I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Dec 3, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 40

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I really enjoyed writing the last journal entry. But for all those out there that made it very clear that they prefer to read Alex's writings you will get your wish. With this one I will give it back to Alex to tell the story.

This entry however is still going to focus on Matt. I want everyone to know the final outcome with him. That Sunday night, as you will recall I sent Matt home with orders he was to follow. He would be naked anytime he was home. He would wear a cock ring at all times. He would keep his ass plugged unless I gave him permission to take it out. He was required to call me and ask permission to go to the bathroom. He was not allowed to cum unless he was at my house. In fact he wasn't even allowed to touch his cock, balls, ass, or tits unless he called and asked my permission first. That included showering as well as taking a shit. He was required to start exercising and bulk up. He was to call me everyday and follow any and all orders I gave him. He was to report to me on a weekly basis, every Sunday. If he had been a good slave all week I would decide if he was allowed to cum and what if any punishment he needed. This would allow me to control him as a Master while I made arrangements for his becoming the full time slave he needed to be.

I am going to pick this entry up six Sundays after Matt's first visit. He had been reporting as ordered every Sunday. Additionally he had been coming over several times during the week. I wanted him ready for the man who would be his new Master. I had made several calls after Matt's first visit and finally found just the right person to take over Matt's training. I will let Alex describe him as he tells about that afternoon:

I heard the doorbell ring and assumed it must be Matt. He had been arriving every Sunday at 4pm for 6 weeks now. Master Rick set down the paddle he had been using and went to answer the door. Normally Jose would have done it but, at the moment, Jose was hanging by his wrists in the middle of the room. Master Rick had been beating his ass in punishment for an unsatisfactory grade he had gotten on a test last week. From the bright red glow Jose's ass already had I really doubted sitting in class Monday would be a pleasant experience for him. As for me, Master Rick had me chained against the far wall. As always my hands were locked behind me. I was of course wearing my chastity device and my collar. He had put a gag in my mouth then shoved the biggest butt plug up my ass he could find before hooking my collar to a ring set in the wall. Basically Master Rick had stored me out of the way while he dealt with Jose. It was an interesting feeling, to simply be put out of the way until your Master wanted you. But to be honest, it made me feel good to be used like that by Master Rick. If he left me all day I didn't care. Eventually he would need me and come get me. Then he would use me however he wanted, just as a Master should use his slave.

It took Matt and Master Rick a few minutes to get back out to the playroom. I assumed this was because Matt had to remove his clothes as soon as he entered the house. As with Jose and I, Matt also was required to immediately strip after closing the door. They finally entered the room, Master Rick in the lead with Matt the proper distance behind him. It amazed me how much Matt's body had changed in just a few short weeks. When I had first seen him, I had thought he was a little on the skinny side. But Master Rick had put him on an exercise program. Matt's upper body had increased in size. He had added muscle and now had nice shoulders that tapered down to his still small waist. The exercises had firmed up his legs as well, which in turn made his ass stand out nice and round. I knew from comments Master Rick had made that he was pleased with the results. Matt still had no hair on his body including his head. Master Rick had required he keep himself shaved. He was planning on letting Matt's new Master decide what, if any, hair Matt would be allowed. As Master Rick had put it, "all he was doing was creating a blank slate for Matt's new Daddy/Master to improve on."

The only thing Matt was wearing was the ball harness that Master Rick kept locked on him. When he had first sent Matt home, Matt was supposed to wear a cock ring all the time. As you no doubt remember, when Matt isn't hard his cock is rather small. It simply didn't work for him to wear it all the time. So Master Rick changed it to a permanent ball harness. He had locked it on and of course only he had the key. Matt's balls looked big and full stretched down like they were. But then I was pretty sure they were full. It had been two weeks since he had been allowed to cum. Last Sunday, Master Rick had informed Matt that he would be meeting his new Master in a week and his balls were to be full and Matt was to be horny when he did. As I looked at the new Matt, I was reasonably sure his new Master would be quite impressed with his boy. I was also very curious as to just who Master Rick had found to be Matt's new Master.

