I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Feb 13, 2008


"I Had No Idea" - Part 27

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Let me begin with my sincere apology. I realize how long it has been since I have posted anything new from Alex's journal. I just have not had the time. The death of my grandmother took quite a bit out of me. Then with school starting and adjusting to having Alex free and attending school it has just gotten me so far behind in the things I need to do. I still hope there are readers out there that miss hearing from Alex. I have every intention of fixing that by posting several entries, to at least catch you up on where we are in our lives. I realize that in the last post I had left Alex at John's. However, that is not where I want to pick up at again right now. Those of you who want to know will just have to wait. Instead I am going to bring the narrative forward to the biggest thing everyone has always wanted to know, what am I going to do with Alex when our contract is up?

Well obviously, as it is February, our contract expired last year, in fact it was up last July. Alex is still my slave but is now attending college as I had planned all along. I will always be his Master and he will always be my slave. We have signed a new contract that lasts until he graduates from college. Once we get to that point we will see where our relationship goes. But as always let me turn this account over to my Alex and have him bring you up to date.

I was so thankful when I began to see the sun seeping through the blinds. It had been a very long uncomfortable night and I wanted so badly for Rick to get up and untie me. My muscles ached from the stringent hog tie he had put me in before he took Jose and went to bed. Today was the last day of our thirteen month contract. Today he would let me loose and I would be free for the first time in thirteen long months. Because of that Rick had decided that my last night as his 24/7 bondage slave he was going to make me as uncomfortable as possible.

Rick had started with placing me on the floor of the playroom. No blanket under me and no pillow for my head, just flat on the cold, hard tile. He placed leather cuffs on my ankles and locked them in place. He then pulled them up behind me and ran one lock through all four cuff rings, securely locking my wrists to my ankles. Once done with that he dropped a rope down from a pulley in the ceiling and tied it to my cuffs. He then pulled the rope until he had lifted my chest and knees off the floor and I was resting on the floor just at my hips. He tied the rope off to the wall trapping me in the bowed shape until such time as he released the rope. I heard him at the toy shelves and shortly he was kneeling on the floor in front of me. Rick slipped a full head harness in place over my head. It had a built in cock gag and the face plate completely sealed my mouth. He pulled the straps over my head and snugged it down, snapping a lock in place to make sure it wouldn't come off until he wanted it off. Then he hooked a strap from the top of the harness and pulled my head backwards toward my hands. He tied it off, thus forcing my head to remain tilted backward. All ready I could tell it was going to be a very long uncomfortable night. But of course Rick wasn't quite done yet. He never is! Next he turned his attention to my cock and balls. He had earlier in the evening removed my chastity belt and replaced it with a 2 inch ball stretcher. Now I was to learn why. I felt Rick at my balls pulling them backward behind me. I could tell he had attached something to the d-ring on the harness and ran it through a ring on the wall behind me. I felt a heavy weight pull on my balls and when it didn't let up, I knew Rick had attached a weight to the cord that was yanking my balls out behind me. Not content with leaving any part of me not hurting, Rick added tit clamps which he did the same with as my balls. He attached a cord to them, ran it over to the wall and after running it through a hook attached a weight to the end.

Rick walked back over to me so he could survey his handiwork. He patted my ass and said, "Looks good, Alex. Sleep well. I'll see you in the morning."

With out another word he ordered Jose into the bedroom, turned out the light, and left me all alone in the dark. I tried as best I could to get comfortable, but it wasn't going to happen. My balls hurt from the weight pulling on them. My tits hurt from the clamps as well as the weight. The weight of my body pulling on my arms and ankles hurt. The constant pressure on my arm and legs muscles was already having Rick's desired effect, they hurt. There was no way I would be able to do anything more than hang there and hurt all night. I might have slept at the most an hour here and there during the night. The rest of the time I just hung in my bounds, hurting, waiting for morning to come so Rick would release me.

