I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jun 17, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 32

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I hope you are enjoying this series of Alex's journal. I am really enjoying re-reading them. It is like living our trip all over again. Maybe when I finish up these I will start the ones right away from the trip we are taking this year. Where are we going? You will just have to wait and see. For now be content with last years summer vacation.

Let me tell you just a little more about Robert. I am assuming after the last posting you are wondering about him. He is 45 years old and has lived several places around the country but ended up settling in Florida. He writes for a living and seems to be pretty successful at it. He bought the old warehouse because he could turn it into exactly what he wanted. On the first floor is his huge garage, tons of storage, and an office area where he can hold business meetings if he needs to. That takes up about half the area. The rest, as Alex told you, is set aside for his enormous play area. He told me that his bondage club meets there quite often. Trust me he has plenty of room. The second floor that does not open to the play space is his loft apartment. He has turned it into an incredible space. Every possible convenience and lots of room. The roof of the building he has converted into outdoor deck space. When I first saw it I thought it was big enough to land a small plane on. To be honest I would kill for the set up that he has. Maybe someday when I am a successful Psychiatrist, or my parents finally leave me their money, I can afford to buy something like it. I was very glad I had opted to stay with him instead of the hotel.

Now that I have told you more about Robert let me get us back to Alex's narrative. I am, once again, going to pick up just about where I left it off last time. Alex is locked in the cage and Robert's slave is chained by his balls to the floor:

Rick had been gone about an hour now and my toes were starting to get really tired of holding me up. In addition I was hungry as all get out. Breakfast had been early this morning and it was well past lunch time. In addition I really needed to take a shit. I hoped that Rick would return soon. Again, as if he could read my mind I heard movement at the back of the room. It was Rick and Master Robert. There must have been another entrance besides the one off the garage. Rick and Master Robert each held a beer as well as a large dog dish. Following behind them was Jose who carried two more large dog bowls. They walked about half way between me and (I have decided to just call Master Robert's slave the slave, as I never found out his name) the slave. They set the bowls down on the floor. Master Robert headed for his slave and Rick came towards me. "Did you miss me Alex?" Rick asked. "I figured you might be hungry and thirsty so I brought you some lunch. Do you need to pee or shit first?"

I nodded my head yes. Rick unlocked the locks holding the cage shut and the cock stock in place. Master Robert must have told him where the keys were. I had worried a little when he used them because I knew they weren't ones he had brought with us. Rick opened the door and it felt so good to be able to lower my feet all the way to the floor. Across the room I heard Master Robert's voice say, "My boy hates that cock stock. Your slave has to stand on his toes. My slave is shorter so I have to put something in there for him to stand on. But I make him stretch till he is on the very tips of his toes and even then he is still yanking his cock and balls."

Rick took me by the arm and pulled me out of the cage as he answered, "I was wondering how you managed to use it on your slave. My slave needs to go to the bathroom. Where can he go?"

"Mine needs to go too," Master Robert replied. "I'll show you where he is allowed to go. Then we'll let him go first so your boy can see the best way to do it. Slave, get your bucket."

The slave hurried across the room toward the cages. One of the larger ones had the door open. You really couldn't call it a cage. Maybe more of a cell as it was about 8 foot square. The slave went in and grabbed something. As he returned to the center of the room, I realized he was carrying a plastic bucket in his hands which were still cuffed behind him. When the slave reached Master Robert he set the bucket down on the floor. He then stood awaiting, I assumed permission to use the bucket. "You have permission to go boy," Master Robert said.

The slave squatted down over the bucket and positioned his legs so he could go. Once in position he went, letting it drop into the bucket. Master Robert ordered Jose to wipe the slave's ass, showing were the toilet paper was kept. Once Jose was finished, the slave turned around and approached the bucket from the front. He worked until he had positioned his cock over the bucket so he could pee. When he was done he stood back up, and moved to Master Robert's side at attention.

As I watched this I realized that I would be next. It was bad enough using a regular toilet and having someone else wipe me but to have to squat over a bucket in the middle of the floor was going to by horrible. However, I had no real choice in the matter. Now it was my turn. Rick bent me over and yanked the butt plug out. I always feel so empty when I have had a plug in a long time. Despite the fact that I really didn't want to do it I squatted over the bucket. I spread my legs as far as possible and shit. I felt like some kind of animal but I did it anyway. Jose wiped me up. Then I turned around and crawled on my knees until I was positioned over the bucket to pee. When I had finished I moved to Rick's side, feeling like my face must be bright red with embarrassment. Master Robert showed Jose were to empty the bucket. While Jose was busy with that Master Robert returned to us and said, "All right let's get these slaves feed shall we?"

