I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Dec 11, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 41

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create

unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Yes, it is that time again! Another entry from Alex's journal. Let me begin here by wishing all our loyal readers a VERY Merry Christmas. I love the holidays. I know Alex and Jose do. They look forward to seeing what new toy I have bought them for Christmas. I look forward to trying it out on them. As neither of them are in a position to buy me presents I am the one who gets all the pleasure out of giving. Trust me, what I buy them, as I use it on them, keeps giving my pleasure over and over again. What is that expression, give a present that keeps on giving and giving!

In line with it being the holidays I decided to post a very recent entry. This particular one actually took place the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I had volunteered to host the annual Christmas Party for all our friends. Some, but not all, are involved in a Master / slave relationship. Over the years I have become acquainted with quite a few people who share my tastes. We have several others that just think it is cool to see a slave all tied up and used, and a couple that get off on just about anything. Anyway, this year I decided the party should be at our house. We have lots of room, an awesome playroom, and a fully fenced backyard that offers us complete privacy. Now that I have set the stage let me turn this over to my faithful slave Alex. He, in his usual eloquent style, tells the story far better than I can:

Thanksgiving had been great! My parents had actually been in Houston for once. Master Rick, let all of us spend Thursday and Friday with them. Sometimes I do miss them. I have a great life with my new family, but, yes I do miss my parents at times. They think my hair is a little strange but they have come to accept it. Master Rick told them he thinks it is just a faze I am going through. He assured them I would grow out of it. Since he is studying psychology they believe every word he tells them about me. In addition they think of him as my big brother as well as my lover, (yes they know we are gay and have come to accept it) and trust him to take care of me. If they only knew the truth of just how he takes care of me and why I am wearing a mohawk.

Anyway, we got home late Friday. I knew already we were going to be having a party Saturday and assumed that Jose and I would be working or asses off to get the house ready. That is, of course, exactly what happened. Master Rick actually left my hands free for the day just so I could do all the tasks he had set out for us. Don't get me wrong he worked hard too. It may sound sometimes like Jose basically does everything but that really isn't the case. Master Rick does just as much around the house as Jose. In fact he is an excellent cook. I prefer his cooking to Jose's. He realizes that there just is no way Jose can keep up with his school and maintain the house and yard in the absolute perfect order Master Rick requires. Myself, on the other hand, really don't do a whole lot. But then when your hands are locked behind you almost all the time there really isn't that much I can do. Then again really that comment is wrong. Master Rick has gotten very creative with my chores. Have you ever tried scrubbing out a bath tub or toilet with a small brush held in your mouth? All the while balancing, without the use of your hands, to try not to fall over head first. Or better yet weeding the flower bed with a small shovel gripped in your teeth, naked with your ass waving in the air. Thinking about that have you ever gotten a sunburn on your ass? You think a good hard spanking hurts!

So Saturday flew by and soon it was time for Master Rick to start getting Jose and I ready for the party. As usual I had no idea exactly what he had planned for us, but I knew from experience I probably wouldn't like it very much. So many times, when we went to parties, Master Rick would make me suck cock all night. He knew how badly I hated being used that way and he would do it just to ram home the fact that I was his slave. So there was very little surprise when the first item from the toy shelves was a ring gag. Once again I would be spending my night on my knees with a cock jammed in my mouth. But to my shock Master Rick walked over and strapped it on Jose. "I can tell by the look on your face Alex that you assumed the gag was for you. Not tonight. I have something much more fun planned for you," Master Rick sadistically said. Dear, god! More fun. Coming from his mouth that meant something I really wouldn't enjoy. He knew how badly I hated being used as an open mouth, so for him to say more fun, that really scared me.

