I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Aug 26, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 34

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I was surprised how few responses I had to the last post regarding Jose. With as many readers who had asked for it, few actually responded. I must tell you I felt a little sorry for Jose. It was a hard thing for him to write and he got so few comments of support, I think he was disappointed. But then he is a slave and should get used to disappointments. It's not about what he wants but what I want.

As for this journal entry we will get back to the trip we took to Ft. Lauderdale. You, the reader, seem to enjoy it when Alex's journal is full of hot bondage action and not the ones where the mentality of being a slave is featured. I believe that we left off during our first day at Robert's house. I had just worked Alex over royally. I am going to pick up Alex's journal starting from there, however he didn't write about that evening instead he picked up the next morning. So without further introductions, let me turn this over to Alex:

I awoke to the sun streaming in the high windows on the far side of Master Robert's playroom. I felt so comfortable. I had been snuggled into Jose's chest with his arm draped around me. My hands were, as always, cuffed behind me so I couldn't put my arms around him. But thankfully Rick had not cuffed Jose's hands so I had been able to lay my head on his shoulder last night and have him wrap his arm around me to fall asleep. We were both of course naked. Naked that is except for our chastity devices that Rick had replaced last night. And I, of course, was wearing my ever present wrist cuffs. We were laying on the floor in one of the large cages. Rick had locked us inside saying he would see us in the morning. I know Jose had been cold laying on the floor, but his arm around me and his warm chest under my cheek had helped keep me somewhat warm during the night. I lay there with my head pressed against Jose listening to his steady breathing and the quiet beat of his heart. I don't often say this, but I really love Jose. He has become someone very special to me. We share so much. We share Rick to begin with. Then we are brothers in slavery. We share pain together and we share pleasure. Over the time he has been in our family I have come to depend on him as much as I depend on Rick. I think I would be just as lost if I ever lost Jose as I would be if I ever lost Rick.

My eyes caught movement in the cage next to us and I remembered that the slave had been locked in there by Master Robert the night before. I sat up quietly so as not to wake up Jose and looked over to see the slave looking at me. I wished so badly his mouth wasn't always gagged as I would love to have been able to talk to him and learn more about him. But, as I think I wrote before, I never so much as heard him speak a word the whole time we were there. I never even found out what his name was. The slave looked at me. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he hurt and was exhausted from getting little or no sleep all night. Master Robert had made sure of that last night when he locked the slave away in the cage.

First the cage next to us was one of the smaller ones. The slave couldn't even stretch out. He was forced to lay in a curled up position. I could just imagine that after spending the night like that his leg muscles must be cramping and need to be stretched out. However, that wasn't the reason I knew he was hurting. Let me tell you about how Master Robert made sure the slave would spend a miserable night. He started by locking the slaves hands behind him. Then he bent the slave over and inserted a metal butt plug in his ass. From the plug trailed a long wire. Seeing the wire gave me a pretty good idea what Master Robert had planned. He then placed a metal cock ring on the slave, again a wire trailed away from it. He then made the slave crawl into the small cage and curl up so as to fit. Once inside Master Robert cuffed the slave's feet together. He then reached through the bars and attached a set of tit clamps to the slaves nipples. These he pulled outside the bars and tied off in such away that they were constantly pulling on the slaves tits. Next came the tens unit. Master Robert attached the wires from the butt plug and cock ring to the machine. Once done with that he told the slave that he was setting it on a random setting. All night long, at random intervals, it would send shocks to the slaves cock and to his ass. Master Robert set the time and intensity at random. Then wished the slave a good night and left him like that. I could tell as Jose and I laid there trying to fall asleep every time the slave got a jolt. Sometimes it was just a quiet groan behind his gag and other times I knew he was screaming into it. I felt sorry for him because I could tell he was going to have a long painful night. I was so thankful though it was him and not Jose or I. I will admit I felt just a little guilty snuggled up all warm to Jose while in the next cage the slave was suffering so much.

Just then I heard Jose stirring and I turned my attention back to him. I looked as his beautiful face that looked so happy and content. His eyes lids fluttered and then opened. He gave me a look of such love then said, "Good morning Alex. Do you know how much I love you?"

