I Happened To Look Up...And I Saw Him Showering

By moc.loa@skcoscexe

Published on Dec 14, 2020



Author: Christopher Trevor

Becoming a published author of erotic fiction, was, needless to say, one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

It affords me the opportunity to really allow my kinky imagination to run wild...

...and to have the ideas I come up with on a daily basis to become the fictional erotic stories that I write...

...and see in print, whether it be in a new book, a magazine, or featured on a website that caters to what I write.

On the flipside of the coin though, is the fact that my writing does not pay me enough to be able to make a living at it...

...so, because of that I need to work fulltime where I'm able to earn a daily paycheck...

...and, at long last, after for years working at jobs that I detested, jobs that stressed me the fuck out to the point of panic attacks and dealing with psycho bosses and sadist VPs, I finally have a fulltime job that I truly love..

...and because of the job I have I was able to write the following story...

...but this time the story is only partially fiction...

...NO, I will not reveal what is true and what is fiction in this tale...

I work as a uniformed doorman in a high-end residential building in Manhattan; my hours are from 7:00 AM till 3:00 PM...

...and I could not ask for better hours than those.

I love the because it's low pressure and the people who live in the building are the nicest I have ever had to deal with in my years of working...

...plus, the management of the company I work for stands by their employees in times when it is needed, unlike a job I had in a jewelry company where I had one of the worst excuses for a female VP as a boss that anyone could have had the sad misfortune to work for.

But, just like any other job that I had over my lifetime, the one thing that my doorman job does have in common with those other jobs is that I am always, ALWAYS early for work...

...anywhere from a half hour, to forty five minutes, and sometimes even an hour early.

And on the day that I'm writing about now I was an hour early...

...and I truly thank God that I was that early...

...and as much as I hate to say this, and I know many will disagree with it, but I thank God I'm a cigarette smoker...

...because if I wasn't a cigarette smoker, what happened that early morning that I was an hour early for work, would never have happened.

I arrived at the building I work in at 6:00 AM and the doorman who works the nightshift, who I relieve at 7:00 AM could not believe I was that early. I told him that the trains had been running well that morning and sat down to have my Starbuck's coffee and get in some rough drafting in the notebooks I always carry with me of story ideas that had recently popped into my head...

...these are the actual reasons that I like to be early for work. I hate arriving at a job five or ten minutes before I have to start work, or worse, arriving exactly at my start time.

After a few cups of coffee and before I had even rough drafted any stories the craving for a cigarette set in hot and heavy.

I left my coffee and backpack at the doorman post in the building's lobby, told my co-worker that I was going for a smoke and exited the building.

I stepped a bit away from the front entrance because I didn't want any fumes from my cigarette to waft into the lobby.

Standing there in the quiet of the early morning I reached into my uniform jacket pocket, took out my pack of cigarettes and lighter, popped a Parliament between my lips, and lit up...

...looking across the street and for whatever the reason, slightly upwards...


...it was, as I was looking slightly upward...

...and at the apartment building directly across the one I work in, was when I saw him...

...well, his upper body was what I saw at that moment...

...his upper, well-toned and colossally muscular body at that...

...because he was, at that moment, in the early morning, taking a shower...

...and his bathroom window obviously faced the street.

As I took a pull on my cigarette, watching him at the same time, he wiped the slight mist of steam off his closed bathroom window, looked out and down for a split second, saw me smoking, and lifted a hugely muscular arm to wash one of his armpits with the bar of soap he was holding.

Even from across the street and even though his apartment was on the second floor of the building, I could see that his biceps were the size of bowling balls.

As he slowly washed his armpit I took a harder pull on my cigarette...

...and as I did so I could swear he was smiling down at me...

He went to work then soaping up his other armpit and washing that one.

My heart was racing and needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, my cock was engorging in my uniform pants...

Before he went to work washing his hugely muscled chest area, he turned and faced the window, clearly wanting to put on a good show for me.

