I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jun 13, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 31

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Hopefully you, the reader, enjoyed the last journal entry half as much as I enjoyed being an active part of it. Fucking Alex's hot little ass on that plane was totally incredible! I know some of you out there are really wondering why I let Alex cum. As he said, it wasn't even his time. But, I had several really good reasons. First, we were on vacation. I wanted Alex to enjoy himself. The other, much more important reason, was purely selfish. When Alex cums while I am screwing his ass he clenches down in such an incredible way on my cock. His ass spasms just before he cums and continues to do it while he is cumming. The feeling of having my cock plunged deep inside of him when that happens is awesome! I simply can't get enough of that feeling! I want you think about this for just a minute. So many people are always bemoaning the way I treat Alex. They feel bad for him that I only allow him to cum every other week. But it isn't just Alex that looses out in this arrangement. Oh, yes I can fuck his ass anytime I feel like it, but I can't get that incredible feeling because I never let him cum when I am doing it. In other words Alex's enforced chastity is hard on BOTH of us.

While I am on the subject, I want to make a point. Yes, I keep both my boys in chastity. Yes, I control when and if they get to cum. BUT, I make sure they stay healthy! They may seldom get to actually blow a load, but I milk their prostates regularly to keep them healthy. I had someone e- mail me and raise hell that I control my boys orgasms. He told me that I didn't care about them. He informed me they would both probably get cancer in latter years. Then asked if I would still keep them. My answer is, YES I would keep them BUT, I make sure they stay healthy. Even though they may not cum, they get milked. They get the release of semen they need to stay healthy without getting any pleasure from it. That, to me, is the whole point of chastity for a slave. Cumming becomes a simple routine thing. Just another bodily function like taking a shit. The only real sexual satisfaction they get is from serving their master. You train their minds to not care about their own needs. They learn to take all their satisfaction from pleasing you.

Let me get down off my soap box now and get back to the story. I am going to pick up right where we left off. I had left Alex to clean up in the bathroom and gone back to my seat. Let me turn this back over to Alex:

As I opened the bathroom door and stepped out I felt like every person on the plane was looking at me. In my mind they all knew what Rick and I had just did and they were either shocked and offended, or turned on by the idea. Of course no one really paid me any attention as I made my way back to my seat. It was all just a figment of my active imagination. But even though I knew this I felt my face turning red with embarrassment.

When I reached our seats Rick motioned me to sit in the window seat. While I had been gone he had moved Jose to the center one. Jose was now covered with the blanket and I assumed he was sitting there with his pants shoved down to his knees like mine had been. As I would soon find out I was absolutely correct. I stepped across Rick and Jose and settled in my seat, taking time to make sure the butt plug and cock harness were in the most comfortable position possible. Who am I trying to kid. There was no comfortable position. Just some were a little easier to deal with than others. Once I was situated, Rick leaned across Jose and quietly gave us both instructions, "Alex, you will play with Jose's cock. You will get him right to the edge and keep him there. You will not allow him to cum until I give him permission. Jose you will not cum without my permission. If you do, both you and Alex will be severely punished. All right Alex get going."

I raised the arm rest between Jose and I sliding my hand under the blanket. I quickly found Jose's cock and I realized that Rick had given him a condom to put on. I traced the lines of Jose's already hard cock. I let my hand drop down to cup his balls in my hand. This was when I found out what Rick had put on him in the bathroom. Jose was wearing a metal cock ring. I could tell from the way it felt that it had been fairly tight when Rick first put it on him. I could picture Rick having to work to get Jose's large balls through the ring. Now that Jose was hard, the ring fit even tighter. I grabbed Jose's balls and rolled them in my hand. They felt huge as I manipulated them. I squeezed them just hard enough to get a small gasp from Jose then let them drop and turned my attention to his cock as Rick had instructed. I assumed there was no hurry, so I took my time lightly tracing my fingers up and down the sides. When I got to the head I would brush my fingers across it, feeling it pulse and throb, trying on it's own to follow my fingers as I pulled them away. I kept this up for quite a while until I could tell by Jose's breathing that he had entered that special state when the need in your cock becomes the entire center of your being. Nothing else matters but the needs coursing through your body. Rick, as always, knew where Jose's head was. I swear sometimes he can read our minds. I soon realized that Rick had slipped his hand under the blanket too and was playing with Jose's tits, pushing him even further toward the edge. I heard Jose's voice, very low, "Sir, PLEASE Sir, I need to do it Sir."

