I Know Danny

By Adelhardt H

Published on Aug 4, 2003


Hello everybody, I'm back! This is part 4 of "I Know Danny". The next parts will follow very soon.

I also wrote:

"A Little Bit About Me, Alex" (gay college)

"Always Joey" (gay highschool)




I Know Danny, IV

July 27, 2003

"I dreamt of you," I said, opening my eyes to look up at Danny's smiling face.

He blushed a deep red. "I'm sure I'd have dreamt of you too, if I'd been asleep," he said sweetly.

"Didn't mean to fall asleep though," I mumbled. "What time is it?"

"12.30," he answered. "Luckily I know the way now." He looked back at the open window.

"Yeah," I smiled. "You tired?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I guess you are too."

"Didn't get much sleep the last few nights," I grinned. "Do you want to skip the fun tonight and just sleep?"

"No," he said without hesitation. "No."

"Me neither," I smiled, running my hands up his sides, pushing up his white t-shirt. I flicked my thumbs over his nipples.

"Mmm," he moaned.

I pushed away my blanket. I was naked, and his eyes fixed on my hard dick.

"Come on," I whispered, pulling him down on me.

I awoke when someone bounded up the stairs to my bedroom. I had my arm round Danny, our legs entwined. It was nice, but reality intruded. I felt Danny stirring too.

"We overslept!" he moaned in a husky morning voice. He was looking at my watch, his eyes slits.

"Shit," I mumbled, waiting for panic to wake me up. Nothing happened. Danny had the same problem it seemed, because he didn't get up.

"Craig, you lazy ass!" someone yelled outside the door.

"Get up," Danny whispered, sounding sexy and raspy. He pushed me out of bed with his foot, crawling back under the cover with a laugh.

I quickly grabbed his clothes from the floor and pushed them under the blanket with him as someone, probably Brian, pounded on the door again.

"What?" I half yelled, half croaked.

"It's late!" was the reply. The door swung open. It was Brian.

"I didn't say you could come in," I said, glaring at him.

"Didn't need to see that," he mumbled. I looked down. I had a hard-on.

"Tough," I mumbled. "What do you want?"

"Hey, grumpy, don't bite my head off! It's 10.30 already. Let's get to the beach, K?"

"Yeah, K," I mumbled. "I need to wake up. Give me 5."

"OK. 5, and not a second more. And do something about that thing," Brian snickered, pointing to my dick.

"Then I need at least 6 minutes," I grinned, my head starting to catch up.

"Not from what I heard," Brian grinned. "5 minutes is enough for you to do something about it - twice!"

"Go away," I growled, eager to get him out so he wouldn't notice the odd lump under my blanket.

"5!" he said and turned around. The door closed.

Danny head popped out from under the blanket, his eyes alert now. His hair was tousled. He looked cute and sexy.

"Get up," I grumbled, walking over to him. He responded by grabbing my dick and going right for it with his mouth.

"What..?" I gulped. "Ah.."

"I only have 5, no time for fooling around," he grinned, going back to his task.

I made it down in 10.

I fell asleep on the beach with my sunglasses on, and when I woke up I'd been slightly sunburned. I was also completely groggy and dehydrated.

"Water," I groaned.

In response Kevin sprayed me with icy water from a bottle. I shrieked and jumped up.

"Asshole!" I lunged at him, pushing him over easily because he was laughing so hard.

"You.. you asked for it.." he gasped, tears running down his cheeks.

"You're asking for it too!" I said. "To have your ass kicked!"

"Let the boy have his fun," Laughlin said from behind me. "He must be frustrated. After all, he's been away from the missus for days now. And he didn't get laid at the lake." He shut a glance at Paul who blushed.

"Neither did I!" I shouted. It was strictly speaking true. I didn't get laid at the lake after all.

"Neither did you!" Kevin said to Laughlin.

"Don't need to," Laughlin replied. "I store it like a camel. Can go for months."

