I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Nov 11, 2009


"I Had No Idea" - Part 46 BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I know that I am posting another journal entry much faster than usual but I have been sitting at home sick and have actually had time. As always thank you all for the responses, especially to the last one. Amazingly not one person had any negative comments regarding it. In fact, I think, it actually has gotten more positive responses than any in a long time. People seem to like seeing the way Alex has grown mentally into the incredible slave that he is. I know I feel that way. His mind set, as a slave, makes him a true pleasure to own. To see him go from the self centered, spoiled, rich kid he was and become the slave he is now has made all the work I have put into him worth every minute.

The comments I get also, usually, help me decide which journal entry to post next. That definitely is the case this time. I had more comments that it has been a long time since I have posted anything about Jose. In looking back I realized they were right. Jose is an integral part of my life and yet I have focused on just Alex as of late. I want to reassure people, I spend just as much time with Jose. But Alex writes the journals so, yes, they are usually focused more on him. With that in mind, for this journal entry, I decided to write it myself. Because to really focus on Jose as I want to do there really is no other way. This summer the three of us spent part our vacation at my parents cabin. With Alex's hands locked behind him again it limited what we could do together. I will post Alex's journals of that latter. But I like my trips. So for two weeks I arranged for Robert to watch for Alex, (I will post those another time too), and I took, just, Jose with me and we drove out to Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. I hope you will enjoy my attempts at describing parts of the trip to you. So instead of my usual, "Now let me turn this over to Alex," you are stuck with me. And if you don't get all those annoying little details that Alex adds well, deal with! I am not Alex.

The day dawned bright and sunny and my excitement knew no bounds as I leapt out of bed to start my day! (Get real! Does that even sound like me? But I just had to throw that in for the hell of it.)

Actually, I think I am going to start at the first place I had arranged for us to stay. I had been to this little town years ago called Lincoln, New Mexico. If you have ever heard of Billy the Kid and the Lincoln County wars then you have heard of Lincoln, New Mexico. Back then it was a thriving community set in the mountains west of Roswell, New Mexico. Now it is a historical ghost town. Just a small winding road and lots of old buildings. But when I was about 15 my parents and I had stayed in this great bed and breakfast there. We had our own private cabin nestled in the trees and I had always wanted to go back. So, as it was on our way, I decided to make it one of the stops on the trip. Let me make one brief comment here. This little description really has no relevance to the story but, as I am writing this, I wanted to set the stage, as it were.

That morning I had gotten Jose dressed for our trip. Actually dressing a slave for anything really requires very little work. For the trip I had removed his chastity belt. I had been enjoying not having one on Alex so much that I had already decided it was time Jose lost his too. At this point in his life he too needed to be in forced chastity simply because I willed it and not because his cock was locked away. Two weeks under my constant supervision would make a great start in getting him conditioned to not wearing it anymore. So for the drive I had locked a leather cock ring, ball harness on him, I had plugged his ass, and attached a chain to his tit rings. Now, if I could have, I would have loaded his ass in the car just like that. But of course that was not practical so I allowed him a t-shirt and a pair of old blue jeans. He also was allowed shoes, but they would only be worn if he needed to go into a store or something like that during the trip.

We had stopped for lunch in Roswell and once we left I had made Jose open his pants and pull them down enough so I could get at his cock. So for the last hour of the drive I played with his cock and balls, getting him hard to the point where he was fighting not to cum then backing off. It was fun seeing him squirming in his seat and I had to really concentrate on my driving. When we hit Lincoln I ordered him to stuff his hard cock back in his pants. I found the driveway to the bed and breakfast and pulled in. I drove up the gravel drive and stopped in front of the main building. The cabin I had reserved, as I remembered, was set way in the back of the property right at the foot of the mountains that surround the town. I ordered Jose out of the car as we both needed to register. He started to reach for his shoes but I stopped him. He didn't need them I told him. Tough shit if it was a gravel drive, he would just have to walk on it. I got out and headed for the building. I watched as Jose stepped out on the sharp gravel. By the look on his face I knew it hurt but he carefully came over next to me. I was proud of him. No complaint, no sound, as he walked barefoot across the gravel. He knew his place as my slave and he would rather die than disappoint me in anyway.

