I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jan 4, 2007


"I Had No Idea" - Part 21

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create

unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

(Authors note: I realize that there has been a few months since I last wrote a segment in this story. I had the great privilege of having my neck operated on! Trust me it wasn't any fun! Thankfully I can once again look down at my key board and type. I have chosen to restart the story as if no time had elapsed rather than with a gap. I hope you enjoy it.)

Hello all of Alex's faithful readers. I enjoyed his last journal entry very much. Listening to Jose whine in pain, while Alex's gloriously tight hole brought me off was indescribable. But enough of that. Just thinking about that evening makes me want to do it all over again, right now. Anyway, let me pick up roughly where we left off. I had left Jose hanging from the rafters. As much as I would have like to, I didn't leave him there all night. After enjoying just holding Alex, I finally let Jose down. I took both of them to bed with me and slept wonderfully nestled between my two bound slave boys.

The next day I intended to continue my abuse of Jose. I had several interesting things planned for him. But as I have said before, Alex tells it so much better than I do so I won't go into any details. And well he should describe the scene better than I do. What else does he really have to do with his time. He is tied up all the time after all. Plus when he only cums every other week, or as he has started saying, "every fourteen days", he needs to do something with all his pent up sexual energy. At least that's what I tell him. In reality, I know that when he writes these accounts, reliving them in his head, his cock is straining against it's prison the entire time. Which in turn leaves him more horny and desperate to cum. Did you ever wonder why I first allowed Alex to start his writings? It wasn't to make him happy. It was for a purely selfish reason. I knew that with his imprisoned dick and his inability to cum it would simply add to his torture. You see despite the comments that make me seem like a nice person, I really am just a sadistic bastard. Let me tell you, to stand and watch Alex typing away when he doesn't know I am watching is awesome. I can always tell when he is getting to a good action scene. His breathing quickens and he starts slowly, impotently humping the carpet. I honestly don't think he even realizes he's doing it. He just gets himself so turned on that his body starts doing it out of reflex. When he finally finishes his journal entry and I have let him, up there is always a large puddle of precum on the floor. But, as I always say, that's the way I like my slaves, hot, horny, desperate to cum, and desperate to serve me.

Enough of this, let me turn this story over to me Alex. I will let him pick up after breakfast when I am getting ready for Jose's first torment:

When we finished breakfast and after Rick had ordered Jose to get the kitchen clean. He informed him that he had enjoyed abusing Jose so much the night before that he had a couple more ideas try out on him today. Rick grabbed me by the shoulder and led me out to the play room, leaving Jose to clean the kitchen. When we got there, Rick made me sit on the blanket that was still there from last night while he busied himself arranging things for whatever he had planned. Personally I was curious. If I knew Rick, he would try and top last nights game, which meant that poor Jose was probably really in for it today. I had no idea that I was in for a hell of a day too.

As I watched, Rick went into the garage and returned with something that I hadn't seen before. It was a small stool about three feet high and just big enough for a person to sit on. He stopped in front of me to show me what he had done to it. He sounded very proud of his handiwork as he pointed out the large dildo attached to the seat. As he did he said, "What do you think Alex? I bet you wish it was your ass this was going to be impaling today instead of Jose's."

Actually, to be honest, I really was quite happy it was going to be Jose. The damn thing looked pretty wicked! Now don't get me wrong, I have had some interesting and wicked toys shoved up my ass, but this one really didn't look like fun. First, it was attached to the stool. That meant Jose would be sitting on it, and if I knew Rick, he would make sure that all of Jose's weight was resting on his ass. Then it was extra wide at the base. When I say extra wide, I mean extra wide. I knew that meant, once in, it would keep Jose's hole stretched to it's limit. In turn that would make his asshole hurt like hell. The butt plug was pretty long too. But then so was Rick's cock. In other words, Jose and I were used to big long things stuck up our asses. However, the entire length was studded with small, hard, rubber bumps. I could just imagine what it would feel like shoved up my ass. Then, if I was made to sit on the thing it would be even worse. I was pretty sure the thing would hurt like hell. No, I was certainly not envious of Jose. Obviously Rick didn't see it that way as he stroked the hard rubber cock and said, "Next time Alex, I'll make sure you get to enjoy this. I know how much you enjoy having me torture your ass. But, I think first, I should try it out on Jose. That way I'll know just how to make it hurt the worst for you that I possibly can. Jose might get it first, but I will make sure you get it better."

