't.

He smiled. "Oh Craig. You're so smart, and at the same time no one can be as stupid as you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, a little annoyed.

"You never understood what was really going on back on the beach, did you?" Kevin asked.

I frowned. Back on the beach?

I thought back.


July 30, 2000

Two days later, the day before we had to leave, we hauled the barbecue grill down on the beach to have a cookout down there. It was still as warm as ever.

The beers were cooling in the water, within reach of our chairs. It was great.

The volley guys and Danny came down too, and we invited them to join us. They accepted, and Danny came and sat down beside me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. His eyes shone. I could tell he was dying to touch me.

We ate steaks and potato salad as the sun slowly set. Danny didn't say much, but he listened intently to everything I said, and when I left my chair to sit in the sand he followed me, sitting down next to me. I didn't mind.

In the growing dusk his fingers caressed my bare back, out of sight of the other guys. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. He was almost electric somehow.

Around midnight we carried all our stuff back to the house and started getting ready for bed. The volley guys left, but Danny stayed behind to play cards with us. He said he didn't want to sleep yet. He didn't join our card game though but just watched, sitting behind me.

Late at night we finally packed it in, and Danny left. I knew he'd be back in a few minutes at my window, so I quickly got ready for bed and let him in.

"Craig," he said, smiling, eyes blazing. He hugged me close, his arms around my neck. "Mmmm."

"Come on," I said, dragging him over to the bed. I pulled off his clothes as he continued to kiss me, and then I pulled him down on the bed with me.

We had sex like the other nights, but he clung to me when we were done more than he used to. He kept giving me small kisses, his fingers tracing patterns, lingering. His head rested on my chest, and he licked my neck and kissed it.

"Craig," he mumbled. "Craig."

I tightened my arm around his waist. "We need to sleep."

"Mmmm. K." He snuggled even closer.

I smiled and fell asleep.

The next morning was the explosion.

I let him sleep, figuring it didn't matter since this was our last day together. I packed my stuff into my bag and went downstairs to the others, being careful to close the door after me. I helped them clean up the house and pack the car. We'd leave in the early afternoon but wanted a head start.

"OK, guys, let's hit the beach one last time," Brian suggested.

I trotted up the stairs to Danny when the others had left. He was still snuggled under the blanket but awake now.

"Morning, lazy ass," I smiled.

"Craig," he mumbled. "Hi." He reached out a hand and caught my arm to pull me down. When I was close enough he hooked his arm round my neck and pulled me down to a very nice kiss.

"You have to get up," I said. "I need to pack up the blankets."

"Why?" he asked, puzzled.

"We're leaving today, remember?" I said.

"Oh." His eyes clouded over. "Yeah. I forgot." He crawled out, his very nice body naked. I touched him sensually while he dressed.

"It's been a great week," I smiled. "And you were the best part."

He smiled stiffly, fastening his sandals.

"I thought sex like that only existed on the internet," I joked, but he didn't respond.

"Do you have to leave?" he asked almost desperately a few minutes later.

"'Fraid so," I nodded. "Too bad."

"Maybe.. maybe we can meet back in the city?" he suggested.

I smiled. "I guess we could. It's a long way, though. You live over on the other side, right?"

He nodded, looking away.

"But we can try, I suppose," I said.

He turned to face me. His eyes were blazing again, but there was no warmth there now. "You're an asshole!" he hissed, his hands shaking.

"What?" I gasped, surprised. "Why?"

He pushed the window open roughly, shaking all over.

"Danny? You OK?" I asked.

He threw my book after me. "Keep your concern to yourself!" He slid out the window and took off running before I could stop him.

I picked up the book. It wasn't wrecked.

I felt I understood his reaction. After all, I was sorry to see our week come to an end too.

Around two o'clock we got in the car and set off to the city. Our time at the beach was over, and real life began again.

Danny hadn't come back. I hadn't had a chance to talk to him again.

When we rounded a curve on the dirt road, headed for the main road, I saw Danny looking at us from the top of a dune in the distance. As I watched he kicked a tree and turned around, his movements forceful.

I felt Kevin look at me.

"What was that?" he asked.

I shrugged.


April 28, 2003

"I didn't understand what?" I asked, slightly offended.

"Poor, stupid Craig," Kevin chuckled. "So smart, yet so stupid."

"Stop repeating yourself, you ass," I hissed. "Why am I stupid?"

He smiled enigmatically. "If you really don't know, I won't tell."

"I hate you when you're in that mood," I scowled, pulling away from him.

"Rubbish. You love me no matter what."

"Are you sure?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yep. What do you want to eat?"

"Eat? Uh.. I guess, whatever you want."

