I Have Never Seen My Masters Face

By Josh Rogan

Published on Nov 5, 2016


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I Have Never Seen My Master's Face

Part 3 – Disobedience

As gentle as he had been, my new owner's huge hard cock had stretched my hole wider than it had ever been, but he finally had it settled all the way into my tight cunt. He began to withdraw, agonizingly slowly, and I could only swallow my screams. I was in pain, more pain than I can describe, but I could already feel the endorphins flooding my brain, starting to convince my body that it felt good.

He pulled out even more slowly than he had settled in, so the thick flared head was just behind my ring. If I pushed or squeezed at all, I think I could have forced it out, but I couldn't let that happen. I didn't know if it was the sedative I had been given, or just his forceful charisma, but I had to keep him in me. My hole – his fuck hole – had to receive his cock completely, to please it and to win the reward of his hot, thick seed.

I moaned and pressed back against him, but he pressed his hands into my shoulder blades and pressed me down into the leather covered table I was bent over. So slowly I wasn't even sure it was happening yet, he began to press that massive meat back into me. I imagined I could even feel the veins pulse and stretch me open further for him.

Every inch of his wrist-thick, 10 inches of fuckmeat pressed into me slowly, and I felt my assring twitch and burn around it. When his hips were pressed against my reddened asscheeks, he wrapped his muscular arm, still in its fine suit sleeve, around my neck. His left hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, twisting it. I felt his lips press against my cheek and his tongue tease at the corner of my mouth.

He was kissing me. I turned further to him and took his long hot tongue into my mouth. I twirled my tongue around it as I had tried to do to his cock when he let me suck him earlier. His arm squeezed down on my neck pulling me back into him as he rotated his hips in small circles, pressing his massive cock into the walls of my gut. I moaned around his tongue as he withdrew his dick, again agonizingly slowly until he barely had anything in me.

BAM Without warning, his hips slammed into my me, sending burning pain all around my asshole, my guts, up my spine and even into my throat. I yelped, releasing his tongue.

He reared up, again pushing down on my shoulder blades and pressing my chest into the table, and letting his cock slip almost all the way out of my ass. Then BAM his cock was suddenly inside me to the hilt again. I felt my ass spasm around it. That got me a low guttural moan from him.

"Fuuuuck," he breathed, "that is one beautiful fuckhole you have. It feels so good pulsing and cramping around my cock." He withdrew again, slowly, and murmured "I know it hurts, boy, I know it hurts, but it feels soooo good." It seemed like he was telling me not that his cock felt good, but that the pain in my asshole felt good. And as much as it hurt, it started to feel real good. I mean, I was still in pain, but somewhere inside me I started to like it. And wanted more.

"Fuck me fuck me fuck me," I practically chanted, "please fuck me, please fill me with your cock, please fill me with your cum." I was never a talkative fuck. Even when I was homeless and turning tricks I was mostly the silent partner. But Mr K`s big cock seemed to be pounding these filthy words out of me. Or the thoughts into me.

He increased his pace a bit, at least the pulling out part, and it felt like his cock was sawing in and out of my battered assflesh. I found myself clenching down around his cock as he withdrew, trying to hold onto it, and relaxing and accepting his invasion when he pressed back in.

"Oh, yes, that's the way" he breathed, "Milk that fuckmeat with your sweet pussy." He liked it. I was doing a good job. And that made me really want to please him more. I consciously tried to match his rhythm, tightening down even more as he withdrew and relaxing as much as I could as he pushed in.

"Oh god, yes," I heard myself beg, "fuck me, cum in me, please. Please"

He chuckled, "Not yet. You'll find I have a lot of control. It takes me a long time to cum, especially with someone new."

"No, please." Squeeze. Relax. Squeeze. Relax. "I need it. I need to feel your cum inside me."

"Don't worry, boy, you will, tonight and many more nights to come." In. Out. In. Out. "but we're just getting started. And I want it to last."

He continued his maddeningly slow strokes, in and out in and out. After I don't know how many minutes, he pulled all the way out, leaving me empty. My ass seemed to open and close trying to capture him and draw him back in, but he stepped away from me. "Turn around," he commanded. I pushed myself up from the table and turned around. He pressed me backward, so I was on my back on the table. He lifted my legs into the air and fastened something flat and cold around each ankle. Still blindfolded I wasn't sure what it was, but as he stepped away again, I felt that my legs had been secured to something hanging above me.

