I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Oct 25, 2023


"I Had No Idea," - Part 2, Chapter 1 BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

WOW, I had no idea (wait did I just say that?) how long it had been since I posted any of alex's journals. I have gotten several emails recently wondering what has happened in the subsequent years. For those past followers, this entry will be, for the most part, me (Rick), just trying to catch you up on our lives. I may add a couple of alex's comments.

However, as I am typing this alex is locked in a small closet in my office. When he is in there, as he usually is, if I am working, I can sit at my desk and know what is behind the door. Today alex is wearing a straight jacket, a hood, blindfold, penis gag, tit clamps, a large butt plug, and the most painful chastity devise possible. Oh, yes he still is wearing the custom made cock ring and ball stretcher. But I added a spiked leather cock sheath with spikes in it that straps to his cock. You get the idea, he gets hard and he hurts like hell. I promise, I will post some of alex's journal entries that give details on events, but again for now, I just am trying to catch you up on our lives. So much has and has not changed. For new readers seeing this for the first time, there is quite a bit of journal entries that you may need to read first. Look for "I had no idea", on nifty. For those past followers, again, this post is really for you, to allow you to catch up to where we are in our lives now.

When I started posting alex's journals he was 18 and I was 19. Next year alex will turn 29 and I will turn 3. Back then jose was not in our lives. He is now. I love him as much today as when I first met him. Where the fuck the time went I have no idea! I think it is called growing a bit older. Thankfully, I have grown a bit older with my alex and my jose.

So to bring you from the last journal entry to now:

I graduated college and I am a psychologist. alex, in one of the last posts, had dropped out of college to be my bondage slave full time. However, his parents asked me to please make him (they always had no clue I told him what to do. They always thought he was the rebellious child) go back to school and get a degree. So alex went back to school. alex got a degree. alex always loved history so he got a degree in history with a specialty in, you will love this, slavery through the ages.

I was very glad I did as his parents asked. They died in a plane crash a month after alex graduated. They were able to see their son get his diploma as they had always wanted to.

With that point made, alex, as I have said before, is a trust fund kid. When his parents died he was the soul beneficiary of their (and past generations) estate. alex inherited the family money as well as the cabin we had always used, his parents house in Bellaire Tx, a suburb of Houston, the old family home that had been his grandmother's and his parents had kept, plus a house in the french quarter of New Orleans I did not even know about. We decided to sell the house in Bellaire and move to the old family home. It is located in a town about 90 miles east of Houston Texas. It is famous for the first oil well in Texas, called Spindletop. alex's family were part of that old oil money that to this day keeps the town running. The house is a beautiful old historical home, in a historic district. It is the quintessential huge, and I mean huge, old arts and craft style home. Honestly alex and I had loved the house from the first time I saw it way back when we would visit with his parents as kids.

So we moved our little family to there. The house is awesome! The 3rd floor consisted of a large open area, several bedrooms, and a bathroom. Back in the day it was called the bachelor floor. The unmarried men of the house lived up there. It was perfect for our play room, which it has become. The house has a 5 car garage. Seriously, who needs a 5 car garage? Above the garage was an entire floor that at one time had been the servants quarters. As I intended to open a counseling center, the area above the garage was perfect. I never needed to leave the house for work. (No we did not need the money, but psychology has become a passion of mine and I only work 3 days a week during the months the university is in session) I had the area renovated into an office space for me. That allowed me to add the small closet across from my desk where I keep alex on days I see patients. If only my patients knew, that as I talked with them about their issues, my alex was bound and stored in the closet right next to them. But perhaps it is better they do not know. Better, specifically, as I have a contract with the local university to provide counseling for their male athletes that needed help dealing with issues. Call me a pervert if you want. But listening to college age guys talking about their issues, seriously at that age they are usually sexual issues, is quite a turn on. Also, in case anyone asks, my patients do not become privy to, nor part of, my personal life. That would be a total violation of the doctor, patient relationship.

In the intervening years alex and I have gotten married. Yes alex is my husband, so to speak. I married him for 2 reasons. First, because I love him with all my heart and soul. Secondly, we both needed the legal benefits of being married, especially after his parents died. It just made perfect sense to become a legal couple. I wear the wedding ring my alex gave me on our wedding day proudly. alex of course does not wear a ring. However, I had the heavy band he wears around his balls re-inscribed with the date of our wedding. I also added a diamond to each of his tit rings. So I guess he actually wears 3 rings.

Now, let me not forget jose. I love him just as much as I love my alex. I could not imagine my life without him. jose is still the houseboy, slave, etc. with one small change. When we moved into the new house I realized that jose could not care for everything himself. I had also seen a hint in his personality that he might be able to be a top. So shortly after we moved I surprised jose with a boy of his own. I wanted another hispanic boy. Trust me in Texas it easy to find a hispanic boy that will do anything just to have a place to live. I was careful in my search but found just what I was looking for. matteo is his name. he was around 19, about 5'4", dark skin, dark eyes (these incredible big soulful puppy dog eyes), and dark hair. he looks a lot like jose only smaller. he is beautiful! When I got him he spoke very broken English, but well enough to know what he was signing up for. he was here illegally and really had no options. I was willing to take him in and give him a home. I brought him home that first day and presented him to jose. I told jose that matteo needed a home and a family. I was giving matteo to him to train to be a member of our family. I will never forget how big jose's eyes got.

