I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Nov 9, 2009


"I Had No Idea" - Part 45 BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

I rather enjoyed the last journal post. I got so many great responses it did my heart good. Some were very much, "About damn time you did that to Alex". Of course others were, "How could you make him drop out of school?" Well guess what? I said that journal was dated from when school let out for the summer. I did not say if I actually followed through with it or not, did I? OK, OK, yes I did follow through. But for anyone that is worried, Alex will return to school in 2010. I have no intention of supporting his slave ass. Yes, I know, I have told you all Alex is a trust fun kid. We don't need the money, but I can hardly wait to see that wave of total panic wash across his face when I tell him he is going back to finish college. Besides, his parents had a fit. But I assured them if they would let Alex have the year to get whatever was bothering him out of his system I would make sure he went back the following year. Dear God they trust me to take care of him! I remember when I made Alex get the Mohawk. They just about died! I calmed them down and told them I would convince him to let his hair go back to normal. If only they knew. But then, were would all the fun be in that? It is so easy to make them think Alex is this mixed up, crazy college student that needs me to help guide him through life. It saves them having to bother, which they prefer. Plus it keeps them out of our lives as much as humanly possible, which I prefer.

So what journal to post this time? Well, that is actually very easy. Remember Alex no longer wears the chastity belt. He is not allowed to touch his cock, balls, ass, or tits. And I mean not at all! Well we were sitting quietly in the living room one night watching TV. Jose was locked in the cage hooded and gagged and was going to be there for the weekend as punishment. To be honest I a was a little bored and had just been looking for an excuse to give Alex a good hard punishment session like the one Jose was enduring. Of course I can punish him whenever I feel like and I do just for the hell of it. But, it so much more enjoyable when he feels that he has disobeyed me and deserves it. So out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex lean over and rub his chest on the arm of the chair. I knew why. He had gotten several mosquito bites right next to his tit when we had been out in the back yard. He had complained that they itched like hell. I realized that he was so involved in the movie we were watching that he didn't even realize what he was doing. But I decided that was not going to fly. Oh, NO! I was going to accuse him of rubbing his tit on the chair on purpose. This was going to be so much fun! So, as always, let me turn this story over to my Alex:

What did Master Rick say? It took my brain a second for it to register. He was saying I had been rubbing my tit on the arm of his chair! That was forbidden! I knew I hadn't! But then I did vaguely remember the damn mosquito bites I had itching like hell a few minutes ago. Dear GOD! maybe I had, but not on purpose! It had been almost a month since my chastity belt had been removed and my new steel ring and harness locked on me. I had not even once tried to rub my cock or my tits on anything. Don't get me wrong. I though about it all the time, and I mean all the time! I had gotten so used to not being allowed an erection that to have one almost constantly and being unable to even touch my cock was the hardest thing I had ever been forced to endure. I would give anything to have my cock locked back in it's plastic prison. My cock dripped almost all the time. Master Rick had taken to making me lick the floor where I had been sitting when ever I got up so I didn't leave a mess. He had tortured my tits quite a few times until he had them at the point where just the breeze on them drove me crazy with need. But I had not even once violated his rules and tried to rub myself against anything.

Master's words brought me up short though, "slave, you just rubbed your tit on my chair! I saw you! How dare you break my rule. Your cock, balls, ass, and TITS are off limits! You never touch them in anyway and I just saw you deliberately violate that rule."

I saw the look on Master Ricks face and knew he was mad. I was fucked even though I had not done, in my mind, anything wrong. Without even thinking I blurted out, "No Master I didn't! I swear I didn't!"

What the hell had just come over me! Now I had contradicted Master Rick. He was really going to be pissed as his next words conformed for me, "slave! HOW DARE YOU! Shut you damn mouth! First, you rub your tit and I catch you at it, then you have the audacity to call me a liar! So help me if you open your mouth even one more time and try to say even one more word, and that includes, SORRY, I will make you regret the day you were born! Although, when I get done with you for this screw up, you will anyway. I might have been lenient with your rubbing your tit, slave, but daring to argue with me, Hell NO! You are going to be punished and punished hard."

I wanted to cry. Master Rick was right. I had spoken back. I needed to be punished. As he stood up out of his chair I realized just how scared I was at what was to come. Over the years I have suffered so many punishments at Master Rick's hands. As much as I love pain he could always find ways to push me over the edge and just plain hurt me. Master Rick moved quickly over to the toy shelves. He grabbed a full head harness with attached gag. He turned around and ordered me to my feet. I hurried as fast as I could to obey. I have learned to stand up fast despite never having the use of my hands. I always think of how people that go blind learn to hear better. Well my arms and hands have been locked behind me for so long, I had learned to function just fine without them. As soon as I was on my feet I presented myself in front of Master Rick. He took the leather head harness and fitted it on me. I opened my mouth so he could slide the huge gag into it. Master Rick had picked an exceptionally large one and I almost gagged before my mouth adjusted to it's presence. He adjusted the straps, tightening them for a snug fit. He then buckled the collar and locked it on.