"I told you I was not a sadist," Mr K spoke. "But I am a dominant. And I enjoy restraining my slaves." He took my wrist and slipped wide, padded cuffs around them. He lifted my other wrist and slipped another cuff around it. He set some kind of bar, about a foot long, in between the cufs.

Lifting the bar, he secured it to something else hanging above me. He took a few steps away and I heard a click and a whirr. In a moment, both my legs and my arms were lifted, so just my rounded back rested on the leather covered table I had been fucked against just moments earlier.

The motor continued to lift me, drawing my legs apart until were spread wide. I felt my back lifted off the table and the whirring stopped. Mr K asked, "Have you been suspended before?"

"No, sir."

His hand closed around my cock which for the first time I noticed was hard as a steel pipe. "You seem to like it," he said. He gave my cock a few strokes. "Such a lovely dick," he said. I could feel his breath against my balls. Suddenly his tongue was lapping at my balls. He sucked each into his hot mouth and rolled it around. He pressed his tongue up the underside of my cock and twirled around the head. "Just lovely." He spat on my cock and with his fingers spread it around. Grasping my erection firmly, he began to stroke, again agonizingly slowly, from root to tip. As he got to the head he squeezed and my cock slipped out of his wet fist. He moved his hand back down and gripped me around the base again. "Mason explained the rules to you, yes?"

"Yes, sir. I am to be ready and clean for you at all times. I am not to leave my room without permission. I am to kneel whenever you enter a room, and never look at your face." Mr K's assistant had told me the rules once, while I still wasn't sure what was going on, but the instructions somehow had buried themselves deep in my brain.

"Good. I am now going to give you further rules: You are never to touch these genitals in a sexual fashion without permission. You will avoid touching them at all unless absolutely necessary. Naturally you will wash carefully, but you will do so as quickly as you can while doing a thorough job, without attempting to pleasure yourself. Your flesh belongs to me. You will not abuse my property."

It was hard not to think of jacking myself off, which in my old life (I was already thinking of it as my old life—I hadn't been Mr K's slave for even 24 hours yet) I did quite a bit. Especially while Mr K's soft, strong hand, wet with spit and the precum leaking from my 6-inch dick, was stroking me up and down.

"If you are caught pleasuring yourself, or even appearing to pleasure yourself, you will be punished. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," I gulped.

"And you will never, NEVER, ejaculate without permission." His hand squeezed around my dick harder and he began to twist his fist around it as he stroked me.

I was breathing heavily, and I could feel sweat beginning to bead around my suspended body. "No sir, never."

"Your greatest pleasure is serving me, not anything your body does for you."

"Yes. Yes, please, sir, let me please you, sir."

His stroking got faster. "You do, boy. And you will learn to do more." Stroke. Twist. Stroke. Twist. "Your fine body will be trained to give me great pleasure. You belong to me now."

"Yes, sir, thank you, sir. I'll be your good boy, sir." I could feel my orgasm building, my balls tightening.

He began to stroke even faster squeezing both up and down. "You are getting close now. I can tell."

"Yes, sir, please, may I cum, sir?"

"No," he said calmly, "you may not. I am enjoying playing with my new toy."

"Please, sir, I'm so close. You're going to make me cum!"

"I am not. I have ordered you not to ejaculate without permission. Are you going to disobey me?"

"No, sir. I mean, I don't want to, sir. Oh god, sir, please stop." He said nothing but continued to stroke my dick with his soft strong hand. "Oh god, sir, please. I'm going to cum, sir, don't ... don't make .—AAGGGHHH!!!" I heard the scream. It came from somewhere deep in my gut, as my sperm sped through my dick and came shooting out. I felt the first wad splash over my chest. It was the most intense orgasm I could remember. It seemed to take over my whole body, making my suspended arms and legs twitch, my back arch and my hips buck as I hung there in front of Mr K, pumping more wads of hot cum out of me. I was still screaming and spasming as I felt the cum turn cold on my chest and belly.

"Now that's not good, boy," Mr K said calmly. "You have made a mess all over your sweet body. And you have disobeyed my command not to ejaculate." My cock was still rock hard, and he kept stroking it.