"K." He shoved me up from the couch. "Go find something while I snoop around in your stuff."

"There's nothing juicy to find," I grinned, but as I rummaged in the freezer for something edible I still heard him shuffle things about.


May 2, 2003

I was slumped on the couch with the curtains pulled, feeling sorry for myself a few days later. I'd not been able to get Danny on the phone again, and I missed him.

It was around eight thirty when there was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone but I hoped it was Danny, and I leapt up and went to answer it.

"Kevin!" I said surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Never mind," he smiled, hugging me. "Get some shoes on."

"Where are we going?" I asked, pleased that something would happen to distract me from my evening of sulking.

"You'll see. Get going."

"Yeah, yeah, tyrant. Geez." I pulled on my coat and closed the apartment door, following him down the stairs.

He indicated his car. "Get in."

"Why?" I asked.

"Trust me. I'm so much smarter than you," Kevin grinned.

I grumbled but got in the car, and Kevin drove us to a neighborhood nearby I didn't know.

He stopped the car and turned to me.

"Open your mouth."

I obeyed, and he popped a piece of mint chewing gum into my mouth.

"Lift up your arms," he ordered, and I did, perplexed. He pulled my shirt out of my pants, brought out a deodorant and tried to push his hand holding it up under my shirt. His hands were cold, and it tickled, so I stopped him.

"I can do that," I told him, proceeding to spray myself under my arms. "But why am I doing it?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

He smiled and took the deodorant back. "That'll have to do," he mumbled. "Now go in. It's number 34 right there. Ring the bell. Go."

"What have you done?" I asked, full of sound distrust. "Have you arranged some sort of crazy ass blind date.."

"Go in!" he said, reaching to open the door on my side and pushing me.

"K," I nodded, "but it this is something perverted I'll kick your ass."

"As if you could," he grinned, driving away as soon as I was out the door.

"Stupid fuck," I mumbled, looking up at number 34. I walked closer, but there was no name on the door. I rang the bell, full of trepidation.

It opened immediately. It was Danny.

"Danny!" I gasped. How the hell had Kevin arranged this?

"Craig," he smiled. "Come on in. You're having dinner with me."

"I am? Great! But, uh.. This isn't public.."

"Forget all that," he grinned, his eyes sparkling in a new way. He looked good.

"You're so beautiful," I gasped, before I realized it. "Sorry," I mumbled. "It just flew out, swear!"

"I can live with that," he smiled. "Come here." He pulled me closer by the sleeve of my sweater, and then he leaned in.

I was paralyzed. I didn't expect this. His smiling, open face was inched from mine when he stopped, looking into my eyes. He licked his lips.

I closed the distance before I could stop myself, pressing my lips against his. He opened his mouth to me immediately, his fingers tearing at my hair. I felt me knees go weak.

"Mmmm.." he moaned, totally absorbed in the kiss. I have no idea how long it lasted, but it was wonderful and unexpected.

"Wow," I mumbled when he finally pulled away. "Wow!"

He smiled and took my hand. "Let's eat."

I don't remember what we ate, I just remember the looks he gave me. They thrilled me all the way through and made my head spin. They were the looks of a man in love. Like he was in love with me the way I was with him. It was crazy. I could barely believe it.

When he kissed me again - the trademark Danny kiss that I remembered so well - when we were clearing the table, I had to ask.

"Danny.. I'm confused. What's going on?"

He smiled wide and kissed me again. "Isn't this what you want?"

"Yes. Yeah, absolutely. But.. a few days ago you didn't want anything to do with me. Why?"

He paused, looking distracted. "You really don't know?"

"No." I shook my head. "Kevin says I'm stupid."

"Luckily I find your stupidity sexy," he grinned, his hand finding mine. "Look.. I was afraid, OK?"


"Yeah," he nodded. "Afraid I'd fall for you again. I'd already wasted so, so much time on you."

"Again?" I asked, bewildered. Then everything fell into place, rather late and rather spectacularly. "OH!!" I slapped my forehead.

"The penny dropped, finally?" he asked evilly.

"Yeah," I said, reeling. "Oh my God. I never realized. I AM stupid!"


"You were in love with me!" I slapped my forehead again. "Shit!"

"I was totally, wildly in love with you," he said seriously. "I was so in love it hurt. I needed you, I would have done anything for you. I'd have let you do anything to me."

"Oh no," I gasped, as the full implications became clear to me. "I didn't treat you right.."

"It was tough to realize that it had only been sex to you," he nodded. "Really tough. I was so mad. But I couldn't make myself fall out of love with you." He hung his head a little. "I wasted so much time trying to forget you, Craig, the way you just forgot me."

