I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Sep 29, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 37

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Let me begin this by saying, I know I had said I would start on the journal entries about this summer's vacation. But, I just have to post this one. It just took place and Alex just finished writing about it. I actually gave him orders to get it done as fast as possible. I have had so many people comment on how hard it must be for my boys to be forced to go to school with the no talking order. Well, yes it is hard on them but tough shit! They are my slaves and if that is what I command them then that is what they will do. Anyway, what people wanted was more about their experiences. Most seem to think it is pretty hot for my boys to be humiliated in public like this. I know I do!

Before I turn this over to Alex I am going to set the stage just a bit. It was just last Monday that I had this guy approach me at school. I won't describe him, because Alex does a fine job of it a little latter on. But he came up to me and dropped to his knees in front of me. I had never seen him before and was actually pretty shocked when he did this. He told me he had seen Alex and Jose. (He didn't know their names as they only told him their Master wouldn't allow them to talk to anyone.) He knew as soon as he talked to them that they were slaves. He had searched all over campus to find out who they belonged to. He had actually taken the time to learn quite a bit about me and my boys. He even mentioned the fact that he knew Justin, so yes, he really knew what I was all about. He told me how badly he wanted to be used hard by a real Master. He had dreamed of it for years and would do anything if I would only consider using him as a slave. I told him that I was kind of busy with the two boys I already had and didn't need or want another slave. He actually started crying as he begged me to please, if nothing else, just let him spend even one weekend serving me. He was so totally pathetic I just had so say yes. I told him I would allow him one weekend to be a slave. I also told him there were some conditions to this but he would have to find those out after he arrived at my house. He said he would willing do anything. So I arranged for him to come to my house Friday afternoon and I planned on letting him stay until late Sunday evening. How did it turn out? Well as I always say,"Let me turn this over to my Alex". If Alex seems to know things he wouldn't normally know it is because I gave him lots of details and told him to use them in this journal entry:

It was a normal lazy Friday afternoon at our house. Master Rick and I had gotten out of class at noon. Jose however had classes until late so it was just Master Rick and I at home. I for one was looking forward to a nice quiet weekend. That is if any weekend at our house could be called quiet. Master Rick usually had some great bondage or torture game planned. But the again at our house that was a normal weekend.

Master Rick and I had gotten home at the same time. I had immediately stripped, as I was under orders to never go beyond the front door without removing all my clothes. What few there are of them. I went to the playroom to put on my ankle cuffs. Then, as always, once I had done that I locked my wrist cuffs behind my back and dropped to a kneeling position on the floor awaiting Master Rick's pleasure. If I had needed to do homework I would have started on it, but as I didn't I just knelt there like a good slave waiting for it's Master.

Master Rick left me there for a little while so he could change and get himself a beer. He then came out to the playroom. He was dressed in just a pair of shorts. He looked so hot as he stood in front of me. All I wanted right then was to take his cock in my mouth and pay proper homage to my wonderful Master. That however, was not what Master Rick had in mind. He had brought out my water dish which he sat on the floor next to his chair. Once done he sat down and motioned me over. I was very thankful for the water and dropped my head down so I could drink while Master Rick turned the tv on. When I had finished he allowed me to sit back and watch tv with him. Such a natural scene at our house. Master Rick in his chair watching tv. Me kneeling next to him, hands locked behind my back, ass still plugged, and my cock securely locked away in it's cage.

We had been sitting there for awhile when the front door bell rang. Master Rick got up to answer it leaving me there on the floor. I heard voices in the front room but couldn't quite make out what was being said. I wondered who was at out there. Shortly my curiosity was satisfied as Master Rick reentered the room with another guy following him. As always I got embarrassed. That seems to be my initial reaction to anyone seeing me that I don't know. Thankfully Master Rick has trained me well and it quickly passed. The guy standing there was maybe 5' 7". He looked to be at the most sixteen or seventeen but I latter learned he was actually almost nineteen. He had blonde slightly shaggy hair, with the most piecing blue eyes I think I have ever seen. I really couldn't see his build as he was wearing rather baggy pants and a t-shirt. Now that I had gotten a good look at his face I realized that I recognized him from school. I remembered that he had tried several times to talk to me and I had been forced to tell him my Master wouldn't allow me to speak to anyone.

"Matt," Master Rick said gesturing toward me, "This is my slave Alex. I know you have tried to talk to him at school. Alex, present yourself at attention here." Indicated a spot about three feet in front of him.

