I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Sep 18, 2009


"I Had No Idea" - Part 44 BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

I am sure by now, you are used to me saying, "I know it has been so long...." But once again here I am starting this journal entry off that way. And it has been way to long! Summer is over, school is getting ready to start and I am months behind in letting our loyal readers know what is going on in our lives. I have a lot to catch you up on so let me get started.

The last post was about Alex and the new cage. I told you it was now in our house. That cage has become my favorite place for my slaves. I really enjoy having one or the other locked in it, if I work really hard I can even get them both in it. At first they both spent time in it, but more and more it has become Alex's home when I am not using him. I think he has become attached to it, just like his collar and cuffs (and other things as you will read). I did purchase a padded leather mat for the floor so it would be a little more comfortable for him. See, I am not all bad!

Besides the cage I have made several additional changes in Alex's life. When school let out for the Summer, I informed Alex that he would not be going back in the Fall. Yes, I know, I was the one that made him go, but after seeing him locked in the cage, I remembered how much I liked his being bound 24/7. Knowing Alex's hands were always locked behind him. Knowing that he was waiting for just one thing, my return. So, for this year at least, Alex will not attend college. He will go back to being what he really is my bondage slave. And I do not want to hear any shouts of outrage! Alex is my slave and I will do with him as I please! How did Alex react to this news? Well I think I will turn this over to him and let you hear it in his own words:

I couldn't believe what Master Rick has just said! Maybe I had heard him wrong. I just had to make sure. I had to hear it one more time. I cleared my throat and said, "Sir, please Sir, may I ask a question Sir?"

Master Rick stroked my head as he replied, "Yes slave. Let me guess. You want to make sure I really said what I did. Yes, Alex, you will not be going back to school in the Fall."

If they hadn't been locked behind me I would have thrown my arms around him and kissed him. Oh, I would have gotten in lots of trouble for doing it, but it would have been worth it! I hated school! I hated being free! I hated wearing clothes! I hated not having my arms locked behind me! This was like a dream come true! I had begged and begged, I had also gotten beaten for begging, for Master Rick to let me stay home. Now my dream was really coming true!

Master Rick went on to explain that I would be required to sign a new contract. When I had started school he had made me sign a four year one, but as of now he was cancelling it. He reminded me that he had that right as my Master. The new one would have no time frame. It would last until he decided to end it. Once my name was signed I would no longer have any future but as his slave. (In my mind it had always been that way.) He informed me that I would forever sign away the privilege of having my hands free, just like in our first one. Those words made me so excited. To know that, once again, I would be bound all the time. Who needed hands, I had Master Rick. I will admit that during the last two years I had gotten used to being able to touch the front of my own body. When you have gone 13 months without being able to scratch an itch on your own belly, EVER, you will know what I mean. However, I would gladly give that up to have my hands locked behind me all the time again. Master Rick tells me I love bondage. He is so right! I have dreamt many times of having steel manacles on my wrists that were riveted on, permanently locking my hands behind me. Then a set on my ankles with just a short chain between, again riveted in place. I have told this dream to Master Rick, he tells me that he would hate it. It would limit how he could tie me up. He is right in that. He can be very creative and the more restrictive the better I like it.

I was pulled out of my bondage dreams and back to reality as Master Rick continued talking. "Alex there is going to be one very big change in this contract. In our first contract I allowed you to cum every other week. The one you signed when you started school, allowed me to decide and I have pretty much stuck with letting you cum every other week, but not anymore. This one will again allow me to decide but I am placing an upper and lower time limit on it. The least amount of time you will go will be two months, Yes, Alex I said two months."

My heart sank in my chest. Two months without getting to cum! Two weeks was hard enough, but two months. But wait, Master Rick had said that was the least amount of time. My heart sank further as he continued, "But Alex just because two months have gone by does not mean I will allow you to cum. But I am giving you a upper limit too. The longest I will deny you cumming will be one year."