"Must come in handy with that face," Kevin said.

Laughlin sneered at him.

"Guys, guys," Brian grinned. "Can't we all just agree that Kevin's girlfriend's a bitch and Laughlin's butt-ugly and be friends?"

Both guys turned their full attention at Brian, and they didn't look too pleased.

"Uh-oh," Brian mumbled before sprinting off with Laughlin and Kevin in pursuit. We heard wails and shrieks from behind the dunes.

"Kids," Paul said, shaking his head. "Take my water."

"Thanks, you saved my life," I gasped after drinking all his water.

"Hm," he said speculatively, watching the last drops of water hit the sand when he turned the bottle upside down. "I think you must be the camel."

"Come on," I grinned. "There wasn't that much water left!"

"Whatever, man." He pretended to be offended.

"Aww, you know you love me," I grinned, trying to hug him, but he resisted.

"Get off me, man!" he yelled.

"Come on, you like it," I grinned, trying to kiss his face.

"Ugh! Ugh!" he gasped, holding me off with his powerful arms. "I'll be sick!"

"Let me kiss it better," I grinned.

He laughed. "You're too much!"

I shrugged, smiling.

"Why are you so tired anyway?" he asked, digging his toes into the white sand. "You weren't up that late."

"I guess I don't sleep that well in the heat under the roof," I improvised.

"Heat's supposed to make you horny though," he grinned.

"It does!" I smiled.

"Ugh! And you wanted to kiss me!" He made retching noises until I elbowed him.

"I wouldn't want your skinny ass anyway," I informed him haughtily.

"Sure you would." He shrugged.

"I'd rather have one of those beach volley guys," I said, licking my lips exaggeratedly. "Mmm."

"Not too bright though, are they?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know," I said. "Anyway, when did you last turn down a sexy girl because she was dumb?"

"Point taken," he smiled. "How about the skinny one of them? I think he likes you."

"What? Who?" I asked. "You mean Danny?" I mentally kicked myself. Really discreet, Craig!

"Yeah, the book worm," Paul continued without noticing anything. "I think he's gay. He was looking at you like you were a piece of candy."

"He would, wouldn't he?" I asked. "I AM a piece of candy."

Paul howled with laughter. "Man! You need to work on your pick-up lines! I never heard anything so... Man, you sound like a pimp or something."

"Hmpf!" I crossed my arms. "My pick-up lines are fine."

"So how about him?" Paul persisted.

"Well yeah, he's kind of cute," I said. "Sure." I felt vaguely like I was betraying Danny, because he wasn't 'kind of' cute, he was earth-shatteringly sexy and cute.

Paul smirked. "I know that look. You'd like to play with his dick."

I felt my eyes open wide. "What?"

"You deny it?"

I hesitated. "No, but do you have to be so crude?"

"I knew it!" he said. "And you're the king of crude."

"Go back to your boob hunting," I mumbled. "I see a pendulous pair over there. I bet she'd let you fondle them if you sang a milking song."

He laughed. "She's, like, 60!"


He rolled his eyes.

I sat outside the open window, the slight breeze cooling my body. I was waiting for Danny. I needed him, and I wanted him. And I knew he'd be there soon.

I heard a rustling in the vegetation, and the contours of a figure appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi," it mumbled.

"Hi," I smiled back. "I couldn't wait."

"Me neither," he replied. He sat down in front of me and leaned in for a kiss. I was glad to kiss him. He tasted good.

"Did you make it home in time this morning?" I asked, dumbly.

"At 10.30?" he asked. "Hardly. I said I woke up early and went for a walk."

I pulled him closer until he was straddling my legs, my back to the house. I wanted to have sex with him out there in the dark. It would be a great thrill.

There were many things I wanted to do with this guy, and I could talk him into most of them. Without much effort at all.


April 25, 2003

I didn't run into Danny again, and he still didn't call. I didn't have his phone number, and I was resigned to the fact that I wouldn't hear from him again. I liked him, but he had to like me too if we were to be friends.

