I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on May 5, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 5

by: bndmaster13@yahoo.com

Well here we are again. This is starting to become a habit, my posting Alex's horny recollections. But as far as I can tell he is developing a fan base. To me that is hard to imagine that my little bound slave boy has a following. But who am I to deprive anyone (except Alex) of what they want. I have no intention of telling him how many people have e-mailed me. It might swell his head. The only head I want him interested in is the head on my dick. In the last posting he had alluded to my birthday party. I decided that I was going to make that entry the newest leg in the Alex saga. Before I turn you over to my bound slave boy let me give you some background.

Alex and I have been together for years. His and my first sexual experience was with each other. We have gotten into everything over the years, however Alex has never really liked group play. When he agreed to be my bondage slave I decided to fix that. We have made numerous trips to local leather bars but on my birthday I wanted the action at my house. I also decided it was well time that some of our friends saw the true nature of our relationship. Some of them knew Alex loved to be tied up. Even after my birthday I think some still think the whole scene was just Alex's birthday present to me. (They, I have decided, are idiots!) Needless to say I had a great birthday and so did Alex! Now let's turn this over to my hot, horny, slave boy:

Rick's birthday, what a memory. It was one of those ones that will stand out in my mind for a long time. Rick would tell you, if you asked him, that I have never been into group action. I swear that when I signed up for these 13 months he set out to change all that. He has taken me out to local leather bars and made my show off my bound body for others pleasure. Actually that isn't true. The one that gets the most pleasure is Rick. He loves to have people know that he controls every aspect of my life. Somehow others knowing that I exist only to please him turns him on. But for his birthday he decided he wanted to bring the action home. Rick had come home one day not long before the party with a new coffee table. (I am going to not bother with Alex's description as the reader has already heard it in another post and he can get boring. I am going to skip to the next action sequence in Alex's wanderings - Rick)

I woke up the morning of his birthday snuggled against Rick. He had allowed me to sleep with him that night. I think he misses me in bed with him almost as much as miss being there. I love to wake up in bed with him. Feeling the warmth of his skin pressed against mine and hearing the rhythm of his breathing was exhilarating. My mind drifted longingly back to Rick's fucking my ass the night before. He had been exceptionally turned on as he plunged the depths of my ass. His fingers stroke my nipples and he even went so far as to stroke my cock. (That was a real thrill) He kissed me on my neck and ears with a passion that only comes with love. God, how I wish it had been my night to cum. But then again my knowing how happy I was making him was almost good enough. Almost as good! Am I crazy? I miss so much the stroking each other to a mutual mind blowing climax. The feeling of having Rick cum in my ass and his stroking my cock so we would cum at the same time. Cuddling after just relishing each others company. God, why do I allow my thoughts to wander? The only one I am making this hard on is me. Rick is happy. He cums whenever he wants. Lord, how often he wants to cum and always gets to. Lord, how often I want to cum and so seldom get to! But then again isn't that what I live for now, making my Master happy? If it wasn't for that what else would I have. Me no hands, cock seldom used. If Rick wasn't happy then I would have no purpose, no meaning. I am his and that is all I ever want to be. That is all that matters. Shit, as usual I am drifting off into a horny slave haze. Let me get back on track, Rick's birthday.

After waking up I immediately realized that it was the day of his birthday. I had always been able to buy him something special, but this year?! When you are tied up in an apartment almost all the time it becomes hard to buy birthday presents. I actually felt depressed. I loved buying Rick things. What was I going to do for his birthday? Then I remembered that Rick had said something about a party tonight. Maybe something would present itself for an awesome present. As usual I had no idea! I realize that I had no idea seems to be my theme song, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Someday I MAY look back on this with fond memories (PROBABLY) but for now I had no idea what I was getting myself into!

