I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Oct 27, 2023


"I Had No Idea," - Part 2, Chapter 2 BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I am very pleased that so many people out there were happy to hear what had transpired in our lives over the subsequent years. Thank you! So, as I promised, I will try and post a journal entry once in awhile. I picked this one as it was the first time myself, alex, and jose went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras after alex inherited the house in the French quarter. alex makes several comments that I was not happy with, but I have let them remain in the journal entry. Trust me, once I pointed them out to him and punished him severally, he regretted them. However, I will leave them in as I think they help describe our relationship. (I will add a quick note after each one so you, the reader, know what I am talking about) I am not always perfect, who is? My alex knows this and I allow him to see me for who I am, faults and all. I am his Master, I own him and that is all that matters. So now over to my alex:

When Master Rick informed me that He had started our journal online again! i was so excited! i have such a wonderful life and such a wonderful Master! i am so happy i get to share our story once again! Master Rick ordered me to review my journal entry of our first trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras after my parents died. (Rick, here. i am going to allow my alex to be sad for a moment) Master Rick said i was allowed to tell you how hard loosing me parents was. He didn't have to allow this to be posted but i know He loves me and i am so happy i am His. i love Him so much. Loosing my parents was horrible. It literally sucked the life out of me for several months. Master Rick held me a lot, loved on me a lot! He took me into His bed almost every night and just held me and let me cry. He allowed me to mourn. But having Him and knowing my place as His slave gave me what i needed to get over their deaths and back to my life. That said, let me get back to the Mardi Gras post i was ordered to review.

Mardi Gras! Southeast Texas, and Louisiana! It is just part of life. i had grown up doing Mardi Gras every year. i could have sworn Master Rick had been with my family and i to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. (Again Rick here. First punishment. I do care what alex thinks I had never been to their house in New Orleans for Mardi Gras) Master Rick has informed me that He had never been to Mardi Gras or the house in New Orleans. i was punished for questioning Him about thinking He had. i am His slave. i have no right to question anything my Master says.

If you know Bourbon Street then you should be able to picture where the house is. On the corner of Bourbon and St. Philips is Lafitte's Blacksmith shop bar. Just a block further down Bourbon is where the house is.(our, Master Rick's, my family's house, etc?) It is a cool, very, old 2 story house, 3 stories if you add the attic space. It fronts on Bourbon Street. It has an old carriage gate that allows a car to be pulled in and parked. It has a huge, totally private, garden courtyard in the back, old servant quarters, and lots of space. My parents rented it out for vacationers when they were not using it. Once they passed away Master Rick and i decided (yes Master Rick allowed, made me, forced me, made me part of, etc. all the financial decisions regarding the estate. He informed me that He owned me, but financial matters were different. I had to take an active part in it despite being His slave.) to do the same thing based on when we / HE wanted to use it. The only difference was that Master Rick turned part of the old servants quarters into a dungeon play space which my parents never had. Because of the houses proximity to several gay bars and a leather bar it is now rented out to guys wanting a fully equipped place to stay and play. The house rents very fast and is seldom empty.

i so want to describe jose and i getting tied up and put in the back seat of Master Rick's car for the drive. i have been informed however that my usual wanderings are not allowed here. Needless to say, jose and i were strapped naked, hands secured behind us, into the back seat with a small blanket over our crotches just in case. Master Rick has always allowed jose and i to kiss all we want when we dive so the trip over was awesome. Half way into the trip Master Rick put jose in the front seat so He could play with jose's cock. Of course jose was not allowed to cum but Master Rick brought him close over and over again. i felt so alone in the back seat just listening and wishing it was my slave cock He was playing with. my slave cock was so hard just listening to jose panting in the front seat. GOD, as usual i digress from the story! Sorry. i know it has been a long time, and i mean a long time, since i was able to cum when i wanted to. i get to cum so seldom. i should be used to it. But no matter how hard i try to be a good slave, when my slave cock gets hard, i so wish i could cum. Master Rick calls it the horny slave mentality. Master Rick loves it. i try so hard to be a good slave but that constant horny feeling still drives me crazy after all this time. PLEASE do not get me wrong i would NEVER EVER, cum, touch myself, try and touch myself, or do anything that would violate Master Ricks rules, but sometimes i still get so horny i want to scream at the top of my lungs and sob hysterically. DEAR GOD, i have digressed again. i know it has been a long time, but even now i really had no idea what i was getting myself into. WAIT, do not misunderstand. i would change nothing! i love my life, i love my Master. Just once in awhile i would really love to be able to cum just because i can. (Rick again. Punishment 2. alex has gotten so good about not focusing on what he wants. I was slightly shocked when I read this. But I think it was from knowing I was posting his journal entries again and he just got carried away with himself.) Master Rick has informed me that this was unacceptable. i as His slave had no right to get carried away talking about my horniness. i am His slave that is how i am supposed to be. i was punished for this as i deserved. i am His slave. i have no right to think about any needs but His.

