I Know Danny

By Adelhardt H

Published on Aug 3, 2003


Hello everybody, I'm back! This is part 2 of "I Know Danny". The next parts will follow very soon.

I also wrote:

"A Little Bit About Me, Alex" (gay college)

"Always Joey" (gay highschool)




I Know Danny, II

April 18, 2003:

"Finally!" Laughlin roared, seeing the pizzas. "I think my body was about to start digesting itself from within!"

"It took maybe 10 minutes," I protested.

"Plus the original 20 minutes, plus the drive, plus the move, plus wasted time with your pointless jokes," Brian protested. "Now give that to me."

"Yours in the one on the bottom," I informed him when they tore the whole stack of pizzas away from me.

"This is veggie," Brian said, disgusted. "That must be fag food. Craig?"

"Hell no," I grinned. "Mine's the one with pineapple."

"The veggie's mine," Kevin huffed. "And it is NOT fag food."

"If you say so," Paul said, winking at Kevin.

I grabbed my pizza and started eating. For a while there was silence. I guess they really were hungry.

"I met someone," I said through my food.

"About time," Kevin remarked. "All that shagging around is getting old."

"I don't shag around," I protested meekly.

"UH-HUH!" they laughed.

"Like hell you don't," Paul said.

"Shut up. Anyway, that's not what I meant," I said after clearing my mouth with beer. "I met someone I almost forgot I ever knew. You guys remember Danny, the guy from the beach that time? When we spent that week in Brian's parents' beach house?"

"In our innocent youth," Laughlin sniffed, faking a tear. "No, I have no clue."

"Sorry," Brian said, shrugging. "Was he one of the guys we played soccer with maybe?"

"I remember him," Kevin said, smiling an enigmatic smile at me. "I remember Danny."


July 24, 2000:

"You don't want to play?"

Danny blushed. "I'm no good. Sorry."

"You don't have to be any good. We don't care."

"Sure, you'd be playing against me," he said, smiling slightly.

"You can be on my team of you want to. Come on!"

"Uh.. OK. I guess." He smiled. "But I warned you!"

"Danny's with us," I said.

"I'll be with you guys if that's alright, then," Brian said, and Danny's friends agreed.

So now we got our asses kicked. Danny wasn't particularly good, but we had fun and no one cared.

I couldn't take my eyes off Danny. He was graceful if not all that athletic, and his wild brown curly hair flopped all over the place. Underneath it his blue eyes sparkled. I felt myself get a little hard from looking at him, although I was as discreet as I possibly could.

I did get a vibe from him, though, a very strong one. I've always been able to tell when people are interested in me, and he was interested in me alright!

"7-2," Brian announced.

"That's it," I gasped. "We give up."

"So would I if I was you," Brian grinned.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, resigned to take some ribbing.

"Sorry I sucked at that," Danny smiled to me.

"OK," I said. "It didn't go that bad. You guys want a beer?"

I passed the beer around. Kevin and Laughlin's girl had left and they were able to concentrate on us again.

"You guys staying near here?" I asked, caring mostly where Danny was staying.

"Yeah," one of the others said. "My folks' house is maybe half a mile inland."

"We're staying in the house right over there," I said, indicating the top of the roof which was just visible over the dunes and plants.

"Cool," he said. "Closer to the beach."

"I'm going back in," Kevin announced, pointing to the water. "Anyone else?"

"Sure," Brian said, and all the other guys followed them in except Danny.

"You don't want to?" I asked.

"Nah," he said, shrugging. "Don't have my bathing suit on."

"K," I said.

"In fact I think I'll go back to the house," he continued. "I'm in charge of cooking today." He made a face.

I laughed. "Sucks."

"It's not that bad." He got up, and I did too. "Nice to meet you," he said.

I don't know what made me do it. Maybe it was the beer and the sun, and maybe it was because I thought it'd probably work. Whatever the reason I leaned in close to him and whispered, "my room is the one with the window that opens to the dune on the second floor."

He blushed deeply and swallowed. "Uh.. OK."

"I'll wait for you tonight." I smiled and squeezed his naked shoulder briefly. "See you."

He didn't reply, and I ran towards the water and jumped in, quickly catching up with the other who were horsing around not very far away from the beach.