I'd just have to make other friends in my new neighborhood.

The week dragged by and Friday rolled around, and it was with great relief that I took the train to my parents' house to see everybody. I'd never been so happy to see the red brick building.

"Son!" my dad said, shaking my hand enthusiastically. "Come in! Dinner's almost ready."

"Thanks, dad," I grinned, suppressing my desire to hug him. Hugging was restricted to birthdays and Christmas with my dad. 'My generation didn't do that', he explained.

"Craig!" my mother yelled from the kitchen. "You're here!" She ran through the door and hugged me as hard as she could.

"Mom, please, I've only been gone for a week," I said, enjoying the hug immensely.

"Shut up, kid!" Kevin shouted from the living room. "We all know how homesick you've been this week!"

"Retard!" I yelled, blushing.

My mother smiled and kissed my cheek. "Hang up your coat, dear. Dinner's ready."

"Thanks, mom."

I walked into the living room. Kevin was watching TV with his girlfriend and my sister Anne.

"Hey kids," I said.

"Look, it's my big brother," Anne sniffed theatrically. "How he's grown." She hugged me.

"So have you," I snarled, "round the waist."

"Huh!" she gasped. "Really?"

"Yeah, are you pregnant or something?" Kevin teased. "Condom burst or something?"

"Kids, keep it clean, please," dad said from behind us.

"Sorry, dad," Kevin smiled. "Just teasing her."

"Dad, do I look pregnant?" Anne asked, looking for backup.

"No, you don't," Lisa said reassuringly. She was Kevin's girlfriend of almost two and a half years.

"Anne," I smiled. "What's that glow? You seem to have a special kind of blush in your cheek, and there's like an aura.."

"Shut up!" she squealed. "I'm not pregnant!"

"Dinner's on the table," my mother said. "And I'm glad to hear that, Anne."

Anne blushed and Kevin grinned.

The food was wonderful. I'd been even lazier than usual in my new apartment where cooking was concerned, and real food made a welcome change.

"Anyone special in your life these days?" my mom asked me, as she always did.

"No, not really," I replied as usual, but the difference this time was the image of Danny that popped into my mind.


"You, Anne?" mom asked.

"No, mom," she sighed, rolling her eyes. "I know you want grand children, but not anytime soon if it's up to me, K?"

My mother's eyes sought out Lisa's.

Lisa's face seemed to scream, 'not this again!'. Her mouth said, "no news, I'm afraid."

"You kids do know what it takes to make a baby, right?" my mother asked teasingly.

"Ada!" my dad said sternly. "Not at the dinner table, please."

I sighed. She knew I wouldn't giver her grand children, so at least I wasn't pressured in that respect. But it was quite enough that she always wanted to hear that we'd found someone special. Rather sweet too, though.

"I know what you're thinking," she remarked, staring at me.

"I don't think so," I replied. "You're not blushing."

"Craig had a dirty thought!" Anne squealed.

"A REAL shock," Kevin commented.

I spent the night in my old room. It had been turned into a home office for my dad, but my bed and some of my stuff was still there. I liked it there, always had, for one night. More than that and I started longing to get away.

"See you tomorrow," Kevin said, sticking his head through the door opening. "10?"

"K," I replied. "Bye."


We were supposed to meet Laughlin the next day at his parents' house. They had a pool table in the basement. It would be just like old days.


July 28, 2000

Danny left me early that morning, but around noon I went up to my room to get a fresh t-shirt, and there he was.

"Shit!" I gasped, seeing him grinning on the bed.

"I heard it was you, or I'd have hid," he said.

"But what are you doing here?" I asked, involuntarily checking behind me to see if anyone was there.

"I couldn't wait," he said, his smile dropping slightly. "Uh.. is it better if I leave?"

"No.. no," I said hesitantly. "Uh.."

"I wanted to see you," he explained. "I missed you."

I bit my lip.