"Not yet boy, not yet. I promise you will get to, but not just yet." Rick replied.

Rick and I both continued to work on Jose. He was making so much noise with his breathing I was sure someone would wonder what was going on. However, thankfully, the engine noise muffled the sounds from anyone but Rick and I. The plane started it's decent toward the airport and the pilot announced that we would soon be landing. I could see the ground outside the window getting closer. The flight attendants made one last sweep through the cabin then took their seats for landing. Rick leaned close and told Jose to hold on just a bit that very soon he would let him cum. I could tell by the tremors running through Jose's body that he was fighting hard not to cum and I wondered just how much longer he would be able to control himself. The ground continued to come closer and just as the planes wheels hit the runway Rick said, "Now Jose, you have my permission."

With almost no effort on my part Jose's cock erupted. I was sure he would blow the condom right off with the intensity of his orgasm. He thrashed in his seat and I could tell he was fighting hard to control himself so everyone around us didn't hear him scream in relief. Just about then the pilot's voice came over the intercom welcoming us to Ft. Lauderdale. When the pilot had finished Rick looked at Jose and said, "Yes, welcome to Florida. What a way to arrive, wouldn't you agree Jose?"

Rick then ordered Jose to get himself back together. He told him he would have to leave the condom on until we got into the terminal. Once Jose had his pants pulled back up and his shoes on I got my own shoes on. God, if the flight was any indication this was going to be a great vacation. As usual I had no idea!

We exited the plane and headed for baggage claim. On the way Rick allowed Jose to use the bathroom so he could pee as well as dispose of the used condom. As we hit baggage claim Rick started looking around as if he was trying to find someone. I wondered who the hell could Rick be looking for here? I shortly found out, as Rick's eyes found the face he wanted. He headed across the area with Jose and I following him. Rick finally stopped in front of a guy who looked to be in his early forties. He stood at least 6' tall with large broad shoulders. He had slightly graying hair and an athletic physique that almost put Rick's to shame. He was dressed all in black and my cock responded just at the site of him. He exuded, in every way, a totally dominate character. Standing next to him was a much shorter guy who looked to be closer to my age. He stood maybe 5'2". He looked just as built as his Master, just a much smaller version. I could easily tell just by looking that they were a Master and slave. It was obvious that the younger guy was the slave. He was dressed simply. Tight jeans revealed quite a bulging crotch. Was it natural or were his cock and balls tied up tight like mine? He was wearing a skin tight t-shirt, that revealed a muscular chest and stomach. In addition you could see that his nipples were pierced with a set of tit rings visible through the tight material. On his feet were a simple pair of loafers with no socks. Also his slave collar could be clearly seen above the neck of his t-shirt. Seeing the two of them together they were quite a contrast. He stood next to his Master at attention, hands clasped behind his back and head bowed to look at the floor. Even as we walked up he never looked up or even acknowledged our approach. His Master on the other hand saw us and smiled broadly at Rick. When we got close enough he extended his hand for Rick to shake and acted like Rick was an old friend. In imitation of the slave in front of me I brought myself to attention. I bowed my head and clasped my hands behind me. I was going to show this Master that I was just as well trained a slave as his boy was. I kept my head down as Rick said, "It's good to finally meet you Robert. We have e-mailed so much, I feel like I have known you forever. This must be your boy. Impressive I must say. It seems like you have trained him well."

"Thank you Rick," the Master, I now knew to be Robert, replied. "Position 2c NOW, boy!" I heard him add, to I assumed his slave.

