I Know Danny

By Adelhardt H

Published on Aug 3, 2003


Hello everybody, I'm back! This is part 3 of "I Know Danny". The next parts will follow very soon.

I also wrote:

"A Little Bit About Me, Alex" (gay college)

"Always Joey" (gay highschool)




I Know Danny, III

July 24, 2003:

He smiled at me. It was a strange light, dark and yet not dark. He smelled good.

"I'm glad you came," I whispered.

"Me too. I thought maybe you were kidding," he said, laughing nervously.

"No, you didn't," I said.

He paused. "No," he then admitted.

I leaned in, still with my arm around him, and kissed him. His lips felt warm against mine, and surprisingly thick.

"Mmm," he moaned.

"Come on," I whispered. I pulled at his t-shirt, and he obliged by taking it off. His skin looked silky in the dim light, and I wanted to run my hands over it. He was warm to my touch when I felt his side with my finger.

"That tickles," he laughed.

"You're beautiful," I said.

"Thanks," he mumbled, blushing.

I took his hand and pulled him over to the bed. He was a little nervous, I could tell.

I took off my t-shirt, leaving only my boxers.

"Uh," he gasped excitedly.

"Let's get these off you," I whispered, sitting down on the bed to tug at his shorts.

"K," he said, fumbling with the button. I pulled them down his legs when he's managed to loosen them, and then I slid under the blanket.

"Come on," I smiled.

He smiled back and wriggled after me. I could feel his breath on my face.

"OK?" I asked.

"Yeah," he whispered.

"Me too."

Some hours later I woke up. He was pressed up close to me and we were naked and, well, pretty sweaty. It was a humid night.

"You awake?" he whispered very carefully.

"Yeah," I mumbled, figuring he must have moved or something, waking me up.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," he whispered.

I giggled. "I'm up here," I whispered. His face was pressed against my chest and he was careful to not to disturb me.

He lifted his head and looked at me. His hair was tousled and his blue eyes shone. "Morning," he mumbled.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Don't know. 5?"

"I want to sleep," I mumbled, hugging him tighter.

He sighed, his fingers scratching my back affectionately. "I want to get back before anyone misses me," he said.

"They don't know you're.. you know?"

"Gay?" he whispered, like it was a dangerous, magic word.


"No. Well.. I've never told them, anyway."

"K. Get up, Craig," I said to myself, stifling a yawn. Pulling myself together, I sat up and pushed the blanket away.

"You don't have to get up, I can just slip out myself," he protested, but I ignored him. He took my outstretched hand, and I dragged him out of bed. He was as naked as I was, and I was beginning to really wake up.

"Uh.." He blushed, embarrassed.

"You're beautiful," I smiled.

He blushed even harder than before, but I'm sure he was pleased. Like me he was slightly hard, and I reached out for him, but he withdrew.

"No, I can't, I have to go," he said regretfully, biting his lip.

I nodded. "I understand. Too bad, though."

He fumbled around for his clothes, finding what he thought were his boxers. He squinted in the twilight.

"Are these mine..?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, smiling to keep from laughing. He was awfully cute.

He pulled them on, not looking at me. I watched him dress. For some reason it was fascinating and erotic, but he was shy. I thought it was funny that he should be more shy when he was getting dressed than when he was getting undressed.

"Well.. bye," he mumbled reluctantly when he was done.

I pushed the curtain aside. There was something thrilling about having a boy come see me at night, coming in and out by the window.

He smiled a little and started to put his foot through the window, but I stopped him.

"Wait!" I said. I pulled him into a hug. "I want a proper goodbye."

He smiled and wet his lips, eager for what was to come. I leaned in and kissed him, and he responded frantically. I felt his hands slide down my naked back to reach my ass, hesitating before they found their destination. I smiled into the kiss.

It was a turn-on to be naked while he was dressed. What can I say? I'm weird. But when he finally made me stop I was completely hard.

"I don't want to leave!" he whined, looking me up and down.

I said nothing, but I think my eyes spoke plenty.

After a moment I sighed. "You'll have to leave now before it gets too light."

"Yeah." He nodded, waiting for something.