I don't know how long it was between the time I first saw the sun coming through the blinds and I heard Rick moving around the kitchen. Shortly I smelled the aroma of fresh coffee and then Rick walked up in front of me. He was totally naked. Just looking at him naked can at times take my breath away. Rick is so magnificent. His beautiful cock hanging over me still with it's morning hardness. I wished I could just take it my mouth and show Rick how much I loved him. Looking at him made all the pain and discomfort fade to nothing as long as I had Rick. He looked at me for a few minutes as he slowly sipped his coffee. Then he said, "Alex, I am going to really miss having you tied up all the time. You look so beautiful just as you are now. I love seeing your muscles straining against the ropes I have tied them with. If I had my way I would never let you loose. I would keep you this way for the rest of our lives."

With that he walked off. My heart jumped into my throat. Today was the day our contract ended. Today was the day I finally got loose after thirteen months. Was Rick going to change his mind? Was he going to keep me tied up forever? I will admit there had been times over the months that I would have gladly stayed tied up forever. But now that the day was here I wanted free. I wanted to start college. I wanted to feel what it was to be free again. Just as the terror was setting in Rick returned. He set his coffee cup down and stroked my head. As he did he said, "Alex, I would love to keep you like this but I can't. Today is the day that I let you loose. Are you ready?"

I nodded my head yes as best I could. Rick started to slowly release me. He removed the tit clamps first and I screamed into the gag as the pain washed over me. Next he released my balls, then he released the head harness from my hands. He untied the rope holding me in the bow position and lowered me down so I was once again laying on the floor. He unlocked the cuffs and helped me stand. He then removed the head harness. Now I was standing there with only my hands locked behind me as they had been for the last thirteen months. Rick pulled me to him and enveloped me in his arms. He kissed me deeply and then whispered into my ear, "Are you ready Alex? All I have to do is unlock your wrist cuffs and you are free."

He released me and turned my around. I felt the key in the lock and with a click my hands were free. Rick turned me back around so I was facing him. Slowly I pulled my hands out from behind my back. It felt so strange as I brought them in front of my body. I looked at my hands as I did so. I had almost forgotten what they looked like. Rick stood in front of me and as I looked at my hands all I wanted to do was hug him. Which is just what I did. I threw my arms around Rick's shoulders and pulled him to me. The feeling was incredible. I had not held Rick's strong body in my arms for so long. I felt his heart pounding against mine as I held him to me. His arms went around me and just held me close. Our lips met and as we kissed I lost myself in the sensation of holding the man I loved.

Rick pulled away from me and I realize he was staring at my crotch. My cock was standing up hard in front of me, from the passion of the kiss. My balls looked so full and swollen stretched as they were by the ball stretcher. It had also been almost two weeks since I had been allowed to cum last. "Better take the ball harness off, Alex." I heard Rick tell me.

I reached tentatively toward my cock and balls. It had been thirteen months since I had last touched them. It felt so strange as my hands grazed my cock while I reached for the stretcher. You try going that long without touching yourself, believe me it felt so strange. As I tried to remove the stretcher I realized that Rick had it locked on. Was he going to make me keep it on? My questions was answered as he said, "Alex, I'll get the key. I want you to stroke your cock for me while I get it. Let's see if you can get it any harder. You may not cum though, I just want to see how hard you can get, and how close you can come to cumming."

Actually stroke myself?! The idea seemed so foreign to me. It had been so long, and I had been forbidden even to try and rub myself against anything. My mind went back to the horrible punishment Rick had dealt out the first time he caught me trying to rub my cock on the carpet. That had been when he had locked me in the chastity device and not even allowed me to get hard. Now he was telling me to stroke myself.

