I Have Never Seen My Masters Face

By Josh Rogan

Published on Nov 3, 2016


This work of fiction may contain explicit erotic material, including but not limited to homosexual sex, acts of bondage/discipline and/or acts which are unsafe or illegal. If you do not want to read such material, or if it is illegal for you to do so, please stop reading now. This story is copyright the author (Horny Boy Productions), and may not be reprinted or distributed without the permission of the author. If you enjoy this or other stories hosted by Nifty, please consider donating: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

I Have Never Seen My Master's Face

Part 2 – Compliance

The door to my small room banged open. I looked up and thank god it wasn't Mr K—, the man who'd purchased my debt – and therefore me – from a loan shark. Among the rules I had been given, I was never to look Mr K— in the face.

The man before was huge, probably 6'6", built like a freaking superhero. He had to turn to get his shoulders through the narrow door. He had a big mean face, with a nose that looked like it had been broken multiple times. His blond hair was cropped tight to his head. He was dressed head to toe in black, with the cloth stretched over massive muscles. He had big ugly guns strapped to his chest and thigh, a big nasty knife hanging from his belt. "Get up, faggot."

I sat up on my cot. He grabbed me and wrapped a black cloth around my head, covering my eyes, then hauled me right up into the air and set me down hard on my feet. "He barked, "March," and dragged me into the main room, my new owner's sex dungeon.

He shoved me back against the leather table/bed that dominated one end of the room. He grabbed my junk in his first, squeezing hard, and slapped something hard and heavy around it, like a cock ring, and cinched it down. "That there is a shock collar," he snarled. "Modified for faggots like you. Don't try anything stupid." A sudden jolt seized my whole body, blinding me and making me spasm to the floor. I didn't even register the pain until I was down. "That's what happens to stupid faggots." He shoved me around until I was on my knees. "Wait like that." And his heavy boots stomped out.

Several minutes later, I heard footsteps against the cool black tile. Mr K—`s deep baritone asked, "Has Mason described your situation to you?"

"Um, yes... uh, sir" I made sure my head was bowed as Mason had advised,and even blindfolded, I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Good. `Sir' is also good. I have purchased you as a slave, and I expect you to be respectful at all times. You will always address me and anyone else with proper respect. Do you understand?"

"I ... I think so, sir."

"Excellent. I demand your obedience and respect at all times. I am not a sadist," he went on. "I will not administer pain simply to watch you suffer. Pain is a tool. Disobedience will be punished severely. But I have paid good money for you, and if you work out I will pay more. That money is an investment. Do not make me damage you permanently." I nodded. "And if you do well," his voice softened, "and please me, you will be comfortable and your future will be safe."

"Yes, sir. I – " It was on my lips to ask many questions. `Safe' seemed to be a veiled threat. I almost asked would he ever release me? What had happened to his last slave? "I'll do my best," I said meekly.

He pulled me to my feet. "You were told never to look at my face, correct?" I nodded. "Good. I look forward to the day we can discard the blindfold. But it often takes new slaves a while to understand this particular expectation."

I almost asked what happened if I did happen to look at his face, but he'd already told me: disobedience will be punished severely. Having felt the shock collar/cockring used once, I didn't want to feel it again.

He went on, stepping around me. "Your mouth felt very good this morning. I wish I'd had more time to enjoy it. We'll take care of that now. But first, let me get a good look at my new toy."

He put his hands on my shoulders. They felt heavy and strong, but the skin was very soft. He stroked his warm fingertips over my shoulders and neck, and over my face. He lifted my hands and told me to flex my biceps. He squeezed them felt all over my arms and shoulders.

I should have been humiliated. I should have been angry. Maybe I should have panicked. But Mr K's voice and touch were strong and commanding, but calming in a weird way. He seemed nice, if stern, even to a fuck up kid he'd bought from a loan shark. It sank in: I belonged to him, and he to take care of me as long as I pleased him.

I actually felt safer than I had been in a long time, naked and enslaved by a strange man. And the thought of being used sexually didn't repel me. I'd sold my body trying to pay my debts, and while I'd never been stabbed or beaten up too badly, I knew how dangerous it was. Now my body had been sold to someone who would use me for his pleasure, but didn't want to damage me, unless I was bad. I didn't owe any thugs any more. I had a roof over my head, which is more than I'd had before.

I'd been pretty closeted, even while I was sucking dicks in alleys for money or food. The thought of just being a sexual toy for a powerful man was fucking sexy in a sick way. With his hands roaming over me, squeezing my pecs and tickling my nipples, I could feel that I was getting hard in my cockring/shock collar.

The inspection continued. He rubbed his hands over my belly and gently patted my abs, I guess testing their tone. He grasped the ring around my stiffening meat and tugged it a couple times. He squeezed each of my balls gently and ran his fingers up the underside of my cock before continuing down my thighs and calves. He moved around me and massaged my hard glutes in his hands. "Bend over," he said, and I obeyed. He put his hands in my crack and teased my hole. I'd only been touched back there a few times before, by men who wanted to fuck me for cash, but they weren't gentle about it. Mr K's soft stroking of my hole made me break out in goosebumps all over.

