I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jan 16, 2007


"I Had No Idea" - Part 22

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I really enjoyed ending the last segment of Alex's journal the way I did. I would call it a real cliff hanger. Two slave boys, both in wonderfully precarious situations. Would Jose loose out and rip his balls off? Would Alex be accidentally pushed past the point of no return in edge play and actually cum? First, let me say this, I would never allow Jose to actually injure himself. Nor would I ever allow Alex to cum unless it was his day to get to. But you are right, I did leave everyone hanging in hard anticipation. That was my intention after all. I wanted you, the reader, to be left hanging. That makes the next instalment all that more desired. Well here it is. I may be a sadistic bastard but I still have a loving streak. It might be a small one, but it's still there. I won't even make you suffer through a long introduction, I will turn this account right over to my Alex:

Once Rick had Jose's torture arranged to his satisfaction, he returned to me so he could resume mine. He seated himself in his chair and grabbing my cock said, "Did you miss me Alex? I think your friend here could hardly wait for me to get back."

Rick held on to me while he found out the score and who was in possession of the ball. As soon as he caught back up he resumed our game. I won't tell you anymore details, but suffice it to say, when Rick decided that Jose needed to be released I was extremely relieved. Or conversely extremely frustrated. Rick had me so desperate to cum that I would have done anything for him if only he would have allowed it. As I have said before, and will say many more times, it fucking sucks when you know that no matter what, you only come every fourteen days. Rick can get me so turned on and then just walked away. I could, and have begged him to cum. I have promised him any and everything. But I might just as well be talking to a wall. All he ever does is tell me it isn't time yet and I will just have to wait. Rick had pushed Jose and I to our limits with this one. He had let Jose hang there, until even I, in my cum filled mind, could hear Jose sobbing in pain behind his gag. Finally, after what to me had seemed an entirety, Rick got up and went over to Jose. I was so thankful, as when he did, it had been my tits getting tortured. By that time I too had been sobbing in pain. Rick just let the chain drop on my chest as he turned his attention to Jose. Once again I shuffled my position so I could watch to see what was going to happen. Rick, removed Jose's gag and raising his head so he could look at his face asked, "Have you had enough boy? I know how bad you hurt, but can you take just a little more and make me proud of you?"

I could see Jose's face. His eyes filled with a mixture of tears and pain. I knew how much he must be hurting. His legs trembled under him as he attempted to stay in the half squat position. I was sure now that his gag was out he would beg Rick to release him and end the suffering. But to my amazement Jose responded, his voice quivering from the pain in his legs, "Sir, Yes Sir. If that is what you want, Sir. I can and will make you proud, Sir."

Dear god, I didn't know if I could do that. I would hate disappointing Rick. I knew I would at least try, even if it meant hurting myself. However, I would trust Rick to never allow that to happen. Rick walked behind Jose and out of his site. Rick slid a stool over behind Jose. He glanced at me, telling me with his eyes that it was just in case. In other words if Jose gave out and couldn't make it, then Rick was ready to quickly put the stool under him to support his weight. Now Rick selected a leather paddle and walked back around so Jose could see it. He held it up and made Jose kiss it. Then Rick said, "slave, here is how this is going to work. I am going to paddle your ass. It won't be one after another. I will hit you hard, then give you a few seconds to recover. Once I can tell you have, I will hit you again. We will keep doing this until I have decided it is enough. If you last, I will be very proud of you. If you fail I will punish you. Do you understand?"

