I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on May 20, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - part 8

By: BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com

This story MAY NOT be reproduced on any web site or in ANY fashion without MY express permission.

It was a normal Friday about 4pm. I knew it was 4pm as I had heard Rick come home from classes just a few minutes ago. It was a normal Friday if you can call being tied up in a closet all day normal. For me it was normal. Rick had been in a mood that morning and he had tied me tight to the wall. Legs spread, ass plugged, my mouth stuffed with a large penis gag, and my cock and balls harnessed waving uselessly in the air. He didn't bother with my chastity device as there was no way in the world I could do anything with my cock but stare at it. He had even left the light on so I could get a better view. What a sweetheart Rick can be. Eventually he came in to check on me. He released me from the wall, removing the butt plug and gag. As usual he took me to the bathroom then back into the second bedroom. While he did his home work he made me crawl under the desk and suck his cock. He made me spread my legs wide apart then placed one foot firmly on my balls. By applying pressure he could direct me as to what he wanted. If he pressed my balls hard into the rug, I knew to speed up. When he released the pressure I knew to slow down. I felt like a car gas pedal. Whenever he would get close to cumming he would pull my head back and have me kiss and lick his feet instead. We must have spent at least an hour there before he finally let me take his hot cum in my mouth. He made me stay kneeling there until he had finished his homework. I stared at my own cock and wished so badly Rick would let me cum. I was so hard anytime he didn't have me locked in my cb3000. The only solace I had was that this Sunday was my day to cum. Whoopee, a short quick jack off then another two weeks of sheer torture. I wondered what else Rick had planned for the evening. Little did I know what lay in store.

After Rick had feed me my dinner he informed me were going to have company this evening. He had invited a couple of his friends over. He told me I had met some of them already at his birthday party. They had enjoyed themselves so much they had been begging to come back. Somehow by the wicked look in his eyes I knew he really meant cum back. Without his even telling me I knew that I was going to be tonight's entertainment.

Rick took me into my closet to get me prepared for our company. He removed the cock and ball harness and replaced it with my cb3000. "I only want you to wish you could get hard tonight", he told me as he locked it in place. He then added a ball stretcher with a d-ring attached. Next he repositioned my hands. He loves to pull my wrists up behind my back and lock them to my collar. This has become one of his favorites. He tells me that when my hands are pulled up tight at my shoulder blades it leaves my entire body open and vulnerable to him. Tonight I knew it meant open and vulnerable to his friends too. Rick reached up onto the shelf where he puts new toys and pulled down a metal butt plug. From the end of it there were wires attached that ran to a small black leather pouch. He bent me over. Lightly lubed my ass and shoved the butt plug firmly in place. He then reached for a leather harness. It goes around my waist, then down the front of my crotch on either side of my cock and balls, and up my ass crack where it all locks together tightly behind my back. It allows my cock and balls to hang free, but hold anything Rick wants firmly in my ass. He hooked the small leather pouch from the butt plug to the waist strap. He then fitted me our ring gag. The same one I had worn for his birthday party. There was little doubt in my mind was Rick wanted me to be doing tonight. I also knew he used the ring gag just to humiliate me. He knows I hate it. All I feel like is a giant mouth. I would gladly suck our guests cocks. But he has to use the ring gag just to make me feel like a piece of the furnirure.Rick led me back into the living room. He opened the little leather pouch and I heard him clicking a switch. He the produced a small remote control device. "I bet you wonder what I put in you ass, don't you slave," he said. I nodded my head yes. I really wished I hadn't done that. "Let me show you," Rick replied. He raised the remote so I could see it better. His finger pushed down on the button and suddenly my ass felt like a lightening bolt has just flew up it. My mind reeled but I knew what Rick had put in my ass. He had fitted me with a remote control electrified butt plug. Panic set in for a moment. I was locked into this thing and there was no way I could out. I was at his mercy until he removed it.

