I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jun 10, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 30

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Hello there loyal reader. I have had so many e-mails from you. Everyone wants to hear more of what they like the best. But what I have decided to bring you in this and the next couple posts is Alex's account of the vacation we took just before school started last Fall. I for one really had a great time and I think that you guys will have a great time reading about it. Let me set the stage for you. As you might recall, when Alex and my contract was up, we signed a new one that would take us through the four years that Alex would be in college. Our vacation trip took place after that contract had come into affect, so I wasn't required to keep Alex's hands tied behind him all the time. There just wouldn't be a way to take the trip I had planned if Alex had to be kept tied up all the time.

I planned the trip for the middle of August. We were going to fly from Texas to Ft. Lauderdale Florida and as we would be staying on the beach. I wanted it hot and sunny. I had booked us into a hotel right on the beach for an entire week. At the end of the week we were going to rent a car and drive up to Orlando for a couple nights then come back to Ft. Lauderdale for the plane trip home. Now that I have set the stage let me turn this account over to my dear little slave boy, Alex:

I looked at the clothes that Rick had laid out for me to wear. He had kept me naked for so long I had trouble picturing myself any other way. But today we were going to fly to Florida and as Rick explained, there was no way I was going to be allowed on a plane naked. Rick had set out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. As I started to reach for them Rick stopped me. "Wait Alex I have a little something for you before you get dressed," he said holding a large rubber butt plug in his hand.

Rick ordered me to bend over and applying lube to my ass hole he shoved the plug deep inside me. I felt like my ass was being split apart, then my ass closed on the narrow end sealing it inside me. "Now you can get dressed,' he said patting me on the ass, "I know it's big, but don't complain. The one Jose is wearing is bigger."

After Rick left I put the clothes on. He had already removed my chastity belt earlier. Rick had given me the pants and shirt in a size that was to big on me. I wondered about that, but knowing Rick there was a good reason. And usually his good reason was something that I would end up not enjoying. When I had laced the shoes up and tried the I went to find Rick and Jose.

They were both in the living room. Rick had made Jose bring the luggage out there earlier. Rick was inspecting Jose to make sure his clothes passed inspection. Were my clothes were loose, Jose's were just the opposite. His jeans and t-shirt were skin tight, revealing every plane and muscle in his chest and abdomen. You could clearly see his tit rings poking through the material. I was quite sure that as tight as his jeans were that they were digging his butt plug hard into his ass. When I arrived Rick inspected me to make sure I passed. I assumed I did, as after looking me over he ordered Jose to get the luggage loaded into the car.

Rick had four large duffle bags and a large carry on bag loaded down for the trip. I knew that at least one entire bag contained nothing but items from our toy collection. I knew that as far as Jose and I were concerned other than a swim suit and a set of dress clothes we were pretty much already wearing what Rick had packed for us. Jose got the car loaded. Then Rick handcuffed our hands behind us and put is in the back seat. He seat belted us in, then climbed in the front for the trip to the airport. As we drove I started getting excited. The only place I had been in a very long time was to Rick's family cabin. Now I was actually going to get on a plane and take a real trip. This was going to be great!

We got to the parking lot and Rick unlocked our hands. He ordered Jose to get the bags out of the trunk. I just stood there with my head down waiting for instructions. The airport shuttle bus pulled up and Rick ordered me on board. He grabbed his carry on leaving Jose to get the four large duffle bags onto the bus. When we reached the airport Rick indicated I should get out first. He again grabbed his carry on and made Jose haul the rest of the luggage. Rick got us checked in, then it was time to go through security. Jose and I both had rings in our tits and I was quite sure they would set off the metal detector. I had asked Rick to please remove them for this but he had adamantly refused. I was his slave and if my tit rings set off the detector than I should be proud of the mark of ownership he had given me was what he informed me.

