I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jul 16, 2007


"I Had No Idea" - Part 26

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

As you have no doubt noticed it has been a while since I posted an entry from Alex's journal. Let me apologize. Since just before school let out it has been crazy. I have missed several that I know you will all want to read. In fact, Alex, mentions his new tattoos in this entry. Of course you have not read about him getting them, but I will post those missing entries latter. I wanted to get you back up to date on why it has been so long since our last post.

The last week of school my family learned that my grandmother on my dad's side was quite sick. We immediately made plans to leave the day after my last class. However, that morning, we got the phone call telling us she had passed away. Needless to say it was not a pleasant trip and we were gone longer than I had ever envisioned us being gone. But I will tell you all about that latter in this narrative.

The trip would take us from Texas all the way out to Seattle, Washington. As soon as we began making arrangements I knew, that of course, there was no way I could take Alex with me, even though I really wanted and needed him along. But somehow, a naked, tied up guy just wouldn't travel to well with my parents. Jose wasn't really a problem. He had a job after all and I would just lock his cock up and leave him home to take care of the house. But what was I going to do with Alex? Perhaps you don't really see my dilemma. Why didn't I jut leave him home and let Jose take care of him?

Yes, I could have just left Alex home with Jose. But, who would work Alex over? Jose wouldn't. In addition, I really didn't trust Jose not to release Alex while I was gone. In other words, I wanted Alex to remain a tightly bound slave during my absence. Was there someone I could get to come and slave sit for me, perhaps? Then it hit me, I would take Alex to someone's house and have him slave sat. I even knew who, Jose's ex Master, John. It would be perfect, John could give Alex the continual abuse and strict supervision he needed. I quickly called John and made all the arrangements. I would deliver Alex to his house the day before I was going to leave. John would then watch Alex for the week I was going to be gone. A week's trip that stretched into two! If I had realized how long we would end up being gone I wouldn't have left Alex with John. John can be a hard Master, but I thought a weeks hard use would be good for Alex. But to be quite honest when I finally picked him up I could tell how hard the time had been on him and just how badly he had missed me. When I heard about everything that happened with him I felt bad I had put him through it. Yes, I felt bad, but, Alex is my slave so he does as I require of him, when I require it. That comment in and of itself is the end of the discussion.

I want to start this narrative myself and then I will turn it, as always over to Alex. I will pick up parts of his journal in an attempt to let you, the reader, know what was going through his mind. For right now though I want to start with my delivering Alex to John's house. I had called John and arranged to take Alex there about 3pm. John wouldn't be home, but I didn't need to get in his house to drop Alex off. I already knew where I was supposed to leave Alex. I got Alex ready for the trip, which, considering I keep him naked, doesn't really require that much. He was wearing his leather slave collar, his wrists and ankle cuffs, his chastity belt, and I had fitted him with the electric butt plug and a harness to keep it locked on him. His hands were of course locked behind his back, where else would they be? Additionally I had locked a gag in his mouth to keep him quiet. Since my informing him of the slave sitting arrangements, all he had done was try and talk me out of it. I had gotten tired of disciplining him. No matter how much trouble he got in from me, he still would try and talk me out of it. So I had just started keeping his mouth plugged to keep him quiet. I loaded Alex and a bag with all his favorite toys into the car and we set out for John's.

John lives in a rather large house, well out of town, in a rural setting. I had always liked John's place. In fact I had brought Alex out there to play several times, which of course is another story you have never read before. Perhaps I will post it one day. John has several large outbuildings including an old barn, an old chicken coop, and this really neat old fashion wind mill. In the barn he has built himself quite a nice play area. He has even turned several of the old horse stalls into cells were he can keep boys he is playing with. When John had owned Jose one of these was were Jose had been kept him most of the time. As I said, John can be a rough, demanding Master, but I really thought it might be good for Alex to spend a week with him. Then he might appreciate what a great Master he has in me. Plus I had made in very clear that John could use Alex as he wanted, but he could not cause him any permanent harm or injury. I really wasn't worried. In all the time I had known John, I had never known him to hurt anybody. Oh he used them hard, don't get me wrong, but he was very much aware of were and when to draw the line with any boy he played with.