Next he placed a blindfold on Jose. He secured it at the back with a padlock, just like he had done with the ring gag. Master Rick never leaves a buckle unlocked. Jose was already locked in his chastity belt so Master Rick did nothing with his cock and balls. He then moved Jose over to a relative new item we had gotten. Master Rick had made a set of stocks. Usually he keeps our larger toys in one side of the garage so when he had rolled it in today I knew one of us would probably end up in it tonight. I was actually just a little pleased it was Jose and not me. It is a rather simple, but sturdy, apparatus. Well, that may not be correct. It looks simple but Master Rick built it so it could be used quite a few ways. Today, though, he had it configured as a standard stock for the head and hands. He opened it up, made Jose bend over and place his head in the middle and his hands on each side. Master Rick closed the top and secured it with a padlock big enough to be used in a prison. Needless to say Jose was not going anywhere. The stock was on wheels so it could be moved but once Jose was locked in it, Master Rick locked them down so it wouldn't move. My assumption was that with a cock in Jose's ass, and probably one in his mouth, the stocks needed to be pretty stationary. Master Rick patted Jose on the ass and said, "slave, you are pretty much all set for tonight. I just have a few small things to add so you will be a little more festive. You and Alex are going to be part of my decorations."

What did he mean? Well I got the idea when he put a red Rudolph nose on Jose. In addition Master Rick placed a set of fake reindeer antlers on him. With a flick of a couple switches Jose nose was blinking on and off bright red and his antlers were flashing red and green. He then hung a sign on the wall near Jose's ass which said, "His nose is red. Can anyone make Rudolph's ass match his nose? A nice rosy red glow to set the Christmas mood. Once it's red enough you can enjoy the heat from the inside out or just enjoy Rudolph's mouth." Below the sign he hung two rather wicked looking paddles. Below those he set a large box of condoms. God, I was glad it was Jose in the stocks and not me. As I have said many times before, I had no idea what Master Rick had in store for me.

"All right Alex I think it is time to get you ready for tonight. I don't want to tell you just what you will be doing as I want it to be a surprise. But suffice it to say you will be the center piece of my holiday decorations tonight." What the hell was Master Rick planing, I wondered as he told me this.

He began by removing my chastity belt. That started me wondering even more. He had left Jose's on, but taken mine off. Next he removed my leather cuffs. He almost never removes my cuffs unless I am showering. He then replaced them with another set of leather cuffs. The difference was that my normal ones are not padded. They are just simply wide strips of leather that buckle on, then are locked on. These, however, were our pair that is heavily padded on the inside. Master Rick only used them if he was going to suspend one of us by our wrists or felt we would need to be able to hang in them if our legs gave out. That gave me a pretty good idea I would be hanging somewhere, but where and why? Master Rick moved me out toward the center of the room. Once there he kicked my feet apart until my legs were spread wide open. He placed a spreader bar between my ankles and lock it to the cuffs still on my ankles. Once done with that he dropped a rope from the ceiling and tied my wrist cuffs to it. He went over to the wall and pulled the rope tight until I was stretched up toward the ceiling, my feet just barely on the floor. He then tied off the rope and grabbed a leather cock gag off the shelves. As he buckled it on and locked it he said, "You don't need a mouth tonight Alex. I don't want to hear a sound out of you. Not that you won't be screaming behind the gag, I just don't want our guests to hear you."

Good lord, what was he planning on doing with me? I felt so vulnerable hanging there, knowing that soon the room would be filled with people. My thoughts were brought up short as I heard the sound of the door bell ring. Were people arriving already? Master Rick must have read my thoughts as he patted my ass and said, "stay right here Alex. I think that must be Robert and Matt. Matt is going to help serve drinks tonight and I asked Robert to bring him early so I could get him ready."