Of course I jumped to obey. I quickly moved to where he wanted me. I stood there at attention chest out, stomach in, legs spread wide, and head looking at the floor wondering what was coming next. Master Rick walked up to me and asked, "What are you boy?"

I knew exactly what my answer had better be so I replied, "Sir, you slave, Sir."

"Very good slave. Tell Matt here exactly what that means," Master Rick ordered.

"Sir, that means that this slave has no rights, Sir. Sir, this slave owns nothing but is wholly owned by you it's Master, Sir. Sir, it means this slave deserves nothing but what you allow it to have, Sir. Sir, it means this slave exists for one purpose and one purpose only, to please you it's Master, Sir." I hoped that Master Rick would be pleased with that response and waited expectantly to see what happened.

Obviously he was pleased because he continued, "Good slave." He now hit my locked up cock and asked, "What is this and who does it belong to?"

Again I quickly answered, "Sir, it is a cock, Sir. Sir, it belongs to you, it is no longer of any importance to this slave, Sir. Sir, it is used only for what you allow it to be used for, Sir. Sir, it is kept locked to always remind this slave that it is owned by it's Master, Sir. Sir, it is never to be touched by this slave for any reason unless specifically instructed to do so by you, Sir."

Now Master Rick tapped my balls and asked almost the same thing, "What are these and who do they belong to, slave?"

"Sir, they belong to you, Sir. Sir, they are there for the sole purpose of being kept full of cum to always remind this slave that it cums only at it's Master's pleasure, Sir. Sir, the fuller they are the more this slave will work to please it's Master, Sir. Sir, like the cock they may never be touched by this slave for any reason unless instructed by you to do so, Sir" I answered. I was again getting slightly embarrassed being made to say these things in front of someone I really didn't know. But if my Master wanted to show off his well trained slave then so be it.

Next Master Rick tapped my chest, "What are these and who do they belong to, slave?"

"Sir, they are tits, Sir. Sir, they belong only to you, Sir. Sir, they are ringed to constantly stimulate this slave as reminder that it's Master likes it horny, Sir. Sir, like the cock and balls they may never be touched by this slave unless ordered to do so by it's Master, Sir," once again I was good about my answers and hoped Master Rick was proud of me.

Master Rick grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around. He bent me over so my ass crack was exposed. This of course let Matt see the harness digging into my crack holding the plug wedged securely in place. Again Master Rick asked me, "Whose ass is this slave, and why is it plugged?"

"Sir, this slave's ass belongs only to you, Sir. Sir, it is there for whatever use you choose to put it to, Sir. Sir, it is plugged to constantly remind this slave that no part of it's body belongs to it anymore, Sir. Sir, even it's ass, it's most private place, is yours and yours only, Sir. Sir, it further reminds this slave that using the bathroom is a privilege that you allow it to have, Sir. Sir, it also reminds this slave that it must always ask permission to be allowed that privilege, Sir," I responded. As these words flowed so easily out of my mouth I realized just how well Master Rick had trained me as his slave. Because I was not simply mouthing things that I knew he wanted me say but I was expressing exactly the way I felt. Being showed off by him like this made me feel so proud of what he had made of me.

Master Rick stood me back up and once again had me face toward Matt. I kept my head looking at the floor as Master Rick now addressed his comments toward Matt. "All right Matt you have heard from Alex just what his being my slave means and entails. You told me Monday that you wanted to be used just like this. Is that still what you want after listening to what Alex just had to say?" he asked.

Now it was Matt's turn to talk. I heard him clear his throat then reply in a voice that carried both fear and desirre, "Sir, yes it is exactly what I want. I have wanted it for so long I can't even begin to tell you. When I first saw your slaves all I could do was envy them. Then I met Justin and he told me all about you. That made me want it even worse. Sir, all I do is dream of being a slave, your slave even if it is just for a weekend. Please Sir let me be used by you this weekend. Please Sir."

The sheer raw emotion in Matt's voice was incredible. The desire tinged with the fear at what might happen, that he was exuding, was so strong you could almost feel it in the room. My heart actually went out to him. I had the Master of my dreams. I was so happy as his slave. What would Master Rick decide to do with Matt? I stood there in expectation waiting for the answer.

"Alex you may go back and sit next to my chair," Master Rick said. Then he directed his next words to Matt. "Matt I have talked to Justin this week. I have learned a little about you. I think I understand why you want to be a slave so badly. As I told you at school I have two slaves right now that keep me pretty busy, but yes I will let you be a slave in this house for the weekend. As of now I am your Master. You will follow any and all orders without question. You will speak only when I give you permission. If you violate these rules I will immediately send you home. Otherwise I will release you sometime Sunday night. I am going to ask you one last time, are you sure this is what you want? If you say yes there will be no backing out."