I knew what it was. "Will you come back?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes," he replied quickly. "When?"


"I'll be here." He smiled, leaned in to peck me quickly and left through the window. I watched him climb the hill and out of sight. He turned around and waved once, smiling. I waved back.

I collapsed back on the bed, trying to go back to sleep. I wouldn't be worth much the next day if I didn't get some more rest.

I awoke to sweltering heat. I realized that there was a downside to my wonderful upstairs bedroom: The sun shone directly on it during the day. It was like a greenhouse.

I struggled on my feet, my head pounding, but I felt great otherwise. There was a smile on my lips.

Grabbing my boxers and pulling them on I opened the door and ran down the stairs.

"You're wet," Brian grumbled from a chair. He's not a morning person.

"I was getting fried in that room," I smiled. "I need a shower."

"Go ahead. Laughlin and Kevin went down to the beach and Paul's still sleeping. He has the cool bedroom." The last part was added in a bitter drawl.

"Great," I smiled, filling a glass with water and gulping it down. "Anything for breakfast?"

"Whatever you want to make for yourself," Brian mumbled, crossing his arms.

"OK." I smiled and tickled his feet. His legs were outstretched on the low table in front of him.

"Ah! Jerk. Don't hit on me this early in the morning," he growled.

"Then don't sit around in briefs," I grinned.

"Shut up. I can't stand perky people before noon." He wriggled his toes. "Cook me something."


"Ass! This is my house."

"Your parents'," I said. "But only because your grandmother died."

"Whatever. Pleeeease!"

"Nope." I filled a bowl of cereal and poured on plenty of milk.

"Fag," he grumbled.

"Jealousy doesn't become you, precious," I grinned.

He glared at me.

"I'm thinking I'd rather go down to the beach than shower," I informed him. "Join me?"

"In the shower?" he gasped, hiding his grin.

"Sure, whatever you say," I laughed, wriggling my eyebrows. "I'll show you a good time."

"Shut up," he grinned. "Get that scrawny ass into your speedos and I'll be right back."

"K." I shoveled the rest of the cereal into my mouth and then went out to retrieve my speedos from the line outside. They were still a little sandy, but what could I do? I put them on anyway, tossing my boxers aside.

"Here," Brian said, tossing me a towel. "Ready?"

"Yeah," I nodded, catching it. "Let's go."

We trotted over the dunes quickly, eager to go in.

"You know, your ass looks good in those," I said with a straight face, trying to tease him.

"Thanks, I always thought so," he grinned, punching me in the shoulder. "Perv."

"Hi, guys!" Laughlin yelled from the water when he saw us. "Get in! It's great!"

We ran as fast as we could into the sea, and I immersed myself as soon as I could, enjoying the cool and the cleansing effect.

"Craig says my ass looks better than yours, guys," Brian grinned, surprising me a little.

"Or something like that," I smiled.

"Dude! You're blind!" Laughlin gasped, pretending to be deeply hurt. "My ass is the best! Look!" He pulled down his bathing suit and mooned us.

"Argh!" I gasped, covering my eyes. "I'm blind NOW!"

"Ughh.. can't stand something so white.." Brian moaned. "Am going to die..." He gasped and clutched his throat, his eyes bulging.

"GOOD!" Laughlin hissed, not appreciating the joke.

"Guys! Enough with the asses," Kevin laughed.

"Argh! You're mooning us too!" I shrieked, pointing at Kevin's face. "And your ass is so UGLY!"

"Shut up!" he growled.

"And your ass SPEAKS," Brian added, grinning.

"Come get beat up," Kevin muttered. "Both of you."

"By you?" Brian laughed loudly. "That'll happen!"

"It's about to," Kevin threatened.

A little while later Paul came down too, and we hung around on the beach and in the water for a couple of hours. Around noon we went into town to buy supplies, but the moment we returned we ran down to the beach again. It was so warm, it was the only place to be.

Of course we put the beer in the fridge first.

There were more people on the beach now but no one we knew.

I almost fell asleep in the sun. I guess I was still tired from the night before, but Kevin nudged me.

"You don't want to do that, Craig," he mumbled. "You'll feel awful when you wake up."