We drove into John's yard and I pulled up in front of the barn. I helped Alex out of the car and studiously avoided looking at his face. I could tell by the sounds he was making that he was crying behind the gag and to be honest, when Alex eyes fill with tears, it breaks my heart. I shoved Alex in front of me to the barn door. I felt up on the door frame until I found the key right where John had told me it would be. I unlocked the door and shoved Alex inside. It was rather dimly lit but I could see well enough. I moved Alex over to one of the cells just inside the door. They were built more like large dog cages really, rather than true cells. I knew that further back John had actual full size cells, but he had suggested I put Alex in one of the dog cages at the front of the barn. I opened the cage door so Alex could get inside. Before I let him though, I grabbed him tightly and hugged him to me. I felt his naked body shivering against mine and almost changed my mind about leaving him. But instead, I pulled him back from me and tipped his face up toward mine. I wiped the tears away from his eyes and said, "Alex, I love you, but you are staying here while I am gone. Now stop the crying and be good for John. Make me proud of you."

With that I pushed his head down and made him crawl into the cage. The cage was perhaps four foot square so Alex had to work just a bit to get inside and then into a comfortable position. I could tell as he sat down that he wasn't going to enjoy the wire under his ass, but he really didn't have much choice. I must admit, John's cage design was pretty good. Like I said, the cage was about four foot square, made of good strong wire. The bottom was set on a wooden base with wheels attached to it that actually raised the cage bottom about a foot off the floor. If the locked boy needed to relieve himself he could just pee through the bottom of the cage and not be forced to sit in it. In one corner of the cage attached to the side was a double sided dish. One held water and the other held what looked like dog biscuits. I decided that I should take off Alex's gag just in case he needed to drink some of the water while he waited for John. Knowing Alex, he would gladly drink the water, but would have to pretty desperate before he would ever eat one of the dog biscuits.

As I removed the gag I ordered Alex to remain quiet. Amazingly he actually did. I had really expected one last desperate appeal to me, but I guess he had more or less given up and accepted his fate. I locked the cage door shut and walked back to the barn door. I hung the cage key on a hook just inside the door. In addition I hung my key ring that contained the keys to the locks I used on Alex. Then one last thing to add, the remote to Alex's butt plug. With one last look back at my Alex, sitting there locked in the cage, I shut and locked the barn door. I replaced the key where I had found it and left, leaving Alex all alone to await his fate. Now I think it's time to turn this story over to Alex. Let me pick his journal up right where I left off, with his being forced to watch me shut the barn door behind me:

As Rick shut the door I wanted to scream after him so badly. But those last words of his, "make me proud," kept resounding in my head. I had been such a damn nag the last few days. All I had done was whine about his leaving me with John. I had done it, despite getting in all sorts of trouble. Rick had even beaten my ass several times and finally, out of desperation, he had just locked my mouth shut to keep me quiet. I think it was finally, at this moment, that it hit me. As Rick's slave, I should just shut up, and take what he gives me. I know, I have come to this realization before, many times, but somehow this time when it had involved his leaving me with someone else it had just shook me up so badly that I had forgotten my place for awhile. But I wasn't going to do it again. I would make him proud of me while I stayed with John. I would make sure that my behavior was a credit to my Master, Rick.

It was very dimly lit in the barn. Thankfully I had been here before so I wasn't scared being left all alone. I knew that John had a rather nice play area and quite a few cells. Toward the back were some large ones. Sitting there with my ass pressed against the wire under me, I really wished Rick had locked my up in one of them. This cage was small. Perhaps four foot square. Definitely large enough for a dog, but not quite large enough for a human. Plus being forced to have the wire biting into my ass made the spot where I have my new tattoo hurt. I noticed that in one corner was a water bowl. I was glad Rick had removed my gag as I was already thirsty. I maneuvered my bound body so I could lower my head down and lap at the water. Even though it was hot just the wetness in my mouth tasted good.