I grabbed my cock in my hand before he changed his mind. The warmth and hardness felt so strange to me. I moved my hand down the length of it and felt it pulse in my hand as I got even harder than I already was. I continued stroking, losing myself in the feeling. I moved slowly, savoring the feeling. Rick had for thirteen long months just quickly jerked me off , now I had the chance to enjoy the sensations. I felt the cum building in my balls and in a very short time I wanted to cum. Rick must have realized this, as just when I felt that I was getting close he told me to stop. I wanted so much to disobey him and just keep going, but I did as he said and took my hand away from my cock. It pulsed in the air dripping a string of pre-cum on the floor. Rick gave me the key and instructed me to remove my ball stretcher. I did, being careful not to stimulate my cock and send myself over the edge. As I removed the stretcher my balls pulled up tight and for just a moment I thought I was going to cum despite being told not to, but I held back and managed to get myself under control.

Rick had me drop the keys and harness on the floor then he picked me up in his big strong arms and carried me to the bedroom. It felt so good to be held by him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, again such a strange sensation, and began kissing him. When we reached the bedroom he laid me on the bed and I reached up with my arms and pulled him down to me. It had been so long since I had been able to hold Rick. I kissed his body, as I once again remembered the thrill of exploring it with my hands. For so long they had been locked behind me, but now I could use them and not just my mouth to make love to Rick. I very quickly became totally lost in my need for him as he became lost in his need for me. Rick is a master at knowing my body and he had me so turned on by the time he finally let me cum that my entire world was my cock and what he was doing to it. I would love to tell you every little detail of that encounter, but to be honest it was just so incredible that I don't think words could ever accurately describe it.

Let me stop Alex right here for just a minute. Actually in his journal he goes into quite a bit of description, but that isn't the point I want to make in this story. So I am going to jump to Alex waking up latter that day. We spent all morning making love and then I let him fall asleep in the bed. He had been awake almost all night and after sex he more or less passed out from sheer exhaustion. Yes, I am really that damn good! So now, back to Alex as he wakes up that evening about 6pm:

When I woke up that evening the first sensation was that something was wrong. My hands weren't locked behind me. Then the events of the day washed back over me. I was free. Our contract was up. I had just had the most incredible sex in thirteen months. I threw back the covers and climbed out of bed. I caught my reflection in the mirror of the dresser and again thought how strange it was to see my hands free. I still was wearing the cuffs locked on each limb that had become my constant companions. In the heat of passion Rick had forgotten to remove them and the thought never entered my head as turned on as I very quickly became. I looked at my cock. It too free from bondage. No chastity belt, no harness. Still free of all hair as usual, which seemed to make it look all that bigger. As continued to look at myself it struck me that I actually missed seeing myself tied up. I had come to like the way, having my arms locked behind me, made my chest stand out. I also missed seeing my cock in bondage, as it always reminded me that I belonged to Rick. What if he didn't want me as much now that I wasn't his 24/7 bondage slave? Oh, I knew I would always be Rick's slave and he would always be my Master, but what if he didn't want me as much now that I was free? In that instant I found myself wishing he would come in and lock my cuffs back together behind me, then lock my cock back in it's prison.

I realized as I stood there that I really needed to use the bathroom. I went down the hall and sat on the toilet. As I reached for the paper to wipe my ass it seemed so strange. For thirteen months someone else had done it for me. It just didn't feel right anymore to be doing it for myself. When I was done, I took a quick shower to clean myself up before I went to find Rick. Again washing myself, touching my own body was such a weird experience. For thirteen months Rick or Jose had showered me. All I did was stand there while they washed and shaved me.

I toweled myself off then padded down the hall, still naked, to find Rick and Jose. I came around the corner into the kitchen and was able to see out to the playroom. I immediately knew were Jose was as Rick had him hanging by his wrists in the middle of the room. His back was toward me and I could tell by the red marks on his back and ass that Rick had been using a belt on him. He was wearing what looked like a full leather hood that I could see was locked on. His feet were spread wide with a spreader bar. Rick had used the one that had the pole attached to the center. The pole goes up and holds a butt plug firmly in the wearers ass. I stood for just a minute and looked at Jose. All I could think about was how much I wished it was me strung up there for Rick's amusement. This was crazy. I was free, yet all I wanted was to be tied up again. Then I noticed that I had actually moved my arms behind my back and were holding my wrists crossed over each other. Damn, this felt right! This is were they belonged!

