I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Oct 6, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 38

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

As you may recall we left off the last journal entry with Matt having just arrived at my house. I had beaten his ass and then strung him up in the middle of the room by his hood. Instead of my usual lead in I am just going to jump straight to the next part, picking up right where we left off. Over to Alex:

Master Rick and I sat there over the next couple hours and watched tv. During this time he left Matt right where he was, hanging in the middle of the room. Master Rick kept a close watch on Matt's cock. If it showed any signs of losing it's erection he would get up and go over to him. He would stroke Matt's cock until it was once again hard. Sometimes Master Rick would play with Matt's tits and other times he would fondle his balls. Several times he even stroked his fingers into Matt's ass and played with his hole. Whatever it took to keep Matt's cock up and at attention. More than a couple times Master Rick brought Matt to the point of cumming. Then he would stop and walk back over to sit back down, leaving Matt's cock throbbing impotently in the air. I could just picture what was going on in Matt's head as he hung there. His ass no doubt throbbed from the paddling Master Rick had given it. Then his cock throbbing in the air, focusing his attention on the horny lust that was building in his balls. The pain would eventually be replaced with nothing but need. Then the pain would slowly return and actually become part of that need. Matt would crave more pain just so his cock would keep shooting the incredible feelings to his head. Enclosed in the hood, as he was, all he really could do was just stand there and focus on these feelings as they coursed through his body. I knew from experience, that was why Master Rick was making sure Matt's cock stayed good and hard.

After about 3 hours I heard Jose come in the front door. A few minutes latter he came out to the playroom. He had of course removed his clothes. The only thing he had on was his chastity cage and tit chain. He stopped short as he entered the room. I could tell by the look of surprise on his face he was wondering who the hell Master Rick had hanging from the ceiling. But, like the good slave he was, Jose quickly recovered and came over to stand at attention waiting on his orders. Master Rick waited until it was a commercial then ordered Jose out to the kitchen to start dinner. He informed him that we would be having a guest and Jose should fix another plate just like mine. What Master Rick meant by that was, a plate with everything cut up so I could eat it on the floor with my hands locked behind my back. Obviously Matt would be joining me on the floor for dinner.

Once Jose had gone to get dinner started Master Rick stood up. He moved over to Matt and released him from the rope attached to the hood. He took Matt by the shoulder and directed him over in front of his chair. I was still sitting on the floor next to it where I had been most of the afternoon. Master Rick removed the hood, then the wrist and collar restrains that were holding Matt's arms up high on his back. Master Rick replaced them with a simple pair of black metal handcuffs. All the while he was doing this, Matt was trembling slightly. I really felt that as excited as he was he was still more scared of what was happening. It made me wonder how much experience Matt had with all this. When Master Rick had finished he once again stroked Matt's cock until it was hard. While he was changing the restraints it had lost some of it's hardness. Again, I felt, do to Matt's nervousness. Once Matt was good and hard again Master Rick said, "slave, you are doing good. Are you thirsty?"

"Sir, yes I am very thirsty, Sir," Matt replied in a soft voice that I almost couldn't hear.

"I can't you hear you slave. Did you say something? A slave will always answer it's Master in a loud clear voice. Not that whisper you just used! Try again, are you thirsty boy?" Rick said. His voice held that firm air of command that could make me quake all over with fear of displeasing him.

This time, in a much louder voice, Matt replied, "Sir, yes please, Sir. I am very thirsty, Sir."

"Much better. All right boy, then you can have some water. Alex will share his water dish with you. He will show you how he drinks, then you may get down on the floor and have some too," Master Rick told Matt pointing at my water dish next to the chair.

The look that went across Matt's face was incredible. It carried both excitement and fear all at the same time. I would guess the fantasy of having to drink from a dog bowl turned him on while the idea of making a mess and pissing off Master Rick scared him. I realized that is was my duty to show him how to drink the easiest without making a mess. I leaned over and drank. After so long using a bowl on the floor I am an expert. I raised up several times to make sure Matt was watching. His face was intent on what I was doing. When I sat back up I scooted out of the way so Matt could get at the bowl. He walked over and carefully dropped to his knees. He had to work at his balance. I remembered the first time I had knelt with my hands tied behind me. It took just a bit of extra effort not to fall over. Once down, he slowly lowered his head until he was at the bowl. Again being careful, not to fall over face first. When he had his head in the bowl he tried to drink. His first attempt just got him a face full of water but soon he got the hang of it and was lapping away like on old pro.

When he was finished Master Rick ordered him back to his feet and directed him to stand in front of his chair. Master Rick wiped off Matt's face with a paper towel then sat down. He ordered Matt to move closer until Master Rick could easily reach out and take Matt's cock and balls in his hand. He then kicked Matt's feet apart until they was about three feet separating them. This allowed Matt's cock and balls to hang free and give Master Rick easy access to them. "slave, anytime I instruct you to stand at attention this is where I want you feet to be. A slave's cock and balls must always be readily accessible to it's Master." As he said this he reached out and grabbed Matt's balls.