The slave and I were led to the bowls waiting for us on the floor. Our Masters removed our gags and we were allowed to drop to our knees in front of the bowls. One held water and other what looked liked mashed up tuna, bread, and maybe a banana. At this point I really didn't care as I was dying of thirst and hunger. As we ate what had been set in front of us Master Robert explained to Rick his theory regarding how a slave should be allowed toilet privileges. "In my opinion a slave needs to know it's place. That bucket is the only place slave is allowed to use in here. If he is upstairs he has another bucket that he can use. He is never allowed to use the toilet like a real person. Just like the gag,m it reminds the slave what it is. It is simply a possession that I can use as I see fit. Isn't that right slave?" Master Robert said as he kicked the slave hard in his ass crack.

Even though the slave lost his balance and fell forward into his water bowl all he did was raise his head and nod yes to Master Robert. While we finished our food, our Master's started discussing what they wanted to do with the rest of the afternoon. I could see Rick eyeing the ropes hanging from the ceiling and had a pretty good idea what he had in mind. When the slave and I finished we sat back on our heels. Jose was ordered to wipe our faces clean. Then Rick directed him toward the far wall. The slave and I stayed right where we were awaiting instructions. Rick proceeded to spread eagle Jose against the wall locking his hands and feet into manacles that were already in place. Rick then went to the toy area and picked up a ring gag and set of tit clamps. He returned to Jose and put the gag in his mouth then added the tit clamps letting the chain drop onto his chest. Once done Rick returned to where I was waiting. "There, that gets him out of our way for now. I want to spend a little time playing with Alex. I really want to try out what we talked about earlier. Why don't you get your slave strung up then I will do the same to mine," Rick said to Master Robert.

I wondered what they had talked about but knew I would soon find out. The slave and I were directed toward an area of the play space that looked like a large open shower. As we got closer I realized that was exactly what it was. Our hands were released and the cuffs removed. We were then ordered into the shower to clean up. Rick instructed me to pay especial attention to my ass. I had just taken a shit and he had no intention of getting a whiff of shit while he was playing with me this afternoon he informed me. When we had finished cleaning ourselves and dried off we were ordered to an area where several chains hung from the ceiling. We were made to stand there while our Masters went to collect the items they needed. They returned shortly each carrying a set of heavily padded leather restraints. Master Robert ordered the slave to lay on the floor at his feet, which the slave quickly did. He started by making him put up his right foot so he could get at the ankle. The set of restraints had four cuffs all joined together with a metal ring. Master Robert buckled one around the slave's right ankle then made him raise his left foot so he could do the same to the left ankle. Next one hand at a time were ordered to be raised. Each wrist was strapped in turn into a cuff. When he was done, the slave was laying on his back with all four limbs sticking up in the air above him. Master Robert then grabbed a small remote and pushed a button that lowered one of the chains down. He lowered it until he could get the hook at the end snapped into the ring at the center of the leather restraints. Once he had it secured, he started the chain ascending back toward the ceiling. As the chain tightened the slave was slowly raised off the floor, suspended by his four limbs from the ceiling. The chain continued up until he was about the level of Master Robert's shoulders. The perfect height for Master Robert to have the best access to the slaves body. Rick now ordered me to the floor. He followed Master Robert's actions until I too was hanging by my hands and feet from the ceiling. Rick had turned me so I couldn't see Master Robert or his slave so I just hung there waiting to see what Rick had planned for my vulnerable body.

I didn't have long to wait. Rick left for a few moments. When he returned he laid several things on the floor within his easy reach. Rick started slowly stroking my body with his hands. He worked down my legs until he reached my ass. The way I was hanging spread my cheeks so his hand found it's way into my ass crack. He ran his hand slowly over my hole which succeeded in making my cock hard. Rick's hands moved up to my exposed balls next. He rolled them in his fingers, stroking them softly. Next he moved on to my cock. He stroked the shaft with one hand while lightly brushing the head with the other. God, he was turning me on! When he stopped I was so disappointed. My body ached for his touch to return. He stepped behind my head and his hands found their way to my tits. He lightly twisted the rings, not enough to cause pain, but enough to send shivers of pleasure radiating through my body. I have always said that Rick's hands are magic, and he was proving it in every possible way! I slowly lost myself in the feelings until Rick's voice in my ear brought me back to reality, "You are very hard, boy. Shall we see if we can make you loose that hard on?"