As I blew cigarette smoke out of my mouth, my breath by then coming in short gasps, he seemed to be purposely lathering his chest very slowly...

...not washing it as fast as he had done with his armpits...

...and as he trailed that bar of soap, and his other hand over his suds upped massive chest, he WAS "really" looking down at me then, and making sure to keep the window mist-free by running the palm of a huge hand over it...

When he was done washing his chest I was halfway done with my cigarette. I decided to try something. As he was about to turn around to wash his back, I quickly pointed at one of my armpits. He smiled wide, seemed to chuckle a bit, and lifted his right arm, to again soap up and wash his armpit, and quickly doing the same thing with the other one...

...but making sure to place those hairy pits (yes, from where I was standing I was able to see that his pits were extremely hairy) very close to the window this time...

By then I was done with my cigarette.

I dropped the butt to the ground and before I could have done what I normally would have done after finishing smoking, which was to go back into the building lobby where I work and relax till my shift began, the muscle guy in the shower suddenly held two fingers to his lips, mimicking smoking a cigarette. I instantly got his meaning. He wanted me to stay there and smoke another cigarette...

...so he could continue his show for me...

I quickly lit a second cigarette and when I looked up again I saw that he had turned his back to the window and was soaping that ripped back and wide as a doorway shoulders...

...and it was more than he was washing his back and shoulders, the way his hands were gliding the soap over them, it was more like he was caressing his back and shoulders...

When he was done, he turned back facing the window, dipped his handsome as fuck head back and allowed the flowing shower water to soak his thick wavy brown hair...

...and as he leaned his head further back, he ran the palms of his hands and fingers through that hair, wanting it good and soaked, I was sure for the shampooing to come.

And sure enough...

...once his beautiful hair was thoroughly soaked he picked up a bottle of shampoo from a shower caddie and made a very sexy production of pouring some shampoo in his hand, placing the bottle back in the caddie, and then working it into his hair...

He leaned his head further back, as he washed his hair...

...so that his upper chest was really stretched and on display.

As I took a pull on my second cigarette a few passersby walked past me, but they didn't notice the spectacle that had my rapt attention...

...and thank God, because I didn't feel like sharing this show with ANYONE!

The hunk washed his hair, as if he were starring in a shampoo commercial...

...practically washing his hair in slow motion...

...and the way the shampoo's suds were gliding down his back and shoulders was somehow a totally glorious sight to behold...

When he was finished washing and rinsing his hair he held up his bar of soap, smiled wide, and moved the soap downward...


From the expressions on his face (and my God that face), he was now obviously washing/soaping his lower regions.

He bent down and for a few scant moments I could not see him.

I imagined he was washing his legs and feet...

When he stood up straight again he was facing the window...

...but his arms and hands were behind his back...

...and his body appeared to be wiggling and writhing...


From the expressions now on his face, it was evident what he was doing...

...he was fingering his butt hole...

...and with his fingers all soapy it had to feel amazing what he was doing to himself...

Finally, he held up both hands, indicating, more like I guessed, that he was done with his shower...

I saw that he was washing his hands and fingers...


...he dropped the bar of soap and held up the first two fingers of his right hand, to indicate the number two...

My heart raced faster and at that point, needless to say, my cock was hard as steel in my doorman uniform pants...

I knew what he would do next... I DID NOT need three guesses...

He made his thumb and first finger into a letter C...

The muscle god had just told me that his apartment number was 2C...

...and then he was making a "Come Hither" gesture...

I quickly looked at my watch, saw that I still had forty five minutes before my shift started, dropped my finished cigarette to the ground and dashed across the street to his building.

I took the elevator to the second floor and walked quickly down the short hallway to apartment 2C...

I gently knocked and he opened the door...

...clad in just a white towel wrapped across his waist and a pair of shower shoes on his giant feet...

"Come in, Mr. Doorman," he said in a deep guttural voice.

I didn't have to be told twice...

As I stepped into his beautiful apartment he locked the door and then he was towering over me...

...all six feet plus and muscles to spare of him...

