I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Mar 21, 2007


"I Had No Idea" - Part 23

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Let's see where did I leave off in our last instalment of Alex's journal? Oh, I know, we still hadn't gotten to the third game of the day, had we? I had been enjoying myself so much already torturing my two boys. But I had something extra special planned for game number three. When I read Alex's account of it, I realized, that I would have to do part of the writing for this particular episode. As we go along, you will very soon be able to figure out why. Suffice it to say for now, Alex was to busy with other things to really see what was going on around him. He could still experience some of the action well enough though. So I may interject some of his comments from time to time, just to spice things up, but I think that I will just have to write a little more of this one than usual.

When game number two ended I released my two slaves. The next game wasn't on for several hours and we all needed a break. Jose fixed us all dinner while I enjoyed Alex's hot little mouth on my dick. I won't go into any details, but suffice it to say Alex can do some wonderful things with his mouth. I was almost a little disappointed when Jose announced that dinner was done. But then, by that time Alex had already had a course of cum appetizer.

After we had eaten dinner and Jose had cleaned up, I decided it was time to get Alex and Jose ready for game three. What they didn't know was that we had guests that were about to arrive to help me abuse them. I think it might be appropriate to throw the story to Alex for as long as possible. I like the way he puts it when he finds out what's next:

I had known that Rick must have something special planned for his third game of the day. I should have known I wouldn't enjoy it when he let us eat and rest for awhile. Jose had just finished cleaning the kitchen. Rick made him come and stand at attention next to me. I was sitting on my knees on the floor at Rick's feet. Rick looked us up and down like he was inspecting two prize animals. When he does that, I really haven't decided how it makes me feel. Sometimes, I feel an overwhelming sense of pride that Rick's find me pleasing. Other times it scares the shit out of me. I feel like Rick is just sizing me up to see how best to make me suffer. I can always tell by his eyes which thoughts are going through his mind. This time my stomach got a knot in it as I knew he was thinking how best to hurt us.

Then he announced that we had company coming over. As he did he looked straight at me, with the most evil glint in his eyes. I know I have said it before, but I hate being used by other guys. I have learned to do it because Rick requires it of me, but I hate it. I was expecting Rick to elaborate on what was going to happen after they arrived. He must have known what I was thinking because he said, "You'll just have to wait and see what I have planned. For know let me get you ready for our company."

Rick came over and helped me up off the floor. He left Jose standing at attention while I was led over to the toy shelves. The first thing Rick pulled down was his trusty ring gag. As always, when Rick puts this on me, I know exactly what use my mouth is going to be put to. He strapped it firmly in place. He then reached up and grabbed two ear plugs. He inserted them firmly in my ears, effectively muffling my hearing. Next came a full leather hood which he pulled snugly over my head lacing it tightly up the back. The only opening it had other those nose holes was at the mouth, giving anyone who wanted access to my open, ring gagged, mouth. I felt, rather than heard, the click of the lock as Rick locked the hood in place. With the hood on and my ears plugged I was literally cut off from anything around me. I felt Rick run his hand down my chest and realized that the only sense I had left was feeling. Then he placed his fingers in my mouth and I realized that I also could still taste. I assumed I would be feeling and tasting a lot of cock as the evening progressed.

Next I felt Rick's hand on my shoulder pushing me to my knees. He then placed his hand on the back of my head and pushed my head down until I was kneeling with my head resting on the floor. I had no idea what he was doing but I felt his pulling my balls back between my legs. I then felt something resting across the back of my thighs and something else tightening down on my balls. Rick then pulled my bound hands down tight behind me and I knew he had secured them there as I could no longer move them at all. When he was finished he gently lifted my head up. As I started to slowly return to an upright, kneeling position I felt my balls being pulled harder and harder backwards between my legs. Whatever Rick had put on me was forcing me to remain in a semi kneeling position. I couldn't straighten all the way up or I would yank my balls off. I then felt Rick's cock probing my mouth and realized that I was being kept at a perfect cock sucking height. I felt a tug on my neck and knew Rick must have attached a leash to the collar of the hood. He tugged hard at the leash and forced me to shuffle along on my knees, slightly bent forward and unable to anything about it. I slowly shuffled along, following the pull at my neck, desperately trying not to yank my balls as I did so. When the pull stopped I assumed I was were Rick intended for me to be. All I could do was stay there, cut off from the world by the hood and the ear plugs. I don't know how long I stayed there but finally I heard the muffled sounds of voices in the room. I couldn't tell how many people were there but I knew Rick's buddies had arrived. All I could do was wait to find out what would happen next.