"Sir, I fully understand, Sir. Sir, thank you so much, Sir," was Matt's quick reply.

"Very well then slave you are mine for the weekend. We'll see if you are still thanking me Sunday night or not," Master Rick said with that scary sadistic tone he gets in his voice. I really wondered too if Matt would still be thanking Master Rick on Sunday or not.

The first thing Master Rick did was to order Matt to strip. Thankfully I had a good view from where I was kneeling as I was curious to see what he looked like under his baggy clothes. As Matt reached up to remove his shirt a slight blush of red touched his cheeks. Now that the fantasy was actually becoming reality he was getting embarrassed. He pulled the shirt over his head exposing his chest. He had a nice well defined chest if maybe just a little on the skinny side. There was not a trace of hair to be seen. Next he removed his shoes and socks stacking it all against the wall where Master Rick had told him to. Now it was time for the pants. I caught myself as I realized I was almost licking my lips in anticipation to see what was hiding under them. Matt dropped the pants to the floor and stepped out of them. Much to my disappointment he was wearing a pair of boxers. With just a touch of reluctancy he grabbed the waistband and lowered them down his body. The red blush on his face had deepened and his embarrassment showed in his cock as the boxers dropped to the floor. His cock looked like it had seen better days. It was shrunk to it's smallest do to the fact Matt was embarrassed and scared. I learned latter, as Rick stimulated him to arousal, that Matt was one of those guys that when he was hard he was huge but when he was soft it was a different story. His balls however made up for the sorry state of his cock as they hung just right, not to low and not to tight. Matt had just a dusting of hair at his crotch. Actually there was more than I saw but as it was very light colored it didn't show well. His legs were like his chest developed but again just a bit on the skinny side. As I looked him up and down all in all he wasn't bad. In fact standing there fighting the urge to cover up with his hands he looked down right cute, in a vulnerable sort of way.

Matt finished folding his clothes then stood there waiting for Master Rick's orders. As I said before it seemed to be all he could to control his hands from trying to cover his crotch to hide his nakedness. If he really wanted to be a slave then I knew he had better get used to being naked in front of other guys. Master Rick ordered Matt out into the room and made him stand at attention just as I had been doing a few minutes ago. Obviously he had watched what I had done as he positioned himself almost perfectly. He spread his legs just far enough apart, placed his hands behind his back, sucked in his stomach, pushed his chest out, and focused his eyes on the floor in front of him. Master Rick walked over and slowly circled Matt inspecting the property in front of him. He ran his hand over Matt's chest. Tested the firmness of his ass, the weight of his balls like he was looking at a horse. Matt just stood there slightly trembling as Master Rick explored his body. Finally Master Rick took Matt's flaccid penis in his hand and started stroking it. As he did he told Matt, "Relax boy, just relax. I won't push you beyond what I know you can take. I know you are embarrassed because your cock is so soft but it's ok. Just relax let me fix it."

Master Rick knew that for Matt to get off on this whole thing he needed to get his cock involved. He needed to loose his fear and have in replaced with lust. Master Rick stroked Matt's cock with one hand while he brushed the other across Matt's nipples. I watched as Matt slowly settled down. As he did his cock began to bloom into what it was capable of when aroused. The difference was incredible. Instead of the small cock he had at the outset it was soon replaced by one that almost rivaled mine. (Well not quite, but I am being nice) The pace of Matt's breathing had changed dramatically from barely controlled panic to one of total arousal. Master Rick continued to stroke Matt's cock. With the other hand he now tapped Matt on the tits and said, "Who do these belong to slave?"

"Sir, you Sir," was Matt's quick response.

"That's right boy and you may not touch them ever again, They belong to me. What about your balls boy?" Master Rick said as he tapped a finger against Matt's balls.

"Sir, they are yours, Sir. Please Sir fill them so full of cum that all I can think about is serving you. Please Sir!" Matt responded as his cock throbbed in Master Rick's hand.

"What about this cock slave? Whose is it and what is it good for?" Master Rick asked.

Obviously Matt had been listening when I was responding to this question earlier as he replied, "It is yours Sir. This slave has no cock. This slave will not touch it Sir, EVER without your permission. this slave will never cum Sir unless you allow it. Please Sir don't let me cum all I want is to have keep me turned on like this so I can serve you better, Sir."