His totally muscled smooth body was a work of God's art...

Without a word I was running the palms of my hands over his huge boulder-like biceps, as he toyed with my black uniform tie...

"Did you like the show?" he asked, leaned down, and kissed my lips, my face, and one of my ears. "You liked watching me shower, Mr. Doorman?"

Again, as he toyed and fingered my tie, he kissed my lips, my face, and this time both of my ears. In response, I leaned in and slurped one of his pink-eraser pointy nipples into my mouth...

...and sucked it hard, taking deep breaths as I did...

He smelled of soap and shampoo...

...and his skin was still nicer and moist from his early morning shower...

As I sucked the fuck out of his nipple, it grew rock hard in my mouth...

...so I sucked it harder...

...chewed on it...bit it with my front-most teeth...

...at the same time running the palms of my hands up and down and all over his enormous biceps...

...as he then cupped his HUGE hands around the back of my neck and head...

...and forced me to press my mouth harder against his nipple.

"AWWWWW yeah, how'd you know I love having my tits worked like this before I get fucked?" he croaked in that deep guttural voice, that voice a tone enough to drive someone sexually crazy.

But before I could respond to his incredible questions, the big stack of muscles wanting to be fucked that is...

...he, with the ease of his strength, moved my head over, so that now I was sucking, slurping, chewing, and bighting on his other nipple...and just like his first nub, in no time it was totally jutted up and hard...

"AWWWWW FUCK, fuck Mr. Doorman, all the times I saw you standing out there smoking your cigarette I tried to get your attention..." he panted breathlessly. "Fucking so glad you looked up today and saw me showering before I have to get to my construction worker job...AWWWWWW yeah, feels so amazing what you're doin' to my tits...always need this before I get fucked!!"

A few moments later he pulled my head off his nipples, cupped my face in his hands, and again kissed my lips, my face, my ears, this time he even sucked my earlobes, and kissed the back and front of my neck...

...and needless to say, at that point my cock was a thing of steel in my uniform pants.

As he was kissing and kissing the bejesus out of me I undid the knot in the towel around his waist and let it fall to the floor at our feet...

Like mine, his cock was at full mast, all of what appeared to be eight or nine inches of it...

His testicles were the size of kiwis and hung down real low and sexy in his still moist sac...

When he ceased kissing me all over my face and neck, he crouched down, wrapped his HUGE muscled arms around my waist, and with no effort whatsoever hoisted me up and off the floor.

He began bestowing kisses up and down my uniform tie...

"I love dudes in uniforms, Mr. Doorman," he gurgled at me, as he held me aloft. "I swear to fucking God, the first time I saw you down there smoking your cigarette, I prayed I would have you up here to fuck me...to fuck my ass...to ram your cock up my ass and fuck me like it's the end of the world..."

He hoisted me a bit higher and as he then kissed the lapels of my uniform jacket I curled my fingers around the back of his bull-sized neck, leaned down and kissed the top of his head. The muscle god's hair was still damp and smelled of designer shampoo...

"So fucking hot you are, Mr. Doorman," he said and set me down on my feet, trailing his fingers now over the collars of my uniform shirt and jacket. "I want you to fuck me, Mr. Doorman, fuck me while you're wearing you uniform. Fuck me hard, fuck me senseless...breed my man pussy as if tomorrow is never coming...only we'll be cumming...Mr. Doorman..."

I loved how he kept calling me Mr. Doorman, he didn't know my name after all...and I didn't know his either. I don't wear a nametag with my doorman uniform. And when I had entered the muscle guy's building I hadn't checked his name on the wall of doorbells. He hadn't had to buzz me in so checking for his name hadn't even entered my mind, that's how anxious I was to get up to his apartment.

"Yeah, I'll fuck you like you're begging for me to fuck you," I said, again running the palms of my hands over and over and over his huge rock hard biceps.

"Bedroom is this way, Mr. Doorman," he said, and this time, when he hoisted me up and off the floor he had me in a position of groom carrying his bride over the threshold on their honeymoon night.