Jose nodded his head yes. Rick walked behind him. I watched Jose face. He gritted his teeth and tensed his body as best he could. His tortured legs were quivering with the effort of maintaining his position. Rick pulled the paddle back and let it fly. It connected with Jose's ass with a loud slap. Jose jerked hard with the blow but managed to hold his balance. Tears once again filled his eyes and began trickling down his cheeks. Rick gave him a moment to calm himself then let the paddle fly again. Jose jerked at the hard impact, but once more managed to hold steady. More tears streamed down his face. I wondered how much more he could take. When once again he was under control the paddle hit his ass. For just a moment I thought Jose's legs were going to give out. It took every bit of will power he had to keep himself from collapsing. Rick saw it too, as he quickly moved the stool right up to Jose ass. But Jose managed to do it. Once again the paddle fell, crack across Jose's ass. As Rick hit him he had one foot on the stool ready to give it a shove if needed. From somewhere Jose must have found one last reserve of strength. Because this time he didn't seem to have as much trouble holding his stance. In my mind this meant that he was just about at the brink. One always gets that last little bit of adrenaline. Unfortunately it never last very long. Down came the paddle. I saw Jose's legs giving out, but once again he managed to resume his position. Each time he had done this though he had to stand just a little higher, pulling his balls painfully in their harness. Rick was watching Jose closely. He walked back in front and looked at Jose asking, "I want two more out of you boy. Can you do it?"

Once again Jose nodded yes. Rick reached out and wiped the tears from Jose's cheeks and lovingly stroked his head, "I know you can do it. I have every confidence in you."

Rick return to his position behind Jose and let the paddle fly. As it did, I was sure Jose had lost it. He struggled hard to keep from falling. Rick had the stool literally inches from Jose's ass ready to push it under him. But again somehow Jose did it. He recovered and steeled himself for the final blow. As Rick landed the paddle home I saw Jose's legs finally give out totally. Rick quickly jammed the stool under Jose and was then holding him upright while he unhooked the tit clamps from the cord holding them up to the ceiling. As the tension was now gone from Jose balls Rick just held him close. Jose had finally lost it. He just sat there sobbing into Rick's shoulder. When Jose had finally settled down Rick released his balls from the floor. Jose attempted to stand but his strained leg muscles wouldn't take it just yet. So Rick picked him up and carried him over to were the blanket still lay by his chair. He set Jose down and stroked his head. As he did I heard Jose's voice, "Sir, permission to speak Sir."

"Permission granted slave."

"Sir. I am sorry I disappointed you. I just couldn't hold it after the last swat. If you hadn't been there to help me I don't know what I would have done. I'm sorry, Sir. I deserve whatever punishment you decide on, Sir."

As my mind registered what Jose was saying I was shocked. He really thought he had failed. Rick had told him two more. He had taken two more. At least I assumed that was what Rick had meant. Would Rick really punish Jose after taking him that far? Rick reached down and pulled Jose's mouth up to his and I watched as he gave him a long kiss. "Boy, I asked for two more. You gave me two more. I am very proud of you. You didn't fail, you did great! Just lay here and rest for a little while, I have some unfinished business to take care of with Alex," Rick said when he had pulled his mouth free of Jose's.

I hoped he meant my tit clamps. They were still attached firmly to my chest. I had been so absorbed in watching Jose I had actually forgotten about the pain but now I noticed them again. With all the tit torture I had endured over the last few hours they throbbed painfully. Rick returned to me and telling me to brace myself, removed the clamps. As the feeling rushed back in I screamed. I couldn't help it. The pain hurt so bad. "Boy I didn't say you could do that," Rick angrily said to me. "Now because of your yelling I get to do this."

He reached over and began massaging my tortured tits sending waves of pain radiating all over my chest. I gritted my teeth hard. I knew that if I yelled again Rick would be pissed. Thankfully he quit, leaving me there to recover on my own. When Rick could tell I was in control he picked me up and carried me over to were Jose was. He laid me down on the blanket and adjusted both of us so we could see the game. "Boys, I think you both deserve a rest. Let's watch the rest of the game and then we'll play another game," Rick told us as he returned to his chair and sat down.

It had already been a long day and Rick had more planned! I wished I could see Jose's face to see if he felt the same way I did. I wondered just what else Rick did have planned. I remembered that he had said he had three games to watch. We were still in the first. What did he have planned for the other two? As usual I had no idea! I guessed I would just have to wait till the game was over and find out.