With that he left the room, going to answer the door. I was actually a little curious at this point. I had not seen Matt except at school since Master Robert had taken him that Sunday and of course we were not allowed to talk to each other. I knew he had let Matt's hair grow out on his head. Matt now looked like an army recruit instead of being totally bald. But I was curious if Master Robert had allowed him hair anywhere else. In addition, even though Matt wore very baggy clothes to school, it looked like he had bulked up even more since Master Robert had owned him. I was also wondering, considering the positions Jose and I were in, what Master Rick had planned for Matt. It took them a few minutes, but I assumed Matt was taking his clothes off. Soon they appeared, Master Robert leading Matt on a leash. I looked Matt over. Yes he had bulked up even more. In fact he looked damn good, and such a difference from the first time I had seen him. As to hair, the only place where any had been allowed to grow back was the little bit on the top of Matt's head. He was still wearing the same ball harness still locked in place. The big difference about him though was that he had an overwhelming sense of happiness about him. It made me very glad that he had found someone. Obviously Master Robert made Matt feel the way Master Rick makes me feel, warm, loved, and totally fulfilled.

"All right Rick just what do you want my boy here to do tonight?" Master Robert asked as he looked around the room at Jose and I. "It looks like you have your slaves all dressed up for the party. I like Rudolph over there. But what is Alex supposed to be?"

"That is a surprise for latter." Master Rick said. "Now let me show you what I have in mind for your slave. I think you will like it. I do need you to take off his ball harness though. I want a cock and ball harness on him. My plan is for our guests to make sure his cock stays good and hard all night so it doesn't try and pull itself out."

Master Robert reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring of keys. He unlocked the ball harness, removed it and slipped it in his pocket. They then moved over to the shelves. Master Rick pulled down a gates of hell cock and ball harness. I hated it when he used it on me. Your cock tries to get hard and is trapped in the rings. It really hurt and I had just heard Master Rick's idea was to keep Matt hard pushing against it all night. In addition this one had a three inch ball stretcher that went around the balls and pulled them hard down in their sack. Master Rick strapped it on, then borrowed Master Robert's lock and locked one of the locks. They still needed another one for the ball stretcher. Obviously Master Robert had already known this as he produced another lock which they used to lock the gates of hell around Matt's cock. Next Matt's collar was removed and Master Rick replaced it with a high posture collar. Once buckled on it forced Matt to keep his head up and looking straight in front of him. In other words, anyone could grope him and he wouldn't be able to look down and see what they were doing. It was locked on also with another lock Master Robert had brought. Obviously only his locks for his slave. Now to Matt's hands. These had metal shackles put on them. They locked on his wrists, then with a short chain were locked onto his collar. Even though his hands were free enough to hand someone a beer they couldn't come down his body any further than the bottom of his rib cage. Master Rick made him try several times to see how much movement he had. He adjusted the length of the chain several times and finally seemed satisfied. Last but not least, a set of metal shackles were put on Matt's feet. These were connected by a short chain. It allowed him to walk but required him to do so in a slow hobbling fashion. If Master Rick was decorating with him then just what was he?

One more addition and it dawned on me where Master Rick was going. An old fashion sleeping hat was placed on Matt's head with the words, "Marley's ghost," on it. Matt was supposed to be the ghost of Bob Marley from A Christmas Carol. God, Master Rick could be creative when he wanted to be. I was still really wondering what he had planned for me. They made one last addition to Matt's attire before they were satisfied. Master Robert took a black marker and wrote across Matt's lower stomach, "Please keep me hard!" When he was done he stroked Matt's caged cock and said, "There you go boy. I wouldn't want you to miss out on just how much fun what you are wearing can be."

I am going to jump ahead in my story at this point. Master Rick tells me I tend to drag things out way to long. Suffice it to say everyone arrived. Jose was being used hard. People were keeping Matt's poor cock straining against it's bindings. As for me my cock was being played with, my tits were being stroked and pulled on but I still didn't know what Master Rick had planned until he walked over to me and got the rooms attention. Then he announced, "As you may have noticed there is a tree in the front room but we don't have one out here for our party. Well that isn't the case. Alex here is going to be our tree. We just haven't decorated him yet. Matt, bring me that box over there."

