I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on May 15, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 6

by BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com

This story may not be reproduced anywhere without the writer's expressed permission.

Well I guess it is time for me to once again publish an excerpt from Alex's writings. I want to say thank you to everyone who has e-mailed me. Some of you have given me great ideas that I am going to try out on Alex's poor little body. However, trust me I can be very creative, but new ideas are always welcome. For anyone that wonders, do I really care for my little Alex, let me answer. He is my life. But, I enjoy causing him pain, almost as much as he enjoys receiving it. Sitting on our couch with Alex's head resting in my lap, his hands bound behind his back, his beautiful eyes looking up at me is indescribable. His eyes reflect the feelings in his soul. You have heard the expression, the eyes are the window to the soul. Well believe me in Alex's case it is very true. To look into those soft brown depth less pools that are his eyes is to loose yourself in joy. No matter what I am doing, to his bound helpless body, his eyes express absolute trust and devotion. What is my point with this? For anyone out there who in anyway doubts my care and love of my boy, don't! I will use him. I will abuse him. But I will treasure him and care for him as if he was the most prized possession on the planet. To me he is! Remember that expression, though, my possession. Don't ever forget he belongs to me! Despite how I love him he is still mine, to do as I want with. If I hurt him, okay. He belongs to me. If I ignore him, tough shit, he is mine. That is his purpose. That is ultimately what make him happy and gives him a reason for living. Without my control of his life, I firmly believe that Alex would cease to exist. Without him and his love I would probably do the same. So we fulfill each others needs. I must control him and he must be controlled. We complete each other.

Good lord, I say Alex wanders off in his writings. What have I just done? Wandered off into my own little world of being a Master. Let me stop here before you get bored with my rambling ideas. Let me turn your over to my little slave Alex and the story of his that I have chosen to share with you:

As I was laying in my closet, (my home) last night trying to fall asleep it dawned on me that I had never written about my constant companion. I know you are thinking, his what? My constant companion. I have written about how Rick only jerks me off every other week. I am pretty sure that anyone reading this has figured out that I am horny all the time. In fact just writing that sentence make me hot. I am horny! I want to cum! 2 weeks is an eternity! I am a healthy young male. We need to cum often, daily! But no, I am Rick's slave. I cum every other week. Then as I have written, (if he has published it or not I don't know) he quickly jerks me off. No tenderness, no sex, just a quick release to keep me healthy. If I had any idea this was to be sex for me for 13 months I would have never signed that stupid contract. But I did sign it. I did allow him to lock restraints on me that first night. So what the hell am I complaining about? Let's get back to how I started. I mentioned my constant companion. Let me tell you about it and why I wear it.

First of all it is a cb3000. For anyone out there who does not know what that is, get a life! Even I knew about it long before Rick ever bought one. It is a very confining chastity device. I have written before (again I don't know if Rick has published or not) about how Rick at the beginning loved to tie me up so I was forced to look at my constant erection. He would make me spend an entire day being forced to stare at me hard cock waving uselessly in the air. At the start of our contract I never tried to rub myself during the night. I felt, every time the thought came to me, that I would disappoint Rick. Actually, he never tied me loose enough, or without the leather chastity shorts on, that I could get at my dick to try and rub it. However as time went on. (I admit it, maybe a week. I got horny and desperate very quick) I couldn't take it anymore. I realized that even tied up I could rub my cock on the carpet and get off if he tied me loose enough. Yes, I know a dog does that but I was horny and willing to do anything to get to cum. From the start Rick had promised that if I had a wet dream he would not punish me. It dawned on me one night as I was laying in my closet that I could make myself cum and Rick would never suspect. Little did I know. Even now I don't know how he knew what I was doing. I had gotten myself in a position where I could rub my cock on the rug. God it felt so good! I remember humping that carpet like my life depended on it. I was so exceptionally horny that night. It felt like heaven laying there bucking my hips to move my cock back and forth over the rug. It had been a hard day, or at least I had been hard all day. Before I tell you the outcome here let's go back to that day. Maybe it will give you a better idea of why I was so desperate to cum that I was willing to try anything. Even risk getting in trouble with Rick and being punished.