Rick's words didn't instill me with joy. Actually, that really isn't true. In a way they did. Even though we had Jose, Rick still liked to make me suffer more. I was still his favorite. My God that is really a strange comment! But, I just realized that it does make me happy. It makes me happy that Rick prefers to be hurting. I watch him torture Jose and I actually do get jealous. But that statement of Rick's let me know that he still gets the most enjoyment, the most turned on torturing me. When Rick said it, I really was thinking that I was glad it wasn't me. Yet a part of me knew that wasn't the case. I wanted it to be me. Now, as I write this, the whole thing is totally clear. At least as clear as anything can be in my horny, lust filled brain. As with so many things, I wonder if Rick allowed me to cum more often, would I still feel the same way? To be honest, I don't think I want to find out. I have realized that I really like feeling the way I do. If he was to take my chastity device off right now and released my hands, I would still want to only be allowed to cum every fourteen days, fourteen long days. As usual I have drifted into myself. I am supposed to telling you about what Rick was doing to Jose. So let me get us back to it.

Rick carried the stool over to the area of the play room where he has all the pulleys attached to the beams. He positioned the stool, taking time to get it right where he wanted it. He then hooked up several ropes and to one he attached a bar. From the bar he ran a rope up through a pulley then over to the wall. He pulled the rope through another pulley set in the baseboard. Once done he ran the rope back over to where the stool sat. I was getting really curious as to just what he had planned. By now Jose had finished the kitchen and was standing at attention just inside the doorway. Jose was also probably wondering what was in store for him. Rick ordered Jose to the bedroom and followed after him. Just what was Rick up to?

A few minutes latter they came back carrying the bedroom television between them. They placed it on a small table on the side of the room where I was sitting. Rick hooked it up to a cable outlet in the wall. We had never used it before, but when Rick turned the tv on everything worked fine. Again I was really wondering what he was up to. Next Rick ordered Jose into the living room. This time they came back carrying Rick's recliner. I was made to move and the recliner was placed about six feet in front of the tv. Rick sat down and tried it out. He wanted to make sure it was just where he wanted it. He tipped it just right so he could watch the tv as well as see the area where he had set up the stool, comfortably. He then turned the tv on and set it to ESPN. There was already a football game on. Which reminded me, Rick had mentioned earlier that there were several games on today that he wanted to watch. What exactly did he have in mind?

Finally after making sure everything was just to his liking he ordered Jose over to where the stool was sitting. I wondered what was going through Jose's mind as he saw the butt plug sticking up from the stool. Especially knowing that his ass would soon be impaled on it. Rick made Jose stand at attention, legs spread wide, while he went to get a few toys. First Rick inserted a leather gag in Jose's mouth. He buckled it tightly in back and then added one his trade mark pad locks. Rick loves the security of padlocks. When he puts something on, he has no intention of it coming off, until he wants it off. Next came a parachute ball harness, which again Rick locked in place. As Jose was already wearing leather cuffs locked around his wrists and ankles, Rick was now ready for Jose to take his seat on the stool. Rick lubed the plug. He then moved Jose into position and helped him slowly lower himself onto it. As Jose's face was turned toward me I could see the pain wash across his face as the plug invaded his ass. When Rick had Jose firmly seated on the stool he turned away for a minute to pick up a rope laying on the floor. As he did Jose used his legs to lift himself slightly in an attempt to adjust the plug in some way that would give his poor stretched hole some relief. Again the look on his face was evidence of the pain the plug was causing him. When Rick turned back I knew that any relief Jose had found would be short lived. Rick reached down and tied one end of the rope to Jose's right ankle cuff. He then threaded the rope through a hook set just at the top of the stool behind Jose. He then ran the rope down and pulled it through the ring on Jose's left ankle cuff. Rick began pulling the rope until he had both Jose's ankles pulled up off the floor and anchored tight to the stool seat behind him. Now Jose's entire weight was settled onto the butt plug and there was no way he could lift himself in an attempt to relieve the pain. "Doesn't that plug feel good, slave? When I showed it to Alex a few minutes ago he was almost drooling over it. He wanted it in his ass but I told him it was your turn first," Rick said as he patted Jose on the shoulder.