"Did that hurt boy?" Rick mockingly asked. "It can hurt worse, You see the longer I hold the button down the stronger the shock you get." He emphasized his point by once again depressing the button. This time he held it down as the pain grew stronger and stronger. I dropped to my knees and wished the ground would just open up and swallow me. Just make it stop I wanted to scream. As quick as the pain was there Rick had removed his finger from the button and it went away. Just a dull ache deep in my ass where moments before a searing pain had existed. "On your feet boy", Rick ordered, "did I give you permission to be on your knees?" I struggled back onto my feet. This was going to be a long evening. Once again Rick lightly depressed the button. Pain seared through my ass but I stayed standing. "If you are good my little Alex that is all you will get. If you are bad I can hold it down longer." Once again his finger hit the button. This time I went to me knees, then to the floor. God please let the pain go away. Just as fast as it came it was gone again. Rick was at my side stroking my hair. "This is going to be fun tonight. I know you will make me proud, won't you?" He helped me back to my knees and ordered me to stay there. I gladly did, while he went about getting ready for our company. Anything to keep him from pushing that damn button.

The door bell finally rang. Rick was in the kitchen but I knew he had hit the button as the pain shot through my ass. "Get the door slave", I heard him call. I got to my feet and hurried to the door before he zapped my ass again. I opened it and recognized two of the guys from Alex's birthday party. Jake was the first one to reach for me. He was the same one that had enjoyed yanking my balls before. His hands headed straight there again. He got a good grip and pulled down as hard as he could.

"Nice to see you again," he said as he gave them a good twist. "I see Rick still knows how to keep his boy in line. Is that mouth still half as good as I remember it?" His friend shut the door and Jake drug me after him over to the couch still holding tightly onto my balls. Just then Rick appeared. "Jake I see you are getting reacquainted with Alex," he said.

"Actually this is what I want him to get reacquainted with," Jake replied, groping his crotch. "By all means. That's what he's for," Rick offered. However, before Jake could put my mouth to the use as he intended the doorbell rang again. "Sorry about that Jake but, you'll just have to wait, Alex needs to get the door," Rick said as he hit the button on the remote. Maybe I was getting used to the pain because I was able to walk to the door while the pain ripped through my ass. Either that or I am just a born masochist and get off on it. Personally I think it is a little of both.

I opened the door and admitted two more guys. One was a little older maybe 28, blonde hair, a muscular build like Rick's, and a definite air of authority about him. Following him was a Latino guy with black hair about my age and build. He kept his eyes looking down at the floor and did not look at me. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt, tight faded blue jeans, and no shoes. It took me a moment to realize he had a collar around his neck. However, it took me no time to notice the almost obscene bulge in his crotch. They had no more than entered when the older guy said, "Jose, strip, now." With out any hesitation Jose began to remove his clothes. As he did so I realized that all he had on was the t-shirt and jeans. They were quickly folded neatly by our door. Now that he was naked I knew why his crotch had bulged so prominently. The man who I assumed was his Master had fitted him with a very confining cock and ball harness. It went around his cock and balls and then had a stretcher that pulled his balls I swear 2 inches or more out from his crotch. It then had a strap that divided them and pulled them apart. He looked like he had two goose eggs hanging between his legs. Now that his pants were off his cock had sprung up to attention. I have always prided myself on my cock size (worthless as it is right now) but Jose's actually rivaled mine. His Master snapped his fingers and ordered Jose to present himself to the room. Jose walked to the center of the room, climbed up on the coffee table, clasped his hands behind his back, spread his legs wide, braced his shoulders and lowered his eyes to the floor. There he stood in all his glory, a tribute to his Master's training. Needless to say everyone present, except me of course, took full advantage to check out the merchandise. I have to say I was impressed. As his ass was inspected, his balls and cock fondled and pulled on. He never once moved. Just stood there and let 3 sets of hands have their way with him.

When the inspections of Jose were complete Rick turned his attention to me. "John," he said addressing Jose's Master, "This is my boy, Alex." John walked over to me. I braced myself as Jose had done. I lowered my eyes to the floor and waited. I was going to make Rick proud. I was a better slave that Jose was and Rick was a better Master that John. As John's hands explored my body I never moved, I never flinched. When he was done I felt a hand on my shoulder and Rick's voice whispering in my ear, "Good boy, you made me proud. Keep it up." He made he come kneel by his side on the floor and stroked my hair.