It had started routine enough. Just another Sunday for me. Another day as a plaything for Rick to abuse. About noon Rick had brought a kitchen chair out into the living room. As soon as I saw it I knew where he intended me to spend the afternoon. Rick purchased our table and chair set. He found one that the chairs as he put it, "Just begged to have me tied to them." I assumed that he would tie me in the chair and maybe let me watch football with him that afternoon. I had no idea what he had in mind. Before sitting me in the chair he went into my closet and got a few more toys. He removed the simple leather collar I was wearing and replaced it with a wide posture collar. I hated this one. Once he strapped it in place and locked it, all I could do was look straight ahead. On the back of it is an attachment for wrist restraints. Rick unlocked my hands and pulled them up one at a time. He brought them over my head and locked them to the back of the collar. When he was done my elbows were sticking up in the air above my head and were going to stay there until he released them. He has tied me like this before and the feeling of vulnerability is incredible. Every inch of my body is open and readily accessible to him. As if to reminds me of that fact I felt Rick's hands on my body. He started at my elbows and slowly traced his way down. He explored my armpits. Swirling his fingers in the hair. From there his hands moved on to my nipples. He was moving his hands slowly and just the anticipation of having them arrive turned me on. He brushed them lightly, then pinched them, rolling them between his fingers. I let a soft moan escaped my lips. Rick knows that my tits are sensitive and he has always loved to play with them. He placed a finger on my lips and said, "Calm down boy, we are just getting started. We have all afternoon to play." With that he bent his head down and I felt his tongue licking my left nipple as his fingers continued to play with my right. God, I thought, if only that sweet mouth would drop just a little lower and find it's way to my cock. Without realizing it I must have thrust my hips forward as the next thing I felt was a sharp slap on my ass. Then Rick's mouth next to my ear saying, "Sorry boy it doesn't get played with anymore. You don't get to cum this weekend. Not until next Sunday. But I have other things planned for you anyway." He kissed my ear and placing his hand on the back of my neck bent me over. I felt him applying lube to my ass followed by a butt plug. Now finally he sat me down on the chair.

Rick, using leather cinch straps, anchored my upper body firmly to the chair back. He used one at my hips, one at my stomach, and one just below my tits. As he tightened them I knew I was not going to be able to move even an inch. Next he turned his attention to my knees. Rick had made this ingenious little wooden bar. It is like a ankle spreader but for the knees. When sitting on a chair he designed it so that my knees are spread as far apart as possible. The wooden bar then slides just behind my bent knees. He then added hooks so he could tie my knees to the bar. Thus not allowing me to close my knees. He then attaches the bar to the chair and I cannot move. My knees will stay spread wide in place until he releases them. In this position Rick has full access to my crotch and there is nothing I can do about it. Next my ankles were tied off to the chair legs. He pulled them up so they were resting on the side cross pieces. I knew what would be next. The ball stretcher I was already wearing was attached by a cord to the knee bar. Pulling my balls out away from my crotch. Rick went back over each strap, rope, and cord. Tightening each one until he had removed any slack. I couldn't move more that 1/8 of a inch in any direction. With the collar on I couldn't even look down at my body all I could do was just stare straight ahead. Again his mouth was next to my ear, "Are you ready slave? I am planning on hurting you. I don't want to have to gag you. I want to be able to hear every moan. Every plea for release. Please, don't get to loud and make me gag you. I will be very disappointed in you if I have to do that." He again kissed my ear lobe and pulled his head away.

My mind started racing wondering what Rick was planning. I felt him move behind me. Once again his hands were on my upraised arms. He sensuously again moved them slowly lower. My mind was already anticipating them reaching my tits. They moved ever closer and I realized how turned on I was getting just having Rick touch me. Finally his hands arrived and his soft touch sent shivers down my back. Arriving quite firmly at my cock. Even though I couldn't see it I knew it was sticking straight up in the air.

I know you are probably thinking, that turned on just from a touch. First, you have never felt Rick's touch. Felt Rick's strong, loving, sensual hands on your body. Secondly, if you have never experienced that kind of intense sensation then I am sorry for you. Thirdly, I was a healthy male 19 year old. I was used to cumming all the damn time. Now it's every other week! I was and still am so horny just a strong breeze on my tits makes my cock stand at attention. I will admit that I have gotten a little more reconciled to my situation, not much, but a little. But back then I was still so randy all the time I wanted to explode. As usual I have drifted off from my story. Let's get back on track. Rick's hands are stroking my tits, my cock waving hard at attention, me desperate to cum.

After what seemed like just a short second Rick pulled his hands away. "Enough of that for now slave. I have other things planned." With that he held a clothes pin in front of my face so I could see it. I hated clothes pins. He knew that. But when he was in the mood for them it didn't matter. I also knew that if he wanted me to hurt, so be it. I would take what he dished out and make him proud. I must admit that suffering and pain administered by Rick was and always is special to me. If he can use my body to get enjoyment that I am serving my purpose.

