I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on May 3, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 4

by: bndmaster13@yahoo.com

This is getting to be a regular thing isn't it? But Alex has written so much and I have to admit I am enjoying sharing his little stories with all of you. In the last story Alex mentioned one of our torture games. I remember when I was young seeing a movie about soldiers getting tortured and always fantasied about trying some of them out. I used to enjoy reading about Indians torturing cowboys too. But one of my favorites was called the Chinese water torture. It involves the slow drip of water onto a bound persons forehead. They say that the slow, never ceasing drip of water can drive you insane. The tv show, "Myth busters" did a segment on it. One of their producers lasted 1 hour and a half before he was begging to be released. I decided right then that I had to try it on Alex. I know that what he does to cope with being tied up is to let his mind drift. They say that with the Chinese water torture that is impossible. The victim can do nothing but lay there and wait for the drip to come. The mind cannot wander all it can do is wait for the next drip. So today I am going to let Alex tell you all about it:

I woke up that Saturday morning in a very excited mood. The night before Rick had told me he had a special surprise for me today. In fact I even got to sleep in bed with him. What a great start to the weekend. You must understand that just the fact of it being the weekend exited me. I wait all week long to be with Rick all weekend. When for the most part your life during the week consists of being tied up in a closet by yourself I live for the days when Rick is home. Weekends can be special times. One weekend we did nothing but snuggle on the couch and watch movies. Of course I was tied up all the time. In fact a couple of times Rick had me bound so tight it hurt, but still he snuggled me on the couch all weekend. I must admit it isn't always like that. One weekend he arrived home Friday afternoon and informed me he was driving up to see his parents. He left me plenty of food and water in my bowls in the closet. He also provided me with a blue dog pad so I could go to the toilet. He kissed me goodbye and I did not see him again until late Sunday night. Once he actually took me with him to his parents, but that is another story. Rick tells me I drift in my writings. But that is how I have learned to cope. Anyway let me get back to my story.

I felt Rick stirring beside me in bed. I wanted so badly to throw my arms around him and give him a big kiss. But of course that wasn't going to happen. Rick however leaned over and kissed me. He shoved my head down to his cock, which was already in a glorious state of arousal. I eagerly took it my mouth. As I slowly worked on his cock he grabbed the back of my head and pushed my mouth in tighter. He finally erupted in a wonderful explosion of cum. As I licked his cock clean I thought, this was going to be a great day. My mind drifted back to his surprise and wondered what it could possible be. I had no idea what was waiting for me that day or I would have been in no hurry to find out.

After our normal morning routine Rick led me into the living room. He stopped me in front of the coffee table. Rick had bought it not long after we moved in. We celebrated his birthday on it with me as his cake. But again that is another story. Rick had bought it because it was big and solid. 5'8" inches long and 2' wide. It would accommodate my entire body laying down. Rick added lots of hooks along the edges and turned it into a great bondage table. When it was not accommodating my bound body it was a great coffee table. A real dual purpose item for our apartment. Rick released my cuffs and reattached them together with a longer cord. It allowed me to bring them just to my sides so I could lay on my back but still kept them bound behind me. To this he added straps that encircled by whole upper body. One at the chest, one at my stomach just above my navel, and one at my hips just below my navel. He cinched them down tight and locked them in place. He made me test to see if I could move my arms at all. Needless to say I couldn't. Rick then helped me lay down on the table. He added similar straps at my thighs, knees, and ankles. Once this was done he started adding straps across my body from one side of the table to the other. Tightening them down so I could not even move an inch. Now he turned his attention to my head. He put a blindfold over my eyes, then added straps at eye level and chin level. Before he tightened them I felt him wedging something on either side of my head. It felt like rubber blocks. What ever it was when he tightened the straps I couldn't move my head in anyway. There I lay bound to the table as if I were part of it wondering just what Rick was planning. However, before he was to tell me he started fiddling with the harness on my balls. Obviously he thought it looked a little to comfortable. He removed it totally and I felt him using a lacing to pull my balls as far down in their sack as possible. He then applied that lacing to my cock. Patting my tightly bound balls Rick said, "I hope your comfortable slave. I think you are really going to enjoy yourself today. I know I am." With that Rick began describing to me what he had planned. I had no idea what was coming or I would never have wanted to wake up that morning.

As Rick started talking I started getting nervous. He explained to me that in medieval times a torturer would always explain in detail to his victim what he was going to do. Rick said that he was going to use what was called the Chinese water torture on me. He told me it had fascinated him for a long time and that he was very excited to try it on me. He told me that he knew I would always escape mentally to what he called a slave space. He was right I have always sort of disconnected myself and just let my mind drift. However, with this torture that would not be possible. He explained that I would have a slow drip of water on my forehead and it would keep my mind focused only on that. He told me that a tv show he had seen tried it and the longest anyone lasted before they were begging to be released was 90 minutes. Rick assured me he had every confidence that I would last much longer than that. He said he had left my mouth free so I could let him know when it was getting to intense. He stroked my cheek and said, "Make me proud boy. You know I love you. Make me proud." With that I felt the first drop of water land in the middle of my forehead. My first thought was, what the hell is the big deal. It is only water drops after all. I can take this forever. As usual I didn't know what I was getting myself into.

