I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Nov 14, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 39

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Well I guess it's that time again. I'm sure that you are still waiting to find out what else happened with Matt over the weekend. I'm not going to disappoint you. We are going to pick right back up about where we left off. As I recall Jose had been beating Matt's ass, while I questioned him.

By the time I was finally happy with where I had pushed Matt to, I was, needless to say, pretty damn turned on. So I just let Matt hang there while first, Alex, then Jose sucked me off. By that time it was getting late and I wanted to get an early start on Matt's training Saturday. So I had Jose release him, take both Matt and Alex to the bathroom and then I bedded my three slaves down for the night. I thought seriously about taking one of them to bed with me but decided since it was Matt's first night I would just let the three of them sleep on the floor in the playroom. Both Alex and Jose were already locked in their chastity belts. Alex, of course, had his hands locked behind him. I decided to lock a ball stretcher on Matt and leave his cock free. I also locked his hands behind his back just like Alex's. I gave Jose explicit instructions that Matt was not to cum during the night. Trust me, Jose would make sure Matt did nothing to try and get himself off. Jose knew the consequences if he disobeyed me. I realize, usually about here, I would be turning this story over to Alex, but I have decided to write this journal entry myself. That's what has taken so long to get it posted. So let's bring us forward to the next morning, shall we?

I woke up and headed out to check on my boys. I tried to be as quiet as possible. I love to sneak up on Jose and Alex and watch them when they don't know I am. They can be so cute together. I poked my head out into the playroom. In the middle of the room was a heap of blankets. In the blankets I could easily make out Alex, Jose, and Matt. The three of them were quite a contrast. Matt so fair. Alex a mid complexion and then Jose with his black hair and darker complexion. When I saw them there I realized that I wanted to keep Matt. I had started this out as just a weekend adventure. But after listening to Matt bare his soul to me last night I found that I was getting attached to him. He needed a family so badly. He needed a Master and a sense of purpose. I still didn't know if I would make Matt part of our family or not, but I did know I would find a way to give him what he needed. I wasn't just going to send him packing Sunday night.

I stood and watched my boys. Jose was on his back with Matt snuggled into one side and Alex into the other. The three of them looked so happy and content I almost didn't want to disturb them. I say almost! I let them lay there while I went and got my coffee. I then returned to the room and proceeded to shout at the top of my lungs for them to come to attention. Dear god you should have seen the three of them scrambling, still half a sleep, to get to their feet and in the proper position. They actually amazed me how quickly they did it. It made my heart swell with pride. I had turned these boys into something I could be proud of. As they stood there I thought how empty my life would be without Alex and Jose in it. I walked around them making sure there was to trace of cum on any of them. I wanted to make sure Jose had not allowed Matt to cum during the night. I was pleased to find not a trace. Jose had not disappointed me! But then again, I knew he wouldn't.

I am going to skip over breakfast. If Alex was writing this he would go into ever little detail. For me it is good enough to just say that Jose fixed breakfast, we all ate, then Jose cleaned up. He also took both boys to the bathroom and got them cleaned up for the day. Now it was time for the first of several things I had planned for the day. I had told both Alex and Jose that they would be helping with Matt's training. Interestingly, I had several people comment on how hard it would be for Alex to have to hurt Matt. They were right. But then I didn't intend for Alex to actually have that kind of part in Matt's training. In the first two entries I already had Alex helping. I assume you all noticed that it fell on Alex to teach Matt by his own example. Yes, that was how Alex would be training Matt. I wanted Matt to see how Alex behaved and thus know what was expected of him. Jose on the other had would be helping me with the hands on training of Matt.

Perhaps you may have noticed over the course of these journals that I like applying clothes pins to my boys. I love watching the way their bodies tremble and jerk in pain as each one is applied and then removed. I love seeing their muscles strain against the ropes attempting to get free. If done just right, I can make their bodies attempt just about anything to escape the pain I am inflicting. This morning I wanted to introduce Matt to the joys of this kind of torture. I had Jose get out two matching wooden chairs. I had him set them directly across from one another. That way each boy would be able to clearly see the other once they were bound to them. We use these chairs quite often for our games. They are very solid wooden ones, with high slat backs. I have bolted eye hooks onto them at several strategic points. These help me secure one of my boys onto the chair so he has very limited movement. Before we got started I removed Alex's chastity belt. I wanted to have free access to his cock for play latter. Next I lubed his ass and inserted the largest butt plug he can stand. Now I made his sit down. He has learned how to position his bounds arms over the back of the chair, so I don't have to unlock them for him to get sat. He simply slides his bound hands over and down the back. That puts them behind the chair back and ready for me to secure where I want. I made Jose do the same to Matt. Matt however took a much smaller butt plug. But, by his pained expression, as Jose rammed it in it still hurt his virgin hole. Jose helped Matt get his hands over the back. Then Matt sat down. He almost yelled as his weight settled on the plug driving it even deeper into his ass.