"Please, sir, please stop," I begged.

"I don't want to stop. I'm still playing with my toy." He worked his thumb up and around my slimy head sending those painful post-cum jolts through my body. "I'm not done." His voice lowered to a growl. "You aren't giving me a command, are you?"

"Oh, no, sir," I choked back the panic, my body writhing and twisting while he manhandled my sensitive post-cum dick, "No, I ... I just ... it hurts, sir."

"And that should matter to me?"

"Oh. Um, no, sir, just ... I-- I just -- couldn't help it, sir. Your hand--"

"Yes, my hand, playing with my toy. As I will do however and whenever I choose to."

"Yes, sir," I sobbed.

He continued milking my cock as my body calmed down and I could take it without wincing or squirming too much. He varied his speed, fast, then slow, squeezing and releasing. I don't think I lost my erection at all the whole time, and after some minutes I felt a new orgasm start to build. He released my dick, and I felt my whole body relax, dick painfully hard. My back sagged far and I started to graze the table beneath me. He stepped up behind my head and pressed his hand into my face.

"You made a mess." He began to push his fingers into my mouth, and instinctively I tried to lick and suck them clean. "You must always clean up after yourself. He scooped up more cum from my chest and pressed it into my mouth. "And you disobeyed a command." He scraped his gummy fingers over my lips. "What is the result of that?" he asked.

`I—I must be punished?"

"Yes. Why must you be punished?"

"I came without permission." He said nothing but let me lick the rest of my juices off his strong hand. "I disobeyed an order." Silence. "I – I have to learn not to disobey you."

His face came close to mine and he kissed my cheek. "That's right, boy. You have to learn to follow my commands, always, no matter what or when, or how it makes you feel."

I was sobbing into my blindfold. "Because I belong to you now. And I want to your best boy ever."

He stepped away from me again, and the winch lowered me back down until I was draped across the table. He released my ankles and stepped back around to undo my wrist cuffs. "You are a smart boy. You're learning quickly, and figuring out what is expected of you. Some men do not like clever slaves, but I think your brains are going to help you learn."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

"Now, leave your legs hanging. You may use your hands to keep your body flat against the altar." I started to adjust my position. "Leave your head hanging over the side like that."

His large cock, only slightly softened, slapped against my face. I opened my mouth wide and caught the head and sucked it into my mouth deeply, savoring the taste of his skin and his drippings, and I suppose, whatever lube and juices I left on it after he fucked me.

"Head way back, now." I tilted back as far as I could and felt his dick begin to harden again as I sucked at it. "That's it. Get it good and hard." As it swelled, it filled my mouth, and he pressed it deeper into my throat. "Swallow."

I swallowed and I felt his huge meat penetrate my throat, deeper and thicker than any cock I'd ever sucked before. SNAP I felt something strike across my chest. I jumped at the sting. SLAP he slapped my face. "Careful. No teeth. Just hold still and take your punishment." SNAP He slapped my chest again with what I learned was a long narrow bamboo cane. I couldn't yelp or scream with his cock in my throat.

He got fully hard and I could feel myself start to gag on it. He put a hand under my chin and held me against him. "Obedience is the only thing asked of you. Nothing else is necessary." SNAP "Breathing isn't necessary." SNAP "You belong to me. I will use you as I see fit." SNAP His hips began to move, gently, slowly. Against my lips and chin it didn't feel like he was moving that much, but his cock pressed against the walls of my throat and seemed to pulse. SNAP "You must learn to please me." SNAP "You will learn to please me by obeying my commands." SNAP My throat spasmed again. SNAP "Do not resist me." SNAP "You belong to me." SNAP His breathing got heavy "You will learn to trust me." SNAP SNAP "You will learn to enjoy obedience." SNAP SNAP "You will even learn to enjoy being punished because you know it will teach to please me better." SNAP SNAP SNAP He tossed the cane aside and grabbed both sides of my face. "You belong to me now," he growled as he started to punchfuck his massive cock into my battered throat. I felt his cock pulse. "You belong to ME!" I felt his seed begin to flood my throat. The last thing I remember was the feeling of his load traveling down my gut as I lost consciousness, smothered on his hard cock.

Next: Chapter 4

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