I am not going to deliberate the day leading up to the party. I am simply going to start at the point Rick is getting me ready and go from there. I just have this feeling that if I described the entire day Rick would just leave it out. However, during the course of the day so much happened... (Bet I would, and I did. I just want to get to the good stuff - Rick)

About 6pm Rick informed me that we would be having guests tonight. I immediately started panicking as no one had ever been to our apartment before and seen me tied up. I really didn't know if I was ready for it or not. It was different having Rick take me out to a bar, but to have people in our home? Not that I had any choice. Rick had already invited people over for his birthday party. Besides my ass was his. If he wanted to show it off, and I was nervous, tough shit on me! So here we are about an hour before his guests were arriving, time to get me ready to be tonight's entertainment, or so I was to find out. Rick started my birthday outfit with a leather collar at my neck. What all the best dressed slaves are wearing, he says. Attached to the back of it is a strap that my wrists lock into. This holds my wrists behind my back just below my shoulder blades. Rick pats my ass and tells me that it shows off my best features. Next comes a ring gag for my mouth. He informs me that he wants my mouth available for whatever use he decides to put it to. He locks it in place behind my head and then sticks 2 of his fingers in my mouth through the ring and makes me suck on them. To be honest I would have much preferred his dick but I would just have to settle for his fingers. He tousled my hair and told me how much he was looking forward to showing me off. "Make me proud of you. It''s my birthday after all." He said and kissed my on the forehead. Next he added a ball harness to my outfit. The one he picked stretched my balls to the bottom of their sack and then separated them with another strap. In addition at the top it had a strap that went around my cock. Rick snapped a little lock in place and added a small weight just for good measure. Next came a butt plug. He used one with a flared base so once in it would stay in. He picked one with a narrow long base so it fit into my ass crack. He said that way it wouldn't take away from the beauty of my little bubble butt. Rick told me that the plug was to stay in all night. He might allow people use of my mouth but my ass belonged only to him. Next my ankles received cuffs with a small chain connecting them. The chain gave me about 18 inches of movement which meant I would be shuffling around all evening. The final item to my outfit was a pair a tit clamps. Not to severe as I was to wear them most of the night. What he said he wanted was more that I was constantly aware of my tits. Considering that just having him blow on them turned me on it wouldn't take any effort for me to be aware of my tits all night. I got another kiss on the head from Rick and he had me kneel down in the living room while he went to finish getting ready.

About 15 minutes latter the door bell rang. Rick called out of his bedroom, "Get the door, slave. Our guests are arriving." I had a brief panic attack. Rick expected me to answer the door looking like this. But I immediately sucked it up. If this was what he wanted, this was what he was going to get. It was Rick's birthday and I was his slave, I was going to make him proud. I got up and walked over to the door. By backing up to the handle and maneuvering my hands just right I could turn the door knob. I opened the door and positioned myself so I could be seen by the person entering but not by anyone outside. The two guys outside came in and shut the door behind them. I stood at attention with my head looking at the floor. "Rick," one of the guys called out. "So this is your little play thing. Not bad. I am impressed."

"Check him out if you want, I"ll be right out." I heard Rick call from the bedroom. That is exactly what they did. I felt like a piece of meat. I had 2 pairs of hands running over my body. One stuck his fingers in my underarms then stuck them in my mouth and made me suck them clean. Another pulled hard at the tit clamps and demanded a thank you. Which I mumbled at him around my ring gag. Then one was feeling my balls. Trying to see if they would stretch any further. Fingers finally found their way to the butt plug which one of them started pulling in and out. Just then Rick walked in and said, "The plug stays. That sweet little ass is all mine and I don't share it with anybody, Jake. Now his mouth on the other hand. As long as you have protection you can use it all night." With that comment I found out exactly how I was to entertain Rick's guests. The one who Rick had just called Jake pulled me over to the nearest chair where he proceeded to try Rick's invitation out. He got his cock out and slid it home through my ring gag. I have always hated a ring gag. All you feel like is an open mouth, not a person, just a mouth. Rick handed Jake a beer as Jake plunged in and out of my mouth. As soon as he was finished his friend decided it was his turn. Perhaps I seem rather perfunctory here but I have always hated just being used. Just being used as an object by anyone but Rick that is. He of course is totally different. I live to be used by him. But to these two guys all I was, was a mouth. However, because it was Rick's birthday and I wanted him to proud of me I gave them the best blow job anyone has ever had. I had no more than finished when the door bell rang again. Rick looked at me and pointed. I once again answered the door. This continued until there were about 20 people in our apartment plus Rick and myself. For what seemed like hours I made the rounds. As one cock came out of my mouth another one went in. At some point I lost count but I do know several people used my mouth more than once.