Master Rick still had to finish Jose's punishment so he made Matt stand in the corner of the room. Matt placed his hands behind his back then his face in the corner. Again, another slave put out of the way until his Master was ready for him.

Master Rick picked the paddle back up and made Jose kiss it. He then reminded Jose that he had only received half the amount of swats he had been promised if he didn't get the A that had been required of him. I actually felt a little sorry for Jose. He had scored a B and was just one point away from the A. In fact he had gotten the highest score in his entire class. But he had failed to bring home the A that Master Rick had required of him. I knew from experience that when Master Rick was finally done Jose's ass would hurt so bad that just having his pants brush against it the next day would be sheer torture.

It seemed like forever before the sound of the paddle hitting Jose's ass finally came to an end. By the time it did, poor Jose was crying in pain as tears rolled down his cheeks. When he was finished with the punishment Master Rick released Jose then sent him to make sure the house was clean as we were expecting a guest. I assumed that would be Matt's new Master. Typical treatment of a slave by his Master. Jose had just been beaten into tears, then not even given time to recover and compose himself before he was sent back to work by his Master. A slave's feelings do not matter. A slave's only worth is in his service to his Master.

While Jose was busy Master Rick moved Matt out to the middle of the room. He made Matt stand at attention so he could inspect him. Master Rick went over every inch of Matt's body checking for any stray hairs. He then turned his attention to Matt's ass. Matt had been ordered to always arrive with his ass throughly cleaned out so it would be ready for whatever Master Rick might wish to use it for. Today Matt would be showing his ass off to his new Master, so a clean ass was doubly important. Master Rick made Matt bend over so he could inspect his ass. He ran his hand down Matt's crack then stuck one finger in, probing to make sure Matt was properly clean. Master Rick seemed satisfied as he ordered Matt back to a standing position then stuck his finger in Matt's mouth and made him suck it clean. When that was done Master Rick reached down to unlock the ball harness. As he did he said, "Matt I am taking this off of you as you will probably not be mine after today. If, and I say if, the Master I have picked out for you approves of you then you will belong to him. He will do what he chooses with your cock and balls. If he decides that you aren't what he wants, then I will lock the harness back on before you go home and I will start looking for someone else to give you to."

That struck me as incredible. At one time, hearing someone say that their cock and balls didn't belong to them would have seemed so strange but now, it seemed totally normal. When Master Rick had removed the stretcher he made Matt stand at attention while he went to put it away. Just as he did the door bell rang again. This time Master Rick's voice rang out ordering Jose to answer it. I assumed it must be the man that Matt would soon belong to. I could tell by Matt's body language that he was thinking the same thing. I could imagine what must be going through his mind. What would he be like? Would he approve of Matt and want him? Again it seemed so strange, the idea that Matt had no say in this. He had no free will, he had given it over to Master Rick. Now Matt's future was in the hands of a total stranger. Yet, as I have commented on before, that is what being a slave is all about. You belong body and soul to your Master. You have given your life to him to do with as he pleases. Your desires mean absolutely nothing. You live only to serve the man who is your Master. I too was really wondering what this Master would think of Matt. Over the last few weeks I had gotten to know Matt. I had learned that he was really just a scared little boy and needed a father. If this man rejected him I could easily picture Matt being devastated.

Master Rick walked quickly back to where Matt was standing at attention. "Slave," he said, "you know how I have trained you to behave. You will address Master Robert as Sir, but you will not call him Master until he decides if you are worth having as his slave. You had better make me proud of you or you will be very sorry."

"Sir, yes Master, Sir," was Matt's quick reply. His voice held a tremor that further told me he was scared as all hell. In addition, I was pretty sure, this was the first time he had even heard the name of the man who might shortly own him.