I didn't answer. Instead I leaned over him and slowly lowered my head down until my lips met his. I let my lips part as I pressed them hard against Jose. He responded by pushing upward and letting his tongue slide into my mouth. I felt overcome with desire as I lost myself in the caress of Jose's kiss. His arms came up and around me as he pressed me hard against him. I could feel the heat of his body under me, the firmness of his muscles, and the hard tips of his nipples as they pressed into me. I felt my cock try and respond to the overwhelming need I felt as I continued to kiss Jose. Of course that was all my cock could do was try and get hard, locked as it was in it's prison. But knowing Jose's cock was locked away just like mine made it all right. When Jose finally pulled his lips away from mine I started kissing my way down his body. I started with his left ear, kissing and nibbling at his ear lobe. Then I moved down the slope of his neck, slowly kissing my way down to his chest. I heard Jose's breathing quicken and I knew I was turning him on. I finally reached his tits and let my tongue play with them. Taking one then the other into my mouth and sucking on the hard tips. Jose's hands reached out for me and he started stroking my hair as if to encourage me to continue. I eventually pried myself away from his tits and continued down his body. Slowly kissing my way over the hard planes of his stomach until I reached his imprisoned cock. It was straining hard at the confines of the cage and a steady stream of pre-cum leaked from the tip. God how badly I wished Jose wasn't locked up right now. I wanted, and needed, so much to take his cock into my mouth and feel it's hardness fill me. Then experience that incredible feeling of having him cum. But as that was not to be, I contented myself with sucking his balls. This succeeded in driving Jose even crazier with desire. Perhaps this sounds cruel of me to turn Jose on knowing he couldn't cum but it was what he and I did. We are only allowed to cum when Rick let's us. So if we want to show our love for each other all we can do is turn one another on and just enjoy the incredible feelings. Yes, it can make you frustrated that you can't cum, but then again just enjoying the feelings together can be pretty awesome.

I kept this up until a loud banging on the cage bars scared me shitless and I quickly pulled away from Jose. We both sat up and realized that Rick was standing at the bars looking at us. "So this is what my slaves get up to when I am not around," Rick said.

I could tell by his voice that he wasn't mad, in fact he had a most distinct pleased tone to his voice. I had always known that the fact Jose and I really cared for each other pleased Rick but his tone and actions that morning convinced me I was right. "I am glad you boys love each other," Rick continued, "That makes us one big happy family. You slaves can kiss all you want. After all I have your cocks locked away so you can't do anything else. You can share each others kisses but your asses and cocks belong to me. Besides it is so much fun to play you to one against the other. I can make you do almost anything if it keeps the other one from having to suffer. You two are a Master's greatest treasure."

Rick unlocked the cage door and ordered us both out. Once we had come to attention in front of Rick he checked our chastity cages to make sure they were on secure then ordered us to use the toilet bucket. Then we were to go get cleaned up in the small bathroom area off the playroom. Once we had done all this we returned and again resumed an attention position in front of Rick. In the mean time Master Robert had come down and was letting the slave out of the cage. Master Robert got the slave out and then helped him stand and stretch his cramped legs. The slave looked so exhausted I was sure he just wanted to curl up right there on the floor and go to sleep, but instead once he could stand he was at attention waiting for Master Robert's orders. Master Robert released him from everything but the gag and ordered him upstairs to fix breakfast for all of us. Master Robert followed him leaving Jose, Rick, and I all alone.

Rick walked around us a couple of times inspecting his property. Then he stopped in front and said, "Well boys what should we do today? Actually it really doesn't matter what you want to do, does it? So let me tell you what we are doing. This is going to be a fun day for all of us. We are going to the beach. Yes, boys just a normal day at the beach. I am even going to let you both play and have some fun. But first Alex we need to do something about your tan lines."

What tan lines was Rick talking about? I tanned nude in our backyard, I had no tan lines. Rick unlocked my hands from behind me then removed my cuffs. As he did I realized what tan lines he was talking about. There at my wrists and ankles were glaring white lines where my cuffs always were. My cuffs had become such a part of me that I never thought of the fact that I would have tan lines under them. I always wore them, so the skin under them was never exposed to the sun. Funny, but now that Rick had pointed this out I felt so naked and vulnerable without my cuffs locked on.

Rick had brought some instant tanning spray which he used to hide my lines. I was amazed at how well it worked. Once I looked good enough for Rick's standards it was time for Jose and I to get dressed. That, needless to say, didn't take very long. First Rick removed our chastity cages then handed each of us a speedo, mine was white and Jose's was black. For myself I had no problem with the idea of wearing such a small bathing suit to the beach. I had been on the swim team and was used to it but Jose, I could tell, was not thrilled with the idea. Jose could be quite modest for a slave that was kept naked most all the time. But then again that was in front of me and Rick, not out in public. But as Jose knew he had no choice, he slipped it on. Trust me when I tell you that he looked awesome! They rode just below his hips and showed his cock and balls in all their glory. They clung tight to his ass highlighting the beautiful shape of his cheeks. It made me almost drool, Jose looked so awesome. I always thought he looked great naked but somehow covering him up with just enough to show off what he had made him look all that better. I knew Rick was pleased as well when he said, "Nice boys, really nice. I am going to enjoy showing you two off today."