Master Rick started rolling them in his hand, slowly putting more and more pressure on them until Matt finally cried out in pain. He continued to put more pressure on Matt's balls while he said, "slave. I did not give you permission to make any noise. You wanted to be used as a slave. A slave will take what it's Master gives it. If I want you balls to hurt they will hurt. In fact boy, you should be thanking me for wasting my time even playing with your balls."

Matt obviously took the clue as he said, "Thank you Sir for wasting your time hurting my balls. Sir, I am sorry I made noise, Sir." He then clamped his mouth shut and despite the pained looked on his face did not make another sound while Master Rick continued to squeeze.

I was just starting to worry about Matt's resolve. I could tell that he was hurting and it was taking all his effort to keep quite. Thankfully, just about then, Master Rick stopped abusing Matt's balls. He just let them sit gently in the palm of his hand. I swear sometimes Master Rick can read minds. He always knows just when he has pushed some ones limits right to the edge. Now Master Rick moved his hand up to Matt's cock and started lightly stroking it. As he did he said to Matt, "slave, I am going to keep doing this until Jose has dinner ready. You will not cum under any circumstances. If you think you are about to cum you will tell me. If you fail in this and cum I will send you home immediately. I don't want to hear any noise out of you unless it is your telling me you are about to cum. Do you understand?"

"Sir, yes, Sir," was Matt's quick reply.

So Master Rick proceeded to tease Matt's cock. He would push Matt almost to the edge then back off just enough to keep him from cumming. I could tell by Matt's breathing how close Master Rick would bring him. I would see Matt start to open his mouth to say he was going to cum just as Master Rick would back off. Master Rick is like an orchestra conductor that way, he can play a cock for all it's worth. He always seems to know right where he has you and just how much farther he can push you. I watched Matt fight to keep from thrusting his hips forward when Master Rick would pull his hand away. It took Jose a good 45 minutes to get dinner together and Master Rick kept Matt right on the edge the entire time. Only once did Matt actually have to ask him to stop. By the time Jose finally announced dinner was ready Matt was leaking a steam of precum and his breath was short and ragged. Master Rick had him so turned on I could just imagine that the need to cum was all Matt could think about. When Master Rick pulled his hand away for the last time I watched as tears formed at the corners of Matt's eyes. I knew that feeling from long experience, the feeling of total lust and need coupled with disappointment and frustration. But then again if Matt really wanted to be a slave he needed to get used to it.

Master Rick ordered Jose to take Matt to the bathroom before dinner. I wished I could go watch. I really wondered how Matt would react to Jose holding his cock to pee. Plus if Matt needed to shit how would he react to Jose wiping his ass? I over course didn't get to go watch. Instead I followed Master Rick into the dinning room. His place was set at the table, the only one that was there. On the floor near his chair were two plates one for me and one for Matt. Next to the plates were two bowls of water. Jose always ate standing up. He would hold his plate and then set it down if he needed to attend to Master Rick in anyway. This was a very normal dinner at our house except that there were two plates on the floor instead of just the usual one.

Matt and Jose returned from the bathroom. Master Rick pointed at Matt's plate and told him to watch me and I would show him how to eat without making a mess. Then Master Rick sat down to eat his food leaving Matt and I on the floor. Basically, Master Rick had just turned this part of Matt's training over to me. I did exactly what I had done earlier with the water bowl. I tried to show Matt the best way to eat his food. He watched me then started in. Yes, he made quite a mess, but then there really is no way not to when you have no hands and are eating off a plate on the floor. I will say this about thought he ate every single bite and even licked the plate clean. In my opinion he did good. When we were done we both sat back on our heels and waited for Master Rick to finish and order Jose to clean us up.

After dinner Jose wiped our faces then went to the kitchen to clean up. Master Rick now turned his attention to Matt. He informed him that while Jose was cleaning up he was going to clean Matt up. Master Rick grabbed Matt by the arm and started down the hall toward the bathroom with him. Over his shoulder he ordered me out to the playroom to wait for him. Again I wished I could go watch what Master Rick was going to do. I had a pretty good idea, but god I wanted to watch! However, like the well trained slave I am, I went out to the playroom and knelt down in the middle of the room. I sat back on my heels and made myself comfortable to wait for my Master to return. When Jose had finished cleaning up he joined me also kneeling on the floor waiting for Master Rick to finish.

I was just wondering how much longer it would be when I heard movement in the front of the house. Master Rick led Matt out into the room. He had done just about what I assumed he would. What little body hair Matt had was now gone. What really amazed me was that Master Rick had also shaved Matt's head. Other than eyebrows there was not another hair on Matt's body. I assumed, knowing Master Rick, that in addition to the shaving Matt had also been thoroughly cleaned out inside. Additionally he had removed the harness allowing Matt's cock and balls to hang free. Matt had, by now, also lost his erection and his cock was playing it's let's get small game. Master Rick led Matt under the same rope his hood had been attached to earlier. He then removed the metal handcuffs and replaced them with leather cuffs which were locked solidly behind Matt's back. He then went and got a metal leg spreader and cuffed Matt's ankles into it forcing his feet about three feet apart. Once done with this the rope was tied to Matt's wrist cuffs. Then Master Rick pulled Matt's arms up behind his back until Matt was forced to bend at the waist with his arms pulled up behind him toward the ceiling. This, as I knew, put Matt's ass in the perfect vulnerable position for whatever Master Rick wanted to do to it. During this entire process Matt's face held a look of fear. I knew the shaving and enema had probably been hard on him and now he was wondering just what was coming next.

