I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Apr 5, 2007


"I Had No Idea" - Part 25

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create

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I hope all of Alex's readers enjoyed that last post, I did. I didn't get as many responses as usual but they made up for it in content. I wanted to let your learn just a little more about the relationship Alex and I have. He needs me and I need him. I did have a couple of people mention his fear of needles. I am working on remedying that. He will be starting college this year and I am going to have him tattooed with my name on his right ass cheek. I also want the Chinese symbol for slave just above his left nipple. I also intend to have his tits pierced. So you see, Alex really doesn't have a choice. I have started talking about these with him. I know Alex. He will beg me for them within the next few months. When he does, I will know it is something he has mentally prepared himself for. Believe me I won't hesitate even one minute. The second he asks me to have it done, I will. That way he won't have time to chicken out. Once the piercings and the tattoos are done I will slowly introduce him to more needle play. I have always wanted to place needles all over his body and then randomly send electricity through them.

As we spent so much time on Alex in our last journal entry I decided it was time to spend a little time on Jose. Up until now Jose has not worn a chastity belt but I had decided to change that. I liked having Jose's cock free, keeping him hard and horny. That made it all the more difficult on him not being allowed to cum. But I decided I wanted to spice things up just a bit. I could still release him and torture his cock. I love the teasing and denial game so much! Then I could just lock him back up and not even allow him an erection between sessions. After having his cock hard and throbbing for so long now, it would be sweet agony for him, as he wouldn't even be able to get an erection. And unlike Alex who knows I will let him cum every fourteen days, Jose would never know when or if I would let him cum. On top of all that the idea of having two locked up slave boys at my beck and call turned me on. The idea of seeing two naked, cock locked boys at my feet made me hard just thinking about it. So with that idea in mind I thought I would post Alex's journal entry about the night Jose got his own cb3000 to match the one Alex has been wearing for so long. So as always let me turn this over to my dear slave, Alex:

It was Sunday and not just any Sunday. It was my favorite Sunday. Today was my fourteenth day. This Sunday Rick would let me cum. Rick gets mad at me because I spend so much time in my journals talking about my needs. He has actually whipped my ass because he says I still, after all this time continually bemoan the fact that he only allows me to cum every other Sunday. In fact I will probably get in trouble for this comment. But when you are a heathy, sexually active, constantly turned on, 19 year old that is all you think about. My minds constantly drifts to my full, aching balls. I am constantly so horny I think I am going to just go crazy. My poor cock desperate to get hard, locked away in it's prison. Then even when he does allow me to cum it is so short! Just one quick blow and then back into my belt. Locked away, deprived of release for another two long weeks. But still I was excited today I would the small amount of release that Rick granted me. I must admit though that he is right. My constant state of arousal makes me a better slave. It really does help me keep much more focused on him and his needs.

Well as usual I have drifted away from my subject. It was Sunday! We have all spent a great day together just relaxing and enjoying each other. Rick took me outside so I could lay in the sun and get a tan. He likes my skin well tanned and it has been a challenge keeping me that way since our contract started. We all relaxed on a blanket and Jose fixed us a great lunch. Rick allowed each of us the privilege of servicing his magnificent cock. I must admit that with my hands locked behind me I have become something of a genius with my mouth. By the time we finally went back in the afternoon was over and evening was settling in. That meant that anytime know Rick would release my cock and I would get my chance for the release my poor tortured balls so desperately needed.

While Jose cleaned up everything Rick got be comfortable on the floor next to his chair. My mind wondered just what he was planning. I hoped that by some fluke chance he hadn't forgotten it was my Sunday. Rick must have anticipated what I was thinking as he stroked my head and said, "Don't worry Alex, I haven't forgotten. You will get to cum. I just have a little entertainment planned first."

