I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Feb 15, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 28

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

My guess is that some of you have just finish the last post and here you see another one. But I did say I would try and post several, just to sort of catch everyone up. My hope is that Alex, still has lots of loyal readers out there. I have decided to pick one this time that is just a little bit different. Let me set the stage for it.

I had been reading a story on line that really caught my interest. It was something that I had thought about once or twice but never seriously considered. The story described a Master having his slave tie him up. Once the Master was tied down the slave was given permission to do whatever he wanted to his Master. Remembering that whatever he did his Master would punish him for latter. The slave was to keep the Master's cock hard but deny him cumming until the slave decided to let him cum. In the story the slave kept his Master tied up all evening before he finally let him cum and released him. He tortured his Master with hot wax and clothes pins, causing him pain while still working to keep his cock hard. The more I read the story the more the idea turned me on. Now, don't get me wrong, I am very much the dominant sadist, but seeing if I could take what my boys could dish out really intrigued me. In addition, I am an addict when it comes to being turned on, almost cumming, but denying it to myself. I will make myself wait and wait, but I have never not had control of when and how it happened. Maybe, just maybe, I thought, I would give the idea a try. Let Alex and Jose tie me up and see if I could take it. Let me state right here, I Had No Idea what I was getting myself into! I never dreamed my two slaves would give me even half of what they did. It was absolutely awesome! I can't say I will ever do it again. I am the Master and I like always being in control, but who knows. Trust me, when you read this, both boys were severely punished. Yes, they were technically following my orders, but they both went into knowing that I would punish them for whatever they did to me. I almost think it gave them the attitude, in for a penny in for a pound. Well enough of my wanderings let me turn this over to Alex:

We were eating breakfast one morning in our usual spots. Me on the floor eating out of my bowl, Jose kneeling next to Rick holding his plate, and Rick of course sitting at the table. It was a normal breakfast at our house, if you can actually call that normal. However, Rick certainly made it anything but normal with his announcement. I actually stopped eating and looked at him to make sure he was serious. I really thought he was kidding. But the look on his face told me he was very serious. He explained that he had been reading a story on the internet that had really intrigued him. In the story a Master had allowed his slave to tie him up and lightly torture him. The slave had been told to use cum denial and cum control on his Master. The slave had to keep the Master hard despite any pain he might inflict on him but not let him cum. The slave was allowed to do this as long as he wanted to. Rick continued, explaining that the idea really turned him on. It made him curious what we would do to him given the chance. So he had decided that we were going to give it a try. Friday after dinner he was going to let Jose and I tie him up and do whatever we wanted for as long as we wanted. With one important thing, the slave in the story was told that he would be punished for whatever he did to his Master. So too, Jose and I would be punished for what we did to Rick.

I thought about that for just a minute. We were being ordered to tie Rick up and torture him, yet we were also being told that we would be punished for what we did to him. It sounded to me like we were fucked no matter what we did. We had to obey our Master and do it, we couldn't say no. Knowing Rick, if we tried to go easy we would be punished just as bad as if we went hard on him. No matter what we did, Jose and I were screwed. What went through my head was, if we were going to be screwed, we might as well have some fun doing it. Needless to say, considering that I really don't have a whole lot to do during the day, unless you count feeling my cock continually getting hard in it's plastic prison and wishing I could cum, I had lots of time to think about what Jose and I might do to Rick. Part of my brain didn't want to do it, as I love him and he is my Master. The other part was actually kind of excited about it. The closer Friday came the more pumped I was to see just how far we could push him.