Rick went through first and of course didn't set it off. I could see him standing at the back watching me as I went through. I had no more than stepped in when the thing beeped. I know I must have turned bright red as I was so embarrassed. The guard pulled me off to one side and I told him what had set off the machine. He made me raise my shirt up so he could see the rings, then ran his wand over my chest. He finally let me lower my shirt. God, I was totally humiliated having the whole world see my tit rings. I walked over to where Rick was waiting. He patted me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Good boy. I am proud of you. Don't ever be ashamed of those, they mean you belong to me."

As he said that it hit me, Yes I was proud of them. I loved being owned by Rick! Next it was Jose's turn. He of course set off the machine too. The same guard that had inspected me waved Jose over. Jose raised his shirt. Though he really didn't need to, as tight as it was the guard could clearly see the rings through the material. The guard gave Jose a funny look, like, God two in a row, then waved his wand and let Jose proceed. When Jose joined us Rick directed both of us to the nearest bathroom. "All right boys, now that we are past that I need to get you into what you are wearing the rest of the trip."

I should have known that Rick had more than just a butt plug planned for the flight. He was never one to let a cock go unharnessed! We entered the bathroom and Rick led me to a handicap stall. He opened the door and we both slipped inside. Once inside he locked the door and set his bag down. He rummaged around for a minute and pulled out a cock and ball harness. Now I knew why he had given me baggy pants to wear. If they had been tight, I would have never gotten them on once he had put the harness on me. It was an especially wicked looking one. It first circled the cock and balls at the root, like a cock ring. Then it had a short leather piece that went around my cock and laced up tight keeping my cock hard in a state of semi arousal. Additionally it had straps that separated and lifted my balls out and away from my body. They were adjustable so they could be set to apply as much or as little pressure on the balls as was wanted. Needless to say Rick cinched them down almost as tight as he could. Once done applying the harness he secured it on with several small locks. Rick then made me pull my pants back up. He once again rummaged in his bag and got out a pair of tit clamps. He made me pull up my shirt and he attached them to my tits. He fit them over the rings and then let the chain drop onto my chest. He gave the chain a hard yank. This elicited a sharp gasp from he. My sounds seemed to make Rick happy as he ordered me to pull down my shirt. He inspected me to make sure that my crotch wasn't to obvious through my pants. He decided that if I stood and walked just right it would be fine. Once satisfied Rick sent me out and made Jose come in.

As I waited outside I wondered what Rick could possibly pit on Jose with his pants as tight as they were. I found out latter that Rick fitted him with a simple metal cock ring. Just enough to constantly remind him that his cock and balls were not his, but that they belonged to Rick. Both of them finally emerged and we headed for our gate. When we got there we still had a little bit before the plane boarded so Rick found us seats. I gingerly lowered myself down, making sure my cock and ball harness was positioned just right. Even then between the plug and the harness sitting wasn't really very comfortable. It was going to be a long flight to Florida! Rick must have read my mind as he said quietly, "Let me guess, sitting isn't something you really want to do right now is it? Why do you think I picked what I did? I want your trip to Florida to be one you'll remember for awhile."

I shifted around in my chair trying to find a position that would be a little more comfortable but gave up. Nothing I did made sitting any better. What with a big plug wedged up my ass and my cock and balls tied so tight that they felt like a couple of goose eggs sitting between my legs. Thankfully the airline was soon calling for our flight and I got to stand up. It felt better at least for a few minutes, but I knew that soon I would be stuck in one of those small airline seats for the duration of the over two hour flight into Ft. Lauderdale. God, Rick could be sadistic bastard! But then again I was a born masochist and I really loved every minute of it.

We boarded our flight and Rick led the way to the seats he had picked out for us. He indicated Jose should take the window seat. He then directed me to the center seat with Rick taking the aisle. As soon as we had sat down Rick asked for a blanket. When the steward brought it Rick opened it and covered me up with it. Once he had done this he ordered me quietly in my ear, "Alex you will kick off your shoes and slide your pants down until they are at knee level."