Now it was time to get Alex and Matt secured tightly to their respective chairs. I instructed Jose to tie Matt exactly as I was going to tie Alex. I started with a small piece of rope. I used it to tie onto Alex's cuffs. Then I pulled it down and around a rung under the chair. I brought it back up and around his cuffs again. I pulled it until Alex's hands were drawn as tightly down the back of the chair as I could get them. I then tied it off. I watched as Jose did the same thing with Matt. Now onto their feet. Alex had his ankle cuffs on so all I had to do was pull each one up on the side of the chair. Just about seat level on the side of the back I had hooks. I simply hooked each of Alex ankles to one of those hooks. That pulled his feet up off the floor and rested all his weight on his ass. Which in turn pushed the butt plug harder into his ass. As Matt wasn't wearing cuffs Jose had to use rope. He did and soon Matt's ankles were pulled up toward the seat on either side of the chair. Now I tied another rope on to Alex's right leg just at the knee. I ran it behind the back of the chair and then over to his left knee. I ran it around his left leg again at the knee and brought it to the back of the chair. I pulled tight until Alex's legs were pulled backward spreading his crotch wide open. Once I was happy that I was causing him as much strain as possible I tied it off. Jose did likewise to Matt. One more little addition and I would be happy. I went to the toy shelves and came back with a wide leather belt. I placed this around Alex's chest just under his tits. I ran it around the chair back then cinched it as tight as I could. This pinned Alex tight to the chair and also helped push his chest up just enough to make it an easier target for my use latter. Once again Jose did the same to Matt.

Now it was time to really get started. Again I went to the toy shelves. I grabbed two buckets of clothes pins. One for me and one for Jose. Both buckets look alike but they actually were different. One held normal clothes pins. As anyone that has had them used on them knows they hurt like hell. But the other one held clothes pins that I had made a small improvement to. A friend had modified the springs for me. With the modified spring each pin exerted about twice the pressure of a normal clip. After so many years of using clothes pins on Alex he has learned to take more and more pain. I needed to do something for me to keep getting the same level of enjoyment out of making him suffer. It just wasn't near as much fun to have Alex be able to take an entire bucket of pins and never even scream once. Anyway, today I was going to use my modified pins on Alex and Jose would use the normal ones on Matt.

I walked back over and handed Jose his bucket of pins. "Matt these are clothes pins," I said holding one up so he could see it. "I am going to put one on Alex. Jose will then put one on you. You will watch Alex and learn how a slave should take the attention his Master gives him. Matt, Alex can take more pain then you can so you are allowed to make noise if you have to. But if you really want to be my slave I expect you to learn to take anything I expect of you. Do you understand, slave?"

"Sir, Yes, Sir," was Matt's quick reply. I could tell by his face that his words were trying to sound more confident than he felt. His eyes said he was scared shitless, but wanted it so badly he could hardly stand it.

I leaned down and whispered in Alex's ear so Matt couldn't hear, "slave, I don't want to hear a sound out of you. I want you to show Matt just how well I have trained you." With that I grabbed the first pin. I traced it down Alex's body as if trying to decide where to place it. I already knew, but wanted to heighten Matt's tension. Matt knew where ever I placed it on Alex, Jose would soon be putting one in the same spot on him. I finally made my way down to Alex's crotch. I ran the pin around the head of his cock. Matt's reaction was priceless. His eyes got wide as he pictured having one placed on his own cock. He looked so relieved when I moved the pin away. I pinched a small piece of skin on Alex's inner thigh and set the pin firmly in place. Alex sucked in his breath just slightly, but otherwise gave no evidence of how bad it hurt. I knew that with my little modification these new pins hurt him like hell. Usually I would get some small sound, but today, poor Alex was required to remain silent. That, in itself, would be sheer torture for him. It would actually be interesting to see just how long he could go without disobeying my order.

I looked across as Jose did the same to Matt, following my example. Jose pinched the skin on Matt's inner thigh then set the clothes pin in place. As it snapped closed Matt let out a grunt of pain. Such an easy response, this was going to be good fun! How much noise could we get Matt to make and how long could Alex go without making any noise?