Friday finally arrived. Jose fixed dinner as usual and when he had cleaned the kitchen Rick ordered both of us into the playroom. Jose and I were of course all ready naked. We always are. Rick, however, was still fully clothed. Had he changed his mind? No, he hadn't, he just had a few things he wanted to do first. Earlier he had attached two long chains to the wall of the playroom. To these he had attached metal ankle cuffs. Rick proceeded to lock one on Jose's right ankle, then the other one on my right ankle. He had us see how far we could go before our steel tether brought us up short. We could get out to the kitchen but not beyond it. We could get to the bathroom at the far end of the playroom, but just barely. In other words we were both more or less confined to the playroom and kitchen. Rick seemed quite happy with this. Next he put Jose's chastity belt on and locked it in place. I of course was already wearing mine, locked on as usual. When Rick was finished he stood back and proceeded to outline what was going to happen, "All right boys. You are both chained in this room, you are not going anywhere until I let you loose. Also I might be letting you play with me, but I sure as hell am not going to let either of you cum. So your cocks stay locked up until I let them loose. Next, we are going to add one more little treat. I don't trust you boys not to keep me tied up longer than I want to be, so here is what we are going to do. I am going to fit each of you with a butt plug, which I will strap in place so you can't get it out. I am then going to lock them on. Eventually one of you will need to take a shit and as I am putting all the keys to what you are wearing in my dresser, and the furthest you can get is the kitchen, nothing is coming off you until you have made me cum and released me. I am also taking everything sharp out of the kitchen, just in case one of you gets the bright idea to try and cut yourself out of the leather butt plug harnesses. To make it even more interesting, Alex's hands will stay locked behind his back. Jose is going to get a full cock gag locked in his mouth. Jose won't be able to drink anything with it on. So either one of you will need to take a shit or Jose will get so thirsty that you are forced to let me loose so I can get the keys. I think we will have fun, don't you?"

With that Rick got the cock gag and stuffed Jose's mouth full with it, locking it on. He then disappeared into the kitchen and we heard him opening and closing drawers. Jose and I waited for him, standing at attention in the middle of the room just as Rick had left us. Finally he returned, this time in all his naked splendor. I know, the people reading this must think I am nuts sometimes because I am always saying this, but Rick is a beautiful specimen of manhood. I know I have told you before but Rick is taller and heavier built than I am. He has always been a weight lifter so he has an incredible, powerful body. He stands just over 6' 1" and has awesome broad shoulders that taper down to a narrow waist. Then of course there are his cock and balls! Now I am no slouch when it comes to my equipment, but again Rick beats me hands down. He has this fantastic heavy cock that hangs above balls that I swear you could bowl with. All right perhaps I am exaggerating, or just worshiping, but he really is well endowed. And yes I do worship him as any good slave should his Master! Enough of that. Just thinking about Rick is making me try to get hard, and having the plastic of this damn thing dig into you is not the most pleasant experience in the world.

Were was I? Oh yes. Rick, walked into the playroom and me drooling over him. Anyway, Rick returned and simply said, "Let the games begin, slaves. I am all yours. Do with me as you will."

Jose and I tentatively looked at each other. We had discussed what we each had in mind, but were still a little reluctant to actually do it. Obviously our hesitation did not make Rick happy, as he yelled at us, "I said, slaves!, Let the games begin! Don't make me say it again!"

I looked at Jose one last time and headed straight for the toy shelves. As Jose had no mouth I would need to do the talking for both of us. I grabbed a full leather hood off the shelves and walked over to Rick with it. I asked him to please kneel down so I could put it on him. It felt so strange when he dropped to his knees on the floor in front of me. It was my place to be kneeling in front of him, not the other way around. I pulled the hood over Rick's head and laced it up the back tying it tight, then pulled the strap closed at the bottom, buckling it in place. Jose and I had decided that we would use the hood for several reasons. First, we didn't want to see Rick face during this whole thing. He was the Master of killer looks. We could just picture ourselves giving in because we were intimidated by the look he was giving us. Also, we didn't want Rick to see what we were doing, where the next sensation might come from. We both knew from experience what an incredible mind trip that was.

To the hood I added a cock gag. This would keep Rick from barking orders at us. Once again intimidating us into not really making this experience count the way it should. We had originally been going to use a ring gag so we could give him sips of water every so often, but I decided that since he had plugged Jose's mouth we should plug his. It only seemed fair. If Jose couldn't have anything to drink neither could Rick. Once again I looked at Rick kneeling there, now in a full leather hood. It just didn't seem right. I was the slave. He was my Master. It should be the other way around. I knew right then and there that I could never be a Master. I would only do something like this if Rick ordered me to. I was and always would be a slave at heart.