"God, I'm so sorry!" I whispered, tearing up. I'd hurt him terribly, I saw that now. "I had no idea!"

"I believe you. That's what Kevin said, too. He also said you're in love with me now."

I sat down in a chair. "How could I be so blind? I don't deserve to be anywhere near you after what I did. Wait a minute? Kevin?!"

"Yeah," Danny nodded. "He called me and talked me into a meeting. He can be as persuasive as you." He smiled. "He reminds me so much of you."

"He's an ass," I hissed. "But I guess I am too."

"Yeah," Danny agreed. "Anyway, he told me a lot about you. I guess I never saw it from your side. He said it never occurred to you that I might fall in love because you never fell in love with anyone."

I nodded, ashamed.

"He also said he thinks you did fall in love with me back then, but you just didn't realize it."

I frowned. "I'd have to be pretty dumb to do that."

I thought back. I considered my reactions, my actions, my thoughts.

I sighed deeply in admission. "I guess I'm pretty dumb."

Danny snickered.

I found his eyes with mine. "I think he may be right. I can't believe what a fool I am."

He took my hand.

"I know I reacted to you in a different, deeper way than I ever did with anyone else," I continued. "Yeah.. I guess I was in love with you. God."

Danny pulled me up by my hand and dragged me over to his green couch. He pushed me down and lay down on top of me. It felt so good I gasped in pleasure.

"When I saw you again in the pizza bar," Danny began in his raspy voice, "it all came back to me. I thought I was over you, but I realized when I talked to you that I wasn't. I never had been."

I opened my mouth to speak, but he silenced me with a kiss.

"So I couldn't spend time with you," he continued. "Just couldn't. But I had a hard time resisting you.." He rubbed his hand on my side. "You smell real good."

"You too," I moaned.

"But I thought you'd do it again," he said. "You know, fuck me and leave me. I couldn't do that."

"It's not like that," I whispered. "I'm in love with you."

"I know," he grinned happily. "I can tell."

"I want to be your boyfriend. I want you to be mine. Do you want that?"

"Yeah," he nodded, rubbing his head against my chest. His voice was tight. "Oh, yes."

"I'll make it all up to you," I promised.

"It's in the past," he said generously. "It's the future that's important now."

"OUR future," I mumbled.


So what happened then? Well, we're still waiting to see what the future will be. But I'm enjoying the new me. I like having a boyfriend, and we work well together. And I love him.

Kevin admitted that he stole Danny's phone number from me on the hunch that we were in love with each other. When I blamed him for gambling with my life like that he just shrugged and said he was tired of hearing about how I went out every Friday to get laid. "Time you grew up," he said.

Brian never did have sex with a guy. At least he says he didn't. But he also says he might still.

Laughlin finally got himself a girlfriend. She's a bit on the heavy side, bossy and sweet - everything he always said he hated in a girl. They seem very happy.

Paul is still looking for someone. He dated a med student for a while, but when she started wanting to hang him on a black cross and drip boiling water on him he got off that train pretty fast.

I met a few of the beach volley guys again, because Danny's still seeing two of them. They're like they were then: Sexy, nice, and leagues below Danny in everything.

My mom and dad welcomed Danny like a prodigal son. Kevin says they felt the same way as he did, that it was time for me to get my act together, they just didn't want to tell me. They didn't want to judge me. But when I brought home a nice, clean, polite boy that I was obviously head over heels in love with they were so happy.

Kevin's wife Lisa is pregnant as I type this. He's fussing over her like crazy (it's driving her crazy, I know), but I'm sure it'll be fine. On the upside it occupies him, giving Danny and I more time to ourselves without his constant teasing. He likes to make Danny blush, which is easy. Come to think of it, I like to do that too.

One day when I put some of my clothes in his closet I found a pair of boxers with little apples on them.

"Funny," I said. "I used to have a pair like this. Wonder where they went."

"Really?" he said, innocently enough, but when I caught sight of his face I knew there was something wrong. He was lobster red.

"Danny?" I asked, holding back a smile.

He ignored me.



I dangled the boxers in front of him, smiling.

"You weren't supposed to find them," he mumbled.

I sat down next to him and put my arm around him.

"Alright, I took them!" he hissed, avoiding me eyes. "I liked to wear them because they were yours. It was sexy. I'm a pervert. OK!"

I pushed him back on the bed. "I'll show you just how sexy that is," I growled, licking his neck.

And I did.


Well, that's all about Danny and Craig. I hope you liked the story, but all comments are more than welcome at:


A 1000 apologies to those of you who wrote me about my other stories and had to wait so long for a reply. I'm afraid life got in the way... <:( That won't happen this time, promise.

I'll soon be back with another story if you want me to.

As always, thanks for reading.

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