I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jan 21, 2009


"I Had No Idea" - Part 42

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

My god I just realize that I haven't posted anything from Alex's journal since well before Christmas. Now here it is already half way through January. Where does the time go? But then, when you have two slave boys that keep you well entertained, time just flies by. We had a great holiday and now that we are back at school I figured it was about time I posted another instalment for all Alex's loyal readers out there. I looked back just before I started getting this entry together and was amazed that it has been almost three years of our lives that we have shared with you! I hope that no one is getting tired of it yet. I know I am not! I enjoy where our lives have taken us. When I started posting Alex's journal Jose had not joined our family. Now we have Jose, and I for one am very glad. In addition we have gotten to know quite a few people that share our lifestyle. In fact in the next few weeks I will be posting the writings of Matt's new Master, Robert. He has enjoyed reading Alex's writings so much that he thought he might give it a try. So he is currently working on his first instalment about his slave Matt. He has asked me to post them for him. So keep you eyes peeled for the title, "My slave matt." It will be posted by myself, BNDMaster13.

Anyway let's get back to where Alex, Jose, and I are right now. After Christmas I decided to change Alex's look just a little. So I purchased a good set of clippers and gave him a buzz cut. He now looks like an army recruit. To be honest I really like it. I was getting really tired of his Mohawk. I think instead of me telling you all about it I am just going to turn this over to Alex. He tells a story so much better than I do, so take it away Alex:

Christmas break from school was awesome! Getting to spend so much time just being with Master Rick and Jose was great. Master Rick had gotten a new book over Christmas dealing with Japanese rope bondage. He had spent quite a bit of time trying different things out on Jose and I. He had been able to find good hemp rope which he used. I was shocked at how rough and scratchy it felt. We had always used plain cotton rope which doesn't chafe the skin that bad. To be tied up tight in rough scratchy rope was a whole new experience. Master Rick seemed to really delight in binding us as tight as possible and leaving us that way as long as he could. I hope he will post some of my writings about it, but I never know what he will actually post.

Anyway, I want to come forward to going back to school after the holidays. Just after Christmas Master Rick had shaved off my Mohawk. He informed me he was tired of it. So now I have a short cut and look like a skin head. It is still strange sometimes when I see myself in a mirror. I have almost no hair on my head and then from the eyebrows down I have no hair on my body at all. I look just like what I am, another man's slave. So with my new hair I already knew I was going to get starred at again when we went back to school, from one extreme to another. From weird hair to no hair. But I should have realized that Master Rick had more fun in store for me. As usual I had no idea when he started getting me ready that first morning just what was to come.

As always I had my wrist cuffs and collar locked on. But when Master Rick started removing my chastity belt I was shocked. I am seldom allowed to go anywhere without it locked in place, especially to school. When he had gotten it off he made me stand in the middle of the room. He went to our toy shelves and return carrying his spool of small hemp cord. It was really like twine to me. He had bought it especially to bind our cock and balls with. The first time he had used it on me I had hated it. It was so rough and as the bindings pulled it really hurt. He had learned how to wrap it down the length of my cock to make it as uncomfortable as possible. My mind ran wild as I saw him with it now. Dear God was he planning on binding my cock and balls with it and then send me off to school? That was exactly what Master Rick was planning. He pulled my balls down in their sack and then proceeded to tie them there with the cord. He wrapped it round and round, even using it to separate them one from the other. Once he was happy he tied it off then grabbed another piece and started tying it around my cock. When he was done my cock and balls were tied up tight in a nice package. Then to my surprise Master Rick slipped a condom down over my tied up cock. Just what did he intend? I would soon find out.

Next he used a heavier rope and put it around my waist. He then tied two pieces on the front and brought one down each side of my tied up cock and balls. He made me bend over and I felt him working something hard and sharp into the crack of my ass. It felt like it had spikes all over it and it was really uncomfortable to have wedged in my ass. Next the cords were pulled up my ass crack over whatever it was to secure it in place. These Master Rick tied off to the waist belt. He stepped back to survey his handiwork. As he did he said, "Not bad Alex. Your cock looks like it is really going to enjoy spending the day tied up like that. You're already getting hard, aren't you boy?"

Yes he was very right. My cock was hard, straining against the rough cords binding it. Master Rick continued, "That is why I put the condom on your dick. Can't have you leaking precum all over the front of your pants now can we. But then maybe you are hoping once you get to school you can keep yourself from getting hard. I actually have something else planned just to make that a lot harder for you. As for your ass, what I have wedged in it is a small pine cone. I can tell now that it hurts, just wait until you sit down on one of those nice hard wooden chairs in class. Then you will know what having your ass hurts really means. This should make for a fun day, shouldn't it, and I have one more treat for you yet."

God, what else! Already my ass crack hurt, my balls felt like they were being pulled away from me, and my cock was so hard I was going crazy. I would soon find out. Usually Master Rick makes me wear a chain that hooks onto my tit rings, but today he didn't get it, instead he grabbed a small white t-shirt which he held up for me to look at. I could tell it was probably one size to small for me. Master Rick turned it inside out as he explained what he had in mind, "Alex do you see this? It is the scratchy side of velcro. I have attached it to the inside of the shirt just at the level of your tits. The shirt is just tight enough that it will hold the velcro in place on each of your nipples. As you move it will scratch back and forth over them all day long. As sensitive as your tits are anyway, I expect them to get more and more so as the day goes by. In other words it will be like I am constantly playing with your tits. That in turn will make your cock stay hard, which will keep you turned on and make your tits even more sensitive. Now you know why I put the condom on your cock. I firmly expect it to be full of precum by the time you get home this afternoon. Just one thing. I know that you can cum just by having me work on your tits. However, you are not allowed to cum today. You may get close as the velcro rubs your tits and you get more and more turned on, BUT you may not cum. I will make time to check on you today and I had better not find that you have disobeyed me. This should make for quite an interesting day, don't you think?"