"You're right," I mumbled. "I need to get back into the water." I staggered down to the sea and waded in to wake up, and I did.

"Anyone up for playing ball?" I asked when I returned, dripping water on the lazy boys.

"Ugh! Don't do that!" Paul hissed, contorting from the unexpected cold water.

"Ass!" Kevin hissed.

"This obsession with ass of yours is getting out of hand," I grinned. "Come on, guys!"

"K," Laughlin sighed. "Hey, look! The volley guys are back!" He waved casually to the guys from the day before.

Danny was with them, and I noticed he blushed a little when he saw me. I smiled, and he smiled back.

"This is timing," Kevin grinned. "We want to play, and you're the guys who play ball!"

"We are that," one of them said. "Let's do it!"

Some time later we rested in the water, and the guys started talking about going to the lake a few miles inland.

"The lake?" I asked. "Why the hell would you want to go to the lake? This beach is much better!"

"Helloo?" one of the volley guys said. "Chicks! There's plenty of them there. They're just waiting for us, man," he grinned.

"Not for me," I said.

He eyed me strangely.

"Come on, Craig," Kevin said. "It might be fun."

"Nah," I smiled, "but you guys go ahead."

"No, man, we're not going to leave you behind!" Paul protested.

"I don't mind," I said. "I'll just make an indentation in the sand down here."

"If you're sure," Paul said, his mind undoubtedly on the wet boobs ahead at the lake.

"The rest of us are going?" volley guy no. 1 asked. They all nodded, except Danny.

"Not you?" Kevin asked.

"No, I don't think so. I'd rather just go back to finish my book. I'm a little tired."

I smiled. I knew why he was tired.

The volley guys and my friends collected their stuff and agreed to drop Danny off on the way, leaving me to soak up the sun. I put on my shades and lay back. I felt good.

After half an hour I got up, ignored some girls giggling at me from behind their tabloids and gathered up my now very sandy towel.

"Girls," I said, passing them on my way to the house.

"You leaving?" one of them squealed.

"Yep, sorry," I replied, not stopping. Why waste their time?

Back at the house I pulled off my speedos, rinsed them out in the bathroom sink to get the sand out of them and hung them back on the line.

"Wow, I need to come by more often," a voice said behind me.

I smiled and turned around. "Yes, you do. I thought you might come by."

Danny grinned. "If I'd known you'd be naked already I'd have been here even sooner."

I smiled and took his hand. "Come on."

He followed me.


April 22, 2003:

It was still weird coming home to the new apartment in the new place. The day before, Monday, I got on the wrong train without thinking, going halfway to my old place before realizing my mistake.

It still didn't quite feel like my place. I opened the door and it smelled wrong, of paint. At least my stuff was in there, most of it even roughly where I wanted it to be.

I opened a window to let out the paint smell. It was chilly outside but not cold.

Danny hadn't called. I hadn't expected him to, but I was disappointed nonetheless.

I sunk down in a stuffed chair, looking at the phone. After a minute, when the silence in the room became oppressive, I picked it up and dialed by older brother's number.

"Kev?" I asked when he picked up.

"Craig? How are you?"

"I'm good," I said. "You?"

"Good, bro."

"Lisa?" Lisa was his girlfriend.

"Good too. Just like yesterday." He grinned.

I blushed. "Yeah, well.. I like to stay up to date."

"Feeling lonely over there?" he asked with sympathy in his voice.

"Yeah," I admitted. "Pretty bad."

"Well, we'll see you this weekend at mom and dad's, OK? Right?"

"I suppose," I sighed.

"Listen, I'll come over if you like?" he asked.

I felt close to tears. "No, that's alright, I can't ask you to do that. But thanks, bro."

"K. And Craig.."


"It's not the answer to go out to pick someone up."

"I wasn't going to!" I protested, untruthfully.

"Sure." He chuckled. "If you say so."

I hesitated. "So.. I guess I'll hang up."

"K. See you."

"Love you." I hung up.

I'd been tempted to ask him to come over, but I didn't want to force him to do that. He had his own life.

There was mindless drivel on TV. There always is. I leaned back to watch, trying to pass the time.