I felt him stand. "Excellent. You really are a fine young man." I felt myself square my shoulders and puff out my chest, strangely proud to be judged `fine'. "We'll have to make sure this body stays in the best shape. Now, let's see what that sweet mouth can do for me."

He put me down on my knees. He stepped in front of me, and told me to open his trousers.

I reached up and fumbled with his belt. It felt like fine, soft leather with an elegant buckle. The fabric of his pants felt like very fine fabric, maybe very soft linen or even heavy silk. His zipper slid open without a sound. Suddenly I wanted to feel that great monster cock that had invaded my throat earlier. But the idea of being his slave was starting to dig its way deep into my brain. "May I get your penis out, sir?"

"Yes, boy, you may." I pulled his fly open and felt his crotch. Silky boxers, of course. I found the flap and reached in. Feeling his cock with my fingers it seemed very thick and firm even soft. Remembering how much thicker it seemed to get when it got hard, I shuddered.

"It's so big, sir." I could barely get my fingers around it. I stroked it in both hands and felt it start to firm up. I opened my mouth and licked the head, finding a salty drop of hot precum already forming. I flinched when I realized I'd done this without permission.

He put his hands on my head and guided me back to his meat. One of his hands moved to the back of my head and drew me in. I kissed the large mushroom head with my closed lips before opening and drawing it into my hot wet mouth.

I swirled my tongue around the head as best I could. I suckled his egg-sized glans, savoring its sweet and salty juices. I walked my lips down the shaft and felt the blood rush in and fill it. It had choked me before, but I was determined to prove I was worthy of this magnificent cock and swallow it whole. I forced my head down and swallowed. I expected him to pull me down and choke me as he had before, but his hands rested gently on my head, occasionally stroking my hair or curling it around his fingers. I started to gag and pulled away, and he didn't stop me.

Working my spit and his juices around it, I sucked it as deep as I could. When I started to gag, I pushed myself further, feeling my throat try to expel the invader I wanted to take deeper. I choked and struggled and Mr K pulled my head away from him by the hair.

"Ah, that's enough. You'll learn. I don't want you to hurt yourself trying." He stroked my neck, and murmured, "All that choking can damage the muscles down here, cause delicate blood vessels to burst here," he touched my throat, "and in your eyes, and elsewhere. You may it easy for now."

The pricks in the street I begged money from in exchange for some of my flesh were content to shove their cocks into my throat and cum regardless of whether I could take it without choking. Some of them liked it when I choked on them. Mr K wanted me to learn to take his cock without choking. Was he really concerned about `damaging' me? "Please, sir. I want to please you. I want to make you happy," I whispered, surprising myself.

I used my hands to pull his pants and silken underwear down over his hips and thighs, and moved my head into nuzzle his crotch with my blindfolded face. His pubes were trimmed but soft. I rubbed my nose into them as I worked my way down and felt his heavy scrotum with my chin and lips. He was slung low with eggs every bit as big as his glans. I struggled to get one into my mouth and was left cupping my mouth around it, laving it with my tongue, before moving on to the other.

Mr K grunted when I went back to work on the head of his cock. I loved that sound and determined to get it some more. I was enjoying trying to please Mr K; I never really cared when I did it for money.

I sucked the head between my lips and rubbed it all over with my hot tongue, even digging a little into his dripping slit to get at more of that sweet-salty juice it always seemed to be leaking. I got another soft moan as I flicked my tongue up and down his tight V. I got four or five inches of it (not quite half?) in my mouth and massaged it with my tongue. That got another moan. Every moan made me want to please him more.

Instead of trying to jam it down my throat again, I slipped off, and let my lips and tongue slide down the length of it, up and down spreading my spit and his juices along its length, up and down one side several times, then the other. I stuck out my tongue flat and pressed it between his heavy balls and licked straight up his sac and up the underside of his cock until the end rested on the tip of my tongue. Then I let the whole thing slip into my mouth as far as it could go.

I felt myself start to gag again and pulled back a little. Took a couple slow deep breaths and tried again. Not sure I got any further, but I worked more spit around the shaft and tried again. I thought I had it when my throat rebelled and started to spasm again. I tried to hold myself down but couldn't keep my jaw open. My teeth graze the soft skin of his beautiful cock.

A blinding light struck behind my eyes and burning pain burst from the shockring around my junk and jolted through my whole body. I crumbled to the ground in front of him. He crouched down in front of me and took my face in his hands. He even kissed me gently on each cheek, pressing his firm lips against my skin and brushing my cheeks with his 5 o'clock shadow. "You are doing a good job, but I felt your teeth on my cock. Do you understand?"

I nodded weakly, and I felt hot tears soak my blindfold and turn cold against my skin. "I'm sorry sir. I'll do better," I sniveled.