"Sorry," he said, looking away from me. "I shouldn't have come. I'll just sneak out the window. I just thought maybe we could go somewhere... like, in daylight and all."

I knew what he meant. It would be nice to see him by sunlight. But the whole thing was a little awkward, and it was as if there was something going on I didn't quite understand.

He sighed weakly and moved to leave by the window, but I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Don't go," I said. "Give me five minutes."

"K," he said, his smile back full force.

I turned to go back down the stairs, but before I could do it Danny spun me around and kissed me full on the lips.

I smiled. "What was that for?"

"Just... nothing, K?" he smiled.

"I like that kind of nothing," I grinned, closing the door behind me.

"Hey Brian, can I borrow the old bike in the shed?" I asked, reaching the terrace in front of the house where my friends were eating lunch.

"Sure, why?" Brian replied.

"I don't know.. I just want to explore the area a little, maybe go out to the lake," I said, shrugging.

"Only girls there," Kevin said. "You won't get lucky out there."

"Or anywhere else, with your ugly mug," Laughlin sneered, clearly hung over.

"I'll see for myself," I laughed. "Thanks." I got the bike out of the shed and ran back up to my room where Danny was waiting. He'd heard me talk to Brian through the window.

"Where do we meet?" he asked excitedly.

"How about back down the road where they have cows in the field?" I suggested.

"Sure," he said, kissed me and zoomed out the window.

It was hard work to ride the bike on the dirt road, but the scenery was great and there was a reward at the end of the road, so I made good time. I was there long before Danny.

I pulled the bike into the bushes and sat down against a tree, enjoying the shade. I pulled off my shirt to cool off.

About 20 minutes later Danny came up the road, half running, half walking.

"Craig?" he asked, looking around for me.

"In here," I said.

"Hi," he smiled, moving through the shrubbery and sitting down beside me. He was panting and sweating.

"Hi," I replied, grabbing his hand.

He squeezed my hand. "Thanks for coming out here with me."

"My pleasure," I responded.

He leaned in to kiss me frantically, a deep moan escaping from his throat as he did. I put my arm around him.

"Tell me about yourself," he asked, breaking the kiss.


"Tell me what you like, and what you do, and stuff," he elaborated.

"Oh. OK." I smiled, confused as to why he wanted to know things like that, but if he wanted to listen I'd tell him.

He turned out to be a good listener, and after I'd told him about me and answered all his questions he turned out to be a good speaker too. I listened to his story, and after that we just made small talk. It was one of the most enjoyable afternoons of my life.

"Want to walk with me?" he asked after a few hours. His eyes shone and he was beautiful.

"Sure," I said, fishing my sunglasses out of my pocket. The sun was high in the sky. "Let me hide the bike a little better. I don't have a lock for it."

He grabbed my hand when we reached the road. It was completely deserted, some way from coast, but we could faintly hear the sea. There was a path over the small grassy hills, and he led me there. It was nice, but very warm, and our hands were sweaty, but he didn't let go.

"This is great," he bubbled, smiling to me.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Look, you can see the sea over there." I pointed it out.

"Yeah." He breathed in deeply and bumped into me lightly. "I'm glad I met you."

"Me too," I replied. "It sure has made this week a lot better."

He looked away without replying, still holding on to my hand.


April 27, 2003

I unlocked my apartment door and let myself in. It was Sunday evening and my break away from my new life away from everybody was over. I'd be back at work the next morning. The only good thing was I was good at my work and had settled in quickly. It seemed like a good place to do a job.

I saw the light blinking on my answering machine, so I pressed the button as I untied the laces on my shoes.

"Hi, honey, it's mom," my mother's voice informed me. "Please call me to let me know you got there OK. It was so nice to have you here this weekend. Please come back as soon as you can. Uhm.. well, bye. Love you, son."

I smiled to myself.