With that answer Master Rick removed his hand from Matt's cock. He brushed it across Matt's tits as he responded, "Not bad boy. Not bad. You have potential. I think we might just have some fun this weekend."

Master Rick left Matt standing there while he went to the toy shelves. He selected several things then returned to Matt. He held up a leather cock and ball harness in front of Matt's eyes. "Slave I am going to lock this on you. It will help keep your cock nice and hard. I like it this way much better than when you first took your clothes off. I think I need to make sure that it stays this way all weekend."

With that Master Rick strapped the harness on Matt. He cinched it nice and tight, trapping the blood in Matt's cock. Then with his usual padlock he secured it on. He then moved behind Matt and placed a leather collar around his neck. He had chosen the one that has straps coming down the back for the wrists. Master Rick pulled each of Matt's arms up high behind his back in turn locking them into the straps. Next came a full leather hood which he placed over Matt's head. Master Rick laced it up tight and locked it on. He added a full gag as well as blindfold to the hood completely sealing Matt inside. Through this whole process Master Rick would occasionally stop to stroke Matt's cock causing small moans of pleasure to escape Matt's lips. When Master Rick had finished with the hood he leaned close to Matt and said, "Now boy I am going to give you what I know you have been craving. Justin told me you crave to be spanked. He said that your dad use to beat you all the time and since he died all you dream about is having someone beat you like he use to. I think you need that to make you feel good about yourself so I am going to give you just what you need."

Master Rick grabbed his small wooden paddle and moved Matt over to the chair I was sitting next to. Master Rick sat down and pulled Matt's bound body across his lap and started laying into his ass with the paddle. It was so, strange I was close enough to hear each impact and see the way his ass shook with each blow, yet Master Rick completely ignored me. His entire focus was on beating Matt's ass. Master Rick wailed away for quite sometime and I watched as Matt's ass changed from white to an angry red. Finally Master Rick lifted Matt back up to a standing position. The first thing I saw was Matt's cock harder than a rock sticking straight out in front of him. Obviously the paddling had been a complete turn on for him. As always Master Rick knows just what a boy needs and how to give it to him. Master Rick stood up and put his arms around Matt. He pulled Matt's head down onto his shoulder and through the hood I heard muffled sobs. Just by the cadence I knew they were sobs, not of pain, but of pleasure and much needed release. Master Rick patted Matt's leather encased head and said, "slave you did good, you did good. I am very proud of you. Just remember the weekend has only begun. You signed on until Sunday night. We have a lot more to come, so for now, I am just going to let you rest and compose yourself. We'll pick up where we left off latter."

Master Rick moved Matt out into the middle of the room. He dropped a rope down from the ceiling and hooked it onto a ring in the top of the hood. Once done Master Rick walked over and pulled the rope tight until Matt was left unable to move from that spot. Master Rick tied off the rope then came back over and sat down next to me. He looked over at me and said, "Alex we have a lot to do for this boy this weekend. My idea is that you and Jose are going to help train him. I want to see just how much you have learned from me and if the two of you can make Matt into the slave he needs to be. So for now we will just leave him there. After Jose gets home and we have dinner we will talk about what to do next."

Oh my god, what a shock. Master Rick wanted Jose and I to help train Matt. He wanted to see if we could do it or not. Dear god the last time he had done something like this we had been made to tie him up. Then he got loose and we got in so much trouble because we hadn't done it right. He had forbad our cumming for what seemed liked forever. What if we messed up and didn't do just what he thought we should with Matt? I really didn't think I wanted to know what the outcome might be. I was scared but then again flattered that Master Rick had such confidence in us to allow us to help train Matt.

Let me stop Alex there. As usual he wanders just a bit and I think we have put enough in this entry already. Yes I meant what I had said Alex and Jose were going to help train Matt. In fact I intended for them to do most of it. It was going to be very interesting to see just what they had learned after being my slaves for so long.

I know everyone out there is going, what about Matt. Who is he, where is he from, what about his dad, etc. You don't need to know all that right now. Suffice it to say I had found out all about him before he showed up that Friday. I already had a game plan as to what he needed and how to go about giving it to him. As usual if you want more journal entries PLEASE let me know BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. Alex loves to write them and I love to post them, BUT your e-mails are what makes it all worthwhile. Otherwise as I have said I am busy and I have other things I can use my time for besides giving you good one handed reading.

Next: Chapter 38

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