"Your friend went home to start cooking," I told the beach volley guys. The water cascaded off their bodies. 18 year old guys were maybe a little young (I was all of 21!), but they sure looked good.

"We need someone like him," Laughlin said. "Who's going to cook for us?"

"You are," Kevin and I said at the same time.

Later that day, when it was turning into evening and the sun was hidden behind some wind beaten pines, we relaxed outside Brian's parents' house.

I was reclined in my chair, still wearing only my speedos. It was still not too cold.

"The mosquitoes are coming out soon," Brian said. "Just a warning."

"They'd need a microscope to find his scrawny carcass anyway," Kevin said.

"They could bite you too, you know," I said. He hadn't put on clothes either. "Hand me a beer. If any mosquito bites me I want it to have to check into the Betty Ford Clinic."

Paul threw me a beer. "We need to shop tomorrow. The beer is popular..."

Laughlin stretched languorously. "Have to have beer."

"Of course," Paul agreed, putting on a long sleeved shirt.

"You CANNOT be cold," Kevin said.

"Well no," Paul replied, annoyed. "I just don't want to get bitten. I'm a little allergic to mosquitoes."

"Everyone is allergic to mosquitoes, that's the point," Brian grinned.

"Not everyone gets egg-sized swellings from them, you ass," Paul replied.

Brian paused. "You don't get egg-sized swellings."

"Practically." Paul swallowed the rest of his beer.

Laughlin pulled off his bathing suit and started looked around for his clothes. He'd always been the most relaxed of us that way.

"Cover up that ass!" Paul yelled. "It's so white I'm going blind!"

"Fuck you," Laughlin grinned. "When I want to." He fished out his clothes and sat back down. "You know, we should get our bags inside."

"I did already," I informed them annoyingly. "And I unpacked."

"That's 'cause your gay," Brian said. "You're compulsive that way."

"Nooo, he isn't," Kevin snickered. "Did you see his room back home, like, ever?"

"Shut up. It was tidy." I crossed my arms.

"You're sitting there, saying it was tidy? For real?" Kevin pretended to be amazed. "So we're all just hallucinating?"

"That's the story I'm sticking with, yes," I nodded.

"You guys want to play cards or something?" Brian asked.

"Sure," I said. "But not strip poker. Laughlin just has too big a handicap there." I eyed my naked friend.

"He has a big handicap in all card games," Paul grinned. "It's his lack of talent."

"Shut up, dwarf," Laughlin grinned.

"OK, let's play whist. We'll rotate who's out since we're five," Brian said, starting to deal.

"No money involved?" Laughlin asked.

"No, you rat! No money," Paul said. "Else I'm out."

"Me too," I said.

"OK, we'll play the DUMB way," Laughlin said, trying unsuccessfully to get a rise out of us.

"I'll be out the first game," Brian said, pulling a t- shirt over his head. While I sorted my cards I noticed that he pulled off his speedos and put on sweats without hesitating at all, and I took it as a good sign. While we bid the cards he hung up his and Laughlin's bathing suits on the line to the side of the house.

"We should do that too," I said, nodding at Brian.

"Why? Mine are long dry," Kevin said.

"But maybe it'll blow some of the sand out of them," I replied, wriggling uncomfortably.

Paul laughed at me.

I ended up on the losing side of the first hand (big surprise!). Then it was my turn to deal and I did, leaning back to see who won.

"You suck at dealing," Kevin whined at me, looking through his cards with disgust.

"Poker face, buddy," Laughlin grinned, eyeing his own cards with pleasure.

I laughed and padded over to the side of the house and peeled off my sandy speedos. It felt good to get rid of them. I hung them up and walked back, enjoying the air on my body.

"Anyone for beer?" I asked, pausing at the cooler. The beers were finally cold now.

They all answered yes, so I brought over a handful and put them down.

"Hang mine up too," Kevin said, wriggling out of his black and yellow speedos.

"Hang mine up too, PLEASE," I grumbled.

"Yes, mom," Kevin said, losing another trick to Laughlin.

"What is this, a nude beach?" Brian complained, pulling on socks.

"You know you love it," Kevin grinned.

"Just be glad we're not forcing you to be naked, too," I grinned. "Most nude beaches do that if you want to be there."

"When the mosquitoes come, the joke's on you," Paul grinned.