When the game ended Rick informed us that he had just enough time to get us set up before the next game came on. He released me from the ball to wrist harness and replaced my wrist cuffs, locking them behind me. He then removed Jose's parachute harness. Rick released Jose's hands from his collar but left them firmly locked behind his back. He led both of us over to the toy shelves and got down two ball gags. He put one on each of us, cinched them tight, then finished them off with his trusty locks. He reached up next for the electric ass plug. He made Jose bend over and shoved it firmly into his ass. I was quite sure after the mammoth one Rick had made him endure earlier this one wasn't any problem. He left me standing by the shelves while he moved Jose a little down the wall to where the hook was set in the baseboard. Rick made Jose sit down flat on the floor, shoving the plug firmly into his ass. Rick then locked Jose's wrist cuffs to the hook. This ensured that Jose had to sit against the wall until Rick released him. Next Rick tied a rope to Jose's collar and ran it up over a beam. He tied it off in such a way that Jose was forced to keep his head held up. If he tried to look down he would strangle himself on his collar. Rick then came back to get a leg spreader. This he placed between Jose's legs stretching them hard out to each side. He then locked Jose's ankle cuffs to the ends and stood back to admire his work. Rick returned to me and led me out to the center of the room. He positioned me under the pulley set in the beam. He already had a rope hanging from it which he let drop in front of me. He walked behind me and uncuffed my wrists. He whispered in my ear, "Alex I am going to pull you hands up just behind your head and re-cuff them. They will be done in such a way that you could bring them in front of you. You will NOT! I am then going to tie the rope to them and pull your arms in the air over your head. You will not move your hands until you feel the rope pulling them. Do you understand me?"

"Sir, yes Sir," was my quick reply. I could think of only about three other times since we had started our contract that Rick had let my arms out from behind me. I wondered just what he had in mind. I would soon find out.

Rick did exactly as he had said he would. He moved my hands and then shortly I felt the rope pulling them up above my head. I was expecting him to pull them taut but he didn't. When he walked back over to me he was carrying a leg spreader just like Jose's. Rick got it on me, then disappeared behind me. Next I felt him at the spreader bar and I looked down to see him tying a rope to the ring at the center. When he was done, he again disappeared behind me. Shortly I felt a backward tug on the spreader bar. Rick was drawing my feet back behind me with the rope. He continued pulling until my feet were about two full feet behind my shoulders. Next I felt the pull of the rope on my arms as Rick tightened up the slack. He continued until he had me stretched out nicely, arms over my head and feet pulled out behind me. Rick then made me see if I could hold my back straight. He ordered me to not let myself sag in the ropes. With a little effort I could do as he wanted. It was much easier though to just hang and let the ropes support me. Once Rick was satisfied he returned to Jose, stopping first at the toy shelf.

I couldn't see what he had gotten until he got back to where Jose was. Rick showed Jose and myself the tens unit. It had been a while since we had played with it. I will always remember my birthday when Rick bought it. But then you've all heard about that. Anyway, Rick attached clips to each of Jose's tits. Then to the head of his cock and then to his balls. In addition he placed one on each of Jose's little toes. Finally he hooked the butt plug up. Then turning the unit on, he set it to the remote control setting. Rick set the unit on the floor between Jose's out stretched legs and walked back over to me. From his pocket he pulled out the parachute harness that Jose had been wearing earlier. Rick strapped it on my balls and as usual locked it in place. He set the remote for the tens unit on the floor in front of me. He then went out to the garage, returning with a large metal bucket. He had me allow myself to relax in the ropes, hanging forward. Rick then tied the bucket to my ball harness. In my present relaxed position the bucket just barely touched the floor. In fact, if I made myself fall just a little bit more forward, I could get the bucket flat on the floor. Just what did Rick have in mind? I knew the remote for the tens unit was going to play a major part.