The look on Jose's face told me that he wished it was in my ass instead of his. At this point I was happy Jose was enjoying the privilege, not me. I know what I said earlier about being jealous sometimes, but right then I was quite glad Jose was enjoying the pleasure of that plug in his ass and not me. Rick next made Jose hold his arms up in front of him and placed the long bar in his hands. He made him hold the bar just at shoulder height. Rick locked Jose's wrist cuffs to hooks set about three feet apart on the bar. Next the rope that had been run through the pulleys was attached to a hook in the center of the bar. Rick took the other end of the rope and threaded it through the end of Jose's parachute harness. Rick pulled the rope tight until the harness was pulling Jose's balls away from his body, then tied it off. As long as Jose held the bar where it was his balls wouldn't be pulled anymore. If he raised it a little bit he could even take the pressure off them entirely. But if Jose allowed the bar to go any lower the parachute harness would begin to stretch his balls painfully. What an interesting situation. As long as Jose kept the bar in position he would be all right. The bar looked like it didn't weigh that much so Jose should be able to do all right for quite a while. I should have know though that Rick wasn't going to leave it quite that simple. As I watched he took a matching set of weights from our weight bench. He tied cords onto them and proceeded to tie one to each end of the bar. Now I could tell that it was requiring more effort for Jose to keep the bar in place. It would be interesting to see just how long he could keep the bar held down. Rick grasped the bar and gave it a downward jerk, causing Jose's balls to be stretched painfully. As he did he said with a wicked voice, "Do you get the idea of our little game? How strong are you slave? If you can keep this right where it is now you're okay. If your arms get tired and you let the bar move downward then your balls will pay the price. Enjoy yourself slave. Alex and I are going to watch football. Trust me I'll be watching you too. Seeing you struggle to keep your balls from getting yanked off is going to be almost as exciting as the game."

With that Rick walked away, leaving Jose to deal with his situation. Before he came back over to where I was Rick stopped to pick up a couple toys from our collection. He picked out his favorite set of tit clamps. I assumed he was going to put them on Jose to further add to his torture. Instead he brought them with him over to me. That told me I was going to be enjoying there company, rather than Jose. In addition Rick picked up a box that had just come in the mail. I hadn't yet seen what was in it, but assumed I would shortly. Rick sat down in his chair and ordered me to stand in front of him. He reached for his key ring and I was surprised when he picked the key out that fit the lock on my chastity belt. Rick unlocked the belt and removed it. It always felt strange to have my dick free after wearing the belt for an extended period of time. The last time Rick had let me free had been the last time I had cum, thirteen days, four hours, and about ten minutes ago. As I have said before, when you are only allowed to cum every fourteen days, you know the day, hour, and minute since you last were allowed to cum. Sometimes, if I ma really desperate, I can even tell you the seconds. Rick looked at me as my cock sprang immediately to attention and said, "I know Alex. You miss getting to cum more often. But I like you better when your balls are full. You know my favorite saying, "when the balls are full the mind is empty."

With that he opened the box and held up what was inside. It first looked like a new set of wrist restraints, but then I realized that it also had a cock and ball harness attached to one end. Rick proceeded to strap the cock and ball harness on me. He adjusted the straps so it fit nice and snug. Then as usual he locked it securely in place. He then turned me around and released my hands, with his usual admonishment that I was not to attempt to bring them in front of me. Rick then bent me over and I felt him pushing something at my asshole. I relaxed as best I could and felt Rick slide a large lubed butt plug into me. As I felt my hole slide around the wide part and then suck in on the small end, I was so thankful that he hadn't used one shaped like the one in Jose's ass. Next I felt Rick pulling a leather strap snugly into my ass crack. As he did the strap tugged on my balls and I realized that it was connected to the cock and ball harness. Once Rick had pulled the strap tightly into my ass, securing the butt plug firmly in place, he made me stand up. Once I was standing Rick grasped my right wrist and pulled it down toward my ass. As he did this I was forced to pull my shoulders slightly back so he could get my wrist exactly where he wanted it. I felt him locking a cuff around my wrist holding it there. Once done he did the same with my left wrist, once again locking it in place. When he had finished and released his hold on my wrists my first impulse was to try and move them slightly up my back so I wouldn't have to stand with my shoulders back and my arms pulled down so severely. As I did I yanked my balls. When I did I realized that my hands were strapped tightly to my balls by the strap digging deep into my ass crack. There was no way I could move my wrists from their current uncomfortable position. They were tied firmly to my balls and Rick had left no slack. I would be forced to keep my shoulders pulled back and hold my hands where they were until Rick decided to release me. Rick then ordered me to kneel next to him on the floor. He positioned me just slightly in front of him and off to one side. As I lowered myself onto my knees, with my hands bound, I was forced to keep my back straight, shoulders pulled back, and slowly bend my knees until I was on the floor. Even then to keep from yanking my balls I had to keep my feet up on my tip toes. Doing that allowed me to settle in a position that let me rest my thighs on my heels. This took the strain off my legs. Rick checked my position to see if it met with his expectations. He made me spread my legs farther apart so my cock and balls were hanging totally exposed and vulnerable. When he was happy he glanced over my shoulder to where Jose was and asked him, "Doing all right over there slave?"