I raised my eyes just enough to see the boy drop to his knees on the floor next to his Master. As he did, he kept his head bowed and hands firmly clasped behind him. I was a little worried that someone would notice and wonder what was going on, but no one seemed to care. If they did wonder what was going on they chose to ignore it. "Very nice, you do have him trained well." Rick said. His voice carrying a tone of admiration. "I think perhaps my boys need to learn to do that. What do you think Alex? Let's give it a try. Position 2c, NOW, boy!"

Dear God, Rick expected me to drop to my knees just like the slave in front of me! He really didn't want me to do it here in public did he? My mind quickly grasped that yes he did. He was showing me off in front of Master Robert. Even though I really didn't want to I dropped to my knees and assumed the same position as Master Robert's slave I did. As I did, I wondered if this was position 2c what were the other positions Master Robert had taught his slave to assume on command. As my knees hit the floor I heard Master Robert's voice say, "Not bad, Rick, you seem to have your boy trained well too."

"Thanks. This should be fun, Robert. I am going to enjoy learning a few pointers from you on how to handle my boys. Thankfully we have a whole week," Rick responded. Then addressing Jose he ordered him to go and find our luggage so we could get out of the airport.

I heard Jose move off. I wished that Rick would allow me to get back up but I would stay exactly where I was until I was instructed to do otherwise. Thankfully Rick ordered me back to my feet shortly after Jose left. I came back to my feet and resumed standing at attention as before. Master Robert slave however, remained on his knees until Jose returned lugging our bags. Only then did Master Robert say, "Up boy it's time to go."

Master Robert directed us out of the terminal toward the parking garage. As he did he said to Rick, "Are you sure you still want to waste all that money on a hotel? I know you really want to stay on the beach, but I would really enjoy it if you would stay with me. You can always go spend the day at the beach. I have two extra bedrooms and I have much better storage facilities, shall we say, for you slaves. Plus think of all the money you will save. I even have an extra car you are welcome to use."

"I have to admit it is tempting. When you first suggested it I had really wanted to stay on the beach. But the more I have thought about it the better staying with you sounds. I know you told me you have quite a dungeon and I would love to try it out on Alex and Jose. Hell, I still have time to cancel the hotel. Sure I would love to stay with you. Besides that way it will be easier for you to take me to your bondage club's next meeting," Rick replied.

Master Robert had a dungeon? We were going to a bondage club meeting? I didn't think I really liked the idea of either of those. Not that I really had any choice. Whatever Rick wanted was what was going to happen. Who was this guy and how did Rick know him? I had a feeling that our vacation was going to be a little bit different than I had envisioned it. As what seems to be my mantra, I had no idea!

Let me break in on Alex here for just a minute. I want to give you a little background on how I knew Robert. When I had first started planning our trip I had gone on line to find out what clubs there were in the area that I could take Alex and Jose to. In doing a little exploring I came across information on a bondage club. I contacted one of the people listed for it who happened to be Robert. We started e-mailing and immediately hit it off. I sent him pictures of my slaves and he sent me pictures of his boy. I quickly realized that I could learn quite a bit from him and wanted to meet him while in Florida. The more we talked the better friends we became until he offered to pick us up at the airport and then made the offer to stay at his house. Initially I didn't want to, but the more I thought about his dungeon the more I liked the idea.

Let me skip ahead in Alex's narrative to our arrival at Robert's house. Alex goes into a rather long description of Robert's slave sucking my cock in car, but you don't really need to hear about that. Though I must say, Robert had trained his boy well! But what I want to get to is Alex's reaction to Robert's dungeon. So back to Alex:

We were driving through a area of old warehouses on our way to Master Robert's house. I was surprised when he turned into the driveway to one of them and even more surprised when he pushed a remote and the chain link gate to the parking lot started rolling back. As he drove through and the gate shut behind us I was really wondering what was going on. The lot was empty and directly in front of us was an old two story warehouse. Where was he taking us? Then he pushed another button on the remote and a large door on the front of building started rolling back. As it did it revealed a large garage with two other cars parked inside. Master Robert drove ths Lexus inside and parked as the door shut sealing us inside. "Welcome to my house, Rick. I know I told you about it but I think you will like it," Master Robert said as he turned off the ignition.