"Is that an electric butt plug you have on your boy?" John asked. "Yes, it is. This is the first time I have used it on him", Rick answered. "Very nice. I like what you have done with him. Let me get my boy a little more presentable for tonight," John said reaching for a duffle bag he had brought in with him. He ordered Jose to stand in front of him and began producing items from the bag. The first item was a full leather hood. It had no eye holes, only a hole at the mouth. John fit it over his boys head lacing the back tight and locking the base when he was done. The mouth hole was filled with a leather cock gag which snapped in place. Next came an arm binder. The boys arms were placed in it laying elbow to wrist behind his back. It was then laced tightly closed. Rick and I had one like this but had only used it a couple of times. As hot as Jose looked I might just need to talk Rick into using ours on me more. Just watching Jose be slowly tied up was making my dick struggle to get hard. God how I hated this damn thing trapping my cock. To just have my cock free and my arms loose. I could watch this wonderful spectacle and be able to stroke myself in appreciation. John added one last touch to Jose's outfit. He pulled out of his bag a wicked set of tit clamps. We had a pair like them, Rick called them clover clamps. Once set they did not come off. If you pulled on them it only set them tighter and I knew from experience that they hurt like hell. John reached into his bag one more time and pulled out a leather paddle. He cracked Jose across his ass, "My boy loves his ass paddled. Who wants to go first?" He laid Jose across our coffee table with his ass high in the air and looked around to see who wanted the first go.

Jake smiled wickedly at me and said, "What I really want a go at is that sweet mouth of Alex's". "You heard him boy," Rick said to me as he hit the button sending pain radiating through my ass. I had forgotten all about my plug watching Jose. I crawled on my knees over to Jake who had already shed his pants. As he slid his cock into my mouth I heard his friend say, "Here give me that. I want this cute little Mexican ass." As the sound of the paddle viciously hitting Jose's ass filled my ears, Jake's cock filled my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and drove his cock in and out of my mouth. I swear he gauged the tempo of his thrusts with the beat of the paddle. My whole world quickly became the beat of leather on flesh and the pounding of flesh into my mouth. When Jake came he and his friend traded places. Jake took up the paddle and his friend's cock invaded my open mouth. Jake's friend came long before Jake was done at his turn with the paddle. So I was allowed to sit back on my heels and watch. Jose's ass was glowing a bright red and he was moaning softly behind his gag when Jake finally stopped. The 4 tops decided that they all needed beers so set off into the kitchen to get them. Before they left Rick grabbed the back of my head and pushed it down into Jose's ass. "Put that tongue to some use, slave. I want you to give him the best rim job you know how." As I pressed my cheeks into Jose's ass I could feel the intense heat radiating off it. I did as I was ordered and stuck my tongue into his ass. As I pushed at his hole I felt him thrust his hips back up to meet eager tongue. I could get into this I quickly realized. However, before I had a chance Rick pulled me back off. Beer in hand he buried my face in his crotch.

When Rick had cum. He offered me to Jose's Master. John replied, "No thank you not right now. But I have a better idea. I think your boy got off on rimming my boy's ass. How about we see how he likes his cock. I know you don't let your boy cum. I let mine, but only when he really works for it. Let's see if we can make them both really work for it." Rick and John went into our second bedroom and returned with the weight bench. "This should work for what I have in mind," John said. He helped Jose off the coffee table and laid him down on the weight bench on his stomach. He used the small side making his head and upper torso hang off one side and his cock, balls, and ass the other. The only support Jose had was from his lower rib cage to his stomach. Rick removed my ring gag and I was slid under the weight bench so my head was directly under Jose's cock. Pillows were put under my upper back until his cock was in mouth. They attached the d-ring on his ball stretcher to my slave collar so I couldn't pull my head away. I felt hands fumbling with my ball stretcher and was made to raise my hips just a tad. I soon realized that they had connected the chain from Jose's tit clamps to the d-ring on my ball stretcher. When I was allowed to lower my hips I heard Jose moan and realized that I was pulling his tits. It was my choice pull his tits or have to keep my hips raised in the air. Needless to say I picked my comfort over his. He at least had a mouth surrounding his cock. All I had was a cb3000 confining mine. His cock was rock hard mine wished it could be. My ass was suddenly on fire and I realized Rick had pushed his trusty little button. I jerked hard pulling Jose's tits. I heard him sob behind his gag and actually felt bad.