I had Jose help me and we moved Rick out to the center of the room and made him lay down on his back. I got a set of leather cuffs and strapped them on each of his limbs. I would have liked to have locked them on, like Rick always did, but as I had no access to any of the keys we wouldn't be able to unlock them again. Imagine all three of us locked up in the playroom unable to get loose. We then used rope and spread eagled Rick there in the middle of the floor. One rope to each cuff, pulled out and away until he was spread as wide and as tight we could make him. Now that we had him were we wanted him it really was, as Rick had put it, time for the games to begin. I knew what I had planned as a starter. It was going to be my job to get Rick good and hard right at the outset. We had been going to flip for it, but as Jose's mouth was out of commission, so to speak, the privilege fell to me. I wanted him so turned on and desperate to cum he couldn't stand it. Once I had him there we would do everything in our power to keep him right there while causing him as much pain as we could. Now that we had started I was actually having fun. Even my cock was trying to get hard in anticipation. It dawned on me as I felt it try to harden that as usual Rick was being his sadistic self. Jose and I were supposed to play with his bound body. We were supposed to use cum control on him, but he would eventually get to cum. Yet each of us would end up getting just as turned on as he would. But we wouldn't get to cum at the end. In fact, I had an entire week to go! My god, he would be hard the whole time and he had fixed it so we couldn't even get hard. If you think about it, Rick was still totally in control. He was still the sadistic bastard. We might be playing at cum control with him, but he was playing the ultimate game of cum control with us.

I knelt down between Rick's spread legs and lowered myself down until I was able to put my tongue in his belly button. He has always been very sensitive there so I knew where I was going to start. I few long slow strokes with my tongue probing the little hole immediately had the desired effect. I felt Rick's cock stand up hard and bump me in the throat. I slowly kissed my way down to it, then just lightly brushed it with my cheek. I felt it pulse against me and I couldn't stand it, I had to take it into my mouth. As I allowed the hardness of it to fill my mouth I glanced up Rick's body to see if Jose was ready. He was. He was sitting at Rick's side. As I started to slowly work Rick's cock, Jose reached across his chest and began playing with his tits. Not hard enough to hurt in anyway, but with that sensual touch that drives a man wild. As he did, we both heard Rick moan from behind his gag. This was going to be great! I was already enjoying myself. I kept slowly working Rick's cock in my mouth as Jose kept steadily playing with Rick's tits. I have sucked Rick enough over the years that I know exactly how to gauge him. I often say I think Rick can read my mind, well I am sure that I can read Rick's cock. I know by the feel, the pulse of blood coursing through it exactly how close or how far away I have him from cumming. The head of Rick's cock pulses and expands just before he is ready to shot his load, the second I felt it I would back off, sometimes actually removing my mouth all together to keep him right where I wanted him. Rick had spent a lot of time training me to do this so he could have me suck him just the way he wanted, now I was using all his training against him. The more I did this the more I had to be careful because it didn't take long before Rick was attempting to thrust his hips to get that little extra he needed to get off. But I had no intention of allowing that to happen. After what seemed a short time there was a constant stream of moans coming from Rick. When I finally looked at the clock I was amazed to see that I had spent well over 2 hours working Rick's cock with my mouth. I pulled off him completely and he bucked his hips in a desperate act to keep my mouth working his cock. Again from behind the gag came the most pathetic groan I think I had ever heard. But that was long enough, it was time to start adding the element of pain into the equation. I nodded toward the toy shelves and Jose got up to get a set of tit clamps, while I just sat between Rick's leg and watched his cock spasm helplessly in the air, so close to cumming but denied that little extra stimulation it need to do it. When Jose returned, I once again took Rick's cock in my mouth and just held it there. As I did this Jose applied the tit clamps. Rick bucked in pain and his erection lost just a hint of it's hardness. I went straight to work with my magic tongue to make sure he stayed right at the edge despite the pain. Jose played with the clamps, tugging on them, while I worked my magic, in no time the noises coming from Rick were once again those of sheer pleasure. I had him back to where I wanted him, right at the edge. I looked up at Jose and he yanked the clamps off. Rick screamed into the gag in pain, but I kept sucking and despite the pain, not for even one second did he get soft in my mouth. That meant it was time to move onto another game we had decided to try.

Rick loved using clothes pins on us, now it was going to be our turn to use clothes pins on him. Which is exactly what we did. Actually for part of this I just sat and watched while Jose played with Rick. Jose would apply one clothes pin, then stroke Rick's cock until he was right there, then he would apply another pin. Jose did this until he had lined the inside of Rick's thighs, his chest, stomach, balls, and the insides of his arms. Once he had done this I got to help. Jose stroked Rick's cock and kept it hard while I got to bang the pins one after another. I know from experience how bad that hurts, yet despite the moans of pain I heard, never once did Rick's cock betray anything but being totally turned on. We did this for awhile then decided to take the pins off. Anyone who has had clothes pins removed from their body knows how bad that hurts. So I once again slid Rick's cock into my mouth and sucked. Jose would remove a pin and I would get Rick hard again, once I had him right at the edge, Jose would remove another one. We did this until all of them were off. To be honest by this time we were both getting a little tired and needed a break. I was pretty sure Rick needed something really bad too, but he wasn't going to get it yet. He was the one who had ordered us to do this after all, and we were going to make it count.