"We'll just hold you down and direct them to you," I said, earning me a kick on the leg. "These cards better be good!"

"Like hell!" Kevin said. "I'll deal for you as dealt for me."

"He did it too," I said, going through my cards.

"Now we know why you guys never play for money," Laughlin remarked.

"Yeah, we're always unlucky," I nodded.

"No, you just suck at it." Laughlin smiled and sipped his beer.

Yeah, both of us lost big and Laughlin and Brian won. And when the mosquitoes came we got bitten too, but mostly Laughlin. It seems there is a sort of justice after all.

"Ahhh!!" Laughlin screamed, running to the house. "It's following me!"

"Asshole," I grinned. "It's just a bug."

"It's after my ass," he yelled from inside the house. "Hand me my clothes."

"Nuh uh," I said, shaking my head. "I want you to divert them." I struggled to get dressed before I got any more bites.

"Some friend," Laughlin huffed, emerging from the house. "The bugger bit me! You could have saved me!"

"Ha! Serves you right," I laughed, until I remembered that the window was open in my bedroom. There has to be at least 10,000 bugs in there by now.

"Shit!" I gasped and ran up the stairs. Sure enough, the window was open and the curtains only half covered it. I slammed it shut and turned on the lights. Yep. Several bugs fluttered around. Didn't see any mosquitoes, though. The little devils were probably hiding, hungry for my blood.

I pulled the curtains completely and opened the other window, the one facing the vegetation covered dunes. I wanted everything to look inviting, in case Danny came. I hoped he would.

"I look like a pin cushion!" Kevin complained when I walked back down the stairs.

"You should have covered up," Paul said, smiling widely.

"Gee, thanks," Kevin sneered. "No more cards."

"We can play inside?"

"No way," I said. "My ego is bruised enough."

"Wusses," Laughlin laughed through the bathroom door. He was applying some sort of ointment to prevent itching from the bug bites.

"Whatever," Kevin grumbled.

"I got bitten on my dick, and you don't hear me complaining, do you?" Laughlin continued.

"Correction: You've been bitching constantly for 20 minutes now," Paul informed him.

"Did you really?" Brian asked, making a face.

"Get bitten on my dick? Nope. Though how they could miss something so big.."

"HA!!" Kevin exploded. "That's almost funny, man! You might even produce a funny joke one of these days."

"It wasn't a joke," Laughlin hissed, poking Kevin.

"Whatever," I sighed. "It's 10.30 and I'll call it a day."

"Yeah, me too," Brian said. "Did you guys pick bedrooms yet?"

"You're going to bed?" Kevin asked. "But we're here to have fun!"

"We're here for a week! Relax," I grinned. "We'll get around to having fun later."

"OK," he sighed. "I guess I'm a little tired too."

I padded up the stairs on my bare feet and returned with my toothbrush and paste, but Brian had beaten me to the bathroom and I had to wait.

"Actually," Laughlin said, his long legs stretched out in front of him on the table. "I may have been bitten there after all." He squirmed a little.

"In that case you can't jack off today," I grinned.

"The hell I can't," he protested. "I have ways."

"WHAT-ever," Paul smiled. "Keep them to yourself. Your room is next to mine, remember?"

"Oh yeah. If you hear strange, squeaking sounds in a little while just ignore them, 'cause.."

"OK!" Paul shouted, covering his ears.

"And if a wet celery should happen to go missing.." Laughlin said.

"...and some whiskers.." I continued.

"...just ignore that, too." Laughlin smiled.

"And if they suddenly reappear tomorrow morning, whatever you do, don't eat the celery," I concluded.

"You guys are sick," Paul whined.

"All yours," Brian said, emerging from the bathroom. I went inside to brush my teeth.

A little later the whole house was quiet. There was a faint sound of the wind through the open window, and the curtain sometimes moved slightly. A few gulls shrieked, but the only other sound was the occasional creak from the wooden house. It was so quiet I could hear my watch ticking. It was strange for a city guy like me.

I put my clock in a drawer. It seemed sacrilegious for it to break the silence.

The sound of my own breathing was all I heard for a while, but I couldn't fall asleep. I was waiting for Danny, but it didn't look like he could make it.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound in the dunes, and then a timid tap on the open window.

I slid out of bed and padded over the wooden floor with the blue quilted rug to the window and pushed the curtain aside.