"Now we're almost ready," I heard John say, "I just need to remove my slave's gag." I heard a snap from other side of the bench and then John continued. "Here is how our little game is going to work. Rick, your slave sucks my slave. When my boy gets to the point where he is going to cum he is to tell us. If he cums without my permission he knows what will happen to him. Your boy will immediately stop sucking. We let my boy cool down a bit and start all over again. Now to make it fun I have my boys paddle you have your boys butt plug. Let's give this a try." John hit Jose's ass while Rick sent pain through mine. We both jerk. Him yanking my balls, me yanking his tits. "All right Alex," I heard John say, "One more little twist, I am going to give you a time limit. If Jose has not reached the point were he needs you to stop then you get your ass fried. If you have gotten him there then he gets his ass blistered. You have 4 minutes, GO"

4 minutes, I started working Jose's cock for all I was worth. Now I know I have a damn good mouth. Rick has told me many times that I do. But obviously Jose and his Master had played like this before. Jose I learned that evening had will power. Needless to say, the 4 minutes was up I had not gotten Jose to the point where he needed me to stop. "Time," I heard Rick say as pain lanced through my insides. He held the button down until it was a wonder I didn't bite down on Jose's cock. I know I thrashed my hips around and yanked his tits. Oh well, if I had to be in pain so did he. After Rick released the button, the pillows under my head were removed so Jose's cock could come out of my mouth. His Master then rubbed and ice on it to cool him down. As the water dripped on my face I vowed that it would be him who got whipped next time. I was not going to get my ass fried for him. When they decided Jose was cooled down enough I felt hands under my shoulders raising me back onto Jose's cock. No pillows this time. I wondered why. "Ready boys?" John asked, "10 minutes, go" I could do this no problem. I doubled my efforts and shortly I heard, "Sir I am going to cum, Sir." No order to stop followed. "PLEASE, Sir I am going to cum, Sir" A more frantic voice begged. "Alex, Stop," John commanded. I was immediately lowered to the floor. In front of my eyes was Jose's poor cock. Pulsing and straining to cum. His Master let him sit there just a moment then applied ice again. "You lost, Jose," John said as I heard the sound of the paddle impacting his ass. Once again my head was pushed up into Jose's crotch. "3 minutes boy," I heard. I started working Jose's cock for all I was worth. I knew I couldn't make it but I was sure going to try. Needless to say I failed. The hands quickly lowered me to the floor and the pain followed. Rick held the button down and I thrashed on the floor. This time I felt sorry for Jose as I yanked his tits. He had just had his ass whipped and was in just as much pain as I was. I realized that was part of the fun for our tormenters. Pitting to hapless boys against each other. Both wanting desperately to make their Master proud of them. One wanting to cum and hoping he performs well enough to get to. One knowing he can't cum no matter how good he performs. Such cruel task masters, using ones ability to cum and ones inability to cum to torture them. I vowed right there I was going to make my Master proud but I was also going to do my best to help Jose earn the right. At least one of us deserved some sort of reward for our hard efforts. Instead our of just being playthings that 4 horny guys were getting off torturing. I had no idea just how hard that would prove to be.