"Master, please Master. You want me to train him? Master?" I explained to jose that he was to train matteo to be his slave and my slave. Trust me jose has done an incredible job. I am actually thinking it is time to get jose another boy to train.

Ok so now I have at least tried to catch everyone up on our lives. I think it is time to turn this over to my alex. I informed him that he was to describe his time in the closet while I was writing this and taking patients. In case anyone wonders, I gave up a long time ago having alex type for himself. alex just dictates and jose types. Actually, now, that has become matteo's job. It has helped him learn English and it allows jose and I to punish him when he messes up. Trust me he has learned English very quickly.

Master Rick ordered me to describe a day in my closet. When Master Rick talked to me about this i had no idea it had been so long since any journal entries had been posted. So much has happened. But i was told to only address the day in my closet while Master Rick was writing His part of this post. Anything else He would just edit out.

Monday Master Rick sees patients so i knew what my day would be like as soon i woke up that morning. matteo showers me, shaves me, brushes my teeth, wipes my ass, etc. and gets me ready for the day. matteo and i eat breakfast off plates on the kitchen floor. my hands are always locked behind me. matteo's are sometimes and others not. This morning his hands were free. Master Rick sits at the table and jose is now allowed to sit in the floor next to him and use a plate and silverware.

After breakfast Master Rick leads me upstairs. The third floor of our house is our playroom where we keep all our toys. Master Rick pulls down our major leather straight jacket. It is heavy and double reinforced in every possible place. It has straps to cinch it tight and locks to keep it on once strapped on. i hate it and love it! Ok, i just love it! Having it strapped onto my body, knowing i cannot move, just send me into heaven. my cock gets hard just looking at it. Little use that is. i have not cum now in over 4 months and have no clue when Master Rick will allow me to cum again. my cock is hard almost all the time but i would never attempt to make myself cum, EVER! That is not allowed by my Master. my slave cock does not matter.

Master Rick unlocks the wrists cuffs i always wear. He straps me into the straight jacket. He inserts a huge butt plug in my ass and runs the jacket straps up through my crotch to hold it in place. He then cinches everything down as tight as He can get it. i see and hear the locks clicking shut sealing me into the straight jacket. That sound of clicking locks has gotten more and more of a turn on over the years. Next comes the leather hood. Master Rick slips it over my head. He used to add ear plugs so I couldn't hear what was being said outside my closet. But it dawned on Master Rick that if i could hear it would make it harder on me. Master Rick counsels athletes and most of the time their issues have something to do with sex. I doubt they have any clue as they talk to Him that He draws them out into detail regarding their activities. But i know He does. Having a hard dripping cock that never cums and listening to them describe their sexual issues drives me crazy. Master Rick tells me that is exactly why he stopped using the ear plugs.

Sorry, i digressed as usual. Master Rick has the straight jacket on me, the butt plug in, the hood on all locked in place. Now comes the blindfold and penis gag. i love it when He uses the penis gag. i can envision it being Master Rick's cock all day. Lastly Master Rick opens the flaps over my tits and adds tits clamps. In addition Master Rick straps a sheath on my cock. It is lined with spikes. If my cock tries to get hard it hurts like hell. Master Rick loves to do this and make me struggle all day, fighting my constant erection trying to stay calm and not hurt myself. i seldom succeed in not getting hard so i stay in constant pain all day long. Once this is all done He carefully leads me back downstairs then out to His office over the garage. Master Rick had a small closet built into His office just for me. Today when we get there He adds a spreader bar to my ankles and orders me into the closet. As i shuffle in and He makes me kneel i realize He has added His newest trick. Master Rick has discovered that by scattering a bit of cat litter on the floor and making me kneel on it, that it hurts like hell! What is the worst part, if you stay in one position the litter stops eventually digging into your knees, but when confined for hours and hours you have to shift position as you can. Every time i do that the pain of the cat litter under my knees starts all over fresh again. It really hurts to the point i want to cry. Master Rick clips my ball harness to the spreader bar and the top of my hood to a point above me leaving me very little room for movement. i hear him shut and lock the door. i will remain here all morning. i may get a break at lunch, i may not, and then be returned here until Master Rick stops seeing patients. Do i hate this? Of course not! i am His slave. i am His bondage slave. That is my life. i love every minute of it. i love My Master! i would give my life for My Master! my Master is my life!

Ok, I am stopping my alex here. Now you have an idea of where we have moved to in our lives. I will post more journal entries. In fact as I was working on this I am thinking about maybe our first trip to Mardi Gras and our fist stay in our French quarter house.

As always thanks for reading and please send along your emails. bndmaster13@yahoo.com It is nice to know people out there still care and take an interest in our little family.

Next: Chapter 49: I Had No Idea II 2

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