Master Rick indicated a rather large box on the far side of the room. Matt slowly shuffled his way over to it. He bent forward until he could get it picked up, then brought it back to Master Rick. From the box Master Rick pulled out a clothes pin. To it had been affixed a bell. He jangled it in the air to show everyone that it made a sound. He then grabbed my right tit and pulled it out until he was happy then set the pin in place. I jerked as he did and realized that he was using the ones he had made extra strong just for me. He seemed pleased with my response as he looked back at the room and said, "For a $5 contribution that will go to Toys for Tots you can add another ornament to our tree. I have quite a few in this box and I would really like to see all of them decorating our Christmas Tree. The only place you may not put one is on his cock or balls I am saving them for latter. Once the box is empty I will show you another neat holiday thing we can do with them."

As the clothes pin that already was on my body hurt like hell, I hated to think how many more Master Rick had in the box. Needless to say I would find out. Everyone was very quickly in line waiting to purchase their ornament to add to me, their living tree. Everyone single one hurt like hell as they were clipped all over my body. They lined my arms, my chest, down my side, down both side of my legs, and across my stomach even my ears weren't left out. I even had ones all over my ass. By the time the last one was gone I hurt so bad I wanted to scream. Now I knew why Master Rick had gagged me. At least I thought I did. He had said I would be screaming into the gag. I was close but, still somehow, managed to control myself. I should have known he had more planned. He always does!

Now, he told everyone, it was time to decorate my cock and balls. Master Rick brought out another smaller box. Inside were several more clips. Each of these had a large bell attached. He picked up the first and rang it. It had a deep tone. I could tell by looking at it that it must be heavy. I already hurt so bad I hated the idea of having him hang it off my cock or balls. Of course he didn't care. So soon I was wearing a heavy weight clipped to the head of my cock, several more down the shaft, and even more hanging off my balls. God it hurt! Now I was yelling into my gag, but he had only started. Master Rick looked very pleased with himself as he announced, "All right, now that we have our tree decorated I think it is time for a little caroling. You see each bell makes a different tone. All I have to do is hit the one I want and we can have music to sing to."

With that Master Rick grabbed his drum sticks and wacked the bell hanging off my left tit. I screamed into my gag as the pain hit me. Master Rick didn't care, he kept on hitting one bell after another. The pain was so intense that it took me a few moments to realize that he was actually playing, "Santa Claus is coming to town" on the bells hanging off my body. How did I finally figure this out? The sound of everyone's singing finally pierced my pain wracked brain. Everyone around me singing Christmas songs while I screamed ineffectually into my gag! I can't really say how many songs they sang, but eventually it was time for me to get involved. Master Rick grabbed my head and made me focus, "Alex you will swing the bells hanging on you cock and balls. I want them to ring out loud and clear. Do you understand?"

Tears ran down my face as I nodded yes. I started thrusting my hips to make the bells ring. Dear god it hurt so badly, but I forced myself to swing them as hard as I could because that was what my Master wanted. I was so thankful Master Rick had used the padded cuffs as I found myself needing to hang from them more and more. Just when I thought I was going to loose it Master Rick ordered me to stop. He stroked my face and said, "good boy! I am very proud of you. I know you hurt but unfortunately every one we put on now has to come off. Make me proud Alex."

And I did! It hurt so badly as each ornament was removed from my pain wracked body, BUT I DID IT! I screamed but I did not pass out. I took every single thing my Master wanted me to take. The reward for me was at the end when Master Rick was letting me down from the ceiling. He held me and told me how proud he was of me and how much he loved me. What an incredible start to the Christmas season!

Let me stop Alex there. I should tell you that we raised almost $1000 that night. Yes, I was very proud of my Alex. Since I am on the subject of my Alex. I had someone e-mail me and tell me, "how could you turn your best friend into a slave?" Get real! It is because I love Alex and he is my best friend and my lover that I made him my slave. I gave him exactly what he needed and wanted. He is the happiest person on the planet. No! I take that back. He is one of the two happiest people on the planet. I am the other one. I have my Alex, what more could I want!

Now to all our readers, from our family to yours A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know we will have a great holiday and we hope you all will too! As always let me know what you think. Or better yet if you have any good ideas for me to use on my boys e-mail me BNDMaster13@yaoo.com.

Next: Chapter 42

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