"Boys the rules are changing just a little. I am going to give you a time limit. If Jose hasn't cum by then you both get punished," John sadistic voice said. As my mouth was once again thrust onto Jose's cock I heard, "1 minute, boys" I tried but knew there was no point. My head was pulled away after the minute was up and ass Jose's ass was paddled I was shocked. Again up went my head, "1 minute boys." Again down came my head and pain radiated through my ass as I knew it was through Jose's. Up my head went, "30 seconds boys." Down went my head. Pain so intense I wanted to die. Over and over they did this till finally all I wanted in life was Jose to cum to end the pain. Finally I took Jose's cock in my mouth and just by the feeling knew he would cum this time. Praise god it would all finally be over. How anyone can take what should be an act of such pleasure and turn it into such pain I will never know. Just as I was sure he was going to cum I heard his poor voice say, "Sir I am going to cum, permission to cum, Sir." In stead of allowing him yo cum my head was pulled away and the paddle fell on Jose's ass. John was waiting with ice to bring Jose's inflamed cock down to a dull roar. Would they never let this end. I was sure by now Jose had to be almost out of his mind in desperation. I wasn't much better. God how I longed to have my cock free and be allowed the sweet release of cumming. The only difference was Jose knew he still might get to, I knew there was nothing I could do about it. "Sorry boys, I am tired of this game," Rick's voice said above me. I felt hands releasing me were I was attached to Jose. My feet were grabbed and I was unceremoniously pulled out from under the weight bench. Rick was kneeling at my side. He took my tits in his fingers, twisting them he asked, "Are you having fun? I am" John helped Jose up off the bench. He removed his hood and from where I lay I could look at his face. I could tell by the vacant look in his eyes just how desperate he was to get to cum. John in what I assumed was a little bit of pity released Jose's cock and balls from the stretcher. His poor balls looked so sore and so full. His poor cock was so hard it must have hurt. John also removed the tit clamps. Poor Jose arched his back and let out a moan of pain that made me hurt. My heart went out to him unfortunately there was nothing I could do he was at his Master's mercy.

"My boy still needs to cum, should I let him?" John said as his eyes surveyed the faces looking at him. God knows why but I opened my mouth and said, "Sir please let him cum, Sir." All eyes turned to me. Rick's look was interesting. I really thought it conveyed his pleasure with me for thinking outside myself and caring about poor Jose. From the course of the evening I really felt John was far too hard on Jose. I knew Rick loved me but really doubted John felt that way about Jose. Jose was just a toy, a possession. Rick was the first one to answer me, "All right Alex. Jose can cum. But while he jacks himself off I am going to hold down the button on your butt plug until he cums. Are you willing to do that?" My mind reeled. I looked at Jose pitiful face and hard aching cock. All I could feel was pity for him. I might not be able to cum by I sure as hell could make it possible for him. "Yes Sir," was my short honest answer. Rick looked me in the face and said, "Boy I couldn't be prouder of you." My heart soared. Jose glanced my way and said, "Sirs I can't do that. I don't want to hurt Alex." "It isn't a choice boy," John replied. "Either you do it or we'll punish both of you." The look on Jose's face said it all, he didn't want this. He didn't want my pain to be how he got his pleasure but he knew at this point neither of us had any choice. John released Jose's arms from behind his back. "Ready boys?" he asked. Jose's hands moved to his cock and Rick's finger went for the button. The last thing I saw before the pain overwhelmed me was the look of total joy on Jose's face as his hand wrapped around his cock. When the pain finally went away I realized Jose was done. I looked over at him still standing there the last of his cum dripping off the end of his cock. He looked so happy. To know that I had made that possible was an incredible feeling.

The party broke up soon there after. Rick took me into his bed and held me tight to him, Kissing my face and neck while telling me how much he loved me and how proud he was of me. What a perfect ending to an incredible evening. As we lay there I hoped I could meet Jose again. I even expressed that desire to Rick. He kissed me deeply and said, "We'll have to see what we can arrange."

This story of Alex's has been a lot longer than usual, but it describes such an intense scene there was just no way to condense it. If I had it would have lost the impact. Yes Alex made me proud. John went way over the top to me. If Alex hadn't said something I would have. But when Alex opened his mouth I had to test that he really meant what he said. He doesn't know it and I will never tell him. The pain level in his butt plug depends on how long you hold down the button and what setting you have it on. I had moved it when he wasn't looking to the lightest setting possible and then held the button down and quickly released it over and over again. In other words I made it as easy as possible on him as I could. After such a magnanimous gesture on his part toward Jose that was the least I could do. I will never tell him because I want him to really feel he gave his all for Jose. If you liked Jose he will turn up latter in this narrative. As always let me know what you think. BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 9

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