"Yeah," he whispered. "Sorry, I couldn't get away sooner. I had to wait until they slept."

"No problem," I whispered back. "Come inside."

"K." He pushed off his sandals and stuck his bare feet and legs through the window. I helped him by putting my arm around his waist.

He untangled himself from the white curtain. My eyes had adjusted to the relative darkness and I could see him quite well.

"Hi," he smiled.

"Hi," I replied, keeping my arm around him.


April 18, 2003:

"Are you guys going home tonight?" Kevin asked. I'd put away the pizza boxes and we were lounging in my assorted chairs.

"Yeah," Paul nodded. "Guys?"

They nodded.

"I'm staying. I'm helping Craig tomorrow with odd jobs, so I'll just drive your car back for you then. K?"

"K," Brian nodded. "I think we're taking cabs soon."

"You guys are welcome to stay," I said, hoping they'd leave. I had a lot to do the next day, putting things up and in place.

"So you could get your wicked way with us," Perce said. "You'd like that."

"6 guys, not counting myself, is a little much even for me," I pointed out. "So I'll make do with you, Perce."

"I knew it! I knew you fancied me," Perce grinned. "But sorry. I'm going home to Janice."

"What that women puts up with," Paul said, shaking his head.

"Shut up," Perce said, pushing Paul.

Laughlin yawned. "Well fellas, this has been grand, but I'm beat. Let's go and leave the lovers alone."

"Eww!" I gasped. "He's my brother! How sick is that, Laughlin?"

"Not to mention, he's butt ugly," Brian added.

"That too," I nodded.

"You're just plain wrong," Kevin grinned. "I'm devastatingly handsome, unlike my pretty brother."

"Up yours, bro," I grumbled. "I'm HANDSOME."

"This is like a broken record," Brian complained.

"Old married couples always are," Laughlin said. "Let's go. Thanks for the pizza and all. We'll see you soon, and don't think you can escape us by moving here, K?"

"Thanks, guys, I appreciate it," I said, hugging Laughlin. The other guys allowed me to hug them too. I was the only one of us to do that regularly. I guess they made allowances for my being gay and just went along with it.

I closed the door behind them after calling a cab. Then I locked the door.

"Good thinking," Kevin said. "We don't want to risk them coming back inside somehow. I thought they'd never leave! I'm beat."

"That's because you're old," I said, stifling an ill-timed yawn.

"Whatever. You wash up and I'll clear away the bottles."


I found my toiletries and put some of them in the small cabinet in the bathroom. The rest I just left in the bag in the sink. I'd deal with it tomorrow. I could only just manage to brush my teeth and pull off my clothes.

"You sure you're OK with the sleeping bag? We can both sleep in my bed," I said, spreading out the bag for him on the floor.

"Nah, it's fine," he said through toothpaste and the whirring sound of his electric toothbrush. He rinsed his mouth, turned off the light and came into the bedroom.

"Quit ogling me," he grinned, stripping. I laughed.

I slid into my bed and waited for him before I turned off the small lamp on the floor by my bed. He fumbled his way onto the floor and into the sleeping bag and lay back.

"Arrgh!" he gasped in pain. "My back is so stiff!"

"For God's sake!" I said. "Get in here! You shouldn't lie on the floor after all that hauling you did today."

"K," he said, crawling in next to me. "Just don't fondle me or anything."

"I'll TRY not to," I said sarcastically.

"I know what goes on in this bed," he said.

"Shut up," I said, reaching over and squeezing his package though his boxers.

"SHIT!" he yelled. "I SAID, don't do that!"

"You know you love it," I snickered.

"Yeah, yeah. Go to sleep." He turned off the light.

There was silence.



"Are you getting together with Danny again?"


"Yeah, the guy from the beach that you met today?"

"What do you mean, 'again'?"

He turned towards me in the dark. "Don't shit me, little brother. I see everything."

I blushed in the darkness. Denial was no good. If he knew, he knew, and I was too tired to go into it. "I don't think so," I replied. "He didn't seem to want to."

"K. Just wondered. G'night."


I was dead tired, and I had a warm male body next to me, one I trusted and loved. I was out in seconds.


It doesn't end here! The story continues in I Know Danny part 3 (of 5) very soon. If you liked, or not, please tell me at:


Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 3

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