Abruptly Rick's hands were gone. I tried to swivel my head to see what he was doing. I found out very quickly as a paddle smacked down on my right ass cheek. Hanging suspended in the air, stretched the muscles in my ass and legs taught, so the pain of the swat was intense. I would have started swinging wildly in the air but Rick's hand was on one of my legs holding me in place. Again the paddle fell, this time on my left ass cheek. God, it hurt! Rick kept it up alternating back and forth between ass cheeks until I realized my cock's erection had subsided due to the pain. Rick stopped the paddling then and resumed his stroking of my body. Slow caressing strokes of my body as he worked to get me hard. Soon his hands were on my balls then my cock and very soon I was as hard as a rock again. When my cock was throbbing in the air, Rick took his hands away and the paddling resumed. This time I swear it hurt worse as my ass was becoming sensitive to the hits. Rick didn't just concentrate on my ass this time but also hit the backs of my thighs with the paddle. God, he had been turning me on so much, now he was hurting me so bad!

I arched my back to try and take some of the stress off my thigh muscles but to no avail. Finally Rick stopped. My cock had lost it's hardness again, something Rick would not allow. Rick brought me back to hardness quickly. Once again as soon as I was hard he took his hands away. This time instead of resuming the paddling I felt Rick doing something to my balls. He was tying a cord around them, pulling them down in their sack. When he was done he stroked my cock, making sure I was still hard. He kept his hand there, as with the other hand, he attached weights to my balls. He slowly let my balls take the weight as they were pulled down toward my ass hole. It was a really strange feeling to have my balls being stretched down across my ass hole. Rick continued to stroke my cock until I had adjusted to the pain the weights were causing in my balls. Once he could tell I had, he moved his hands away. This time I felt his hands at my tits. I watched as Rick tied leather cord through my tit rings. My pulled the cord up above me and put it over and around the hook that was holding me suspended in the air. To the end of the cord he attached a weight and let it drop. It hung in the air almost in front of my face. I could see it spinning there as it pulled on my poor tits sending pain through my chest. Rick's hand found my cock and slowly stroked it until I had adjusted to the pain. The more Rick stroked my cock the further away the pain went to be replaced with the feelings of pleasure coursing through me. When Rick had again made my cock the center of my world, he stopped. "Your doing good, Alex. Let's see how far we can take you," Rick said to me as his hand stopped stroking my dick.

The paddle started hitting me again. This time each blow made me jerk, which in turn made the weights on my balls and tits wave violently. I could watch the arc of the weight pulling on my tits and know just how bad it would hurt by how far it swung before being violently yanked the other way the force of the blows. Rick kept at it until I wanted to cry, but just as I was about to loose it he stopped and once again started stroking my cock. Just as quick as the pleasure had been replaced with pain, Rick brought me back to the feelings in my cock supplanting the throbbing pain in my ass and thighs with the throbbing of my cock. Damn, he was good!

This time when Rick took his hands off my cock the paddling didn't start. Instead I saw him reach to pick up something. He raised it so I could see what he was holding. Rick had a bucket of clothes pins in his hands. Without removing the weight hanging from my balls, Rick tied the bucket onto the cord too. God, he had hung the pins he would soon be torturing me with off my own balls! Only Rick could think of such a sadistic thing to do! Rick pinched a small fold of skin on my ass and set a clothes pin in place. The first one wasn't bad. I could handle it. My cock thought it could as, despite the pain, it throbbed hard in the air wanting to cum. However, after the fifth pin, my erection was subsiding due to the pain. Rick had no intention of allowing that to happen. His magic fingers started their work on my cock. Soon the pain was still there but I didn't care. The first five pins had all been on my left cheek, now Rick added five pins to my right cheek, keeping them as close to the sensitive skin along the crack as possible. When he had finished I was still hard enough that he didn't feel the need to stop. He added five more pins in a line between my ass and the bottom of my balls. This time Rick was forced to stop as this area was so sensitive I had completely lost my hard on. He quickly rectified that. Soon I was hard again. The pain was there but the need to cum dominated it. Now Rick started setting pins on my balls then up the underside of my cock. God, it hurt so bad! I realized I was sucking air through my teeth in an effort to calm down. Rick again started stoking my cock, this time just the head, working his fingers around the glands. He worked me until I was hard again and the pain had subsided to a tolerable level. Now, more pins were added. Rick lined them down the back of each leg. It hurt so bad I couldn't keep track of how many. All I know is that as my cock would start to droop, Rick would bring me back to full hardness before he added more. Again I heard Rick's voice through my haze of pain and need, "Your doing good Alex. Let's see how much more you can take. Robert's slave has already taken more clothes pins, we need to catch up."