Jose followed me up the path. Thankfully he had been trained how to behave in a situation were I didn't want the people to know that he was my slave. He walked just far enough behind me to show respect but not enough that it looked obvious. He kept his head bowed just enough, again to show respect but not enough to be blatantly obvious. We reached the building and the lady that owned the place met us on the porch. I introduced us as college roommates. Jose responded, again as trained, with just a short friendly response. I was proud of him. I had trained him well. I paid, got the key, and we headed back to the car. As we did the lady noticed Jose's bare feet and suggested that maybe he would do better if he put his shoes on next time. I smiled to myself knowing Jose had no choice in the matter, bare feet on sharp gravel is perfect for reminding a slave of it's place.

We got back in the car and drove to the cabin. I was just as had remembered it. A beautiful little log cabin, with a big wrap around porch, all by itself way back in the trees. I got out of the car and sat in one of the porch chairs while Jose started unloading everything, still shoeless. The first thing he brought in was my big cooler. As he passed me I snapped my fingers at him and pointed at it. He responded with a Yes Master and continued on into the cabin. A few minutes latter he returned and knelt at my side. He held out his hand with the drink he had just prepared for me and waited, like the good slave he is, for me to take it. It makes a Master's heart feel good to have such a well trained slave. He knew instinctively what I wanted and he had fixed me a whiskey and coke. I took it from him and took a sip. He had even remembered to add just the right amount of fresh lime. But then again I would expect no less from him.

While he was kneeling there I had him remove his shirt. I also took off the chain on his rings just in case the owner came by, so she wouldn't be shocked. I then ordered him back to work unloading the car. I happily sipped my drink while I watched Jose work. It is an interesting feeling to watch a slave work, knowing you own him body and soul. When he was done unloading the car I heard him moving around inside. I knew that meant he was now unpacking and organizing things. I stayed on the porch for awhile then finally stood up and walked into the cabin. Jose was kneeling in the center of the floor, legs spread, head bowed, and his hands clasped behind him. I was pleased to see that he had also remembered to remove his pants like a good slave.

Now I am going to skip ahead to that night after dinner. Oh, yes I could pull an Alex and give you every detail of the day, but I really doubt anyone cares that much. Suffice it to say I tied Jose's ass up in the cabin and I went hiking. Then he fixed dinner, (the cabin had a kitchen area and I had brought food) we ate, and I decided I wanted dessert, Jose's ass. So I am going to pick up this story there.

After Jose had finished cleaning up after dinner I sent him to take a shower, shave, and make sure his ass was cleaned out. While he was doing that I got out the few items I would need. When Jose presented himself a short time latter I was ready for him. I first inspected him to make sure he had showered, shaved, and cleaned himself out to my satisfaction. He of course had. Again I had trained him well. The bedroom had a huge four poster bed, which I ordered Jose to lay face up on. I started by tying his wrists spread eagle to the top corners. Once I was happy that I had his arms pulled as wide as I could get them I turned my attention to his feet. I pulled each ankle up and secured them to the same posts his hands were tied to. I love that look for a slave. Legs pulled wide open above their head with their asshole so open and vulnerable. As he had removed the cock ring and ball stretcher to shower I decided to replace them with just a ball stretcher. I pulled his balls way down in their sack and buckled it in place. I looked at the smooth skin on Jose's inner thighs and realized that my first order of business would be to cover them with welts.

I have a set of long bamboo skewers used for grilling, but I have found they work wonderfully for beating my boys with. They can be used on any part of the body and depending on how hard you hit depends on how bad it hurts. I intended to very slowly lay a track of welts starting at Jose's ass and working up both his thighs. I was in no hurry and wanted to make this a long slow evening. Several hours of methodically torturing Jose followed my a long hard ass pounding would be the perfect start to my vacation. And so I began. I slowly decorated Jose's right thigh with one small red welt after another. I would estimate that it took at least 35 to fully turn his thigh nice and red. By that time Jose was fighting hard not to scream as the bamboo rod smacked hard across his flesh. God, I was having so much fun and I hadn't even started on his left leg yet! I gave him a small rest and moved up so I could stroke his head. I told him what a good slave he was. I was proud of him but I had just begun.