"Where should I start? Where would you like the first one?" he asked. I thought quick. I knew he liked to run lines across between my tits so I said, "My tits, Sir." His hand glided across my left tit as he answered me, "No boy not your tits today. I want to save them for something else. How about the inside of your thighs." I felt him pinching a small fold of skin about half way between my crotch and knee on my right thigh. Then almost screamed as he set the clothes pin in place. His hands moved back to my nipples again. Once again slowly rubbing them. The pain from the first clothes pin was still there. But the pleasure he was sending through my body with his ministrations was making me forget about it. When his fingers stopped I knew what was coming. Again on the other leg he pulled a small fold of skin and set home another one. Once again it hurt like hell but his fingers returned immediately to my nipples. Brushing, stroking, replacing the pain with pleasure again. This time when his hands pulled away I knew what was coming. Another pin set on my thigh. This time however his hands did not return to my tits. Instead I felt him pinching the skin on the other leg and a second pin followed. Now his hands finally returned to my tits. It took longer this time for the pain to be dulled by the pleasure he was giving me. When it finally did more pins followed. This time 4 total, 2 on each leg. His fingers flicked each of the ones he had set in place before he returned to my tits. This time he used his mouth to lick and lightly suck my tits. I realized why as he let his fingers continue to flick the pins on my thighs. I hurt, but with his mouth on my tits, I didn't care. He added more pins until I think there was a total of 10 on each leg. He continued to play them like a piano. Flicking them to cause moans of pain come out of my mouth. Then intense tit play to have them replaced with moans of pleasure. Then they had to come off. He did it the same way. Slow and steady. Keeping me hovering between pleasure and pain in a fog of sensation. God he was and is good. He knows just how to play my body. He can make me feel things I didn't know were possible.

When all the pins were removed he gave me a drink of water and let me just sit for awhile and relax. Little did I know he was just getting started. Next he turned his attention to my cock and balls. He released my balls from the stretcher and began applying clothes pins one at a time to them. When he had covered them he moved onto my cock. As before he would apply them then bring me to arousal and play my pleasure against my pain. My body and mind that afternoon got to the point where it didn't know the difference. From my crotch he turned to my belly. Then to my chest making sure to allow plenty of room for him to play with my tits. I couldn't tell you how long Rick used me that day. It was all just a hazy blur of pain and pleasure all rolled into one. But I do know that eventually he was done. I also know that when he was all I could think about was how badly I needed to cum. My mind was so focused on my cock and full balls nothing else mattered. Which brings us back full circle to were I began this all. How I got my constant companion. My cb3000.

That night Rick put me to bed with just my wrists cuffed behind me and my ankles cuffed together. He kissed me goodnight and covered me with my blanket. He had not put the leather chastity shorts on me. Here was my chance. All my horny mind could think of was how much I wanted to cum. As I said earlier, I rolled onto my stomach and started humping the rug. My cock got harder, my breathing quickened. Dear God I was going to get to cum. Just then the door opened and the light came on. "What the hell do you think you are doing," I heard Rick's angry voice yell at me. He grabbed me by a shoulder and flipped me onto my back. "Please, Sir let me cum, Please Sir," I begged. "No Alex," Rick said not quite so angry. "I love you but you are only allowed to cum when I let you every other Sunday. That is what we agreed on. It is not open for discussion. I had a feeling you might eventually try this so I bought you a special new friend." He reached up on the shelf and pulled down a small box. He opened the lid and pulled out my new cb3000. I looked at him and looked at it and burst into tears. I begged him not to make me wear it. But he was having none of it. Ice was applied to my cock to get it soft. Then Rick fitted me with my new friend. He secured it with a small padlock and then tugged and pulled my cock in every way possible to make sure I couldn't slip myself out of it. With no way to even touch my cock I already knew that would be an impossibility. I would wear it until Rick decided to take it off. Rick rolled me back over, covered me up again and kissed my cheek goodnight. I still wanted to cum but now my poor cock couldn't even get hard let alone be able to cum. I cried myself to sleep that night. It was a mix of sexual frustration and anger with myself for disappointing Rick. From that time on unless Rick has been here to supervise me or he has me tied in such a way that I can't stimulate myself I have worn it. It has become my constant companion.

I am going to stop Alex's little story here I think. I love his comment, "I don't know how he knew." I had put a baby monitoring device in the closet from day one. I had the receiver next to my bed. I could here every sound Alex made during the night. That particular night I was expecting something just like what he tried to do. I knew from day one it was just a matter of time. I had bought the cb3000 long before and was just waiting for the right time to introduce Alex to it. I just wanted to make sure Alex took it as a punishment, not just a new toy. He did. I sat in bed that night and listened to him crying. He kept saying between sobs, "Why did I do it. Why did I make Rick mad. Why did I disappoint him." To him wearing it was, is, and will always be a punishment for disappointing me. To me it will always be just plain FUN. I like my little chaste slave and his horny state of mind. If the cb3000 helps, then GREAT.

As always if anyone out there wants to hear more from Alex just let me know. And again I am always looking for fun new ideas to try on him. BNDMASTER13@Yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 7

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