That comment managed to make it's way into my brain. Of course if the slave took more I would. I was a better slave than he was, and Rick was a better Master than Master Robert. Rick had trained me to take all he could dish out! I heard my voice responding to Rick's words, "Please Master I want more. Make me hurt, Please Sir!"

Rick stroked my head lovingly. I knew I had just made him proud. He reached for more clothes pins and started setting them in a line down my right side from my arm pit to my hip. Again I don't know how many but I know that Rick kept me hard the entire time. Now he started on the left side, again from my arm pit to my hip. Again he kept my cock hard by alternating a few pins them stroking my cock. He had more pins to add. Now he started up each arm. He would pinch skin on the underside of my upper arm and set a pin in place. Every little movement I made wiggled the pins and sent pain all over me. But as always Rick kept me hard so that waves of pleasure were mixed with the pain. God, I was flying high! What really sucked though was that as badly as Rick had me needing to cum, I wouldn't get to. He had already let me once today. My day wasn't until Sunday, there was no way he would let me cum again. Rick as usual read my mind as his words pierced my mind, "Alex I am going to let you cum, but I want to see just how much further we can go. No more clothes pins though."

I was going to get to cum! Rick had me needing it so badly! Just the thought of it made the pain barely register in my mind. Rick quickly fixed that however, he started hitting the clothes pins that were lining the backs of my legs. I jerked so hard I sent the weights on my balls and tits flying around, which yanked them. That made me jump more which got all the pins vibrating. I wanted to scream but fought with all my might and held it in. My hard on must have gone down as I realized Rick's hand was on my cock. Very quickly he had me hard again. I was so high on the combination of pleasure and pain. Rick brought me almost to the edge but pulled away just short of allowing me to cum. This time he hit the pins lining the sides of my ass. Again I thrashed around causing myself more pain, again Rick's hand returned to my cock. I really don't know how long Rick kept this up. All I really remember is that I became totally lost in the pain and needs coursing through my cock. In almost came as a shock when Rick finally allowed me to cum. I was at a point were I must have been losing control over the noises I was making and Rick knew he had pushed me enough because suddenly I was at the edge and Rick wasn't pulling his hand away. I felt myself erupting as I sent wave after wave of cum shooting across the room. Dear god, I hadn't felt like that for so long!!!! "I think my boy won. He definitely shot further than yours did. See what comes of not letting your boy cum that often," I heard Rick's proud voice saying to Master Robert.

I felt so drained. I felt so proud! That tone in Rick's voice, that tone of such pride, made my heart swell. I loved him so much and he was proud of me. What more could anyone want! Then as the euphoria of cumming started settling down something hit me. All those clothes pins still needed to come off. I had just cum, my cock was soft. All I had left to look forward to was the absolute pain off all those pins being removed from my body. Rick is, as I always say, the quintessential sadist. Let the slave cum, then remove the pins so all he has is pain to look forward to. It is almost like saying, you had your fun boy, now you are going to pay for it. Could I handle it? Of course I could! I was Rick's slave and I could take anything he dished out. Incredibly just thinking about how bad it was going to hurt was making my cock get hard all over again.

Let's stop Alex there. I must say I had a wonderful time using my slave in this scene. I was so proud of him, he took it so well. How did he do when I started taking off the clothes pins? Just great. You see he didn't know we were going to play the game again only in reverse. As I removed a pin I would rub the area to make it hurt worse, but I would then make Alex's cock hard and keep it that way. By the end he was flying higher than before. Did I let him cum at the end? I will let you make up your mind. Suffice it to say I had a great time and so did Alex. He may say I am a true sadist, but he is a real masochist. He gets off as much on getting the pain as I do on inflicting it to him. Let me add, Alex really impressed Robert. But then again he should have, he is my slave and I have trained him well.

As always send us an e-mail. Alex loves to hear about them. Also those of you who are fans of Jose, I let him read all the e-mails. One day I will make him write his story as several of you want to know more about him. Send those e-mails BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 33

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