When he had calmed himself just a bit I moved back down and started on the other thigh. Slowly, stroke after stroke, I laid, welt after welt, until I had both of Jose's legs glowing an angry red. Toward the end he was jerking with each blow and his breathing was hard but still not a sound was coming from his mouth. What an incredibly trained slave I had. I laid one hand on Jose's bright red thigh. The warmth radiated through my hand. I love that feeling, looking at the marks you have left and feeling the heat from the abused skin. I moved my hand over and let it play down Jose's ass lingering on his warm moist asshole. I let my finger invade him and as I did he pushed toward me. I could feel his need so strong it was palatable. All though just one look at his rock hard would have told me that. But I knew it wasn't a need for him to cum, but a need to be used by me. As I was in the mood to make this last awhile I told Jose that it wasn't time for that just yet, I still had a few more things to do first. Jose's thighs were red but I wanted his ass to match them before I took him. I wanted to feel that heat all over when I finally took what was mine. So now I took the bamboo to each ass cheek. Slow, hard, stinging hits again leaving behind small red welts. I laid a track up his right ass cheek, then the left until both glowed as bright as his thighs. Now to finish the job, strokes directly across the opening of his ass. As I started these Jose finally lost it and the tears started coming along with the sobs of pain. The sounds he was making told me how badly he hurt but his cock, which was leaking precum like a faucet, told me how turned on he was by it. I took my time and eventually finished, I was in no hurry after all. I relished each moan and ever flinch he made as I hurt him.

Finally it was time! I wanted that glowing ass so bad I could hardly stand it. I spit on my fingers and massaged it into Jose's ready hole, then I drove my hard cock into him. I felt the muscles stretch and give and I knew I was hurting him but I really didn't care. And to be honest, neither did he as the long contented sigh that came out of his mouth testified. I had just made his life as my slave complete. I had taken given him his Master's cock. And give it to him I did! I grabbed his legs and drove in and out of him hard. He worked to move with me and keep his ass nice and tight, but as bad as I needed him I really didn't even notice. Harder and harder I plunged into him, feeling the heat of the beating radiating through my crotch, which seemed to even more intensify my feelings. Normally I will hold back and make it last as long as I can but this time I had no control. I maintained that high level of feeling and frenzy until my cock erupted sending wave after wave of cum exploding outward.

When I was finally done I pulled out and grabbed a couple more toys. I may have cum once but I was far from done and the next one I was going to make last. I put a set of tit clamps on the tip of Jose's tits to which I had a long chain attached. Then I put a chain on the ball stretcher. As I was still hard I slid back in Jose's ass. I grabbed the chains with one hand and began a nice long slow fuck of Jose's ass. With each stroke I pulled on the chains yanking his balls and his tits. I did that the entire time until I came again, and it took me a nice long time! I can imagine that Jose's tits and balls, were by that time, just as painful as his thighs and ass. Not that I cared I was drained, happy, and satisfied.

I released Jose from his bonds and made him clean my cock. Then I had him light a fire in the fireplace. Thankfully in the high desert nights get cold, because I really wanted a fire. When it was burning bright I opened a bottle of wine and let Jose just sit with me in front of the fire. I even let him have a glass of wine. I held him and we looked at the fire together. I realized how fortunate I was to have him and how much I really did love him. I looked at his cock, still hard. He, however, could care less he had satisfied me and that was all that mattered to him.

OK I am getting as bad as Alex here so I guess it is a good place to stop. I just really wanted this to let you all know I care very much about Jose too. Someone had asked if he was more of just my house servant. No, he is my slave and I love him just as much as I do Alex. Yes, he is also my servant as he is usually free, but what else would you expect me to do with him? He is a slave after all.

Let me know which to post next. Alex's stay at Robert's, More of my trip with Jose, or our time at the cabin. Please send comments to BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 47

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