Once Master Rick had Matt where he wanted him he ordered Jose up off the floor. Jose was directed to the toy shelves. He was instructed to get the large heavy wooden paddle down. Master Rick then returned to his chair and started explaining what was going to happen. "Matt, it is time for me to learn a little about you. I will ask you a question. You will answer it truthfully with no hesitation. If you fail to answer quickly enough or I think you are lying to me Jose will give you ten swats with the paddle. Jose will deliver them as hard as he can. Jose knows if he tries to hold back I will make him pay latter. Now, Jose will give you ten swats just so you know what the paddle feels like. I am hoping that will help motivate you to do as I am telling you. Jose give Matt ten swats, NOW!"

I watched as Jose steeled himself to follow Master Rick's orders. Jose hates to be forced to hurt someone. I think that is why Master Rick loves to make him do it. I remember the first time Jose was being forced to spank me. He held back so badly and Master Rick made him pay so dearly he learned never to do that again. Jose raised the paddle and let it hit Matt's exposed ass. I could tell by the way Matt jerked just how badly it hurt. By the fifth swat Matt was crying out in pain. By the tenth swat he was fighting hard not to scream.

As the last swat fell Master Rick said, "all right, you have the idea. Now my first question. Remember I just gave you and enema, I already know the answer. Have you ever taken a cock up your ass?"

I think the question took Matt by surprise because he hesitated to long with his answer. I was sure it was simply because he was embarrassed to answer, however that didn't make any difference. Jose was ordered to administer ten more swats with the paddle. When he had finished Master Rick asked the question again. This time there was no hesitation at all as Matt quickly replied, "No Sir. I have never had anything up my ass, Sir."

I saw a red blush start on Matt's cheeks and I don't mean his ass cheeks. They were already fiery red. I had been pretty sure earlier that Matt was new to all this. Now I knew I had been right. I kind of felt bad for Matt as he was obviously embarrassed to admit it. "Good boy," Master Rick said, "Jose you will lube up the smallest butt plug we have and put it in Matt's ass. I think it is time to start getting his hole used to having something in it. Trust me, when you leave here your ass won't be virgin anymore. I have every intention of trying out that nice tight little hole of yours."

Jose did as instructed and I saw a look of pain crease Matt's face as the lubed plug was slid home. Once it was done, Master Rick was ready to continue with the questions. "Matt, now for the big one. You will not hesitant, you will answer immediately. I know your ass is virgin. Are you a virgin? I don't mean have you ever jacked yourself off. I mean have you ever had sex with anyone?"

I was shocked. Did Master Rick really think Matt was a virgin? It would answer some of my questions over how scared he had seemed all day. "No Sir," Matt replied. I knew by the tone in his voice he was lying. Obviously so did Master Rick as he ordered Jose to apply ten more swats to Matt's ass.

"I told you if you lied I would have Jose paddle you, didn't I." Master Rick was mad, it rang out in his voice loud and clear. "Let's try it again. Are you a virgin?"

This time just by the quavering to his voice I knew Matt was telling the truth. "Yes, Sir," he said as the blush on his face deepened even further.

I think I will stop Alex here. I want to tell about the rest of the evening myself. I knew the day I had met Matt at school that he had to be a virgin. Just the way he acted it was obvious. In addition he had confessed it to Justin who had taken great pleasure in passing that information onto me. Matt told me over the evening as I continued to question him, that he had explored it on the internet but never actually done anything before. He had fantasized about being used as slave, yet had never gotten the courage up to even be with another guy. It amazes me that as shy as he is he ever got up the guts to approach me at all. Let alone actually show up at my house that Friday. During our session I pulled out ever last secret Matt had in him. By the time we were done I think I knew him better than he knew himself. How many times did Jose have to apply the paddle? I'll let your imagination decide, but it took quite a bit of persuasion to get all the information I wanted.

About halfway through I decided to spice it up just a bit. Obvioulsy Matt had never had a guys mouth around his cock. I decided to rectify that. Besides I wanted to begin to mix pain and pleasure together in Matt's mind. When we had started I didn't care if he was turned on or not, I just wanted him to hurt so I could get straight answers out of him. But that needed to change. Matt needed to equate my causing him pain with his getting turned on. So I made Alex slide in under Matt and begin sucking him. Alex was not allowed to let him cum. He was simply ordered to get him hard and keep him that way. To be honest it was kind of incredible to watch. Jose would wail away on Matt's ass while Alex would suck madly on his cock. Matt really began to sail high on the feelings. The higher he got, the more open and honest he got until he bared every last dark recess of his soul to me. Did Matt get to cum? Of course not! Do you think I'm that nice? Get real!

Now as for the rest of the weekend and what becomes of Matt, I think we will let the next journal entry answer those questions. As always e-mail and let me know what you think. Perhaps I will pass them onto Matt as well as Alex. BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 39

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