I think this is the time for me to stop Alex's narrative. From here on out I will tell the story and just throw in some of Alex's feelings. For anyone wondering what I had put on Alex, it was a humbler. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is a device that fits behind the thighs. You pull the slave's balls back between the legs and clamp them into a space in the center of the bar. Once on, it keeps the slave bent over. There is no way to get out of this position until the slave's balls are eventually released. I had wanted one of these for a long time and thought tonight's party would be the perfect time to try it out on Alex. And he is right, the humbler keeps the slaves mouth at the perfect height for sucking cock. Which was all the use I intended to put Alex to for the rest of the evening. He was going to spend the rest of his evening servicing any and every cock put into his mouth.

As for Jose, he on the other hand, was going to be the main attraction at the party. To get Jose ready required very little. I simply strung him up in the middle of the room by his wrists, placed a spreader bar between his legs, and I was done. It would be up to my guests as to what else would happen to him. What did I have in mind? Well I guess it would be okay to tell you. Jose on the other hand was just going to have to hang there and wait to find out.

I had invited about ten friends over to watch the game with me. I had explained to them what I had in mind for the evening when I had extended the invitation. We were going to bet to see who could be get the final outcome of the football game the closest. But no one would actually put money down on the bet, instead I was going to sell time torturing Jose. For each $1.00 put in the pot that person would get 2 full minutes to do anything they wanted to Jose. The only stipulation was that there could be no permanent marks and that Jose was not allowed to cum. I was assuming that by the end of the game we would have quite a bit of money riding on the bet. I also knew that with all of us getting hard seeing Jose tortured, Alex's mouth would put to quite a bit of use over the course of the evening.

I now went into the bedroom to put some clothes on leaving my boys alone to contemplate their fates. I had no more than finished when I heard the door bell ring and knew my friends had started to arrive. I let the first two guys in and showed them through to the playroom. They were friends from school. They had heard about my two slaves, but had never actually been over to meet them. I thought their eyes would pop out of their heads when they walked in to the room and saw Jose strung up, naked, in the middle of the room with Alex, naked, on his knees on the floor. Needless to say they were more than ready to get the show started but I wanted to wait for everyone to get there.

When everyone had finally arrived, included Jose's ex-Master, who complimented me on how well Jose looked, I walked over and stood next to Jose. I could tell by the leering eyes looking at my two slaves, that my guests were ready to get started. However, Jose still didn't know what I had planned. Well actually he probably did. He knew what a sadistic bastard I can be. In addition he couldn't have helped but hear some of the comments being directed at him while we were waiting for everyone to arrive. But I wanted him to hear it from my mouth, exactly what was going to happen to him. "For any of you that don't remember", I said to the ten horny guys standing there, "We are going to fund our pot by my selling off time with my slave, here. $1.00 gets you two minutes. No permanent marks and he may not cum. Other than that do with him as you please."

Then I whispered in Jose's ear, "Make me proud boy!"

"All right who wants the first crack at this fine specimen of manhood we have here?" I asked felling like an auctioneer.

After quite a heated discussion of who should get first crack at Jose, it was decided and the first of many dollar bills was given me. I let the guy decide what he wanted to do and then get everything he needed before the two minutes started. He wanted to torture Jose's balls. First he tied them low in their sack with a length of rawhide. Once done with that, he selected a small wooden paddle and told me he was ready. I started the timer and watched as he began to swat Jose's balls back and forth with the paddle. First the right side then the left. Over and over, not hard enough to injure Jose, but plenty hard to hurt like hell. What always amazes me is watching Jose's cock get hard when he is being tortured. Jose is such a pain pig. I could tell how bad the paddle was hurting and yet his cock was rock hard.