I looked at the time. 7.10 pm. Too early for bed. I needed to do something. Picking up my wallet I left the apartment to go rent a movie. I'd probably be bored with it too, but there was always hope.

Hope was fast disappearing, though, as I browsed the shelves. Nothing excited me in the least. Movie after movie I discarded, getting more and more desperate. It was only Tuesday! How would I survive until the weekend?

"Hi," someone said behind me.

I turned around. "Danny! Hi!" I reached out and shook his hand, happy to see a face I knew. "How are you? What are the odds...?"

"Pretty good odds. I love round the corner," he said. He was smiling and friendly, but I sensed something guarded in him that hadn't been there that summer three years ago.

"You busy? I need someone to watch a movie with me," I said - well, actually I almost begged.

He smiled. "No friends around here yet, huh?"

"No," I admitted. "I'm going crazy, I'm so bored."

"Well.." he said, clearly not eager.

"Are you OK?" I asked. I thought something must be wrong. I didn't consider myself that boring or repulsive, but he was less than enthusiastic about spending time with me I was beginning to realize.

"Oh, yeah, thanks. But.. I'd better.."

"You can say no to me, but you can't say no to Tobey McGuire," I said, holding up the Spiderman movie.

He smiled, a flicker of light in his blue eyes. "Boring movie, trust me."

"But Tobey McGuire...!" I said.

He laughed a little. "Yes, Tobey. Let's at least get something else than Spiderman, K?"

"Sure," I rushed to say, overjoyed that he was accepting my invitation. "What do you like?"

He bit his lip. It looked like he was having second thoughts about going with me, so I quickly suggested movies I liked, trying to get his mind off leaving. Finally he picked one, mostly to get me to stop, but he did laugh a few times. He was still cute, I thought. Actually cuter than before, though slightly nerdy with the glasses.

I took out the movie, and we walked the few minutes to my apartment.

"Tada!" I said, swinging the door open.

"I'm overwhelmed," he said dryly.

"Yeah, well.. give it time. Beer? Wine?"

"Don't you have anything non-alcoholic?" he asked.

"Nope," I said. "If I did, how could I get you drunk enough to have my way with you?"

He rolled his eyes, blushing slightly. "You guys were always big on the beer."

"Yep," I said from behind the open fridge door. "Coke OK?"

"Thanks," he smiled, catching the can I threw him.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

"Uh.. no. No, I don't."

"Me neither." I smiled. "Apple? You used to like them."

He blushed at the memory. "Uh.. sure. Thanks."

I took him gently by the arm and led him to the sofa, taking the chair for myself. "You look good," I said, popping the movie in.

"Thanks," he mumbled, looking down.

"Better than before," I continued.

"Uh.. Craig?" he asked, his voice sounding odd.

"Mm?" I answered through a mouthful of apple.

"I'm not.. I'm not really looking for anything, uh, right now."

I nodded, understanding what he was saying. "K. That's cool."

He sipped his coke. "Thanks."

"Shame, though," I grinned. "I remember we were good together."

He nodded slowly but said nothing.


July 25, 2003:

I led him up to my bedroom. It was very hot with the sun baking, but I figured we'd at least be naked so the heat wouldn't be so bad.

I hugged him to me, kissing him deeply. He molded himself to me, his startling eyes closing in pleasure. His hands wandered all over me, but I don't think he even realized. I tore at his clothes, and they were soon strewn all over the floor. We were together on the bed, sweaty of course, and time flew. He smelled unbelievably good.

"That tickles," he laughed softly, pushing my head away. I'd been sniffing his damp hair.

I licked him instead, and though it must have tickled more he didn't push me away.

Some time later - I have no idea how much - we were resting, his head on my chest, his fingers playing with the wisps of hair around my nipples. We talked a little, words flowing easily despite our pleasant exhaustion. I was running my fingers through his brown hair turned dark by the sweat.

He heard the car first, but when he lifted his head I heard it too.

"Woo hoo!" someone shouted as the car came to a halt outside the house. It took a while for my brain to kick in.

"Shit!" Danny said, the first time I'd heard him swear. He jerked out of bed, searching for his clothes. I ogled his ass, stretching. I couldn't seem to get in gear.