Now, I know that I had said just a minute before, how I was going to accept my fate, but as I sat there alone in the dim light I started hearing all the little noises around me. I started getting scared all over again. My mind began thinking about all the things John could and would do to me and the nerves and fear took hold of me all over again. Yes, in one part of my mind I knew I was Rick's slave and I was going to make him proud, but in the other part I was scared shitless. I ask you, how would you feel if it was you sitting were I was? You are naked, your hands are locked behind your back, your ass has a plug locked in it, your dick is locked in a chastity belt, and you are locked in a dog cage in a dark old barn. Get real, of course you would be scared and so was I! Jose had told me some of the things John had done to him. Rick had done things just as bad, but with Rick I always knew he loved me. He always tempered the abuses he inflicted on me because he cared. But John would have no such compunction. I was going to simply be a toy for his amusement over the next week. If I had known at this point that Rick would be gone over two weeks and I would have to stay with John that long I think I would have died. Thankfully, by the time I found out that Rick would be gone that long, I had already resigned myself to my fate.

I am not sure how long I sat there in the heat of the barn lost in my thoughts and fears, but the sound of the door being opened brought my attention back to the present. John must be home. Despite my rush of panic I readied myself for whatever might come. Light washed in the door as John stepped through it. He must have flipped a light switch as suddenly the dark barn was bathed in light. I sat still in my cage, my head down awaiting his approach. I heard him move nearer and them heard him say, "Well, well, what do we have here? Slave your Master has left you in my care. He wants me to use you hard and that is exactly what I plan on doing. Let's get you out of there so I can see just what I have to work with."

John unlocked the cage and opened the door. He grabbed me by the shoulder and dragged me out. I had been sitting so long that my legs didn't want to hold me up. But instead of helping me John just let me fall in a heap on the floor. I heard him move away and then felt the searing pain of my butt plug. He must have gone to get the remote control. Through the pain I heard John say, "slave, I did not give you permission to be on the floor. I want you standing in front of me now."

He reinforced this order with another long jolt of pain. I scrambled to get to my feet so he would take his finger off the trigger and stop the pain. With a little effort I managed to stand up. I braced my shoulders, head down, stomach in, legs spread wide and waited to see what would come next. John slowly moved around me. He ran his hands over my ass, spreading my cheeks with his finger. He made me lean forward so he could more easily probe the end of the butt plug under the strap. Pushing it deeper into my hole with his finger. John removed his probing finger, then hit the button on my butt plug as he ordered me back to an upright position. I leapt to obey, once again to end the searing pain in my ass. When I was upright again he continued his exploration. He tested my balls, squeezing and pulling them. Then he grabbed my calf muscles as if testing them for strength. Next he moved his attention to my tits, pulling and twisting each one until I inadvertently let a moan slip from my mouth. As soon as I did the pain returned in my ass. "Did I give you permission to make a sound slave?" John yelled at me as the pain doubled me over.

"Rick might let you get away with that shit, but I sure as hell won't. You keep that mouth shut unless I say you can open it. Now, you will keep still and quiet or you will wish you had never been born with an ass hole." John lit my ass up with pain one last time to emphasis his point.

John continued with his rough inspection. He squeezed my shoulder muscles then made me open my mouth so he could inspect my teeth. God, I felt like an animal rather than a human. In retrospect that was exactly what John was attempting to make me feel like. His idea of using a slave was to treat it like just another animal he has to care for.

He finally finished his scrutiny of my body and walked away, leaving me standing at attention in the middle of the barn. I knew better than to move even a muscle, so I just stood there staring at the floor awaiting John's return. My mind whirling in frightened anticipation for what might come next. This was the first night, of my week of terror, as I was starting to think of it. What did John have planned? I really wondered what he would have in his hands when he returned to where I was standing. Amazingly, when he came back all he was carrying was a large dog dish. He set it on the floor in front of me and said, "slave, I don't really have anymore time to waste on you tonight, plus we have all day tomorrow for me to try you out, so eat your food and then I am going to put you back in the cage."