Master Robert got out of the car and motioned for his boy to get out too. Rick followed, ordering Jose and I out of the car. Master Robert's slave walked immediately across the floor to a small door. Master Robert followed him, unlocking the door with a key. As he did he said to Rick, "The boy isn't allowed to wear clothes in the house. He knows that he is to immediately strip upon coming home. The few things that I allow him to wear when we do go out are kept locked in here. If you want, you are welcome to put your boys things in here while you are staying."

The slave opened the door and immediately removed his clothes. He put them neatly away inside the closet. Then he removed a set of leather wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs. He placed them on himself then padlocked them in place with locks he also removed from the closet. Next he brought out a leather cock gag. The slave slid the cock into his mouth, buckled it tightly behind his head, then secured it with another padlock. He then came to attention, standing naked waiting for orders. I now had the answer to my question from earlier, had the bulge in his crotch been natural or was his cock bound up tight like mine. It was a little of both. His cock and balls were large, but they were made even bigger looking with a heavy metal cock ring tight around the base. In addition he was shaved like Jose and I which made him even larger. Master Robert inspected the locks to make sure they were properly secured then said, "The boy wears the gag all the time unless I want to put his mouth to use for something. The only other time I remove it is to let him eat. There is a small hose that comes out the front so he can drink from his dish. In my opinion keeping his mouth gagged reminds him that it is only good for my pleasure. Besides he isn't allowed to speak anyway, so what earthly reason does he really need a mouth for except sucking cock."

Now it was Jose's and my turn to strip. Rick ordered us to the closet. We moved quickly and removed the few clothes we had on. With the closet door opened I was able to look inside. Only one small shelf had anything on it. The clothes the slave had been wearing and what looked like a small bathing suit. That was all there was. I assumed that this was the extent of the clothes Master Robert allowed his boy to have. Jose and I neatly folded our clothes and placed them on one of the empty shelves. Once done with this we turned around and came to attention facing Rick. Now there were three naked slave boys ready for their Master's commands. "Present yourself boy," Master Robert ordered his slave.

His boy walked straight across the floor to stand in front of Rick. He stood there at attention, head bowed, hands clasped behind him in the small of his back, feet spread wide apart. Rick walked around him inspecting him like he was a piece of meat. He tested the muscles in his arms and legs. Rick grabbed his cock and balls feeling them in his hand. He then turned to Master Robert and said, "Nice, you have good taste. Now it's my boys turn. Jose, Alex, present yourselves."

We hurried to comply. This was something we were both very familiar with. Still, though, I always hated it. There was something about being treated like a piece of meat or a trained animal that I always found humiliating. Rick had tried to break me of this feeling. He had explained to me that a slave should be proud to be shown off by his Master. Yes, I was proud to belong to Rick. Yes, I wanted him to be proud of me, but I still found it humiliating. Despite everything I still didn't like being used by anyone other than Rick. After Master Robert was finished with his inspection, he congratulated Rick on his choice in slaves. Rick responded, "Thank you, I am actually very proud of both of them. Now, your boy has his cuffs on I need to get Alex's back on him. How about showing me your famous dungeon. I would like to unpack the toys I brought with me. That way I kind get Alex's cuffs out and back on his wrists and ankles where they belong."