He took me by the arm and moved me out to the center of the room. Master Rick positioned me under a chain that was hanging from the ceiling. He hooked the top of my head harness to the end of the chain. Once done he went back to the toys and returned with a steel leg spreader. He knelt in front of me and attached it to my left ankle. He then pulled my right ankle as far to the right as he could and buckled the spreader bar in place. My legs were spread wide open with my harnessed cock and balls hanging totally exposed and vulnerable. Master Rick grabbed by bound balls and gave them a hard squeeze. As he did he said, "Now Alex you will pay for your disobedience."

He walked away from me and as he did my heart sank. God he was so right, I had fucked up. Whatever he did to me I deserved it. I watched as Master Rick walked to the wall. He started pulling the chain attached to my head harness. He pulled it until I was standing firmly on the front balls of my feet. Not so high that I could easily loose my balance, but high enough that it would still take concentration to maintain it. Master Rick secured the chain in place then went once more to the toy shelves. I couldn't see what he was getting. He walked back to me holding whatever it was behind him until he was standing right in front of me. "Look what I have for you slave," he said, pulling his arms out from behind himself, "These for those tits that got you in trouble and this for your cock that I know caused you to disobey to begin with."

In his right hand Master Rick held the wickedest set of tit clamps we had and in his left his leather crop. He slid the crop under his arm and grabbed my left tit. He pulled it out and then set the clamp tight on the tip in front of the piercing. The pain shot through me like a knife. To have a clamp put right on the sensitive nub is excruciating. When done he grabbed my right tit and put the other clamp in the same place. My tits have always been sensitive, but since Master Rick had them pierced they are more so. Then in the last year or so he has taken great joy in making them even more sensitive to the point were he has trained me to cum just by having my tits tortured. So despite the intense pain my cock was instantly hard. Master Rick took the crop back out from under his arm and tapped my cock lightly with it. "Alex, let me explain just how this is going to work. Right now your tits hurt like hell but your cock is hard as a rock. Well I am going to beat your cock with the crop until you loose that erection. Once you do, I am going to yank the clamps off your tits. See slave, then it will hurt like hell to have them yanked off. Oh, and, yes you can scream into the gag, I don't care. Once the clamps are off I will play with your tits until I have your cock hard again. Then the clamps go back on and I will use the crop on your cock again. You will learn that as my slave you will NEVER touch your tits again. Ready boy?"

I knew that was a rhetorical question but tried to nod my head yes just in case. That of course was not possible as tight as Master Rick had me tied. So I just stood there waiting for the first blow to fall on my defenseless cock. The first couple hits with the crop were light, more like Master Rick was testing how my cock would respond. Then he gradually increased intensity with a couple more hits. Amazingly my cock responded by getting harder. "Alex, that is not the idea. I guess I am just not hitting your cock hard enough," Master Rick said.

He raised the crop and brought it down hard on my throbbing cock. The pain shot through me as I jumped in my bonds. Now the pain definitely wasn't turning me on, God no, it hurt so bad. Master Rick continued to rain one swat after another on my cock until I had lost all semblance of a hard on. He finally stopped and grabbed a hold of the chain attached to the tit clamps. He pulled until the clamps popped off sending waves of pain rushing into my chest. One hand reached out to stroke my inflamed tits sending more pain radiating through my chest. Master Rick continued to work my tits. Slowly the pain was replaced with pleasure as he had trained me. My cock responded despite still hurting from the crop. He continued working my tits until my cock was so hard and I was desperate to cum. When Master Rick had me were he wanted me he once again placed the clamps back on and the blows again started falling on my hard cock. He continued blow after blow until my cock lost it's erection and all the pleasure I had been flying on was replaced by nothing but pain. I realized I was thrashing when he finally quit. As he grabbed the chain once more he said, "slave, you are going to learn to never disobey me again."