I looked down at the food bowl. God, it looked disgusting. I swear it really was nothing but canned dog food looking back at me. Obviously I hesitated a little to long as once again pain shot through my ass. John kept it up until I dropped to my knees in pain. Finally he let up on the button and said, "slave, get this straight. When I tell you to do something you will immediately do it! No hesitation, no questions! Now, you will eat what I have put in front of you. You will eat every single bite and then lick the bowl clean. This is all you are getting and you will eat it. I don't intend for you to get sick on me because you don't want to eat what I give you."

As John stood menacingly over me I lowered my head and began to eat. I don't know what dog food tasted like, I think I do now, but it tasted exactly the way I expected it would, gross. But somehow I managed to eat it all. I even licked the bowl clean, just like I had been instructed. When I had finally finished, John made me remain on the floor while he removed my ass plug. Once he had done that he had me raise my face to him so he could wash it, which was covered in a nice layer of the food. He then grabbed my arm and drug me back to the cage. I was forced to shuffle after him on my knees as he wasn't going to let me up. When we got back to the cage he helped me in and locked the door behind me, trapping me back inside my little prison. John, checked the water dish to make sure it was full and then headed toward the door. He turned off the lights plunging the barn into darkness. Just as he closed the door he said, "Goodnight slave. If you need to shit or pee just do it. We'll hose off under your cage tomorrow."

Then the door shut and I heard the lock being closed on the outside, leaving me all alone in the dark. I wanted to cry! I wanted to scream! But I realized that it wouldn't do any good. It certainly wasn't going to change the fact that I was sitting in a cage. Or change the fact that I was naked with my hands locked behind me with nothing to do but wait for John's return the next day. At least that was what my mind kept trying to tell me. But in reality, I was scared half to death and I could feel the tears already forming in my eyes. In just the short amount of time I had already spent with John I felt so de-humanized, so totally alone. All I could think of was how badly I wanted Rick to walk back in the door right now! And how truly long a week could be. What had become of my life? Me a young healthy guy, reduced to living in a dog cage and eating dog food. What was really crazy was that as horrible as I felt, I realized that if it was Rick putting me through this it would fine. But knowing that it was John, someone who really didn't care anymore for me than an animal, made it all seem so hopeless. Yet again the situation and the thoughts flowing through my head were having the usual effect on my cock. It was trying to get hard inside it's plastic prison. The more I dwelled on were I was, the harder I could feel myself trying to get. God, I felt so impotent! I was a slave, locked in a cage by it's Master. I was actually turned on by all of this and yet I was a slave whose cock couldn't even get hard because it's Master had it locked up. I was a slave who craved to serve. In the past year Rick had worked his mental magic on me. He had really made me into what he wanted me to be, His slave. My whole life revolved around the thought of being used and abused. That was all I lived for. What if when our contract was up, Rick decided to not keep me as a slave? I would die! This was what I had learned I needed and now I craved it at the very center of my being. I was a slave. I was Rick's slave and that was all I ever wanted to be! So yes, I was scared of what John had in store for me, but I would use this as an opportunity to learn to be an even better slave to Rick than I already was. I would make him so proud of me that he would want to keep me as his slave forever.

With those thoughts running through my mind I attempted to lay down in a comfortable position in the cage and see if I could get some sleep. However, despite my best efforts there was no way I could get comfortable. With the cramped space and the wire digging into me from below it was going to be a long night. Somehow, despite all this, I still managed to fall asleep but it was very short and very fitful. Needless to say when I could finally tell the sun had come up and it was a new day, I was exhausted from a rough night wedged in my cage. My body ached and all I could do was think how badly I needed to stretch out my poor muscles. In addition I needed to piss and shit so bad it wasn't funny. Somehow, I had just not wanted to try and go through the bottom of the cage in the dark. I knew I would end up with it all over myself. I really hoped John would show up before my need to relieve myself became to bad.