It wasn't long before Jose came back out to the playroom. He was leading the man I now knew to be Master Robert. When I had first heard Master Rick say the name I wondered if it was the same Master Robert we knew from Florida. But it wasn't him who was following Jose. I don't really know what I expected him to look like but to be honest I was impressed. He was in his late forties with graying hair. He stood about 5' 10" and had a somewhat muscular build. He was clean shaven and had a stern yet caring look about his face. I watched his eyes as he took in the room. He saw me chained against the wall. As he looked directly at me I realized that I had met him before. I had seen him at the club we sometimes went to. Then his eyes fell on Matt standing in the middle of the room. For just a brief moment his face held such a look of tenderness. I knew he was perfect for Matt. Then it was gone to be replaced with that stern look a Master can get that scares a slave all the way to the bone. Again I knew, just by looking at him, that he was perfect for Matt. As Master Robert entered the room I realized that in one hand he held a cane which he used to augment a limp he had in his right leg. I found out from Master Rick latter that he had been injured and no longer worked but was retired. In addition to the cane he was carrying a small leather duffle bag. I was really curious to find out what he had in it.

"Is this the boy?" Master Robert asked Master Rick as he walked toward Matt. I watched him eye Matt up and down like a side of prime beef.

"Yes, Robert. This is Matt. He came to me a few weeks ago very much in need of someone about your age who would be interesting in taking him on as a slave. He seems to need constant discipline and a firm father's hand to keep his ass in line. I am hoping you might want him," Master Rick answered. It was strange watching these two Master's discussing Matt like he wasn't even there.

Master Robert slowly circled Matt. He then nudged Matt's legs apart with his cane until they were spread wide. Matt held perfectly still other then moving his legs where indicated. He kept his head bowed staring at the floor. His shoulders braced back, stomach in, crotch out, and his arms locked tight behind his back. "Not bad Rick. You seem to have done a good job with him a such a short time. His cock is a little bit small, but his balls are nice size. Good chest development. You said he was a little scrawny when he first came. You have bulked him up rather nice. I think he is just about where I will keep him if I decide he is worth my time. You said he was a virgin when you first got him. Is his ass still tight or have you stretched it out?" Master Robert asked, still address his comments to Master Rick and treating Matt like a stick of furniture.

"Robert his ass is still nice and tight! I only fucked him once, so really he still has almost a virgin hole. I have required him to wear a butt plug all the time. I wanted him to get used to the feeling of having something in his ass. However, the one he has been wearing has been small and even then I can tell he feels like he's stuffed," Master Rick replied.

For the first time Master Robert directed a comment at Matt. "Bend over boy and spread your cheeks. I want to see you asshole." Not much of a comment but it was a start at least. Matt hurried to comply.

Again, ignoring Matt, Master Robert turned back to Master Rick, "I see you have kept him shaved. It makes him look younger. You said he was nineteen. Honestly he really doesn't look that old. Does he have some id so I can make sure he really is old enough. I don't want some irrate parent knocking on my door and accusing me of corrupting their baby boy."

Master Rick laughed as he responded, "Robert, you may be a dirty old man, but trust me Matt is old enough. And yes he has a drivers licence to prove it. About the parent knocking on your door, you don't have to worry about that. Matt's dad is dead and he and his mother aren't really on speaking terms. So if you want him he is all yours."

Master Robert walked around Matt again. Then he ordered him back to a standing position nudging Matt with his cane to make him move faster. He reached down and took Matt's cock in his hand and started stroking the head with his fingers. Again addressing his question to Master Rick he asked, "What's this thing like when the boy is turned on? Because right now it's kind of small. But then again what does a slave really need with a big cock anyway."

"You will be pleasantly surprised," Master Rick replied, "it gets nice and big. All you have to do is keep him horny and turned on and he will have a cock you can be proud to show off. I have kept a ball harness locked on him all the time just to make sure his balls stay full. That way it takes very little effort to get his cock up and at attention. As you may notice he is already responding quite nicely to what you are doing to him." Master Rick was right. Matt's cock had quickly sprang to it's full size.

Master Robert pulled his hand away from Matt's cock. He wiped the small amount of precum Matt had leaked on his hand across Matt's chest. As he did he took a minute to twist Matt's tits. "I think he would look better with rings like your boys have. These tits are just crying out to be pierced."

As Master Robert continued his assault on Matt's tits he was rewarded with several small gasps of pain from Matt. "I see he's sensitive there. Nice I like that." Master Robert said as he finally pulled his hands away.

He stood back and once again looked at Matt appraising him. "All right boy, not that you really have a choice in this. It is up to Master Rick and I as to wether or not I take you, but do you want me to be my slave?" he asked.