Master Rick yanked the clips off again. I thought it had hurt the first time, now I knew better. This time he grabs both tits with his fingers and massaged them. Once again sending pain coursing through my chest. If I had not been gagged I would have been screaming, but all I could do was sob silently behind the huge gag filling my mouth. He gave me a few moments to calm down then began slowly working my tits to see if he could get my now sore cock hard again. He bent forward and started kissing my right tit. He pulled it into his mouth and lightly sucked on it. While doing this he lightly brushed my left tit. Amazingly, despite how sore my cock was, it took almost no time for Master Rick to work his magic and I was once again hard as a rock. As soon as I was Master Rick pulled away and the blows from his crop once again started raining down on my cock. God it hurt so bad! My cock almost instantly lost all semblance of an erection and shriveled in on itself trying to avoid the blows of the crop. His hand was on the chain again and off came the clamps. I yelled into the gag and had to fight hard not to loose my balance. My God the pain that radiated through my chest. "Your doing good slave. I know it hurts but we are far from done yet," Master Rick said.

His words scared me. I never knew just how far he would push me. The only think that made me feel better was knowing that I deserved this for displeasing him. Even if I didn't feel I had intentionally rubbed my tit, I had done it. I should never have not been paying attention to what I was doing. I was a slave. Pleasing my Master should always be the focal point of my life. Then to top it all off I had tried to argue with him. I knew I deserved this. The more he hurt me the better I would feel. It would purge my soul for my disobedience.

Master Rick continued to alternate between beating my cock, yanking off the tit clamps, then getting me hard again and replacing the clamps, until my sore cock would no longer get hard for him. By that time I was pretty sure it must be black and blue. I knew how bad it hurt and imagined the ache I would feel for days to come. The pain in my cock was echoed by the searing pain that radiated across my chest from my poor abused tits. They hurt so bad as Master Rick tried one last time to get my cock hard. When he got no response from my cock he smiled and said, "your poor cock slave, hurts so bad it won't even get hard for me. Good, now we spend a few minutes just punishing those tits. They are what got you in trouble after all."

Dear God, what more could he do! They hurt so bad already. Could I even take anymore? Wait of course I could! I would take anything Master Rick gave me. I was being punished and I was going to take my punishment like a man. He waited a moment and reattached the clamps. This time he added a heavy weight that he lets drop onto my chest. My cock hurt so bad, my legs were so tired, but all I could focus on was the pain in my tits that engulfed my whole chest. Master Rick just stood there and watched me. I realized he was waiting for the clamps to numb my tits. Just as they start getting numb and the pain starts lessening a bit he grabbed the chain and yanked them off. I thrash, I scream, I fight to keep my balance. He gives me a minute to settle down then the clamps go back on my tits. God it hurts. I scream into the gag. Not one bit of pleasure, in this just mind numbing pain. It takes longer this time for the numbness to set in, but just as it does, he is front of me again grabbing the chain and pulling it off. How long would this go on? How long could I take it? It didn't really matter, I deserve the punishment, I knew better that to touch my tits and especially to talk back to Master Rick. I belong to him body and soul. After what seemed like an eternity Master Rick finally stopped. I had no idea how long this had been going on. I realized I had lost all track of time, my whole being centered on the pain enveloping my body.

Master Rick released my feet from the spreader bar then unclipped the chain holding me upright. If he hadn't been there to grab me I think I would have collapsed in the middle of the room. He helped me over his chair. He sat down then pulled me onto his lap. He held me close and just stroked my tired body. I wished so badly to have my arms free so I could hold him. But feeling his strong arms around me was all I really needed. If my mouth had not still been gagged I would have been blubbering how much I loved him. Perhaps that was why he had left the gag in to keep me from getting in more trouble by talking when I shouldn't be. I love him so much. He is such a wonderful Master. We sat there for a long time, with him just tenderly holding me. Then finally he picked me up in his arms and stood up, "Alex," he said, "let's go to bed. Your cock may hurt like hell but mine doesn't. I intend to fuck your ass until it is as sore as the rest of your body."

My heart swelled with happiness. I was going to get to feel my Master's cock in my ass. What a perfect ending. Despite my disobedience Master Rick still loved me.

OK, it is well time to stop Alex. When he starts drifting over into the sweet romantic crap it is time end the journal. I must say, I had a wonderful time that night. When you can take a slave past the point where pleasure turns to total pain and still make them want it, I feel you have accomplished something. Yes, Alex's cock was black and blue. Not that it mattered, he still had a full month before I was even going to think about letting him cum. Oh and his tits were bruised for several days too. But damn, did the punishment make him work hard that night to please me. I will always say Alex has a great ass, but that night!!!! Oh My God! It made me want to find excuses to punish him more often. But then again, as I said before, I am his Master I don't need an excuse to punish him. But the point being, as you read here, that mind set, when a slave feels they deserve the punishment it makes the whole thing much more enjoyable. Plus, without that need on Alex's part to be punished, "purge his soul," I think is how he put it, he would never have been able to take all the pain I gave him that night.

As always let me know what you think. Alex, enjoys the e-mails I read him so much. Especially now that he isn't in school. BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 46

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