Sorry again! i am way off track. New Orleans, Mardi Gras, new house, etc. my mind tends to wander. Try living my wonderful, awesome, incredible life as a 24/7 bondage, cum controlled slave and see if your mind does not wander. You can only hope and imagine what it could be like to be me. i have the perfect life with my Perfect Master.

So we arrive at the house. Master Ricks takes me inside while jose unloads the car. He orders me to kneel then pulls my head up to look into His eyes. i know immediately by the glint in His eyes that He has gotten turned on edging jose's cock. my slave cock starts twitching just seeing that look on His face. i so love my Master! Master Rick ordered me to unzip his pants and get His cock out. i have become very adept at this over the years. Little to no use of my hands has made me very, and i mean very good with my mouth. (Rick again. Punishment 3. alex seemed a bit full of himself here. Plus once I got the punishments started I was having fun and had to keep looking for reasons to punish him) Master Rick has informed me that this was once again unacceptable. i am His slave. i have no right to brag unless it is about my being His slave. i was punished for this as i deserved. i am His slave and that is the only thing i should take pride in.

Once i got Master Rick's cock freed from His pants i looked up at Him and asked permission to be allowed to take His cock into my mouth. "Master, please Master, may this slave be allowed to taste Your wonderful cock? Master, please, Master"

He didn't answer me He just put His hand on the top of my head and pushed me towards His beautiful rock hard cock. i have been His slave a long time and i treasure that moment when He slips into my hungry, eager, waiting slave mouth. The delicious sensation of having Him, my Master inside me is incredible. i have always and will always get a shiver down my spine when Master Rick's cock enters my slave mouth or fills my slave ass. Usually Master Rick likes to take His time and prolong His cum as long as possible. This time was no exception. He has trained me on just what He wants. i have learned when to lightly lick or suck. i have learned when to be faster, slower, and when to stop all together and just hold His cock in my mouth. He has trained me to know every response of His cock, His breathing, His body reactions. i swear i can feel His heart beating in the pulses of His cock. i know by just the slightest tightening of His balls how close He is. i have learned to never make him cum until i feel a tug on my right ear. i can and do get Him so close that i know just one false move on my part and He will be over the top. i also know how bad i will be punished if i allow that to happen. The tug on my ear signifies i may take His cum into my mouth and finally savor it's sweet saltiness. That awesome moment when i get my reward as His slave. How could my life be any more perfect?

Let me break my alex here for a minute. First this particular entry of his is awesome. I read it as I was getting this ready to publish. I got so turned on by my alex's emotions at being allowed to service me. When you read this do you understand why I love him? alex is my slave, but he is also my soul mate and lover, all rolled into one. Ok, back to New Orleans. I mentioned in the beginning that in this journal entry alex posted something that made me look a tad stupid. alex begged me not to leave that part in. Yes he was punished for even writing it as, yes it made me look a bit dumb. I promised alex I would not leave that part of his journal in. alex really felt horrible when he thought about how it sounded. So that said, I told him I would leave his journal entry out. BUT, looking back on it I have to laugh. I had this vision for my first Mardi Gras. I wanted to be a Roman emperor, sitting in a throne, being pulled in a cart by my 2 slave boys. I had this concept of how royal it would look. Then I walked out onto Bourbon Street the first night we were there and I saw the tightly packed throng of people and realized that there was no earthly way I was going to get a cart, me on a throne, and 2 slave boys past our gate. Ok, here I go again, I had no idea! until I saw it for the first time what New Orleans was like at Mardi Gras. So change of plans. Let me go back to my alex and let him tell you.

The first night in New Orleans did not go as master Rick had planned. He has promised me He will not post that part of my journal. That first night we ended up staying home and as (i hope this comment is ok with Master Rick) He was not as happy as He could have been, jose and i hurt very badly by the time we went to bed. Master Rick took both of us to bed with Him. He said that even though he had punished us He still loved us. jose and i never doubted His love. a slave is to be used, abused, ignored, etc whatever it's Master wants. a slave has one function, to serve it's Master.

The next night Master Rick had come up with a new plan. i was curious what it was as He locked jose in a cage in the play area and informed him that tonight i would be the center of attention. my heart skipped a beat because knowing my Master, He could have almost anything planned. I had no idea.