Rick then ordered us upstairs into Master Robert's house. Our breakfast was waiting for us on two plates sitting on the kitchen floor. Jose and I dropped down and placing our hands behind our backs proceeded to eat. The slave had fixed bacon and eggs for all of us. While we, Rick, and Master Robert ate the slave stood at attention next to the table in case Master Robert or Rick needed anything. When they had finished the slave cleaned up their plates, then picked Jose's and mine up. He then starting cleaning the kitchen and I realized that he still hadn't eaten. Rick had Jose and I wash our faces then we sat on the floor at Rick's feet while he and Master Robert discussed Rick's plans for the day. Finally the slave finished his work and came to stand next to Master Robert, he still had not eaten, at least that I had seen. Master Robert got up and went to the refrigerator. He pulled out a container that looked a lot like the stuff I had been fed in the bowl yesterday downstairs. He dumped some of it in a dog dish and set it on the floor. He snapped his fingers and pointed. The slave dropped to his knees and crawled over to Master Robert who removed the gag. Once the gag was out the slave started eating the slop like it was filet mignon. Believe me it didn't look very appetizing nor did it smell very good. I was so thankful I wasn't being made to eat it for breakfast. Again I felt sorry for the slave. He had cooked bacon and eggs for us all. Been made to smell that wonderful aroma of bacon, then be forced to eat whatever it was Master Robert was giving him. I was so thankful Jose and I had such a wonderful master like Rick!

Rick left us kneeling on the floor while he went into his bedroom to get dressed. When he returned he was wearing a swimsuit and a t-shirt. Rick's swimsuit of course wasn't a speedo, just a normal suit. He still looked awesome in it, but he definitely wasn't showing near as much as Jose and I were. Rick had a large duffle bag in his hand which he handed to Jose to carry. He then ordered us downstairs to the garage were we got settled into the car Master Robert was letting Rick use. It was a small little sports car that looked like it would be fun to drive. Rick had me get in the passengers seat and made Jose climb in the back. Rick started the car and we were off to what amazingly was just a fun day at the beach.

I had assumed that Rick would have some devilishly torturous thing planned for Jose and I but he didn't. We actually spent the day like three normal guys at the beach. Well sort of normal anyway. Jose and I were wearing skimpy bathing suits and sporting rings in our tits, but for us that was about as normal as it gets. Rick even took us to a late lunch at a real restaurant. In his bag he had brought shirts for us to put on so we could get in. We sat on the outside patio and ate like normal people. For me this was the strangest part of the entire day. I had not been to a restaurant for a very long time. But what amazed me was that as much fun as I had, all I really wanted was for the day to end so I could go home and have Rick lock me back up. I literally found myself craving the feel of my cuffs locked on my wrists.

At one point after lunch we were sitting under the shade of an awning and I had fallen asleep. I remember my dream vividly even now. When I woke up I was so disappointed I wanted to cry. What was I dreaming about and why do I bring it up? Well it has to do with just how much I crave being in bondage and just how strange it was for me to spend an entire day totally free. In my dream Rick had bound me in our most stringent arm binder. The one that when pulled tight it feels like my arms are being pulled out of their sockets. In addition he had my legs strapped tightly together. Cinched to the point that it actually hurt. He had a huge plug wedged up my ass and the most severe binding on my cock imaginable. He had incredibly painful clamps on my tits and was standing over me yanking the chain for all he was worth. In my dream I could feel every muscle ache from the stain of the bondage. There was no imaginable comfortable position I could get in just a constant montage of intense mind numbing pain. I remember though, despite the pain, how hard my cock was and how overwhelmingly happy I was. But what really stands out the most was that in my dream I was praying that Rick would never release me. I wanted to stay just like that, lost between intense pain and happiness forever. Then I woke up and as I said I wanted to cry over losing that feeling. To go, in that blink of an eye, from being so tightly bound and so happy to being totally free and feeling so miserable. Miserable, because at that moment all I wanted was to go home as fast as possible and have Rick tie me up, just like in my dream, and never let me go!

After that the day lost it's joy. We did things that should have been fun, but my heart just wasn't it. All I really wanted was the day to be over so we could go home. When we finally got home the first thing I did was beg Rick to lock my cuffs back on me. Needless to say he happily obliged. It was just weird, as excited as I had been for this trip and the chance to be a normal person, I realized that my normal was being tied up as Rick's slave. As he locked my cuffs back on I felt so happy. Then as he pulled my hands behind me and I heard that wonderful noise of the lock snapping closed I finally lost it. I started crying because it just felt so right. Rick pulled me into his arms and held me as I cried into his shoulder. This was the way it should be, his arms around me holding me. My arms lock securely behind my back were they belonged.

I know I tend to stop Alex at places where you, the reader, usually want more. But isn't that the point? Always leave the person desperate for more so they will keep coming back. To me this entry means a lot. I love how Alex has grown as my slave and what I am turning him into.

I want to add a little side note here. Someone asked how Jose's modeling is going. It is going great. However, he is starting college this year. But will continue to model. I for one kind of like the extra money it generates. Jose gets paid quite well and of course since he belongs to me his income is my income. As always if you have any thoughts or comments PLEASE send them along. I am learning that Alex has quite a large following out there. God, if I could have a dollar for everyone who reads this account it would pay for Alex's college.


Next: Chapter 35

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