Jose had the next idea we wanted to try. Rick loved using the butt plug on us that would send electricity through our asses. We decided to try it out on him. Jose lubed it up good and pushed it into Rick's ass. Between you and me, Rick has a tight asshole. In fact I know that I am the only one he has ever let use it and that was only once or twice years ago when we had first started our relationship. Anyway, to the scene. Jose rigged the plug to a switch. He placed the switch under Rick's butt. As long as Rick's hips stayed on the floor the switch was pushed down, but if Rick lifted them in anyway, such as thrusting with his cock, the switch would release and send the shock through his ass. Now the fun part! Jose got a feather and started teasing the head of Rick's dick. Hard enough to bring him close but not quite enough to let him get off. Then Jose pulled it slowly away. I watched as Rick attempted to thrust his hips up to keep the sensation on his cock. As he did the switch released and the pain started in his ass. O my God, did he scream and buck against the ropes. When he finally realized that he needed to lay still the pain stopped. I knew right then and there that perhaps we had pushed it a little to far with this one, but it was to late to go back now. Once Rick had calmed down Jose started again. I could tell that the need to cum was clouding Rick's mind by this time because once again when Jose pulled away Rick tried to follow and felt the error of his ways as the pain coursed through his ass. Rick quickly got himself under control and planted his hips firmly on the floor. Jose once again started in with the feather. He brought Rick quickly back to the point of almost no return and slowly pulled the feather away. This time however, Rick kept his hips planted where they were. I could tell by the look on Jose's face that he was just a little disappointed. But he didn't let that stop him. He started all over again, but despite trying time and time again Jose couldn't get Rick to loose his concentration and lift his hips up trying to follow the feather. Because of this Jose eventually got tired of the game and gave it up. I could tell by Rick's dripping, rock hard cock that he was probably pretty tired of the game himself, but for a totally different reason.

We decided that by this time we needed a break. We had been at this for quite some time and it was getting late. Jose loosened the butt plug harness he had put on Rick so he could remove the electric plug. He replaced it with a vibrating butt plug then snugged the harness back down to make sure it couldn't be pushed out. I grabbed a ball stretcher which I applied to Rick's balls, pulling them down solidly in their sack. I felt bad as I did, because Rick's balls looked so full and his poor cock looked so hard and sore. Jose then flipped the vibrator on. He set it just high enough that it would stimulate Rick's prostrate, keeping him nice and hard but not strong enough to allow him to cum. Jose knew just the right setting as Rick had used it on him many times. Once this was done and Rick's cock was leaking a steady stream of pre-cum Jose and I curled up on the couch to try and take a short nap. We figured once we had a little rest we could play with Rick all night, or at least until one of us had to take a shit.

I would have loved to been able to kiss Jose, but with his mouth plugged that wasn't possible. I could have kissed his body, but as turned on as both of us were that really wasn't a good idea. I wanted so badly to have a cock in my mouth right then I could hardly stand it. Yes, I had sucked Rick's cock on and off for quite awhile. But when I say a cock in my mouth I mean one that is shooting it's load. It is almost as frustrating to an avowed cock sucker like myself to suck for that long and not have the pleasure of feeling someone cum in your mouth as it was for the person being denied the orgasm. So to keep ourselves from getting any more turned on I just cuddled into Jose's chest and let him put his arms around me. It didn't take either of us very long to drift off to sleep. As I did, I felt sorry for Rick. I knew he certainly wasn't going to be getting a nap, not with the vibrator happily working his ass.

The next thing I knew a was awoken out of a sound sleep by the impact of a belt smacking my thigh. My eyes flew open from the pain and just about screamed in terror. There, towering over Jose and I was Rick. Totally free, mad as hell, with a leather belt in his hand. He let it fly again and managed to connect with both Jose and I at the same time. He ordered us off the couch and to attention. We jumped quickly off the couch and assumed the best at attention position we could. I can't say about Jose, but I know I was staring at the floor and my heart was pounding so hard I thought it would come out of my chest. Dear God, Rick had gotten free. I remember now why I had wanted to lock the leather cuffs on him so bad. A long time ago when we first started experimenting with bondage I had never been able to tie him up and not have him get loose. I, on the other hand, could never get loose when Rick tied me up. Maybe that's how I ended up being the bondage slave and him the bondage Master. However, he had done it Rick was free and he was pissed as hell at us for not allowing him to cum for so long!