When the time had ran out I made the first guy stop. He put the paddle away, but left Jose's balls bound tight. The next contestant, so to speak, decided to leave Jose's balls tied up, as he too wanted to torture them. He selected a small whip and spent his time using it on Jose's balls as well as his hard cock. When his time was up Jose's cock and balls were a nice shade of red.

The next guy also left Jose's balls bound even though he wanted to whip Jose's ass. Which he did after selecting a long wooden paddle. He used his time beating Jose's ass until it was bright red.

The next guy asked me what I had been hoping to hear. If he dropped a $10 bill in the pot did that mean he got a full twenty minutes? I said of course, and watched as he went to the shelves and came back with a large box of clothes pins. He started on Jose's tits and traced a line down each side of his body. He then went up Jose's outstretched arms, lining them with pins. When he had finished with the arms he used the rest of his time to place clothes pins down Jose's inner thighs and then on his hard cock. He had finally used up all his time but he must have placed 50 clothes pins all over Jose's body. I told him to just leave them in place as maybe the next person up might want to use them.

Thankfully the next guy took my hint. He gave me another $10 dollar bill. He walked over to the shelves and selected a set of drum sticks. I knew one of the uses I made of them, I hoped he was thinking the same thing. When his time started he began thumping the clothes pins at random with the drum sticks. I have played music this way on Jose before and I could tell how bad it hurt him. For the entire twenty minutes the sticks drummed a rhythm across Jose's body on the clothes pins. By the time the twenty minutes was up there were tears of pain rolling down Jose's cheeks. But he had made me proud. Nothing but an occasional low moan of pain had escaped his lips. This was getting good. Are you wondering what Alex has been up to during all this? Well, let me have him tell it:

I realized there were a number of people in the room now. I finally felt a tug at my leash and I hobbled forward until there was a hard cock pressing into my mouth. The guy pulled my head back and forth along his cock. Me using my tongue and sucking for all I was worth. Thankfully, as always, Rick was making all of them wear condoms. I felt the cock in mouth swell in size as a load of sperm erupted into the reservoir at the end. It grew so much in my mouth I was afraid the condom would pop from the sheer size of this guys load. He held me pressed so tightly to his crotch while he did this I almost couldn't breath. When he was done he pulled out and I was barely able to catch my breath before my collar was being pulled toward another hard cock. That was all I knew until much latter I felt Rick unlocking the hood. My entire being was sucking cock. My own poor cock hard between my legs. Rick hadn't put me back in my cb3000. He had left me free. That made it all the worse. I had a raging erection the entire time and wanted desperately to cum, while one cock after another came in my mouth.

Let me stop Alex right there. All he really does is blubber on some more about how badly he needed to cum and how he never got to. Frankly, he spends to much time worrying about his own needs. No one, especially me cared even one little bit about how hard Alex was or how badly he needed to cum. Alex and Jose were simply there for our amusement. Anyway, let's get back to Jose, shall we.

The next money placed in the pot was also a $10 bill. This guy wanted the pleasure of spending a full twenty minutes taking off all the clothes pins. Which is exactly what he did! He would pull one off, let Jose jerk in his bonds, then pull another one off. He did it so slow and methodically that he was forced to buy another $10 dollars worth of time so he could finish. I actually took pity on Jose about half way through and gave him permission to make as much noise as he needed. The guy was a real sadist. I watched as he would pull off a pin, then massage the area, bringing the blood rushing back to cause the most intense pain. He was really enjoying himself. Well, actually we were all enjoying ourselves. I saw Alex passed between at least five guys while the pins were coming off Jose's pain racked body. Eventually all the pins were off and another guy paid money for his turn.