He really didn't wait for an answer as his eyes dropped immediately back to me. He reached out and began playing with my tits while he proceeded to explain how our game was going to go. There was a new football game starting and it would be based on what happened during the game as to what would happen to me. Depending on what was going on would depend on wether he would torture my tits or edge play my cock. When the team he was going for had the ball Rick would get my cock hard (as if it wasn't hard already) and then keep me right at the edge until they lost control of the ball to the other team. When the other team had the ball Rick would apply the clamps to my tits, then pull on the chain until his team once again had possession. During commercials or time outs he would give me a rest and do nothing. "We're going to have fun, aren't we Alex?" Rick asked not expecting and answer.

I knew it was simply a rhetorical question. Rick was going to have a great time. I on the other hand was not going to have fun. Over the months we had been in our contract Rick had forced me to endure edge play several times. If you know you will eventually get to cum it is totally different than knowing you only cum every fourteen days regardless of how much edge play your Master makes you endure. But like a good slave I prepared myself to take whatever my Master dished out. As long as Rick was enjoying himself he could use my body anyway he wanted. I had learned as a slave, that was really my only reason for existing. The only thing I really wished was that I could see Jose. That way we could at least share each others torment.

The football game began and the other team got the ball first. Rick clamped my tits, tightening them down to make sure no matter how hard he yanked the chain they wouldn't pull off. He leaned back in his chair and started yanking away at my tits. God it hurt so bad! What really sucked was I couldn't see the tv. I had to try and listen to the commentary through the pain, hoping I would hear the magic words telling me that they had lost control of the ball. Rick continued to pull at my tits until, through the pain, I heard that his team was now in possession of the ball. Rick quickly reached over and removed the clamps dropping them to the floor. The pain of having them taken off was almost as bad as his yanking on them. Rick didn't care though. His hand dropped straight to my cock, which he started stroking until he had me so close to the edge I wanted to scream. He backed off just enough to hold me there, right at the edge unable to cum. Needless to say, this time, I had no idea what was going on with the game, all I knew was when he took his hand away from my cock and felt the bite of the clamps being reapplied to my tits. Rick once again sat back in his chair and started pulling relentlessly on the chain. My head was reeling between my need to cum and the pain that was radiating through my chest. This time I was rescued by a commercial. Rick simply dropped the chain as the opposing team still had possession of the ball. He said he would pick up where we had left off after the commercial. I sucked in my breath to calm the pain. While I did this Rick took the time to describe to me what was going on behind me, with Jose. "Alex I think Jose might be starting to get tired. The muscles in his arms are actually quivering. He keeps losing his hold on the bar and pulling his balls. This is neat, I wish you could see it. Poor Jose actually has tears in his eyes with the effort of not turning himself into a eunuch. How much longer do you think he can keep it up? Shall we make a little wager? If Jose manages to last another half hour then maybe, just maybe I will let you cum today instead of tomorrow."

I knew that Rick would make sure that never happened, so I knew Jose was close to losing his fight right now. But God how I wished he could last that much longer! I was brought up out of my dreams of getting to cum by pain coursing through my tits. Rick once again had the chain pulling it for all he was worth. Thankfully for my tits, Rick's team once again got the ball. My tits were happy but now it was my poor cock being tortured. Rick had me so quickly at the edge that all I could do was pray his team would loose the ball. I was so lost in my need that I almost didn't realize when Rick took his hand away from my cock. "Alex, I am going to give you a break and let you calm down. I think I need to rescue Jose. He is getting very close to pulling his balls off."