As he carried me the short distance to his bedroom I wrapped my arms around his broad, super-strong shoulders, kissed his lips, and simply enjoyed the ride...

...as he would soon be enjoying another type of ride...

A few moments later, he was on his queen-sized bed on all fours, with his incredibly well-muscled ass in the air...

...groaning, moaning and grunting like an overly horny marine, as I knelt behind him...

...holding his ass cheeks spread wide...

...and eating his pucker hole at what had to feel to the stack of muscles like bionic speed...

"AWWWWWW yeah, fucking A, FUCKING FUCKS Mr. Doorman, yeah, that's it, that's the goddamned ticket!!!" he swore as I spit in his hole a few times and then vigorously sucked my saliva back out, driving him batty. "Eat my ass, soak my man pussy!! Yeah, get it all nice and primed and prepped for the fucking to come...fucking eat my ass, Mr. Doorman!!"

I pried his delectable ass globes further apart and tried to get as much as my nose and mouth in there as possible...

...because to be totally up front here, after his shower and after he had fingered his hole earlier with his soapy fingers, his hole tasted exquisite...

If I had had the time I would have eaten him for hours before getting down to fucking the stuffing out of him.

But time, at that moment, was something I didn't have a lot of. And as much as I would have loved to eat the muscle head's ass all the live long day, I did have a job to get to across the street...

...and not to mention, but I will mention it, my cock was harder than hard and almost aching to fuck the guy...

When I, and my erect cock couldn't wait anymore, I ceased eating his hole, propped myself up on my knees behind him, extracted my throbber from the fly opening of my uniform pants...

...and in a fast motion plunged it inside his moist slicked hole.

"AWWWWWWWHHHH!!! Oh yes, oh yes Mr. Doorman, fuck me, fuck me good!!" he grunted throatily, clawing at the bed sheets.

I slid my cock in and out of him at a rhythmic motion, gripping his hips and even slapping his hot ass cheeks a few times in between fucking him...

"GAWWWWD man, you fuck ass great, its uniform guys like you that can get me to cum without having my meat stick touched!!" he sputtered, practically sounding like he was crying tears of joy... "I can just shoot my load from having cock up my ass; uniform men cock up my ass!!

Hearing that seemed to drive me on all the more...

I clenched my teeth, squeezed his ass cheeks super tight, buried my erection deep inside him and felt it, I was cumming...

...and I shot a load like I could not believe...it seemed to just go on and on...

I panted, sputtered breathlessly, spanked his ass cheeks hard...and then all of a sudden, heard the muscle man railing, "OH yeah, shoot your load in my pussy hole Mr. Doorman...makes me cum, AWWWWWWWW!!! Yeah, just like that it makes me cum!!!"

As I went on fucking him, shooting my load inside him, he shot his load at the same time, all over his bed sheets, swearing like a captured marine as he did so...

"FUUUCCCCKKKK, love having a uniform man cock up my ass!!" he went on as he and I both continued spurting our loads...him all over his bed sheets and me inside him...

After a short while, after we were both spent, my softening cock slid from his hole, he climbed off the bed and we hugged tight, him whispering, "Thank you, thank you Mr. Doorman...AW man, what a great way to start my day...having had cock up my ass...uniform cock up my ass."

As he hugged me I kissed his shoulder...

I then took a deep breath and said, "I have to get across the street to my post...and you need to change your bed sheets..."

He let go of me, we both laughed at what I had said about his bed sheets and before I left his apartment he made me promise we would do this again...

I looked at him and said, "Are you kidding? I can't wait till we do it again..." and with that I packed my cock back into my uniform pants, zipped up and headed back across the street...

...and I just made it for 7:00 AM...

The nightshift doorman looked at me and said, "That was either a long cigarette or you went across the street to the guy who likes showing off while he showers and wants uniform men like us to go up to his apartment and fuck his ass..."

As a look of shock filled my face the nightshift doorman winked at me...

/The End???/

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