I reluctantly did as Rick had ordered. The idea of sitting naked on the seat of the plane with people all around me scared me shitless. But not obeying Rick scared me even worse. I quickly kicked off my shoes and slid them under the seat in front of me. Then I undid my pants and worked them down. I tried hard to do it as unobtrusively as possible. I lifted my ass just enough to slide the pants down and worked at it until I had them at the level of my knees. When Rick could tell I was finished he lifted the arm rest between us and slid his hand under the blanket. He grabbed my cock and pumped it a few times, then his hand dropped down to my tightly bound balls. He cradled them in his hand and rolled them gently like they were a couple of marbles. His ministrations certainly had an effect. Within just a few minutes I was hard as a rock and leaking precum. I was sure I would leave a puddle on the seat when I got up. After what seemed like forever Rick stopped. He wiped his hand down my cock getting precum all over it. He then pulled his hand out from under the blanket and held it up to my mouth. He turned, so his back hid me from the aisle, and he made me lick all my precum off his hand. When I had finished he instructed me to put my seat belt on and he picked up a magazine out of the seat pocket in front of him. I buckled my seatbelt, feeling my still rock hard cock throbbing under the blanket. God, this was going to be a long flight!

Soon the plane was ready to take off. Once we got in the air Rick slid his hand back under the blanket, just to see if I was still hard. I didn't disappoint him. I was still just as hard as before. For some reason I just couldn't get my mind off my cock. Rick however pulled his hand away quickly and instead reached up under my shirt and started pulling on the chain connected to my tit clamps. They had, by this point, been on long enough that my tits had numbed up and adjusted to the pressure. But with Rick pulling on the chain I was quickly sucking air through my teeth to fight the growing pain emanating from my chest. Rick didn't seem to care, as he kept it up until the drink cart started down the aisle. Needless to say the plane was flying high, and so was I on the steady pain in my tits. I was very glad when the cart arrived at our aisle and Rick was forced to stop. He ordered himself a beer and water for Jose and I. While he sipped at his beer he left me alone for awhile and gave my poor tits a chance to calm back down. My cock was still hard, but at least the pain in my tits had subsided.

I sipped at my water until Rick again turned his attention to me. "Alex, you are to take your left hand and place in under your ass. I want you to push the plug into your ass as hard as you can. You will then let off and do it again. I want you to ride that plug like it was my cock wedged inside you." Rick told me in my ear.

I did as Rick ordered. I started pushing the plug hard into my ass. I released it quickly and allowed it to slide back to it's normal position. I worked that plug in and out of my ass. With each stroke I was getting more and more turned on. My hard cock was throbbing and I could feel the precum dripping down it and puddling on the seat under my ass. I wanted Rick's cock buried in me and I wanted to cum so bad I could hardly stand it. I felt my breath coming quicker and quicker. As always Rick knew right where I was. He knew how close I was and how badly I needed to cum. He laid his hand on my leg and ordered me to stop. Rick just rested his hand there. I wished so badly that he would reach over and stroke my dick. But he just kept his hand on my leg. With his other hand he held up a small package so I could see it. I was surprised to see that it was a condom. "Alex, I want you to put this on your dick. Then you will do whatever it takes to loose that hardon. I want you to get it under control then I want you to pull your pants back up," Rick said to me in a low voice.

I took the condom and slipped it over my dick. Just the movement of putting it on made me almost cum. Once I had it on I started thinking about everything and anything I could that help me loose the raging erection I had going on. After what seemed like forever I finally managed to get myself under enough control that I felt I could pull my pants back up. I worked them under my ass and pulled them back up until I could snap them closed and zip them up. As soon as I had finished Rick picked the blanket up off me. Once again he leaned in close and gave me orders. Alex," Rick said, "You will go to the bathroom. When you get there you will remove the butt plug. Then you will stroke you dick and get it hard again. You will wait there until I knock on the door. When I do you will open it so I can slip in behind you. You see we are going to join the mile high club. I am going to fuck your ass in the bathroom and maybe just maybe I will let you cum too."