As Rick walked away I struggled to turn myself so I could see Jose. Rick was right. Jose eyes were full of tears and held desperation within them. His hands trembled on the bar as well as every muscle in his arms. He was already stretching his balls to the point that I could tell they hurt like hell. I could tell he was close to no longer being able to keep from literally yanking them off. Rick reached Jose. He stood and just looked at him for a moment. "Do you want me to stop this boy?" Rick asked.

Jose nodded his head yes. His tear filled eyes held a silent plea for mercy that tore my heart apart. Rick reached out and grabbed the bar. He raised it until the strain had been removed from Jose balls. He then slowly released it, once again making Jose hold it himself. "Are you sure you want this to stop boy? I would think, especially with that awesome plug up your ass, you should be having a wonderful time. I wouldn't want to deprive you. You're sure you want to stop this? " Rick taunted Jose.

Jose violently nodded his head yes. I saw the muscles in his arms fighting to keep the bar in position. Rick once again took the bar in his own hands. He released the rope that attached Jose's nuts to it and then allowed the bar to drop onto Jose's lap. Rick released Jose's hands from the bar and set the entire thing on the floor. The overwhelming look of relief on Jose's face was evident of how close he had come to losing it. Rick then released Jose's feet from the stool and helped him stand up, allowing the butt plug to come free from his ass. I knew that if Jose's mouth wasn't gagged he would have cried out in a combination of pain and relief. As it was, he took the liberty of laying his head on Rick's shoulder to tell Rick how thankful he was. Rick stroked Jose head and said, "I know boy I pushed you right to the edge, but you did well. Let's see if you can do it all over again, shall we."

Jose raised his head up and the look of fear in his eyes, mixed with resignation of his fate was awesome. Rick led Jose out to the center of the room. The same place where I Rick had kept me chained when we first moved in here. Rick made Jose stand there while he went and got the things he needed. Rick cuffed Jose's hands behind his back and then pulled them up toward Jose's collar securing them there. Rick then placed a set of clover clamps firmly on Jose's nipples. He then made Jose bend his knees until Jose's ass was about a two feet off the floor. Jose was not low enough to sit on his feet but had to hold himself up totally with his leg muscles. Rick then tied the parachute harness off to a ring set in the floor so Jose couldn't straighten up from that position without ripping his balls off. Now Rick hooked a rope to Jose collar and tied it to a hook in the overhead beam tying it off so Jose had about 2 inches of play up and down. Next came a cord attached to the tit clamps. This also was tied off to the beam over Jose's head. Rick then pushed Jose's body up and down slightly to make sure he had everything just the way he wanted. If Jose lowered himself the amount his collar would allow him he could take the pressure off his balls, but in so doing he pulled the cord attached to his tits harder. If he raised himself up the other way then it took the tension off his tits but applied it to his balls. Either way, up or down, Jose was fucked. I wondered how long Jose could keep his legs bent in the position they were in. Already his muscles were twitching from the strain. All Rick really did was change Jose's predicament from straining his arms to straining his legs. As Rick walked back over to me he said, "Have fun Jose. I think I need to get back to Alex. I don't even know who has the ball. Do I get to play with his cock or his tits?"

You know I just realized that Alex's story is getting really long. Perhaps I should stop here and pick up where we leave off in the next instalment. I told you at the outset, I might sometimes seem nice, but I really am a sadistic bastard! If I stop here, not only do I get to remember the fun I had torturing my two slaves, but I get to torture you, the reader by leaving you hanging. Yes, I think that is exactly what I am going to do. Then to further add to it, if you want to have me pick this journal entry up then I want to know how badly you want it! How do you do that? E-mail me and pander too my ego. Tell me how much you love to have me torture Alex and Jose. I love doing it, I just want to make sure you enjoy reading about it. Don't take to long. Jose is hanging by a rope, leg muscles twitching in pain. Alex is hard as a rock being denied orgasm with edge play. Have mercy on my two slaves. After all I won't. As always you can e-mail me at BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 22

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