To say the least I was shocked! How could anyone go a year without getting to cum? I knew Master Rick would keep me healthy by milking my prostate. He did that now as he thinks two weeks is to long for me to go without at least one milking. He tells me that as I am his forever, he wants me to stay healthy. Just thinking about it scared me. God, a hole year! But then I remembered back to when I first became his bondage slave. Going two weeks had seemed like forever. Now I was used to it. I had learned my cumming held very little place in my life anymore. As long as Master Rick was happy I was happy. I have learned to live his motto, full balls make for an empty mind.

There was more yet to come as he continued, "since we are discussing your cock, another thing is changing. You will no longer wear the chastity device. I want to see your cock. With the new change in your cumming I expect to see it hard quite a bit. I don't want it locked away anymore, so you can't get hard. I want to see just how much you need and how much I have taken away from you."

Again I was floored. My cock had been locked away for so long. I could hardly fathom not wearing my chastity device all the time. Having my cock free would be very hard to get used to. But as always I had no idea what was to come, as Master Rick went on, "But, Alex, I am not going to leave your cock free. I bought you this to wear all the time. I know how you have always wanted something steel riveted on, well this won't be riveted but it will be locked with a special hex key so no one but me can take it off you."

Master Rick held up a heavy stainless steel cock ring. It was hinged on one side and would close around my cock and balls. Once closed there was a special key that locked it in place. When it was tightened there would be no way to get it off. Master Rick set down the cock ring and picked up a matching ball stretcher. It was only about 1 inch long but looked heavier than the cock ring had. It secured the exact same way. Again, once in place it wasn't going to come off for anything. At the base of the ball stretcher was the scary part. A small steel piece, that from the way it looked, would go between by balls keeping them permanently separated, one pushed to the left and one to the right. Master Rick showed me how, when the screw was installed, it would lock the spreader securely in place. Also attached to the spreader bar was a small ring. This I assumed would be for weights or for Master Rick to chain me to things. He did seem to like chaining Jose and I up by our balls. To be honest looking at the hard steel objects that would soon be around my cock and balls, made me excited. I could feel my cock trying to get hard inside it's plastic prison. That fact did not miss Master Rick's notice. "Alex," he said, "stand up so I can take off the belt. I want to see your poor useless cock getting hard for it's Master."

I stood as ordered and Master Rick unlocked my cock for the last time. As he removed the belt and my cock sprang free I immediately had a hard on. He stroked my cock slowly with his fingers, sending tingles of delight coursing through my body. "Remember Alex you can get as hard as you want BUT you may not cum. I think you know better than to ever do that! After all this time I think I can trust you not to do that. And you know what will happen if you ever do!"

It was strange, I remembered when Master Rick had first put the chastity device on me. He had caught me rubbing my cock on the carpet in the closet he used to keep me in. I had been so desperate to cum. Back then I still had not learned my proper place. I remember how badly Master Rick had punished me. I deserved it! I had disobeyed my Master. Now as I thought about it I knew no matter how much I wanted to I would never do anything like that. Even if my hands were loose I wouldn't touch my cock. In fact even at school I never touched my cock even when I peed. I couldn't even remember the last time my hands had touched myself. Master Rick was right, of course he always is, he could trust me. I knew his rule, never touch your slave cock, balls, tits, or ass. I would rather die than displease him. I really didn't need the belt anymore. My Master's orders and my own mentality was all the chastity device I needed.

I stood at attention as Master Rick secured my new cock ring in place. As he brought the ends together I was surprised at just how snug it was. I felt him turning the screw that would seal it on me. My cock throbbed at attention as his hands brushed against it while he worked. Once done with the ring Master Rick pulled my balls down and placed the stretcher in place. As he closed it and brought the bar up to divide my balls, I realized it too was nice and snug. I also felt that at the base, on the inside, something soft. There must have been a lining so my balls wouldn't chafe on the steel. Master Rick, always so thoughtful. When he had finished securing it in place he gave my balls a yank and said, "Good fit Alex. I had them made special to your measurements. They look good on you slave. I realize I didn't show you but on each one I had engraving done. They both say, Master Rick's slave. They further mark you as mine. Wear them proudly slave."

