I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Sep 10, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 35

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I appreciate all the feedback after the last instalment of Alex's journal. Some of you loyal readers out there get quite horny waiting for me to post another entry. But then as I always say, "The only good slave is a horny slave!"

Let me address one point that I have noticed in several e-mails. My initial contract with Alex ended last year. Alex signed a new contract to remain my slave while he attended college. Last year was his first year and he is just starting his second year of college. In addition, I want to add that Jose also started college this year. His modeling is still going great, but I require him to attend college and further his education. Both boys are great slaves, but I want them each to be able to land awesome jobs and support me somewhere down the line. Some of you have asked about our finances. Not that it is any of your business, but my parents support me quite well and Alex is a trust fund baby. When he turned nineteen he started getting a rather nice size check every month.

Now let's get back to Alex's journal. As you will recall we were in Florida on last summer's vacation. I am going to skip forward to one of the last entries dealing with our trip. As I told you we spent sometime at Disney. I for one had a great time! To be honest, I don't think Alex had as good a time as he could have. All he really wanted to do every day was get back to the room so I could tie him back up. Anyway, this entry finds us back at Robert's house. It is two days before we flew home. His club was meeting that night and I really think you will enjoy Alex's account of the evening. This will be the last entry about our vacation as I think it is time to post one of his more current entries. As always let me turn this over to my dear Alex:

It had been a great day! We had gotten home from Disney last night and Rick had bound me tightly and put me to bed. It felt so good to know that I wouldn't have to wake up the next morning, get dressed, and be forced to act normal all day. The days at Disney had been horrible. All I did was wish Rick would take me back to the room, tie me up, and then leave me that way. Then today Rick had left me tied up all day! He never once released me but kept me bound all day. He had fed me by sliding a bowl into the small cage he had put me in. He had even gone so far as to slide a pad into the cage for me to relieve myself on. Other than that he hadn't really paid all that much attention to me at all. But I really didn't care! Just laying tied up in the cage was more than enough for me. I just laid there and relished the feeling of my body being restrained awaiting my Master's pleasure.

It must have been late in the afternoon when Rick finally released me. I knew from the things that Rick and Master Robert had been doing that tonight was to be the night Master Robert's club was meeting. They had kept Jose and the slave busy all day cleaning and polishing everything in Master's Robert rather large play area. At one point they had even had them down scrubbing the cement floor on their hands and knees with brushes. Anyway, as Rick unlocked the cage he said, "Just about everything is ready for Robert's guests to arrive. The only thing left to do is get you and Jose prepared to welcome our company." By the tone in his voice I wasn't sure I was looking forward see what he had in mind.

Rick helped me out of the cage and released me from all my bindings. He even took my cuffs off my wrists and ankles. In addition he removed my chastity cage. I always feel so exposed without my cage on. Once done he ordered Jose and I to the shower area. He instructed us to clean each other extremely well. Jose was also instructed to shave me and give me an enema to clean my ass out. When that order came out of Rick's mouth I had a pretty good idea what I would doing all night. Rick loves to put me on display and allow others to use me. He knows that despite the fact that I am his slave and will do any and everything he tells me that I really hate being used by anyone other than him.

When Jose and I had finished getting cleaned up Rick ordered us back to the center of the room. Once there Rick replaced the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. As always he locked them on. God, I love that sound as he rams the clasp closed, sealing me back into my cuffs. He then pulled my wrists together behind me and secured them there with another padlock. Now Rick rolled over what looked like a small square butcher block table. It was on wheels and stood about three feet off the ground. In addition it had hooks embedded in it's surface at various points. I would soon learn what the hooks were for, although I already had a pretty good idea. Rick ordered me up on the table giving me assistance to climb up. I was made to kneel and Rick ordered me to spread my knees apart. He produced a ball stretcher which he applied to my balls. It pulled them down in their sack a good three inches. As usual Rick secured it in place with one of his trusty padlocks. I then felt him affixing something to the harness. Once he had finished he helped me bend forward. Rick positioned me on the table so my ass was just at one side and my head was just at the other. I felt my ball harness being attached to the table, I assumed to one of the hooks. I attempted to adjust my position and realized I couldn't. My balls held me firmly attached to the table. A collar was fitted around my neck and then Rick pulled the cuffs confining my hands up toward the collar. He secured them to it with what must have been a long strap as when he was done my hands were held just above the small of my back and well away from my ass. Next Rick passed straps over my bound body. These were tied off to the hooks and then snugged tight, holding me firmly in a kneeling position on top of the table. Next came a ring gag and head harness. The ring gag fit firmly into my mouth, ensuring I couldn't close it. Now, there was no doubt in my mind what Rick had in store for me tonight at the party. As I have said before I hate being used as nothing more than a hole for a cock to use. But despite my desires I would make Rick proud. The harness itself fit around my head to hold the ring gag in place. I realized the harness must have a ring at the top when I felt something being feed through it. Then Rick was pulling the top of my head back toward my hands via the ring. This forced my head, up and brought my mouth to the perfect level for what I knew was to come, cock sucking. When he had finished this I felt lube being applied to my asshole then something hard pressing against it. As it was forcibly pushed into my ass I realized it was a rather large butt plug. Rick patted my ass as the plug seated itself deep inside me and said, "This is just to get you ready for latter, Alex. As you already know we are having a party tonight and you are going to be part of the entertainment".