Dear God, my heart almost exploded in my chest! Rick was going to let me cum! He was actually going to let me cum! It wasn't even my day to be allowed, and yet he was going to let me cum! But, the idea of doing it in a plane's bathroom scared me half to death. However, as horny as I was right then I would have done it in the middle of the aisle with everyone watching , just to get to cum! I marshaled my rampant erection and managed to get out of my seat. If I stood just right, maybe no one would see the hard on I was still sprouting. I headed down the aisle to the bathroom. I picked the one in the center of the plane. The other two were in the back near the stewardess' area. I really didn't want them to suspect what was going on in the bathroom. I entered and locked the door behind me. I quickly dropped my pants. I decided to slip my shirt off to, just in case that was what Rick would want. Then, standing in the bathroom, mostly naked, I reached around and grabbed the butt plug. With a quick pull I yanked it out of my ass. As it slid out I actually felt empty. But soon, VERY soon, Rick would fill it back up. I washed the plug off in the sink and set it on the small counter. I was pretty sure Rick would put it back in me when we were done. Once done with all this I grabbed my cock in my hand and started stroking it. With the leather covering laced on, all I really could get at was the head, which was covered with the condom. But even then it felt incredible to have my own hand on my own dick. It had been so long since I had actually felt my own dick. In no time I was right back at the edge. I needed so badly to cum. I stood there desperately waiting for Rick.

Shortly I heard a small knock on the door, then Rick's voice telling me it was him. I slid back the lock and he wedged himself into the small space with me. He quickly re-locked the door, then roughly turned me around so I was facing the back wall. I assume he must have dropped his pants because shortly I felt his hard cock pressing at my asshole. I was amazed how hard he was. But then knowing him, torturing me makes him hard as hell. Rick grabbed the chain connected to my tit clamps and pulling down sharply on it while thrusting his hard cock into my ready hole. Feeling his hard throbbing cock buried deep inside me was incredible. Rick pulled harder on the chain as he continued thrusting in and out of my hungry ass. I felt his cock grow even harder as it pulsed inside me. My own cock throbbed in the air desperate to cum. Rick pumped at my ass and soon I knew he was getting close to cumming. His hand pulling on the tit clamp chain kept up it's painful attack. His other hand reached around me and found my cock. He started stroking me in rhythm with his movements inside me. God, his hand felt so awesome. Rick stroked my cock harder as he kept up the steady attack on my ass. I moved my hips in a steady beat, using every trick I knew to make it as incredible for him as I could. I felt his cock grow bigger in my ass and I knew he was close. As he got closer his hands assault on my cock increased in intensity. Soon I knew I could not hold back any longer. Just as I started cumming I felt Rick doing the same in my ass. I wanted to scream so badly but knew I couldn't. If I did the whole plane would know what we were doing. I blew wave after wave of cum into the condom, as Rick blew wave after wave of cum into my ass. When we both had finally finished, my legs almost buckled under me. It had been so long since Rick and I had done this. It was incredible!

"You did good, Alex." Rick told me as he pulled out of my ass. "Now, get yourself cleaned up and put the plug back in your ass. Then get your ass back to your seat. We have a lot more vacation yet to enjoy."

With that he grabbed a paper towel and wiped himself off. Then pulling up his pants he opened the door and left me all alone. I quickly re-locked the door and cleaned myself up. As I pulled my ass cheeks apart to shove the plug back in all I could think of was, if this was any indication, this was going to be a great vacation.

Let me stop Alex right there. I must admit that having sex in that bathroom was incredible! I had always wanted to do it. I know, why did I let Alex cum? To be quite honest, I wanted both of us to have this experience together. Now we both belong to the mile high club. I hope you can tell from this journal entry, I had a great vacation planned. But you will learn that in the next couple posts. As always let me know what you think BNDMAster13@yahoo.com. My beloved Alex really enjoys your e-mails.

Next: Chapter 31

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