Rick took a seat in his chain still stroking my hair. I love it when he does this. It makes me feel so loved by him. I leaned over putting my head on his knee and just revealed in the feeling while Jose finished his chores. When Jose had finished he came out and took up his position at parade rest in front of Rick. I have to say that Jose looks awesome when he stands like that. Rick has trained him to stand straight, stomach in, chest out, head down, arms clasped tightly behind his back. His legs are spread out allowing his cock and balls to hang freely. Jose will stand exactly like that without moving until such time as Rick tells him otherwise. Rick allowed Jose to stand there about ten minutes while he continued to stroke my head. Finally he stopped, then got up and walked over to Jose.

I watched as Rick brushed the head of Jose's prick. Jose was already hard and ready for action. Rick made Jose kneel in front down right there on the floor. He made him spread his knees wide open so his cock was on display. Rick went over to the toy shelves and returned with several items, one of which he handed to Jose. It was a large hand mirror and Rick had him place it on the floor between his spread legs, directly under his cock. I really wondered just what was going on. Whatever it was knowing Rick, it wasn't going to be fun for Jose.

Rick explained to Jose that he found this new game on the internet. The site called it the mirror trick. Rick wanted to see how close to the edge Jose could get, and keep himself, without actually cumming. The idea was that Jose, for 10 minutes, would keep his cock right on the edge without cumming. The mirror was to catch his precum. He was to cover the mirror during those 10 minutes with it. Doing that he would be forced to keep himself right on the edge. Rick added that to spend that long so close to cumming without release would initially be hard, but the more times he forced Jose do it, eventually it would become sheer torture.

Rick showed Jose the timer he was going to use to make sure Jose got the entire ten minutes worth of this torture. He then order Jose to grab his hard cock and start stroking. As soon as Rick could see Jose start to leak precum he set the timer. "10 minutes boy," Rick ordered, " cover that mirror."

Once he said that, Rick settled back to watch Jose entertain him. I watched as Jose stroked his cock, hard at first, then slower and slower. By the time we had hit the 10 minute mark his whole body was shuddering with his need to cum. As the timer went off my heart went out to Jose. I could tell how badly he needed to cum. When the timer went off Rick ordered him to put his hands behind his back and keep his head down. Jose sat there staring at his crotch while Rick turned the television on. When finally his cock had subsided Rick went over and picked up the mirror. He ordered Jose to lick the mirror clean of precum and then grasp his cock again. When Jose was once again leaking precum Rick reset the timer and his 10 minutes began all over again. This time as I watched I could see Jose quickly start shuddering with his need to cum. But he kept himself on the edge right up till the timer went off. When it did, he quickly put his hands behind his back and I could see him visibly working to slow his breathing down and calm himself. I was impressed. I could only imagine how hard it must be for Jose to do this. I found myself very thankful it was him and not me.

Again Rick let him calm down then ordered him to clean the mirror off with his tongue. After doing this Jose said, "Sir, permission to speak please, Sir."

Rick looked at him and must have felt a touch of pity for how pathetic his voice sounded because Rick said, "permission granted slave,"

I heard the quavering in Jose voice as he said. "Sir, please Sir this is so hard, Sir. Please let me stop, Sir."

"No boy," was Rick's quick reply, "you see I'm enjoying watching this. You are my slave and a slave exists only to please it's Master. In your case that is me. This is pleasing me. Start again boy, NOW."

Jose grabbed his cock and started pumping at it again. Once again as soon as the precum started flowing Rick set the timer. Much quicker this time Jose was shuddering and gasping for breath. His strokes were fewer and a lot less was required to keep him right on the edge. Once again the timer went off and Jose quickly locked his hands together behind his back. As I looked at him he had his eyes closed and was sucking his breath in between his teeth trying to calm himself down. It took longer this time, but eventually Jose was able to do it. Once again Rick ordered him clean the mirror, grab his cock, and get ready. Rick set the timer and off Jose went for another round. This time it was all he could do to get through the 10 minutes. But he did. Jose often amazes me with how much he can take. I was sure he was making Rick proud. At this point I almost found myself wishing it was me. Wishing I was the one suffering. Wishing I was the one making Rick proud instead of just sitting here being made to watch Jose suffer.