I continued to set clothes pins on Alex's inner thighs until both sides had about ten each on them. Jose had of course done the same to Matt. By the last one, poor Matt was groaning in pain. But amazingly he was picking up on Alex's example and really fighting to take the pins with as little noise as he could. Alex had, so far, obeyed my order and not made a peep. I, however, could easily tell how bad he hurt. Each pin I had set in place had caused him to strain against the ropes binding his legs. I love to watch that play of muscles confined by ropes. To see Alex's muscles fighting the bindings in an attempt to avoid what is coming. The ineffectual impotent straining against what I am doing to him. It makes me hard even now as I think about it. I could quite literally stand and watch Alex straining against the bindings I have on his body for hours. Perhaps that is why I wanted to have him as my slave so badly. To keep him constantly in bondage. To always be able to see his hard naked body bound just for my pleasure.

Now it was time to add a few more pins. Once again I grabbed a pin and acted like it was going on the head of Alex's cock. But this time as I pulled it away I started tracing it up Alex's stomach. When I arrived at Alex's chest I pinched skin just at one side of his right nipple. The belt that I had placed across him pushed his tits up just right to make them stand out well for the torture. I snapped the pin home then watched as Jose did the same to Matt. Matt's body thrashed just a bit in the chair, straining against the belt that held him tight. Watching these two boys was making my cock so hard. God, I was having a great time! The pins continued on both boys until there were pins set from one arm pit all the way across to the other. Alex had thrashed against his bounds a few times and even let out a muffled moan, but otherwise had managed to keep quiet. Matt on the hand was actually crying by the time the last one snapped into place. His cock was rock hard, however. So despite the pain I knew he was turned on by it. By this time I decided I needed a break and was ready to have my rock hard cock taken care of. In other words, Jose and I took a break. He sucked me off while Matt and Alex sat there, watching and suffering.

When Jose had done his magic and I was satisfied. I decided it was time to make Alex disobey me. I wanted an excuse to punish him latter after all. I grabbed the drum sticks I keep just for such an occasion and started hitting the pins lining Alex's thighs. Poor Alex, gritted his teeth and thrashed hard against the ropes trying to remain silent. I have to hand it to him he lasted longer than I expected, but finally the sounds started escaping through his clenched teeth. As soon as I was happy with how far I had pushed him I stopped. "Alex, did I not order you to keep quite?" I said to him.

"Sir, yes Sir," was his reply as tears streamed down his face. Knowing Alex as I do the tears were not from pain but from disobeying me. He cannot stand to think for even one moment that he has displeased me in anyway.

"You realized slave that means I will have to punish you for your wilfully disobeying my order. We will let Matt watch. That way he can see just how I deal with a slave that disobeys. But first I think it is about time we take off all these pins I have on both of you." If Alex was writing this he would tell you I was using my most sadistic tone. He would be right! I knew the pins would hurt much worse coming off. I wanted to see if Alex could manage to keep silent or not. I knew he would fight with everything he had not to make another sound and further displease me.

So the clothes pins came off, first one on Alex then one on Matt. I was in no way unhappy with how it went. Alex strained with every muscle in his body against the ropes. He squirmed and thrashed, tears even ran down his cheeks, but not even one sound escaped his lips. God the play of muscles against rope was incredible! Matt didn't do to badly himself. By the time Jose and I were finished I was once again so turned on I decided to puts Alex's mouth to work before punishing him. Jose's mouth is good BUT Alex can work magic with his.

I think I am going to stop here with regards Matt's weekend with us. Needless to say he learned just what being used as slave was all about. I know, did he get to cum? Yes, on Sunday after his being denied all weekend I decided to see how many I could get out of him before he begged me to stop. That was almost as much fun as watching his hard cock straining for release. Did he get his virgin ass broken in? Of course, did you even have to ask! By the time I finally sent him home that night he was exhausted. I knew I was!

Now, what has happened with Matt since that weekend? Is he now my slave? Has he become part of our little family?

That Sunday night I sent Matt home with an entire set of orders. He would be naked anytime he was home. He would wear a cock ring at all times. He would keep his ass plugged unless I gave him permission to take it out. He was required to call me and ask permission to go to the bathroom. He was not allowed to cum unless he was at my house. In fact he wasn't even allowed to touch his cock, balls, ass, or tits unless he called and asked my permission first. That included showering as well as taking a shit. He was required to start exercising and bulk up. He was to call me everyday and follow any and all orders I gave him. He was to report to me on a weekly basis, every Sunday. If he had been a good slave all week I would decide if he was allowed to cum and what if any punishment he needed. This would allow me to control him as a Master while I made arrangements for his becoming the full time slave he needed to be.

To be honest I thought about keeping him. Having three slaves would have been awesome. However, I didn't feel Matt needed a Master my age. I really felt that what Matt needed was someone older. He had a major father complex going on and that was what he needed. He needed a Master that was old enough to be his father. So I started looking and found Matt just what he needed. I think as far as that story goes I will save it for another journal entry. As always let me know what you think about these journals. Next time I promise it will be Alex's journal not mine. E-mail me at BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 40

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