"Craig! Dude! You sleeping? You need to see this," Laughlin yelled from outside the house.

"Dude, let go of me," Paul whined, and there was laughter.

I heard what sounded like Paul being dragged up the stairs to my room. Danny's and my eyes met. His were wide.

I flew up, finally coming to life, scurrying around for his missing boxers. He pulled them up his tan (and sexy) legs as I opened the door slightly and yelled, "coming!", in the hope it would stop them.

It didn't though. They thundered closer, laughing.

Danny managed to put on his shorts and grabbed the rest of his clothes before exiting through the window.

"Wait!" I whispered, running over to kiss him. He kissed me with his eyes closed. His lashes were pretty long.

"Tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

Then the door burst open and Danny flashed out of sight. I pretended to adjust the window before turning around.

"What's so important you had to disturb my beauty sleep?" I asked, a little annoyed.

"Beauty sleep? Wasted effort, man," Kevin grinned. "Didn't work."

"You're naked, AGAIN," Paul whined.

"I was sleeping," I said, shrugging. They were holding Paul in an iron grip.

"Look at this," Brian grinned, jerking his head at Paul. I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh my God!" I gasped. "Paul...! You got lucky?!"

There was a clear, prominent hickey on his neck.

Paul blushed, both from embarrassment and the struggle to break free. "I'm 21, guys, it's hardly that big a deal," he complained.

"It is for you," Kevin grinned, releasing Paul.

"Big day for you," I joked, hooking my arm round Paul's neck.

"You smell," he protested, "and you're, like, nude!"

"Get over it," I grinned. I knew he was enjoying the attention deep down. "So.. how much did you have to pay the girl?"

"I didn't pay!" he bellowed. "Ass!" He jabbed me with his elbow. I could tell he wanted me to ask more questions, so I did, and so did the others.

"You should have come," Brian said to me. "It was great!"

"I enjoyed it back here," I said, in completely accordance with the truth.

We looked at each other. "Beach!"

"We'll get the beer, you guys get the rest," Kevin said, and I gathered our stuff and retrieved my speedos from the line. They had almost been starched the last time from all the salt, but my rinsing them had helped.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Man, you're out of it! How long did you sleep?"

I shrugged. "Who cares, anyway? Let's go swim!" I cracked open a can of beer.

We got drunk that night playing cards, just like the night before. I felt very close to my friends, and I just wished the week would never end.

Having learned our lesson all of us covered up when the mosquitoes came out, which was almost immediately. It didn't prevent bites completely.

Around 10 I was inside, getting more beer and a glass of water, when I heard a voice through the open kitchen window.

"You're not naked!" it whispered.

"Uack!" I yelped, startled. I spilled my water. "Danny? Is that you?"

"Yep." He appeared in front of the open window. "Sorry. I'll just walk around until you to bed, K?"

"No, man, just go up to my room. The window's open. I'll be up in an hour or so, sooner if I can." I looked around to make sure no one had seen or heard anything.

"OK," he smiled. "I'll be waiting." He smiled and bit his lip seductively, and I felt myself get hard in my sweat pants.

I went back outside to the others to finish the game. They were all set to keep drinking all night, but I excused myself a little before 11.

"Wuss!" Kevin shouted.

"Don't gays drink?" Laughlin asked, and Paul and Brian threw popcorn at me, but I just smiled and said goodnight.

I padded up the wooden stairs, biting from an apple I'd grabbed from the table, eager to see Danny. I liked him, and we had great sex.

He was on my bed, still dressed, when I came in.

"You're dressed," I whispered reproachfully.

"I didn't know if someone else might come," he apologized.

I shed my clothes as quickly as I could, and he took the clue. I touched his arms with my hands, facing him, when we were both naked. He was as hard as me, but I was slightly larger. I felt a hunger in me, and I know he saw it in my eyes. I know I saw it in his.

"Apple?" I asked, holding up the one I'd already eaten a bite from.

"Sure," he mumbled, his voice thick.

I took a bite without chewing it and leaned in. He got the idea and leaned in too, to nibble at the apple in my mouth. It was intensely erotic to feel his probing tongue and nipping teeth, the juices flowing over my tongue.