Rick returned to the toy shelves and came back with a set of tit clamps connected by a chain. In addition, he had a box full of weights. He played with my already sore tits until he had them standing up at attention. He then applied the clamps, causing me to gasp out in pain. He gave the chain a tug and then let it drop to a hanging position in front of me. He stood back to make sure I was exactly were he wanted me, then he started to explain how our new game was going to work. "Boys," he started, "I am sure you both already have an idea of what is going to happen here. Jose I am going to set the tens unit on a low setting. It will randomly shock you, one clamp at a time. However, it will also be on the remote function. I am going to place the remote on the floor under the bucket, suspended from Alex's balls. As long as Alex hold himself rigid and doesn't allow his back to sag, you will just get the low shock. But if he sags forward and lets the bucket push down on the switch, then you will get a shock on the high setting to one random clip. I think this will be fun. I am interested to see just how long Alex can hold out before he lets the bucket drop. To add to the challenge, when the game starts, every time my team scores I am going to add one weight to the bucket and one weight to Alex's tit clamps for every point they get."

When Rick had finished he made me straighten into a rigid position, holding my back so I wasn't sagging forward. He then placed the remote under the bucket. He went over to Jose and set the tens unit to start randomly shocking him. Then returning to me, he yanked the bucket down until it hit the switch. Obviously he wanted to make sure it would work as he planned. It did, believe me. Poor Jose's ass got the jolt. I could tell by how high he bucked his hips off the floor just how badly it hurt. "To make this even more interesting I think I should start you out with a couple weights," Rick said as he dropped two large weights into the bucket.

I could hold myself up, but the weights placed extra strain on my balls. In addition he added two smaller weights to my tit clamps. God they had already hurt like hell and the weights only made it worse. "Have fun boys. I'm going to go watch my game. Let's hope my team scores a lot of points," Rick said with a nasty tone in his voice as he returned to his chair.

I looked across the room at Jose and watched as he flinched when one shock after another hit his body. I vowed that I would do my best to make sure he didn't get shocked any worse. I tightened my muscles and settled into a position that I thought I could hold for quite sometime. To be honest I really didn't have any idea how hard it was going to be. The longer I hung there the harder it was to keep myself from sagging forward. The bucket pulling down on my balls and the weights hanging from my tits made the effort all that much more difficult. I was concentrating so hard that I didn't notice what was going on with Rick's game until he was in front of me holding up more weights. As he dropped four more large weights into the bucket, he informed me his team had just scored a touch down as well as make the field goal. He attached an additional four smaller weights to my tit clamps, then turned and walked back toward his chair. The extra weights on my tits hurt like hell, as they swung in the air. But what really hurt was the extra weights in the bucket. I really wasn't sure how heavy Rick had made them, but god, they were pulling on my balls. Now it was a struggle to hold myself in position. As I hung there with the dead weight of the bucket hanging from my balls, I started feeling myself sagging forward. I tightened every muscle and just barely managed to keep from letting the bucket descend toward the floor. As before, I was concentrating so hard I didn't realize Rick had gotten up, until he was standing in front of me. Once again he held weights in his hands. Had his team scored again so soon? He answered my mental question by telling me, "Alex I know I said I would add weights if my team scored. But, I just loved the look on your face last time. I could tell it hurt. I just had to come over and see that look again. See what I brought you, three more weights for your tits and the bucket."