Master Robert indicated another door on the far side of the garage. Rick followed him after ordering Jose to get the bag with our toys in it. I waited where I was until Rick ordered me to his side. Master Robert unlocked the door with a key pad set in the wall next to it. When the green light flashed he opened the door so we could enter. As he did he ordered his slave to follow him. We walked through the door into a huge space. It easily covered half the old warehouse and it was open to the ceiling two floors up. My eyes couldn't believe all the things that Master Robert had in the space. I was actually scared because. knowing Rick. he would want to try everything out during the course of our visit. Master Robert directed Rick to a set of shelves on one side of the room where he could unpack our toys. Jose carried the bag over and Rick started rummaging around. He set items on the shelves until he found my cuffs. While he was doing this my eyes were taking in the room. There were several different racks, several bondage tables, a horse, slings, and a few other things that I didn't know for sure what they were. Hanging from the ceiling were various chains, ropes, and pulleys. Along one wall there was nothing but cages of every size and shape. To be honest I was jealous. I would have loved to have all this at home for Rick to use on us.

Once Rick found the cuffs, he strapped them on my wrists and ankles, securing them as always with padlocks. It felt so right to have them back where they belonged. I had worn them almost continually for so long they were part of me. Once the cuffs were secured Rick pulled my hands back behind my back and locked the cuffs together. Then he turned his attention to the ball harness which he removed. I assumed he would replace my chastity belt but he didn't. Knowing him he had something else in mind. Next he replaced my slave collar. Then one last item was added. Rick found my cock gag that almost exactly matched the one Master Robert had locked on his slave. Rick strapped it in my mouth and locked it in place. Once done with me he turned his attention to Jose. He removed the cock ring and replaced it with a ball stretcher which he locked on. Jose's slave collar was locked back in place then Rick said, "Robert, I want to leave Alex here for a while so you can show me the house and I can get settled. That cage over there seems like a good place. Do you mind if I use it?"

"Of course," Master Robert replied. "In fact I think I'll leave my boy down here too. I assume you are bringing Jose so he can carry your bags and unpack. That means I really don't need my boy right now. If I need anything I will just borrow yours."

Rick grabbed my shoulder and directed me to a small upright cage. He opened the door and shoved me in so my back was against the rear bars. There was just barely room for me and I would be forced to stand up. Rick closed the door trapping me inside. Once he did he grabbed my cock and proceeded to place it and my balls in a small set of steel stocks built into the front of the cage door. In order for him to get them in I was forced to stand slightly on my toes with my heels off the floor. He pulled them through the stocks then brought the top down trapping my cock and balls where they were. I couldn't move an inch between the cage and the stocks. Rick found two locks that had been hanging on the side of the cage and locked the cage door, then the stocks. I definitely wasn't going anywhere until he came back. He stood back and surveyed his work. With a pleased tone to his voice Rick said, "You can stand there for awhile, you sat enough on the plane."

While Rick had been locking me up Master Robert had been getting his boy settled. He simply cuffed his hands behind him then added a ball stretcher which he locked on. He then locked the stretcher to a ring in the middle of the floor. His slave looked so small in such a huge space locked all alone in the middle of the floor. I actually felt sorry for him. But then I realized, he got to sit down. I was locked standing up until Rick decided to let me go. I looked longingly after them as Rick, Jose, and Master Robert walked back into the garage. I really didn't want to be here all by myself. Oh yes, Master Robert's slave was in the same room, but I didn't even know his name. What was really scary was how hard my cock was getting just thinking about being so far from home, in a strange place, and locked up tight! All I could hope was that the rest of our trip would be as good.

Good place to stop Alex. We have they stage set for the rest of the trip. Now you, the reader, have a good idea just how awesome our vacation was. For anyone who wonders what Robert's slave's name is, I have no idea. He had never told me and in the entire time we were there I never heard him called anything besides boy or slave. I even asked Robert out of curiosity and he told me that slave or boy was good enough, it didn't need any other name. I must admit I liked that idea. Totally remove the boys sense of self. No name, mouth plugged all the time, just a thing that belonged to it's Master. Now, that I am reminded of this again as I read this, I start getting all sorts of ideas!

As always PLEASE let us know what you think. Alex loves to hear about the e-mails I get. Some of them scare him though because of the things people want me to try on him.


Next: Chapter 32

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