"Nnnh," he gasped, licking the sweet apple from my lips.

"Uh," I moaned. I was so turned on.

He pulled away to let me get more apple in my mouth.

"Beer and apple," he whispered. "On you it's sexy."

I smiled.

"Won't they hear us?" he asked nervously, nodding at the open window. My friends were laughing and playing cards below the window.

"Nah," I mumbled. "We'll be quiet."

"I love apple," he said going in for more.

"Me too," I whispered when he'd eaten the piece in my mouth. I broke off a juicy bit and smeared it over his nipples before licking it off.

"Danny and apple," I mumbled. "Mmm."

He was desperately clawing at my arms now, his eyes closed. I knew it meant he was about ready to burst, so I led him to the bed and followed him down.

My full weight rested on him, and my hard dick was pressed up against his. He was breathing erratically from excitement, and I felt the same.

I kissed him and smiled at him.

He smiled back before pulling my head back down to his.


April 22, 2003:

I placed the remnant of my apple on the table.

"So, what do you do these days?" I asked.

"I'm in college," he replied. "Engineering."

"Figures," I said before I could stop myself.

"Why? Because I'm a nerd?" he asked, slightly piqued.

I felt myself blush a little. That was what I'd been thinking, but I decided not to tell him that.

"No, because you're so smart," I tried.

He laughed out loud. "You're so full of shit!"

"Guilty," I admitted. "But I happen to find nerds sexy. Some of them at least." I winked at him.

"Hm," he grumbled, biting at his apple. "Just put in the movie."

"K," I replied, doing as he asked.

It turned out not to be a very good movie. I felt my eyelids close after 30 minutes, but I tried to fight it.

"Riveting," I mumbled.

He smiled faintly. "Tell me, why is the black cop always someone who has a problem with authority and an endless supply of dirty jokes?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"While the white cop is overweight, grumpy and a blind believer in the rules," he continued.

"Until the end when the grumpy cop breaks the rules to save the black cop," I grinned.

"Yes!" He smiled. "And they bring down the chief of police who's corrupt."

"Gee, thanks," I said. "You've ruined the movie."

"Sorry," he said. "Didn't mean to give the end away."

I pressed STOP on the remote.

"I know a better way to spend the time, if you're bored," I said, trying not to sound too eager.

"What might that be?" he asked dryly.

"It involves cuffs and my red whip," I grinned.

"Didn't think that was your style," he said.

"It isn't," I agreed. "You know my style."

He shrugged. "It was long ago. Anyway, I'd better get going. I have an early start tomorrow."

"It's 8.20!" I protested. "Am I that repulsive? It's my breath, isn't it?"

He laughed. "No."

"Face it, Craig," I said to myself dramatically, "you've lost it. You're now old and... boring!"

"Yeah," he said sarcastically.

"Even Danny finds you uninteresting," I continued to myself. "And his standards are so LOW."

"Asshole," he grinned, his eyes sparkling. It took me right back to three years ago, to the Danny I saw then. That Danny seemed to still be there somewhere... inside him.

"You've sussed out my middle name!" I gasped. "How did you do it?"

"Your middle name is 'Asshole'?" he asked. "How apt."

"Hey!" I protested. "That's low."

He sighed, still smiling. "I do have to go," he said.

"K," I said, regretfully. "I understand."

He got up and put on his coat.

"Well.. see ya," he said hesitantly.

"You'll see me if you want to," I said honestly. "I'd like to see you again. I like you."

He blushed. "Uh.."

"Thanks for coming," I said, interrupted his embarrassment. I pulled him into a quick hug which he didn't return, maybe because he was surprised. Then he left.

The door swung shut with a loud click.

I could smell him faintly in the room still. Was he mad at me? Did he stop liking me? Was he ashamed of what we'd done together back then?

Had he moved on, leaving my kind of guy behind?

Maybe it was simply me he didn't like?

I couldn't fall asleep that night. I kept thinking about the mystery, and when I did fall asleep I dreamt of the beach house and Danny.


It doesn't end here! The story continues in I Know Danny part 4 (of 5) very soon. If you liked, or not, please tell me at:


Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 4

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