By this time Rick decided that it was time for his birthday cake. Little did I know that I was to be his cake. He found me in a corner just finishing my latest blow job. He helped me to my feet and led me to the coffee table and made me lay down on my back. Thankfully he slid a small pillow under my head because he did not release my hands, but made me lay on them. He pulled straps across my body and firmly anchored me to the table. He tightened them so I had almost no movement. He then looked at his guests and said, "Now I want all of you to help me decorate my birthday cake." With that he produced candles and passed the around. He had green ones, red ones, blue ones, and white ones. 21 Total for the number of years old he was. Each person got one and were told to be creative. The more wax the better. Now we had played with hot wax before but 21 different candles all dripping on my bound body at the same time is an experience I don't ever want to experience again. At one point Rick had to stuff and old sock in my mouth through the ring gag as I was making to much noise. To much noise, no doubt. It hurt like hell! Finally when he decided I looked good enough, and I was begging him to stop, he did. He had each person make a little pool of wax on my body and stand their candle up. There I lay bound to the table with 21 lighted candles adorning my body. Rick bent over and kissed my forehead and said, "I am going to blow them out now and make my wish. I really don't need to. I have my wish right now, you. What more could anybody want." Rick blew out the candles and they all went into the kitchen for a real piece of cake leaving alone. How sweet, I was his wish. My heart soared in my chest as I realized I had made him proud, and he loved me. If I could have made a wish right then for anything. I would have wished to be right were I was doing just what I was doing. Celebrating a birthday with my Master, my lover, my friend.

As they came back into the living room I heard someone say, "Hey isn't it time for the birthday boy to get his swats?" Rick looked around the room and replied, "Yes it is and Alex has volunteered to do just that for me." Twenty voices all mumming their approval. Obviously my use as the parties entertainment wasn't over yet. Rick removed the candles and repositioned me on the coffee table so my ass was standing proud in the air for all to see. 20 people, 21 swats. I will let you do the math. Needless to say my ass hurt like hell by the time they were done. But finally they were done. I had been paddled for the last time, the last of the wax had been put on and removed from my body. and I had sucked the last cock of the evening. As the guests took there leave I knew I had one more thing to do. Rick removed my ring gag and helped me into the bedroom. Now it was my time to give Rick my present for his birthday. With just my mouth I kissed every inch of his body. I licked his cock and balls. I caressed them with my cheek. Finally I took his cock into my mouth. To finally have him nestled in my mouth, all mine was the culmination of a great day. Believe me I took my time that night. I kept him on edge until he begged me to finish. It was so wonderful. He let me be in control, as he knew this was my present to him. He just lay there and let me have my way with his body. If only I could have had my hands I could have done so much more. However, I have gotten very good with what I can do to Rick's body with just my mouth. After to him, what must have seemed an eternity I finally let him cum. From listening to his reaction I had given him a present to remember. I snuggled down next to him and he took me in arms. What a wonderful ending to a perfect day.

Trust me Alex gave me an incredible present. What he has learned to do without use of his hands is awesome. I am very lucky to have him. He really did make me very proud that night. Believe me I have my birthday wish. I have Alex.

As always if you want to hear more of Alex's wanderings let me know. It has been a kick to hear from so many people. bndmaster13@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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