Just then I saw Rick. He was standing on the other side of the room watching me look at Jose. He had watched me place my hands behind me. I could tell in his eyes that he knew exactly what was going through my head. But then again he always seemed to. Rick could read me like an open book. He knew what I needed and right then so did I. I needed to be Rick's slave. I wanted to be used, tied, and denied by him for the rest of my life. I walked across the room to him and knelt on the floor at his feet. I looked up at him as he towered over me. He was so strong, so perfect, God how much I loved him. I opened my mouth and heard myself say, "Master, please relock my hands behind me. I don't want to be free. I want to be your bondage slave forever," and I knew I meant every word of it.

Rick didn't answer me he simply walked behind me and I felt a lock being run through the d- rings on my wrist cuffs. Then I heard the most wonderful sound. I heard the click of the lock as he closed it, once again trapping my hands behind me, right were they belonged. Rick took me by the shoulder and had me walk on my knees over in front of his chair. He sat down in all his naked beauty. Just looking at him made my mouth water. How could I not want to serve this Master forever. "Alex," Rick said, "are you sure this is what you want? It has been thirteen months and our contract is up. I have a new one for you to sign but I want you to be sure this is really what you want."

I looked over Rick at Jose's bound form hanging from the ceiling and knew exactly what I wanted. "Yes, Master, this is what I want. I want to be your slave more than anything else. You can lock away my cock again. In fact please lock away my cock. It doesn't matter just as long as I can serve you. Please keep me tied up so I am always here ready for your use. Please Master let me keep being your slave," I told him, all the time keeping my head looking at the floor as I knew a good slave should.

Rick reached down and pulled my head up so he could see my face. He looked into my eyes and said, "slave, I will always keep you. I love you, Alex."

He then pushed my head back down so I was looking at the floor and proceeded to detail our new contract. He had already typed it as he knew all along what would happen. As I always say, Rick knows me better than I know myself. The new contract would be until I graduated from college. I would still be starting college in a few months as Rick had planned all along. I really didn't want to, as I wanted to go back to 24/7 bondage, but Rick said I had no choice. He wasn't planning on supporting my ass. He would also not put me back in 24/7 bondage over the rest of the summer. He was planning a beach vacation and I would need to be free for part of it. However, other than that, when ever we were home, I would be in bondage. When school started unless I was in class or studying I would be in bondage. The only time I would wear clothes was if I left the house. I would have my cock locked back up and once again resume my only being allowed to cum every other week schedule. With one modification. There would no longer be any assurance that I would actually get to cum. Rick had the option of making me go longer between if that was what he wanted. In fact he could quite literally not let me cum again for the next four years if I signed my name to it. He read me each part of the contract. I was totally his. My body was no longer mine in anyway, it was his to do with as he pleased. When he was done he once again asked if I really what I wanted. I didn't even have to think about it. Yes I wanted it!

Rick placed a pen in my teeth and I leaned over and scrawled my signature as best I could on the new contract. Rick patted my head and told me how proud he was of me. I knew right there I was complete again. Being Rick's slave was all I needed or would ever need in life. Rick walked over to the toy shelves and returned with my chastity belt. He had me stand, then placed it on me and locked it on. I felt so happy and complete. Strange how taking away my manhood, placing it totally under my Master's control made me feel that way. Rick glanced over at Jose then back at me. With a wicked gleam in his eye he said, "slave, I think it's time to make your ass as red as Jose's." As the first blow of the paddle hit my ass, send waves of pain radiating through me, I knew my life was perfect.

Let's stop Alex there. As always there is so much more to tell all you readers, but it will have to wait. Please let me know if our journal has been missed. I hope there are people who would still like to read about our relationship. Drop me an e-mail at BNDMaster13@yahoo.com and let me know.

Next: Chapter 28

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