My heart welled up in my chest as I realized that is was going to be a very long night. As I said before I really hated being used like this. Yet I knew that was exactly why Rick did this to me. He had to continually prove that he was the Master and I was the slave. That I existed only to serve him. As always, despite my fears, my slave mentality took over. I would make Rick proud. In fact I realized that my cock was rock hard and leaking just in anticipation of the evening to come.

Rick now positioned the table I was on so I could see what he was doing with Jose. To be honest I was just a little curious. I knew what was in store for me, but what about Jose? Rick moved Jose just a little bit from where he was already standing. I watched as he locked cuffs on Jose's ankles and wrists. Master Robert was standing near the wall and pushed a button that lowered two long chains down from the ceiling. The were about ten feet apart. Rick hooked these onto Jose's cuffs. Once this was done, Master Robert pulled them back up toward the ceiling. Very soon Jose was standing with his arms pulled away from his side and up toward the ceiling. Next Rick pulled his legs wide apart and hooked his ankle cuffs to rings sunk in the floor. Once this was done, Master Robert again activated the chains and pulled Jose up until he was stretched taunt with just the fronts of his feet on the floor. I was expecting Rick to add more but he didn't. That really surprised me as Rick was never one to leave a cock unharnessed. He walked over to were Master Robert had ordered the slave to wait and they did the exact thing to the slave. Both were spread eagled in the air, totally vulnerable. Rick looked at me and then at Jose. With that evil glint he gets in his eyes he said, "Let me explain what is going to happen here slaves. You Alex will suck any and all cocks. You will also take any and all cocks up your ass. That plug is just to loosen you up. When our guests arrive I will pull it out. As for Jose he is going to hang right here all night. Anyone can abuse him in anyway they want. I don't care if it's whips, clips, weights, hot wax, or whatever. I am even going to leave him ungagged so he can scream all he wants. Master Robert's slave will be used exactly the same way only his mouth will be gagged. Interesting, one boy can scream in pain while the other can only scream into his gag. I for one think this should make for a very fun evening. Now Alex and Jose don't worry I will be watching to make sure no one goes to far. You are mine after all and I would never let my property get hurt."

Rick and Master Robert walk off at this point and left the three of us there to contemplate our fates. I could see Jose's face and I had learned him well enough to guess what he was thinking. He, just like me, was scared but determined to make Rick proud. That was always the case with us. We knew Rick loved us and we would kill ourselves not to disappoint him. I looked at the slave's face behind his gag. I wondered what was going on in his mind. If the look in his eyes was any indication I think he was simply resigned to his fate. I had watched the interplay between him and Master Robert during our visit. I really didn't think the slave meant anymore to Master Robert than a piece of furniture. I had seen no love, no tenderness. Yet the slave seemed to feed on that. Perhaps that was what he needed and that was why Master Robert treated him the way he did. I for one was very thankful I had Rick as my Master. He might use me hard, he might own me, but he also loved me and really cared about me. Besides I had seen all Master Robert feed the slave. I really didn't think I could stand getting nothing else to eat but the slop he was fed.