Unfortunately that didn't happen. I am not going to attempt to describe how hard it was trying to relieve myself through the cage bottom. I will say that I managed to piss quite easily, but taking a shit was one of the hardest things I think I have ever done. Then being forced to remain in the cage above it was just plain gross! It stunk and there was nothing I could do about it. This whole situation was just plain miserable. God, I wanted to go home to Rick so much I could hardly stand it!

I can't tell you when, but eventually I heard sounds at the barn door. As John threw the door open and flipped on the light, he said in a disgusted voice, "God, it sticks in here. It smells like dirty slave."

He walked over to me and grabbed the cage. John rolled it closer to the door and then went out side. He returned with a hose and proceeded to wash the mess I had made down a drain set in the floor. Once done with that he unlocked my cage and helped me out. I was expecting him to just let me drop to the floor, but instead, he actually helped me stand until I could get my cramped legs to hold me up. When I was able to stand on my own he led me over to a work bench covered with all sorts of items. He selected a set of steel manacles and held them up for me to see and said, "Boy, you stink and I need to clean you up. But first we are going to change out Rick's nice leather cuffs for my steel ones."

John unlocked my wrists after ordering me to keep my hands held behind me. He removed my leather cuffs and replaced them with the steel ones. These he locked on using the same locks. He then reattached the cuffs together behind me with a short chain. I had maybe a six inch play between my locked wrists. He then removed my leather ankle cuffs and replaced them with similar steel cuffs. These too he connected with a chain. He used one that was about 12 inches long. It would allow me to hobble, but make quick movement virtually impossible. Now he turned his attention to my collar. He removed the leather one that I always wore and replaced it with a hard steel collar. He fastened the rather large hasp with a huge, heavy padlock. The weight of the lock dug the collar painfully into my neck and shoulders. He stood back and surveyed his handiwork. Obviously happy with what he saw he said, "Nice slave. I think you look much better in my steel than in Rick's leather. Besides leather is much to comfortable. I like to know that my slave is feeling hard steel rubbing against his skin."

Now John led my outside and stood me in the middle of the drive. He grabbed the hose and said, "We cleaned up your mess inside but I still need to do something about you."

With that he squeezed the trigger on the hose and hit me with a jet of water. My initial reaction, as the cold water pummeled my body, was to yell out, which I did. John directed the water steam so it his me square in the balls and yelled at me, "Hold still boy. You should be thanking me for bothering to clean you up. No you either hold still or I will just keep letting this hit you in the balls."

The force of the water hitting my balls hurt so bad it almost doubled me over, but I grit my teeth and held still so John would stop. Thankfully he did and the pain slowly subsided in my balls. He used the hose to clean my whole body especially my ass. He directed the steam up and down my ass crack and then finally stopped. He grabbed me by the arm and led me a little further away from the barn. He ordered me stand on a small block of concrete set at the edge of the driveway. John locked my ankle chain to a hook set into the cement. He then patted my ass and said, "Now that I have you clean I need to let you dry off just a bit. You stand right here and I will be back in a little while. Then we'll feed you some breakfast and get started on what I have planned for the day."

With that he walked off leaving me standing totally naked in the middle of the driveway. I felt so open and exposed just standing there. God, what was today going to bring? What the hell was John planning on doing with me? My body still ached from being so cramped all night, what more would John inflict on me today? All I really wanted at that moment was to see Rick's car coming up the driveway to rescue me and take back home were I belonged.

Let me stop Alex here. This has already run longer than I had intended. We will pick up right here in the next instalment. Suffice it for now to say, Alex had a wonderful day. I just wish I could have been there to watch all of it. As always any thoughts or comments please let me know. I might even pass some of your comments on to Alex. BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 27

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