I would wear them proudly for several reasons. First, my Master gave them to me. He cared enough to further mark me as his property, like when he had my ass tattooed. I would gladly wear them forever! Secondly, there was no way in hell I could get them off. They would stay locked around my cock and balls until Master Rick took them off. All ready the weight of the stretcher hung heavy on my balls and the cock ring was definitely keeping my cock hard. But I knew I would get used to them. They would soon be as much a part of me as the cuffs locked on my wrists and ankles, the collar locked around my neck, or the rings in my tits. They made me appreciate just how lucky I was to have Master Rick as my Master.

He now made me kneel. He placed the new contract on the floor and put a pen in my mouth. I willingly lean forward and signed my name the best I could. Trust me it isn't easy with no hands, but if you looked really close you could almost tell it was my name. Not that it really mattered. It was just a formality. Regardless if I signed it or not I was and always would remain Master Rick's slave. I had given up any other life a long time ago. I think Master Rick just likes the show of continued commitment on my part. I do know, for me, every time he has made me do this it reinforces my place in this world as his slave and nothing but his slave. I was excited to be able to go back to what I do best, wait as a bound slave for my Master's return. As these feelings flowed through my head my cock throbbed so hard. That would be the hardest thing to get used to, no hard confining plastic prison for my cock. But again in my mind it would always be there. My cock was just as off limits now as it was when it had been locked up.

To, as Master Rick put it, "celebrate our new contract," he used a cord to pull my hands high up my back and tie them off to my collar. He then made me bend over and place my forehead on the floor, raising my ass high and held out for him. I knew what was coming as he reached for the hard wooden paddle and felt my cock throb in anticipation of the first blow. "slave how many years do you think I will keep you tied up as my slave?" Master Rick ask.

I hoped for the rest of my life! So I responded, "Sir, please Sir, forever Sir."

"I will keep you forever slave, but as you are going to get a swat for each year we will be together, forever isn't going to cut it. So slave give me a number. Remember you have a long life ahead of you. Think about it boy, you could spend the next 50 years like this, maybe longer."

That had never really hit me before. I had always thought, I will be his slave forever. But Master Rick was right. I was just 21. I really could be kept tied up for that long. I knew I wanted to be! So I decided to really give him a number. Not sure my ass would like it but I hoped Master Rick would. "Sir, 70 years Sir?!", I said!

"Good boy! However, we will see what happens in the future. Who knows it may well be that long. So slave can your ass take 70 swats? Not that you really have a choice. But I will start slow and let it build, but by the time I am done your ass will know who owns it. So will you, because I intend for it to throb for days, just like your cock seems to be doing right now."

He was right my cock was so hard. It felt so good even knowing I would spend at least two months like this before there was any chance Master Rick might let me cum. As he started hitting my ass with the paddle all I felt was happiness. I could have cried I was so happy. I will admit that by the time he was done all I felt was searing pain and was crying because my ass hurt so bad. My cock was still hard however!

Let me end Alex here. I do apologize to anyone that wanted some hot sex session. But I wanted to bring our readers up to speed on our life. When Alex was in school sometimes he didn't have time to keep up his journal. Now, maybe, he will have a little more time. I won't say free time, Alex is never free anymore. But I remember back to the very first post of this journal. I had Alex tied up typing on a laptop with a pencil. I am planning on going back to that. He needs something to fill his time. Then all I will need is a little more time (never happen) to edit them and post them for his readers.

Alex made so many great points in this entry. The best was how he no longer felt he needed the chastity belt. It was well time I took it off him. As my slave he damn well had better have learned to NEVER touch his own cock. A true slave should be in forced chastity without the need for a belt. Simply the Master's orders and the slave's desire to please should make never touching their cock the easiest thing in the world. Their Master said NO so they do not do it. So far Alex has done great by the way. I am proud of him. This journal was written three months ago. Have I let Alex cum yet? You will just have and wait to see! As always drop and e-mail, especially now Alex needs them, BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 45

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