Without any hesitation Matt responded, "Sir, please Sir. All I want to be is a slave. Sir, I need a Master so badly. Please Sir would you allow me to serve you as your slave, Sir?" The sincerity in Matt's voice was overwhelming. He wanted and needed this so badly. I realized I was actually holding my breath waiting to see what would happen.

"Rick, I think I will give this slave a try. I need a boy and this one might just have what it takes. We'll see what I can make of him," Master Robert told Master Rick. He then turned back to Matt and continued, "slave as of now I am your Master. You belong to me. That means I own you. You have no rights other than what I grant you. You will obey any and all my orders immediately and without question. If you fail in anyway to please me I will punish you. Master Rick says you need your ass beaten on a regular basis. I will make sure it stays as red as the ass on that slave over there." He said, pointing at Jose.

Master Robert now brought the bag he had come in with over and opened it. He pulled out a ball harness which he showed to Matt. "Master Rick has told me he kept your balls lock up. I intend to continue that. You will wear this all the time. The only time you won't is if I have your cock and balls tied up in something else. I know you already know that your cock and balls are off limits. But let me add to that. If I ever catch you touching yourself, if I ever catch you trying to rub against anything, if I even so much as feel you are thinking about it, I will punish you. That applies to your ass and tits too. And when I say punish I MEAN punish. Do you understand slave?"

"Sir, yes Master, Sir," Matt responded. The edge to his voice told me he would rather die than displease his new Master.

With that Master Robert strapped the harness around Matt's balls and locked it on. It must be something with all Master's, I have never met one that didn't like padlocks. Once he was done he pulled a leather slave collar out of the bag. He showed it to Matt and then told him, "slave you will wear this collar at all times. As long as you are my slave this will show the world that I own you. Once I lock it on there is no turning back. Are you sure this is what you really want, boy?"

With tears welling up in his eyes Matt looked at the collar then at Master Robert as he replied, "Sir, PLEASE Sir. Master, this is what I want and need more than anything in the world. Sir please let me be your slave! Sir, Master, please lock your collar on me and never take it off, Sir"

Master Robert stroked Matt's cheek gently with one hand wiping a tear away. He then lovingly encircled Matt's neck with the collar. He buckled it snugly and then locked it in place. As he did he said, "slave Matt, as of now you are mine. I will take care of you and give you just what you need. Come on boy let's go home."

With that Master Robert clipped a leash onto Matt's collar. He thanked Rick and started to leave, taking his new slave with him. Before he did though Rick said, "Robert can I ask one favor before you and your new slave leave?"

"Sure what is it?" was Master Robert's response.

"Well it's Alex's Sunday to get to cum. He only is allowed to every other Sunday. I was hoping you might make Matt suck him off before you go. Alex has done it several times for Matt and I thought that perhaps Matt could return the favor. Normally I just give him a quick hand job but he has been exceptionally good this past week and I thought he needed a reward." As the words came out of Master Rick's mouth I almost fainted. Please let Master Robert say yes! It had been so long since someone had sucked my cock I had almost forgotten what it felt like. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself! I know, I know, it is a stupid thing to get that excited about but you try living my life and see how you would react.

"I think I can wait a little while longer to take my new slave home. Slave, you heard Master Rick, let's see just how good you are at cock sucking."

I am going to end this journal entry right here. I really don't think you need to read all about Alex getting a blow job. I do know he really enjoyed it. But then he had better, who knows how long it might be before I feel that magnanimous again. I think the last time was over a year ago, but it could have been longer. Not that it really matters to anyone except, perhaps, Alex.

Now since I know people will ask, let me tell you just a bit about Robert. He was a grocery store GM. However, as he puts it, "He decided to try wearing a truck door as a necklace." He dropped a roll up truck door on his neck and back. He now is retired at the company's expense. That will give him lots of time to train Matt and make him into the slave he needs to be. For anyone out there wondering, Robert is still looking for another boy. Who knows, maybe you are the one. I have every intention of checking in with him on Matt's progress from time to time and keeping all of you readers informed. If anyone wants to submit an application to be his slave send it to me and I will forward it on to him. As always let me know your comments BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 41

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