I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on May 1, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 3

by: bndmaster13@yahoo.com

Hi friends, Rick here. I must say that I really appreciate all of you who have contacted me regarding Alex's little stories. I decided to tell him about the responses and he was very excited. At least I assumed he was. I had him in a full hood and gag at the time but I noticed a distinct change in his breathing. In my mind that was excitement.

In this posting I have very little to say as I want to get right to my slave boy's musings. The one I have chosen is one of my favorites. I can't help but get a warm feeling in my crotch when I remember that day. A warm feeling in my crotch, that reminds me I have had Alex tied up since this morning. He doesn't even know I am home yet. Tell you what, I am going to let him tell you his story while I go let Alex know I have cum home. Or is that I am home and ready to cum? Anyway, now over to Alex:

In one of my last writings I believe that I talked about the one time I tried to fight Rick about tying me up. As I have reflected on that account I have felt guilt. I am so concerned that if Rick publishes it anyone reading it will think badly of him. He is the most wonderful person I have ever met. He loves me so much and I love him so much. If he didn't love me why would he put up with me. I realize that I am the one that wanted this bondage contract. All he has done is fulfill my wish. Well perhaps he enjoys devising ways to hurt my body but he also knows that it is what I need and want. So I decided that the next time Rick allowed me to write I was going to tell about how good he can be to me.

We were perhaps 4 months into our contract. Rick had been having an exceptionally busy time with classes and I had been tied up alone more than usual. When you have no life other than waiting for you Master to return and use you it is easy to get lonely. I will never forget that particular day and how it began. It was a Friday morning before a 3 day weekend. Rick had been studying all week for a test that day. He woke up early because he couldn't sleep. He woke me up for the day by about 5am. He put me through my usual morning routine. By 6am we were done. Rick still had several hours before class and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was in a mood. "Alex," he said, " As you know this is going to be a hell of a day for me. Guess what it is going to be a hell of a day for you too." With that he took me back into my room. I have come to think of the second bedroom and it's closet as my room.

He began by getting a full leather hood out and lacing my head tight into it. The one he picked had no eye holes only a hole at the mouth. After lacing it on to the point were it was seriously constricting my head he tied it off and I heard one of his lock click into place. God how he loves locks. I knew instinctively that he would never leave my mouth empty. He did not disappoint me. He attached a penis gag to my hood. You must understand here, why I say disappoint. I am tied up all day long. When I have a cock gag in my mouth I can at least spend my time imagining that it is Rick in my mouth. Over the months that I have been tied up continually it has been that thought, Rick's cock, that has gotten me through. Just imagining him filling my mouth and allowing me to give him pleasure. Hearing his imagined sighs in my ears. Imagining the feeling of his cock throbbing and anticipating tasting his cum in my mouth. Lord, why do I write this? My own cock is throbbing uselessly just thinking about it. Anyway let me get back to my story.

When Rick finished with the hood I felt him adjusting my arms and shortly the leather arm binder he has used on our very first night was being cinched onto them. Rick had become quite a fan of this particular bondage item. He brought home a library book about soldiers in Vietnam being tortured by having there arms bound together behind their backs just like the arm binder does. More than once Rick has cinched it so tight that I have thought my arms were going to come out of their sockets and my breast bone was going to split in half. Then he will beat my ass and pretend he is an interrogator and I have information he wants. He never tells me though what he wants so all I can do is endure the torture as I have no idea what the correct answer is. Trust me no answer I give is ever right. Usually while he beats my ass he applies the strongest pair of clamps we own to my tits. When your chest is pushed out to the point of splitting in half clamps hurt so bad that all you want to do is scream. But as I said Rick is playing at being a Vietnamese torturer so of course he is going to hurt me as much as he can. Conversely I am supposed to be an American war prisoner so I am supposed to take it.

That morning Rick laced the binder as tight as he could. He then tied my wrists to a rope and pulled the rope up through the ceiling hook in the middle of the room. He pulled them up until I was on my tip toes and tied it off. Next came the ankle restraints. He added a spreader bar and pulled my feet apart to the point where I had to really work at balancing on my tip toes. This was going to be hard, but as he pointed out his tests were going to be hard. He had to sweat about his tests, I had to sweat too. Next came tit clamps set deep into my tits. Rick added weights to keep them pulled down and hurting until such time as he released them. Lastly he added a weights to the ball harness I was already wearing. He slapped my ass and told me to have a good morning. "I'll be back after my tests are done. Don't miss me to much." Just as he shut the door he added, "If you are good I have a special treat for you." With that he shut the door and left. I few minutes latter I heard the front door shut and I knew he was gone. There I hung all alone. I really couldn't tell which hurt worse my tits or my arms. I hung there for awhile wondering what his special treat was but eventually the pain overwhelmed everything else and I was forced to tune out and just wait for Rick to return and let me loose.

I couldn't tell you how long I hung there. But then again if it wasn't for Rick I wouldn't have any idea of time. When you are tied up simply waiting for you Master to return time is irrelevant. The only time that matters is the time he spends with you. It doesn't even matter if all he does is fuck your face and beat your ass. He is still spending time with you and you are eagerly awaiting the time when he will use you again. Because maybe that time he will take you in his arms and hold you. Gently kissing you, fondling your hair, stroking your skin. Whispering in your ear how much he loves you. The rest of the time just knowing you are pleasing him by taking what he gives you makes everything tolerable, if not all right.