Master Rick was very right I could cum just by having my tits worked on. That had not always been the case. Yes, my tits have always been sensitive but Master Rick had set out about a year ago to train me to cum just by his working on my tits. He had read about it and decided it would be a good way to try out the Pavlov's dog theory he had been learning in school. Pavlov taught a dog to drool just by hearing a bell sound. Master Rick decided to see if he could train me to cum without his touching my cock but only by working on my tits. When he first started he could easily bring me close but it still required his stroking my cock to make me cum. But the more and more he worked on me the easier it became. It might take him a long time but eventually he trained me to cum without his ever touching my cock. I remember the first time, feeling my cock straining in the air. Feeling my balls pull up as I moved closer and closer to orgasm. My cock pulsing as the head swelled straining to cum. Then erupting a huge load of cum without anything but air ever caressing my cock. To be honest it was one of the most incredible climaxes I have ever had! Considering that before when Master Rick had jacked me off it had just been a quick thing, this long slow building was awesome. Since then he has perfected it down to a science. He can tie me down and stimulate my tits and keep me right at the edge forever. So needless to say I knew that having my tits rubbed all day long at school was going to drive me insane.

Master Rick made me put the shirt on, then checked it to make sure it fit the way he intended. He seemed pleased and asked me how it felt. I honestly told him that the slight abrasion of the shirt was going straight to my cock. "Good boy then I think it is time you finish getting dressed," he said.

He then handed me a big baggy sweat shirt and a baggy pair of old blue jeans. He really was changing my look. I was so used to wearing my black shirt and pants I was going to miss them. Next came an old pair of sneakers. No socks of course. As the weather was cold Master Rick finished it all off with an old coat. This, it seemed, would be my new school look. By this time Jose had gotten himself ready. Master Rick had set his clothes out for him in the front room. So we were ready to leave.

As I started walking the first thing I noticed was how bad the pine cone in my ass hurt as my cheeks moved back and forth around it. Then the scrape and pull of the cords binding my cock and balls. But the most intense feeling was the constant rubbing of my tits. Master Rick was right, my cock was going to stay hard all day with the feelings being generated in my tits. In fact, I realized very quickly that, between the stimulation to my tits and how turned on it was making me that I might just have a hard time not cumming. Dear god could I really go to classes all day like this? Would I even be able to pay any attention to what was going on around me? As we were walking, all the feeling coursing through my body were keeping my mind focused on just one thing, my full balls. But I also realized that I had no choice. I was Master Rick's slave and had no free choice in the matter.

Half way to class I realized that I would need to carry my backpack in front of to hide the huge bulge in my pants. Despite them being big and baggy, it would be very obvious to anyone looking that my cock was rock hard. I finally arrived at my first class. I sat down on the hard seat and wished I could yell. Having the pine cone shoved hard into my ass hurt like hell. The only good thing was that the pain settled my throbbing cock down just a bit. However, just sitting there breathing moved the shirt back and forth over my tits. Very soon I no longer noticed the pain in my ass. It was totally replaced by the sensation in my crotch. As my cock throbbed my mind focused more and more on the sensations in my tits, which in turn made my cock throb harder. I realized that I had no idea what was going on around me. I was going to have to really concentrate hard to try and keep focused. I slowed my breath trying to keep my chest from moving up and down. It helped a little bit and I was able to actually hear what the lecture was about. As I looked up at the clock and saw that it had only been 30 minutes I knew that it was going to be a very long day.

Thankfully I made it through that first class. When I walked out Master Rick was there waiting for me. He had come to check and make sure I was doing okay. I actually thing he knew how hard this was on me and would have stopped it if I had begged him to do so. However, I am his slave and there was no way I was going to disappoint him. Just before he walked away he whispered in my ear, "Alex, just think how good it will feel tonight when I finally let you cum."

Praise god, Master Rick would let me cum at the end of the day! Just knowing that what make it easier to endure the rest of the day. So I clenched my ass cheeks together around the pine cone and headed off for my next class. My tits driving my cock crazy, my full balls desperate for relief. But so happy knowing I was making my Master proud and that he was going to let me cum tonight!

I won't write about the rest of the day. Despite everything it was still very long and hard as I walked around in a constant horny haze. But when we got home Master Rick did exactly what he had promised. He tied me into a hog tied position on the floor. Then tortured my tits until I blew a load half way across the room. God it felt so awesome! Then, as a further reward, he sat down on the floor and pulled my head toward his crotch. His big hard cock waiting for my hungry eager mouth. It was a perfect ending to a very long hard day.

Just before Master Rick got up, leaving me still bound on the floor, he said, "I hope you had fun today, Alex. I know I did. In fact I think we will do it again tomorrow. Won't that be fun?"

Let me stop Alex there. Did I send him to school the same way the next day? Of course! I had so much fun watching him wander around in a haze that I just had to do it all over again. What about his not paying attention to his classes? Well I had already arranged for him to get all the notes he needed. I looked at his and I really doubt he would be able to make heads or tails out of them. It was very easy to tell that his mind was not on the lecture but the feelings coursing through his body. It just amazes me how easy it is to put Alex in exactly the frame of mind I want him to be. He really is fun to have as my slave.

As always let me know what you think. I will keep posting Alex's journals as long as people keep reading them. I must say that I really enjoy the e-mails and the ideas people give me to try out on my boys. BNDMASTER13@yahoo. com.

Next: Chapter 43

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