"Hi, uh.." another voice began after the beep. It startled me, because I didn't expect any more messages. "It's me.. Danny. I just wanted to say thanks for the other night. Uh.. sorry I suck at picking out movies, haha. Uh.. maybe we can get together again sometime, but I don't know when I have time though... Uhm... Guess that was it. Maybe I'll call you later or something. Bye. Oh, hope you've settled in better! Hehe. And.. my phone number is 555-4572-987. Bye."

I smiled. Looked like Danny was ready to give me a chance. I grabbed the phone and dialed his number.


"Danny? It's Craig."

"Oh.. hi, Craig."

"I got your message."

"Yeah.. I guess you did."

"So I wondered if you'd like to come over."

"Man, it's half past 10!" he protested.

"27 minutes past 10, max," I grinned.

"Craig," he said in an exasperated voice.

"Yeah, OK," I acknowledged. "I know. Tomorrow then? I could make us some food or something."


"Yes, me! Punk! I can cook."

"Hm." I could hear him smile. "Are you sure?"

"If you don't like it I'll buy you a pizza or something, K?"

He hesitated. I could just picture him biting his lip. "Well, OK I guess. What time?"

"How about six thirty?"

"K, thanks."

"You could sound a little enthusiastic. You'll be getting the privilege of my company all to yourself."

He snorted. "Sure, sure. I'm ecstatic. But I'm still hanging up now to go to bed."

"K, I'll let you go. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Look forward to it."

"Bye," he said and hung up.

I raced home from work, tired because I had to work hard in my new job, but determined to make a good impression on Danny. I shopped on the way.

I played it safe and made some vegetable spaghetti that my mother taught me. I never met anyone who didn't like it, and it was easy and quick. When it was well underway I ran through the shower, pausing only to think that I was acting like it was a date.

Maybe it was, a little bit.

I dressed and opened a bottle of wine. It was six thirty already, and there was no sign of him.

I turned on the stove to bring the water to a boil. I wasn't going to put in the spaghetti until he was there, but the water could wait even if it was hot.

At six forty I started to worry a little, and at six fifty I thought I'd been stood up. It felt awful.

I debated, phone in hand, if I was above calling to demand an explanation, but before I could reach a decision there was a soft knock on the door.

I slammed the phone down and ran to the door.

"Hi," Danny said. "I'm really, really sorry. I got held up at work. I didn't even have time to go home.."

He looked a little tired, but I was so glad he was there I hardly noticed.

"Forget about it," I said, dispensing with my anxiety just like that. "Come in."

"Smells great," he said. "Hope I didn't ruin anything by being late?"

"Nah." I poured him a glass of wine. "My cooking is indestructible."

"I see," he said dryly. "Can't wait."

I put in the spaghetti to boil. "10 minutes and we'll be ready. You hungry?"

"A little," he admitted.

"Good. You're a growing boy."

"Hardly," he grinned. "I'm 21, you know."

"Oh, so young," I said, pretending to weep. "So innocent."

He snorted. "Innocent? Maybe when I met you the first time, but now..."

I looked up in surprise. "You mean.. I was your first?"

He smiled faintly. "Yes."

"Wow. I didn't realize." I was stunned.

"I didn't tell you." He sipped his wine. "You taught me well." There was a smirk on his face.

"I'm a natural teacher," I said, smiling. "But you're a natural too, if what you're telling me is true. You were so good.." I paused, engrosses in memories - pleasant memories - for a while.

"Yeah, well," he said with some bitterness.

"Anyway," I said, coming back to the present. "Would you take the wine and the bread over to the table? I think we're about ready."

I drained the water from the spaghetti and added the sauce quickly, bringing it over to the table.

"Please, just sit down," I smiled. "Which seat do you prefer?"

He sat down and helped himself to food at my request.

I raised my glass when we'd both tasted the food. "Thanks for coming," I said. "I appreciate it."

"I surprised myself," he admitted. Then he smiled to take the sting out of the words a little. "Thanks for having me."

I snickered.

"I meant, having me over," he rushed, blushing slightly. "I didn't mean, having me.. Asshole."