To get me ready Master Rick first put a small pair of leather shorts on me. He added a pair of leather boots. Then put a chest harness with a collar on me. Hanging down the back were wrist cuffs. Master Rick has used this many times on me, honestly i love this harness. It is one of my favorite things. i feel so vulnerable in it. It strapped my wrists in place across my upper back and then pulls them up tight to the collar. i could not help but get turned on as i heard locks clicking shut all over. i so love that sound! Master Rick then put my favorite penis gag in my mouth. It is my favorite because it is well used. It has my teeth marks deep into it and when it is in my mouth all i can envision is having Master Rick in my slave mouth. Next came a blindfold, of course locked in place. Master Rick then fitted something on my face. After the fact i found out it was a feathered Mardi Gras mask. Master Rick told me He used it to hide my gag and blindfold. He wanted me to look more Mardi Gras than bound leather slave. Let me add i still had my leather collar locked on my neck. To the collar i heard Master Rick snap a leash. At this point He told me that we were ready to tackle Bourbon Street. Anyone that has read my journal knows that i love My master and will do anything for Him. i will follow every command He gives without question or complaint. But no matter how hard i try and try, i hate being used by other people. i hate being displayed in public and having people i do not know using me, touching me. i pray Master Rick will not be mad at this comment. If He orders me too i will do anything He asks willingly. i also know that i should want to do it to show people what a good slave i am and i do. i want Master Rick to be able to show me off. i love doing it for my Master. It is part of my life as His slave. i love Him i would do anything for Him. i also realize i have no choice in the matter and will make sure that i make my Master proud to own me as His slave. But with all that said it will always be the hardest thing in the world for me to be used by others.

Now with all that said, i was expecting to be led up the street to the leather bar that is about 3 blocks from our house and be passed around all night. However, that was not what Master Rick had planned. my Master always finds something new. What happened that night? i cannot tell you how many hours we walked up and down Bourbon Street, but that is what we did. We stopped once in awhile for Master Rick to get a beer at various bars, including the gay bar just up the street from us where i was a big hit. i was gagged and blindfolded the entire time. i learned very quickly that a certain tug on the leash indicated an intersection and that i needed to be careful on the curbs. my night was a constant it never changed. Master Rick allowed anyone that wanted to grope me. i had hands of all sorts down my shorts grabbing my slave cock, feeling my balls. i heard so many comments on the cock and ball rings i wear i lost track. People loved my tits also. The tit rings were a big hit. i heard and felt men and woman all night long stroking my tits, my cock, my balls, and my ass. i was so hard and turned on all the time. i remember several people commenting on my hard cock and Master Rick telling them that it didn't matter, i was not allowed to cum so just enjoy. As you may remember Master Rick has trained me to cum just by having my tits worked on. It was so hard with the constant hands playing with my tits to control myself. i had to fight so hard at times to keep from cumming. Thankfully my beloved Master always seemed to know when i was struggling the hardest not to cum and would stop people for touching me. He would just pull me off to himself and hold me tight for awhile so i could calm down and get myself under control again. Once i had He would kiss me, tell me how much He loved me, how proud He was of me and then go back to letting people play with me.

i really have no clue how long we spent on Bourbon Street that night. What i do remember is getting home! Master Rick removed the leather shorts and the Mardi Gras mask, nothing else. Then He fucked my slave ass over and over again until He feel asleep still inside me. i feel asleep in His arms, in His bed, so content and so happy. i love Master Rick so much.

Well time to stop my alex. We stayed an entire week in New Orleans. We had a great time and have never missed one since. But that first one, watching alex's responses as we walked up and down Bourbon Street, can never be duplicated. I know how bad he hates being displayed. It is why I do it. I do not care. alex is mine and he will do as I require. Plus it is the most exquisite torture for him. It is better than any physical pain I can inflict on him. Yes friends if you do not already know this I am a sadist, mentally and physically, and proud to be one. My alex needs the pain. It is what he thrives on. I enjoy giving him what he needs.

This post reminds me of another person that is now a part of our lives. You heard about matteo last time and I will post more about him. But since the New Orleans house has become such a hit as a rental and vacation spot for us, I decided to hire a caretaker. I figured why pay a cleaning company when I could find a live in slave/caretaker. I had this idea guests would really like that, which they do. Maybe next post I will introduce you to him. I am not sure. Now that I am looking through all of alex's journals there are just so many I want to share. But for now I hope you enjoyed this post. Comments etc bndmaster13@yahoo.com. I may or may not read them to my alex.

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