Rick finally returned. I heard him enter the door. He came almost right over to me and slapped my ass. That sent the weights bouncing madly and reawakened nerves that I had tuned out. Despite the pain, the tone in Rick's voice made me happy. "Slave I think I aced them. You know I do love you. Knowing you were here waiting for me gave me all the help I needed to pass. I have a surprise for you. We are going to my parents cabin this weekend." My heart leapt in my chest. I knew exactly where he was talking about. About 2 hours out of town his family had a little cabin in the woods. Rick and I had been there many times and I loved it. This would be the first time in 4 months that I had been out of our apartment. Yes Rick had taken me to a local leather club a couple of times but to really get out. I was so excited. Rick lightly stroked my ass and said, "Alex we are going to have a great time. Because I did so well today, I don't have classes again until Wednesday morning. We can stay 4 days. Just you and me."

He released me from all my bondage gear except my ever present cuffs. He also left the ball harness on me. Rick drew my to him and kissed me sensuously on the lips sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. "Slave I actually wish I could untie you. I want your arms around me so bad. Do realize how much I miss that? But your hands are staying right where they are. I kind of like them there. It leaves your body so open and vulnerable." His hands gently moved over my body. He massaged my shoulders trailing down to my nipples, which he rolled between his fingers. I wanted so bad to have my hands loose so I could feel his strong muscles under my touch, but for 9 months yet that wasn't going to happen. Once again I had no idea what I was getting myself into. If I had even envisioned 13 months without stroking his skin I probably would never have done it. Thankfully however, I still had my mouth so I leaned into to him and started kissing his chest. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and lightly ran my tongue down the muscled planes of his stomach. I french kissed his belly button and then reached for his pants with my mouth. Rick however pulled me away telling me that we had a whole weekend ahead of us and he wanted to get on the road. I sighed in disappointment but knew he was right we had all weekend.

He let me follow him around as he packed the things we would need. He took me to the bathroom and then we were ready to go. Rick had purchased a long trench coat for me so we could get to the car with no one realizing I was tied up. He helped me into it and I followed him to the car. He settled me into the front seat. He climbed in behind the wheel. Rick leaned over and gave me a kiss. He started the car and reached over to lay his right hand on my crotch and we were off. It was a wonderful trip. Just 2 friends enjoying the drive and the music. The only difference was that one had his hands tied behind him and was naked accept for a ball harness. We kissed a few times and Rick lovingly stroked my cock a few times on the drive. I wanted so bad to fondle him but my hands just wouldn't let me. We finally arrived at the cabin. In the car Rick helped me out of the over coat and led me inside. The cabin had no neighbors for miles so I really did not need clothes. The whole trip was wonderful and Rick was very imaginative in those 4 days but one thing really stands out in my mind and that is what I want to write about here.

I had begun this account to tell you how much I am loved. The 1st full day we were there was Saturday. It was a beautiful day. Next to the cabin is a big open grassy meadow. When Rick and I had been there before we had always played frisbee in that field. I had always enjoyed it. When Rick reminded me of it and suggested we do it again I must admit I thought he was a little crazy. How were we going to do that with my hands tied behind my back? Needless to say Rick had it planned. He led me outside. I was of course naked with my hands cuffed behind me. Rick had put a simple leather cock ring on me as he said he enjoyed the way it made my cock and balls look so big. He would always say that and then stroke my cock and add, "so big looking but so little use." When we got outside Rick simply threw the frisbee into the field. He pointed at it and said, "fetch slave." I looked at him and realized what he wanted. He was going to throw it and I was going to run after it, fetch it, and bring it back. My eyes must have had a look in them because Rick, stroked my head and said, "Please boy, fetch it. Make me proud." That was all the encouragement I needed. I ran after the frisbee, my full balls and hard cock bouncing between my legs. I found the frisbee and knelt down to get it with my teeth. I ran back to Rick with it as fast as I could. He took it from me stroked my head, telling me I was a good boy. As he threw it again he told me me, "I love you boy, fetch." Once again like a shot I was after it at quickly returned it to Rick to throw again. Thinking back on it if anyone could have seen us they would have really wondered. Rick standing on the porch throwing a frisbee and me a naked man with his hands cuffed behind his back fetching it. But to me it was perfect. After the first couple of throws Rick started kissing me and stroking my hair when I returned the frisbee. This made me even more eager to get it back to him. Running all the harder after the frisbee just to make Rick happy. I have no idea how long we played. I don't even care. I felt so free and happy at that moment it could have lasted forever. When we finally finished we made passionate love right there in the grass. Well Rick did anyway. It wasn't my time to get to cum. But I did everything in my ability to make him happy. In doing that I made myself happy. My use was and still is to make Rick happy.

Rick again - I am going to cut this off here. Alex gets a little maudlin but you get the idea. I must add that I to enjoyed playing fetch very much. Watching Alex run naked after that frisbee was awesome. To be honest seeing his big cock and balls hanging out like that turned me on. Just flopping uselessly between his legs knowing he only cums when I let him. Such a feeling of power. But then Alex makes it so easy. As always if anyone wants to hear more of Alex's rambling just let me know. bndmaster13@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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