Jose and I just stood there waiting for what seemed like forever. Finally Rick started talking in a voice still tinged with unhappiness, "slaves, I am very mad at you. I'm sure that you both assume it is because of what you did to me. God, no! I am your Master. I can more than take anything you two slaves can dish out. I'm not even upset with how long you managed to keep me from cumming. That was the whole point to this game. You both know how much I love edge play. No, what I am upset with you for is the fact that between the two of you, you couldn't manage to tie me up so I couldn't escape! Fuck, how long have I been tying you two up and you haven't learned anything! So, slaves I am very glad it is still early Saturday morning because that give me the rest of the weekend to make the two of you wish you had never been born. But first things first, I have a cock that needs to be serviced and after what the two of you put me through I don't expect it to take very long."

I think I am going to stop Alex there. So how did I get loose? Why do you think I am so into locks? Unless, something is locked on there is always a way to get it off, or get out of it. And since I am not a slave, afraid to displease it's Master, I had no problem finding it. As soon as I realized that they had left me alone I went to work. Once free I got the damn plug out of my ass and the damn stretcher off my very full sore balls. The I just sat in my chair for awhile and watched the two of them sleeping. They actually looked kind of cute. Alex, all snuggled up to Jose. However, not cute enough to make me any less ready to punish their asses.

What did I do to them? Well let's just say, Jose took my place in the cum denial game. I kept him so turned on all weekend that I know his hormones were driving him crazy. Basically what they had done to me. The only difference was that I got to cum at the end (several times actually), Jose didn't! Sunday night I locked him back up in his chastity belt and gave him a quick prostate milking. I want my boy to stay healthy after all. I will let your imaginations decide how long I made him go before I finally allowed him to cum. I will say this, I like Jose when he is horny. I have used the old adage before, "When a slaves balls are full, their mind is empty." That really applies to Jose. When his balls are full and he is horny he is so very eager to please me in any way he possibly can. Now, what about Alex? Well he got the other side of what they were doing to me. Alex got the pain. I used clothes pins, hot wax, electricity, I whipped him, I found bondage positions that made every muscle in his body ache. By Sunday all he wanted to do was just sleep and I finally let him. I hogtied him and stuffed him in the dog cage we have. How well he slept I don't know, but as he was still being punished I really didn't care. Needless to say, over all, I had more fun over the weekend than either of my slave boys did.

One more thing I have to add here came up after Alex wrote this journal entry. The comment he made about my ass. That was totally improper for a slave. A Master's ass and how tight it might be is not something a slave should be discussing. You might wonder then why I even left it in the account. Well it was to make a point to all slaves. After a rather severe punishment session I made Alex write a formal apology which I think should sum it up quite well. I am adding it here as a lesson:

This slave has severely displeased it's Master. In it's writings, this slave made reference to it's Master's ass. This slave went so far as to comment on how tight it's Master ass might be. This slave even had the effrontery to tell someone that at one time it had put it's slave cock in it's Master's ass. This slave has been taught by it's Master that this was and always will be totally inappropriate! A Master's ass is of no business to a slave unless the Master gives the slave the privilege of rimming the Master's ass. And certainly at no time is it correct for a slave to even speculate on how tight it's Master's ass is and if or not anyone has ever used it. A slave's ass on the other hand is totally the property of it's Master. The Master may use it in anyway He sees fit. He may put anything He wants in the slave's ass, as it no longer belongs to anyone but the Master. The Master may allow anyone to use the slave's ass at anytime. The Master may make any and all comments He wishes about the slave's ass, as it doesn't belong to the slave, it belongs to the Master. Anyone allowed to by the Master may make any and all comments about the slave's ass, as it no longer belongs to the slave, but to the Master.

I think that pretty well sums up what a slave's ass is for. Alex learned his lesson. I hope there are boys out there that will take this to heart. If any Master's have a boy that has not yet learned this lesson I would strongly recommend teaching it to them now. As always please let me know if you enjoy Alex's journal. I let him read some of the e-mails I get. Especially the ones that give me knew and creative ideas to try out on him. So send a note to BNDMaster13@yahoo.com and let us know what you think.

Next: Chapter 29

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