Jose's knelt there, his shoulders sagging. He panted slightly and I could tell he was just about at his limit but if I knew Rick he wasn't going to let it end just yet. He would always push Jose just that one step further each time. Always expanding his limits. Rick's next words confirmed my thoughts as I heard him say, "boy, you are making me very happy. You are being very good and making me proud of you. I want one more out of you boy, can you do that for me. Can you prove you're worthy to be my slave?"

"Sir, yes Sir", a heard Jose's quivering voice reply.

"This time slave I want you to push yourself right to the edge, but boy DO NOT CUM," Rick ordered him.

Once again Jose started stroking his cock and the precum fast followed. Rick set the timer and sat down to watch the show.

1 minute- Jose was right at the edge, his cock so hard I thought it would explode. His eyes were shut tight and his breath was coming in gasps.

4 minutes- Jose body was literally shivering with his need to cum.

7 minutes- Jose's breathing was even more ragged. But he kept going.

8 minutes- I could tell Jose was holding back with all his might. His was body quaking with the effort.

9 minutes- I was sure he wasn't going to make it. I heard Rick say, "slave remember this is for me, only 60 seconds to go."

Jose stroked harder. Bringing himself even closer to the edge. I could see him fighting harder not to cum. My god, the feelings that must be going through his body. Finally the timer went off and his hands literally flew off his cock and behind his back. I watched as his cock throbbed in the air. I could tell Jose was fighting the desire to thrust his hips and try to make himself cum. I actually found myself hoping that something, anything would touch his cock and give him that little bit he needed to send him over the edge. But it was not to be. All Jose could do was sit there with his cock so hard it could drive nails and just wait for it to subside.

At this point Rick got up and disappeared into the kitchen. He returned with an ice cube tray. He placed it next to Jose on the floor and then picked up one of the other items he had brought from the toy shelf. I couldn't tell by the package what it was. Rick went over and ordered Jose to stand up. When he did Rick had to help steady him for a minute while he got himself under control. As soon as Jose was ready Rick ordered him into a parade rest position. Rick then applied the ice to Jose's cock making him loose the hard erection he was still sprouting. When Rick had done this, he reached for the box and opened it. He reached inside and pulled out a cb3000 than matched mine. My eyes grew big as Rick said, "This is for you Jose. It matches Alex's. I decided that it was time I locked that dick of your's away. I am going to make you really work for the privilege of my unlocking it. This game today was just to remind you how badly you need to cum and now there will be nothing you can do about it. I have Alex on a 2 week schedule, perhaps I will put you on a 2 month schedule. Say good bye to your cock, this is going to be the last time you get to see it for quite awhile."

With that Rick fitted the back ring on Jose and brought the ends together until he had it snugly seated. Then he put the pin through holding it in place. Next Rick lubed up Jose's cock so he could slid the cover over it easily. Rick fitted it all together adjusting Jose's balls so it would be a nice snug fit. Finally he added the last pins and then locked it all in place with a little steel lock. A lock that looked just like the one imprisoning my own member in it's prison. As Rick snapped the lock closed I could just see Jose's eyes. I almost thought I could see tears there but I wasn't quite sure. This would be a different experience for Jose. Yes Rick used cum denial as part of Jose training all the time, but when his cock was free there was always the chance that Rick would let him cum. Now, unless the cage was removed Jose would know that it wasn't going to happen. If I knew Rick even when he did remove the cage Jose would still never know if he might get to cum. Plus I could just picture Rick putting Jose on a 2 month schedule. He loved playing the part of a sadistic bastard after all. My thoughts were brought up short when I heard Rick saying to Jose, "You may not have gotten to cum, slave, but it is Alex's Sunday to get to. I think I am going to let you suck him off. I want him to cum in your mouth. I want it to remind you that you didn't get to and can't because you are my slave. He is my slave too, but he gets to cum."

Did my ears hear right? Rick was going to let Jose suck me off! I hadn't had anything but Rick's hand on my cock since my birthday. Usually he tied me down, put some lube in his hand, and quickly jerked me off. Just a quick meaningless release, no real pleasure. Just enough to ease the pressure for another two weeks. But if Rick really meant what he was saying, THEN I was going to feel Jose's mouth around my cock. My cock started hurting like hell as it strained to fill it's cage. Just the thought was turning me on.