The experience started out great. I just relaxed into my bonds and let my mind drift. But each drop brought me back to reality. After awhile my mind wouldn't drift at all. It started focusing on the next drop of water. I began to notice every little feeling in my body. The ache in my cock and balls from being so tightly bound. The small cramps starting in my shoulders. The hard flat surface of the table under my ass. The air blowing across my tits from what I assumed was the ceiling fan. As I noticed the air on my tits I felt my cock swell against it's bindings. Each drop focused my mind more and more on the here and now. On that particular second of my existence. I have always loved being bound tightly but for the first time I wanted to be able to move something, anything. Rick had made sure that was impossible. There was no give anywhere. All I could do was lay there waiting for another drop to hit my forehead. I couldn't take this anymore. But Rick had said to make him proud. Of course I could take it. Drip, drip, drip. No change just a steady unending drip of water. I began to live for the seconds in between. The slight relief each drip afforded, only to replaced with the anticipation of the next one. Finally I could not stand it and started begging Rick to stop. But he didn't answer. There was no sound in the room but that of the water that dropped regularly on my forehead. I started crying, begging, pleading for him to stop, but he didn't answer. Had he left? Was I all alone? Was all I had for company the unending drip of water. I felt like I was going to loose it. The tears rolled down my cheeks. Did Rick want to drive me insane? Had he stopped loving me? No wonder this was called torture. No other word could come anywhere near describing it. I tried to pull at my bonds, buck my hips, anything to move all to no avail. Just as I thought I was finally going over the edge. I felt Rick's lips kissing the tears off my cheek. He stopped the water and told my how proud he was of me. He let me lay there for quite sometime while he let his mouth roam over my bound body with loving kisses. He never told me how long I lasted that first time. Yes, I said first time. When he had let me recover he started the whole thing over again. That second time I still have no idea how long it lasted but I do know it took what seemed no time at all for me to be reduced to a blubbering idiot. And it seemed like forever that Rick allowed it to go on before he finally stopped it. Again he brought me out if it with his sweet kisses. This time as he kissed my body he began releasing me. He removed every thing except my wrist cuffs which he once again recuffed behind me. He helped me off the table and onto the couch. He laid my head in his lap and I looked up at his wonderful face as he stroked my hair. He once again told me how proud he was of me.

He had recorded me and when he played it back I was astounded that it was my voice pleading, begging, and sobbing on the tape. As he held me Rick assured me that he was there with me every minute. He said that when he could tell by my breathing that I was about to loose it he stopped both times. In all the times we had played I had always prided myself on taking anything he could dish out. This time I must admit if it wasn't for his love I don't know what I would have done. I am the luckiest man in the world. My Master is my best friend, my lover, my big brother all rolled into one. Rick let me lay in his lap most of the rest of the day. That night he took me back to his bed and reminded me that it was my night to cum. With all that had happened I had completely forgotten. It was no different than it had been before. Rick jerking me quickly off until I came. No foreplay, no tenderness, just a bi-weekly chance to release the cum built up in my balls. But somehow tonight it was special. I had made Rick very proud and happy today. Even though it left me just as unfulfilled physically as usual, mentally I was the most fulfilled slave on the planet. My Master loved me. What more could I want?

I think this a good spot to stop Alex's narrative. I know there are people that will read this and think I am crazy. Perhaps. But not were Alex is concerned. Never would I allow him to be pushed beyond what I know he can endure. He is mine after all. It is my responsibility to love and care for him. He entrusted me with his life for these 13 months. No not just these 13 months! I have taken care of him for years and will love and care for him for a long time to come. I know him better than he knows himself. That day I sat and listened to him pleading for help but I knew he still had a ways to go before he was at the limit. A good Master must know that. I know Alex's breathing so well. I knew immediately when he needed me to step in and end it. If I had not pushed him right to the edge he would have always wondered how much more he could take. He would have always kicked himself assuming I was disappointed in him. Alex requires my praise to make him feel good about himself. Yes I get off on using Alex's body, hurting it, binding it, fucking it. So we both get what we need out of our relationship. Isn't that what it is all about?

I had originally planned on adding Alex's account of my birthday party in this post also. However, I think that we will save that for another time. Alex always has more things written down than I can possibly use. As always let me know if you want to hear more of my little slave's stories. bndmaster13@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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