This continued for quite sometime. Jose was sucked right to the edge, he was whipped, he had his ass fucked, he was tickled, you name it someone decided to try it. But as agreed no permanent makes and no cumming. Actually I was saving Jose's cumming for the grand finally. When the last quarter of the game started I informed the group that the first one to put a twenty in the pot got the privilege of making Jose shoot his load. By this time his cock was so hard he had a pool of pre-cum on the floor between his legs. Needless to say a twenty very quickly was put in the pot.

I took the winner into the kitchen so Jose couldn't hear me explain to him what I wanted. I handed him a tube of Deep Heat and told him to lube Jose up really well with it. I wanted his cock and balls thoroughly covered with the stuff. Then he was to play with Jose's hole lubing it up too. Once he was done he had the rest of the entire fourth quarter to tease Jose's cock. I wanted Jose to cum exactly as the final second of the game ended. As the winner was Jose's old Master, John, this scenario sounded great to him. He would love nothing better than torturing Jose for that long.

We went back out and John put on a pair of vinyl gloves. He then squirted some of the Deep Heat in his hand and started massaging it into Jose's balls. He didn't let Jose see what it was but as it started penetrating Jose knew immediately what it was. I could tell by the pain on Jose's face how bad it burned. Next came Jose's cock. Again the cream was liberally applied. Next I watched as John squirted some on his fingers and started massaging it deep into Jose's asshole. As the fire started hitting Jose's ass he twisted and squirmed hoping to avoid the finger penetrating his hole with the searing fire the cream produced. However, there was no escaping for Jose, all he could do was hang there and suffer. When John was happy with his work, he turned his attention back to Jose's still hard cock. He began stroking it with his fingers working Jose toward a climax. Ever so often John would add just a little more Deep Heat to help him in his work. It was like watching a master violinist playing his instrument as John slowly brought Jose closer and closer. He wasn't trying to edge play him as much as he was building the intensity very slowly toward orgasm. John kept a watch on the tv to see just how much longer until the end of the game so he could adjust his ministrations accordingly. By this point Jose's eyes had glassed over and his breathing was coming in short ragged gasps. John had him so turned on with the combination of pain and pleasure he was giving him. Every so often John would remove his hand completely from Jose's cock and instead play with Jose's ass. He would slide his finger in and out, each time using just a little more of the special lube. At one point I knew he had his finger on Jose's prostrate because I thought Jose was going to cum right then and there, but before he could John pulled his fingers out.

The closer to the end of the game the closer John brought Jose. We were now down to the last two minutes. John started moving just a little faster, but then one of the teams called a time out and he was forced to slow down again. Jose was literally shaking in his bonds with his need. He was hardly able to stand and spent more time hanging by his arms than standing on his feet. Finally the last minute hit. John had Jose so close that John had to work hard at not making him cum prematurely. I could see Jose's cock getting ready to cum. John held him right there, right at the brink until the very last second then gave Jose one last stroke. Just as the final second ticked off the clock, Jose's erupted in an orgasm that sent ropes of cum shooting across the room. I knew why I had been denying Jose cumming for so long. He made he proud as I heard gasps of shock at how much he had cum and how far it had shot. Jose, now spent, slumped completely letting his body hang from the ropes. Making no effort, or simply unable to stand on his feet. John had drained every last ounce of strength from Jose's body. As I looked at him I was so glad that he belonged to me. I could tell by the look on John's face, that at that moment he really regretted giving Jose up as his slave.

Once my friends had left I let my boys loose and let them take a much deserved shower. I then took then to bed with me and fell asleep one on each side. Their naked bodies pressed tight against mine. I was happy with my slaves. I was proud of them.

Perhaps I have let this account run on a little longer than I had originally intended. However, I am usually not the one doing the writing. I think I actually enjoyed it. Maybe I should do it more. As I reread this it makes my dick get hard, so perhaps I should. I have two slaves to take care of my dick when it gets hard after all. As always comments are very much welcome just e-mail me at BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 24

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