"Guilty," I admitted. "Please, eat."

He ate some more. "It's really good," he complimented.

"Now, if only you could suppress your surprise a little better," I grunted dryly.

He smiled, his lips glistening slightly.

"Let's get the dishes out of the way," he said, grabbing a dish towel. "You wash and I'll dry."

"No way," I said, snapping the towel from him with a laugh. "I'm not spending my time with you doing dishes. I'll do them later."

"Sure? I don't mind."

"I'm sure," I said. "Let's sit down instead."

"K," he nodded, passing me. His eyes sought mine as he did, and mine sought his. I felt something stir inside me. I wanted to take him in my arms. It almost overwhelmed me.

I sat down next to him and stretched out my legs, resting them on the low table. It felt natural to put an arm around him, but I resisted the urge. He wouldn't want me to, I was sure.

"I must stink," he mumbled. "Sorry. I wanted to shower but I had no time..."

"You smell great," I said truthfully, leaning in slightly and breathing in. "Mmm."

"What.. don't," he said, flustered.

"You smell really good," I continued. "Oh man!"

A small smile crept onto his face. "Let me guess... you haven't had sex for a while?"

"Yeah," I nodded regretfully. "What with the move and the new job and all."

"That statistic won't change tonight. You know that, right?" he told me.

I nodded. "I respect your feelings. But if you ever... you know. I'd love to." My gaze fell to my hands. "Love to."

"Don't hold your breath," he said coolly.

"You found me attractive once," I objected, not really accusatory. I was just confused.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Things change."

"K," I said, feeling inexplicably sad. I could usually take rejection pretty well, but it was hard this time. I didn't know why.

I think he felt a little bad for hurting my feelings, because he took a deep breath and started talking. "It's not that you're not attractive, really," he began. "It's just that I'm at another point in my life.." He paused, maybe sensing what I thought of that excuse. "I'm sure a lot of guys would love to sleep with you.."

"Danny," I said, interrupting him. "I'm a grown up. I can handle it if you don't want to sleep with me. You don't have to apologize."


I smiled slightly. "I said, don't apologize."

"Sorr.. I mean, OK."

I found myself thinking how nice it would be to have a boyfriend, someone to come home to. Someone to talk to. Someone whose hand I could hold. I'd never had thoughts like that before.

Maybe I was getting old.

Sighing, I reached out for the bottle and refilled his glass.

"It's not easy, is it?" I asked.

"No, it isn't," he confirmed in a faraway voice. I guess he'd been thinking too.

"But I'm glad to have you as my friend," I said. "I mean, I don't want to presume too much.."

He smiled. "We are friends."

I clinked my glass on his. "Friends."

We drank and put the glasses down, and both moved smoothly towards each other, almost without knowing it. I don't know who started it. When our lips met I felt my eyes close. It felt good to kiss him at last.

"Mmmmmm..." he moaned in his throat, opening his mouth to me and flinging his arms round my neck. He was kissing me almost desperately, drinking from me. I felt myself fall, fall into a warm place far, far away...

It was familiar, kissing him, and not just because I'd done it before back then. I couldn't explain it, but it just was. And it was wonderful. I hugged him closer, feeling his body on mine. Oh yes.

"NO!" he shouted, breaking away suddenly. "I can't!"

"Danny?" I gasped, overcome and confused. "Is everything alright?"

"I have to go," he said, getting up. There was a wild look in his eyes and I didn't know what it was.

"No! Wait!" I got up to stop him, but he was already putting on his coat.

"Bye," he breathed, rushing out the door.

"Danny!" I yelled. "Danny!" But he didn't stop or turn around.

I felt crushed to have him leave. I had to admit to myself that I'd wanted him to stay with me like I never wanted anything before.

And the kiss still sung in my head.


It doesn't end here! The story will be concluded in I Know Danny part 5 (of 5) very soon. If you liked, or not, please tell me at:


Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 5

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