We were not left alone to long. Soon people started to arrive. Master's coming into my field of view. Some trailing there slaves after them, some alone. There were even a slave or two who didn't seem to be with anyone in particular. As the room filled up I started getting more and more nervous. Then Rick was behind me yanking the plug out of my ass, announcing to the room that I was their's for the taking. All he asked was they all wore condoms. He gave the table a twirl on it's wheels and I was off across the room. I lost sight of Jose as my mouth was immediately filled with a hard cock. It had no more than slid into my mouth when I felt another one probing at my asshole. Soon I was filled at both ends. I suck for all I was worth while the cock in my ass pounded hard against me. It took no time at all before my own cock was that had grown soft was once again rock hard and dripping a steady stream of pre-cum on the table top between my legs.

No sooner than one cock pulled out another would take it's place. My world was just one steady stream of hard cocks. I was drifting into that slave state where you entire world is what is happening to you. Then I was brought back to reality by the sound of a scream. It took my brain a moment to register that it was Jose I was hearing. God I wished I could see what was happening to him. What were they doing to him? But all I could hear was an intermittent scream coming from off to my left. I kept hoping someone would turn me so I could see what was happening. But that was not to be. The table I was on moved across the room from one waiting cock to another. Every once in awhile I would geta brief glimpse of Jose only to have my eyes blocked by another cock thrusting it's way into my mouth.

Finally after what seemed like forever Jose quieted. I would find out latter that someone had hook clips all over his body. They had then hooked up a tens unit and shocked him over and over again. Increasing the intensity until they made him scream. They then kept it up to see just how far they could push him. Rick finally had to step in and make them stop. I also found out that the guy doing it really didn't want to stop. There was actually a scuffle and Master Robert and Rick had to forcibly stop him. I also found out that they were so mad they turned the tables on him. The strapped him down to a table, put his clips all over him, then let anyone that wanted to see just how much he could take. As Rick said turn about is fair play.

After that I heard Jose scream many times through out the evening. I even thought I heard him at one point crying, but I couldn't be sure. However, none of them lasted for more than a few seconds so I knew Rick was monitoring Jose much more carefully. As for me I don't know how many guys I serviced during the evening I just know my mouth and ass were as sore as hell. When my mouth was actually empty for awhile I realized that people were starting to leave. Thank god, I was so tired! If I was that tired I was pretty sure Jose was exhausted.

Finally the last guest departed except for the tens unit guy. He was still strapped down to the table were Master Robert and Rick had put him. He would still be there the next morning when we woke up, but that is another story all together. Rick released Jose from the ceiling and he almost collapsed but Rick's strong arms supported him until he could get steady on his feet. Rick stroked Jose's hair and told him how proud he was of him. He then locked Jose's hands behind his back and had him follow him over to where I was. Rick released me and helped me off the table. I sank into his strong chest as he hugged me. He congratulated me on how well I had done. My heart swelled with joy, knowing I had made Rick happy! Rick left the harness on me and my hands locked behind my back. He led Jose and I over to the large cage where we had slept since arriving at Master Robert's. I found out latter that Master Robert had a very strict rule, no slaves were allowed to sleep upstairs. Even though Rick didn't like the rule and had missed us he had honored Master Robert's wishes. Rick motioned us inside the cage. I was expecting him to shut and lock the door. However, instead he removed his clothes and followed us inside. There were several pillows and blankets in the cage that had not been there before. Rick laid down and motioned for us each to lay on a side. He covered Jose and I up with the blankets, then he laid our exhausted heads on his shoulders. He put his arms around us and stroked our heads as we feel asleep. What more could any slave want? To lay on his Master's shoulder, his arms locked behind him. To feel so warm and loved, knowing he made you Master proud.

A very good place to stop. That party was a blast that night. Despite what Alex thought after the first idiot went to far with Jose I didn't have to watch him anymore. No else dared! In fact when we flew home that idiot was still locked up in Robert's dungeon. I will have to tell you sometime what eventually happened. Let just put it this way. Robert has two gagged slaves now. Alex and Jose really did make me proud that night. They both performed like the slaves I had trained them to be. Why did I sleep with them? Because I love my boys, I really had missed them, and I wanted them to know just how much I cared about them after the night they had just endured.

As always let me know if you like Alex's journal. Next time I will try and post a more current one. Not one over a year old. E-mail me at BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. For those who have asked, YES I let Alex read some of the responses. Not all of them but some.

Next: Chapter 36

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