"You're doing very well." He stroked my face and hair. "Not everyone can take is as deep as you have at first. And you will learn to take it even further. But now, I'm going to fuck you. "

"But . . . I can't even ..."

"I'm going to fuck you,' he said firmly. "I have felt your mouth and now I will feel your boicunt."

He lifted me to my feet and bent me over the table, pressing my chest into the supple leather. He pressed my feet apart with his fine shoes, and rubbed his hands over my buttocks again, squeezing and patting. "I don't want to hurt you, but I can't help thinking these sweet cheeks are a little pale." WHAP He slapped my right buttcheek. "You want me add some color to them, yes?" WHAP The left. "You'll be so much prettier with a little color." WHAP WHAP

He'd started gently but was adding force with each stroke. WHAP WHAP "Mmm, yes, that's getting better." WHAP WHAP WHAP The sting was building into a burn. WHAP WHAP He stepped away for a moment, leaving the cool air to caress my rosy ass. He stepped back. "This will sting."

SWAT The sound was louder and sharper than his hand, and made me jump. The shock of pain and the warm ache that followed was different too. SWAT SWAT The paddle struck across both cheeks at the same time. SWAT SWAT I yelped involuntarily. SWAT SWAT SWAT

After a dozen more strokes, he dropped the paddle to the floor and his strong soft hand traced the marks he'd made. His touch made me shiver. "Yes, that's better. The perfect pink ass for fucking." As he said this I felt his breath get closer to my sensitive skin and felt him scrape the spank marks with his stubble.

He pressed his fingers into my crack and drew them far apart. He blew a cool stream over my tender rosebud, and leaned in to massage it with his lips and tongue. He pressed his face firmly into me and started probing my flesh with his hot wet tongue, and I felt myself relaxing and even pushing back against him. "Mmm, yes, that's an eager boy." More tonguing and I felt my hole open to receive more.

I've been fucked before, but not often and it never went well. It was just something I endured for more money. And I think the bastards who did it liked to hear me scream. And none of them spent time rimming me first. Mr K pressed his tongue flat against my hole and lapped at it. He swirled his tongue around the edges and again probed inside. He pressed his lips against my hole and let his tongue snake inside me, as if he was French kissing my ass. He ate me out for at least 10 minutes before moving on to even one finger. He had me panting, squirming, desperately wanting more of him inside me.

I took his index finger without much problem, but when he wiggled it I involuntarily closed down around it. He hooked it around my assring and tugged, inserting another finger. I willed my ass to relax, but the two fingers were starting to burn. He corkscrewed those two fingers, stretching me in all directions. He spat onto my hole and worked it in with a third finger. I moaned from deep inside me somewhere, and he said, "Yes, that's my boy. Open up for me."

This seemed to go on and on. Three fingers, out, in, twist, spit, twist, twist, out, in. It still burned but was starting to feel good, and soon after I heard my own voice plead, "Please, please, fuck me. I need to feel you inside me. I need your sperm deep in me." Part of me hoped it was whatever was in my meals to keep me docile, but some part of me meant it.

He chuckled, "Okay, boy, it's time." He slapped one bruised cheek and pressed the head of his cock against my hole. "It's still gong to hurt."

"It's okay, I want it so bad. Please, fuck my ass. Make it yours. Take it."

"Relax." It was a command. He pressed the leaking head of his massive dong against my ready hole. At least I thought it was ready. Before he even had the head all the way in, my whole body seemed to spasm with searing pain. I was determined not to scream or ask him to stop. I bit my lip trying to keep silent and willing my hole to open wide. "Fuck, you're tight. Been a while since I had a boy so tight," he growled.

"Agggh, fuck it, fuck that hole. Push it in, ggrrk," I choked through my pain.

"Oh god, yes. There we go," he murmured, as the head popped past and my ring settled into the narrow bit of his shaft just behind it. But he kept pressing and soon the full girth of his hard cock was pushing past my defenses. "That's it, boy, take that cock. Swallow it with your hungry pussy."

I was choking and crying into my blindfold. But I reached back with my hands and pulled my buttcheeks apart, trying to hold myself, maybe tear myself, open for him. Still determined not to let on how much pain I was in, I kept begging. I heard myself whine, "Fuck it, shove your cock in it, please. Take it my hole," again and again.

He pressed the invader into me agonizingly slowly. It might have been `kinder' of him to just shove in all at once, but instead he let his big cock stretch my hole open slowly, letting every nerve and muscle fiber cry out and surrender to it one by one. Finally my body gave up its resistance and I felt him sink into me, bigger and deeper than I'd thought possible, and his hips settled against my burning buttcheeks.

"Oh, god," I sobbed. "Oh god, yes."

He rested there for a moment, pressing his body against mine. He draped his torso against my back and I could feel the buttons of his shirt scrape my skin and his fine suit jacket fall around me. He placed a gentle kiss on my neck. "There it is, boy. But we're just getting started."

Next: Chapter 3

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