True to his word Rick walked over and helped me up off the floor. He sat me down in his own chair, leaning me back and spreading my knees out to the sides. God, he wasn't even going to tie me up! He was just going to let me sit here and revel in the sheer pleasure. Not since long before our contract had even started had I not been tied down when he allowed me to cum. The only bindings I had now were my ever present wrist cuffs, securely locked behind my back. Rick motioned Jose over and made him kneel before me. I laid back in the chair ready to fully indulge myself. Rick released my cock from it's prison. The second he did it sprang up proud and hard, ready for Jose's waiting mouth. Rick pushed Joses's head forward slowly, making me anticipate the feeling. Just as Jose's mouth reached my cock Rick stopped him. Terror shot through me, had he changed his mind? Was he only torturing me just to see me suffer? But no he was really going to allow this to happen as his next words proved. "Jose you will suck Alex's dick. You will make him cum. However, you will not make it last for him. You will not attempt to prolong it. You will simply suck him off quickly. That is all he gets, just a quick blow job."

I didn't care. That was all I ever got, just a quick jerk off session. But I was still going to feel the wonderful pressure, the sheer joy of a warm moist mouth sucking me off. I closed my eyes in delight as Jose took my hard cock into his mouth. It had been so long! The feeling was magnificent! As the pressure of his lips closed around me I wanted to scream it felt so good. It had been so incredibly long! He slid his mouth up and down my cock, sucking for all he was worth. His velvet lips tracing lines of fire all around my raging hot shaft. Somehow I knew that despite Rick's orders Jose was trying to make this as good for me as he could. I got harder and harder, closer and closer, until finally I erupted into his hungry mouth. It felt so incredible, I felt so awesome, and yet so frustrated. How badly I wished that it could have gone on forever. But as Rick had ordered Jose finished me off quickly, starting my next two weeks of chastity. As usual I want to cum so badly and then when it is over I want to cry in sheer desperation. I am a normal healthy young man and I need to cum more often that every other week. Plus I live with two hot guys, we constantly play sexual games, yet only one of us gets to cum as often as he wants. But then I was the one who wanted, no needed to be Rick's slave, so this is the life I chose. This is the life I crave and need. It is the life that makes me happy and fulfilled. I really don't want anything more than to spend the rest of my life as Rick's slave. If that means that for the rest of my life he only let's me cum every other Sunday then so be it, just as long as whatever he does to me makes him happy.

When Jose had finished Rick helped me up and made both of us stand at attention in front of him, side by side. Rick replaced my chastity belt, securely locking it back in place. When he was done he stood back with such a pleased look in his eyes. I knew what he was thinking. He had his two boys. Both cock locked and ready to serve him. We must have looked like two book ends. Jose and I are built a lot alike and now we even had matching cocks, both wearing identical chastity belts. I could tell he was proud of us. That in turn made me happy and fulfilled.

Let me stop alex there. It seems like a good point to end as everything is right with the world. I have my two slaves all locked up and put away until such time as I decide to let them out. Well for alex that was only two weeks, as for jose I really hadn't decided yet. Let me add one last point here. It has suddenly dawned on me that I simply publish alex's journals. I don't edit them. He always uses I instead of i, when he writes. He also always capitalizes his name and jose. I think even though this is really his journal I need to work on how he writes. I need to, even in this, remind him that he is the slave, I am the Master. So look for changes in alex's writing style next time. I think a good punishment session with the belt will help drive this point home. Even though I have never mentioned it to him, still he needs to be punished for not thinking of it on his own.

As always let me know what you think. alex loves it when people write. Sometimes I even share them with him. he of course isn't allowed to use a computer for anything more than writing his journal, but sometimes I print them and read them to him. I do know that I really want to know if I am the only Master that has played the mirror game with their slave. Does anyone have any ideas on making it better, or worse? How did your slave respond to it? E-mail me at BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 26

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