He then, immediately, dropped the weights into the bucket. The weights dropping so quickly made me jerk forward as they hit bottom. This, in turn, caused me to sag, allowing the bucket to drop onto the switch. I watched as poor Jose got a major shock to his balls. He jerked and kicked as much as his bonds would allow, as the pain coursed through his groin. I could tell how bad I had just hurt him and I felt horrible. I quickly tightened my muscles, pulling the bucket back up in the air. As I did I almost yelled. The bucket was so damn heavy as it hung from my balls. Rick reached down and rubbed his hand over my dick, causing the weighted bucket to bounce around in the air, further torturing my stretched balls. When he was done, he added the extra weights to my tit clamp chain and headed back to his game. I just hung there struggling to maintain my position. My balls hurt so bad that they felt like the bucket was going to tear them off. I really didn't know how long I could take the pressure on them. I was afraid I might have to set the bucket down just to give my poor tortured balls a break. To add to my frustration, Rick wasn't even paying any attention to us. He was quite happily watching his game. I actually find I can take more pain when I know he is watching me and enjoying himself. But to have him ignoring me, while I suffer makes it that much harder for me to endure the torture. My mind must have drifted as I was thinking about this, because Jose's sounds of pain brought my attention back to reality. I realized that I had allowed the bucket to drop down and was sending jolts of pain into Jose's right tit. I also realized how good my balls felt with the pressure gone. I wished I could leave it that way. But I quickly straightened my back, once again taking the weight back on my balls. I don't know how long this continued, me getting tired and being forced to let the bucket settle to the floor. All I do know is that every time the bucket hit the switch, it killed me to watch Jose be ripped by searing pain. Especially knowing I was the one causing it to happen. But I had no choice. I just couldn't hold myself and the bucket up all the time anymore. What was really scaring me was the fact that each time I managed to get the bucket back off the floor it was going up a shorter distance. In other words either my balls were stretching out or I was losing the ability to hold myself up. How soon before I simply couldn't do it anymore and the bucket planted itself firmly on the switch and stayed there? Once again my thoughts were brought up short by Rick's face in front of mine. "Guess what, Alex," he said, "my team just scored again. I have more weights to add to your bucket."

Three more weights dropped hard into the bucket. I sagged forward and heard Jose's response on the other side of the room. With every ounce of will I could muster I raised myself back up. As I did, I realized just how heavy the bucket had become. It took all I had to get it up in the air. The pain in my balls from the strain now mirrored the pain I had just inflicted on Jose. I prayed Rick would take pity on me and put this to and end. There was just no way I could keep the bucket up without hurting myself. Needless to say he didn't. Instead he added weights to the tit clamps and walked away leaving me hanging there to suffer. How much longer would he make this last? I couldn't tell you. I wasn't conscience of anything except the pain in my balls. Which was relieved every so often, only to replaced by the sound of me hurting Jose. When I was at the point were I knew I couldn't take anymore I felt the bucket being removed from my balls. Yes, there was Rick taking the torture away. If my hands had been free I would have thrown my arms around him and kissed him. He was my savior, my hero! He removed the clamps from my tits and then released me from my hanging position. He lowered my hands once again behind my head and then re-cuffed them behind my back. It might sound strange but having him do that felt so good. The reassurance of having my hands locked behind me where they belonged made me feel happy and secure. Rick held me briefly and told me what a good job I had done. He told me I had made him proud. I felt so warm, loved, and happy. Unhappily, his next words made that feeling quickly disappear. It was half time in the game and Jose and I were going to change places for the second half. I was going to get wired to the tens unit and Jose was going to be hung with the bucket on his balls. The torture wasn't over, it was only changing.

As the second half started I was sitting on the floor, being randomly shocked. I hoped to hell Jose did a better job of holding up the bucket than I had. I watched as Rick started Jose out with the same weights he had started me out with. Rick then walked back to his chair. I sat there hoping that his team scored horribly thus giving Jose a better chance of keeping the bucket from dropping to the floor and jolting me silly.

I think this is a good place to stop Alex. Suffice it to say, my team did very well. Also for the record, let me state, that Jose is in better shape than Alex. He did much better keeping the bucket suspended from his balls and hanging in mid air than Alex did. To that let me add, it simply meant I had to find other reasons to add weights to the bucket, which, trust me I did. Alex might have thought I wasn't paying any attention, but I was. I love the sound of a slave screaming in pain behind a gag. It immediately gets me hard. Actually just thinking about it gets me hard. Well, thankfully I have two slaves to torture so I don't have to just think about it, I get to hear it all the time.

Is anyone curious what I had planned for the third game of the day? If so let me know what you think. As always BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 23

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