I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Oct 11, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 20

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Well it seems to be that time again. Once more I am going to take you into the journals of my slave, Alex and let all of you read more about our adventures. I must say I'm actually beginning to enjoy this. I have had so many responses and have gotten so many good ideas to try out on my boys. I want to thank each and everyone of you for that.

I have had several people wonder what exactly I have planned for Alex when the thirteen month term of our contract is up. I just wanted to let you know that I can't tell you. That would take all the fun out of it, now wouldn't it?. You'll just have to wait and see what transpires. Suffice it to say, I will do with Alex, exactly as I want. I will also do to him what is best for him. In the mean time just sit back and enjoy the next few months. I intend to have lots of fun playing with Alex and Jose.

As you may have noticed the last few chapters have kind of left Jose out. They have been very much focused on my training of Alex. All you, the reader, really know for sure is that I have not allowed Jose to cum and that he's as horny as hell. Which of course is the way I like him and intend to keep him. But, for this story I thought it might be fun to spend a little time with Jose. It hopefully won't be quite what you are expecting. I had not given Alex the, one on one time, he needed and planned on making up for that. So when we got home I decided it was time to just abuse Jose for a few days and give Alex a little extra attention. I even encouraged him to spend his days writing about it while I was at school. I promised him that if he did I would publish it right away. I even told him that I would read all the responses to him. You should have seen his eyes light up. It takes so little to make him happy. But then, I guess if I was tied up all the time it probably wouldn't take a lot to make me excited either. Anyway that pretty much sets the stage for this episode. I gave Alex a much needed break and abused Jose instead. I am going to let Alex describe some of the fun little games I tried out on Jose as he got the privilege of watching. A captive audience, so to speak.

The Monday evening after the festival we had finished dinner and Jose had just completed cleaning the kitchen when Rick ordered him into the living room. Rick and I had been cuddled up on the couch watching tv. Actually, Rick was watching tv, I had my head in his lap looking up at him. Sometimes I just love him so much that all I want to do is watch him. This was definitely one of those evenings. I could have been quite content to stay exactly where I was all night. Rick had even changed my wrist restraints. He had attached my cuffs with a longer chain that allowed me to bring my hands almost to my sides. Still never in front of me, just at my sides, but any change is nice when you have been tied up as long as I have. It just dawned on me that comment I just made, my cuffs. Sort of possessive wouldn't you say? But yes, they did feel like my cuffs. They felt like a part of me. Just like my chastity belt felt like it was a part of me. As I said I could have stayed there all night but Rick had other ideas.

Jose came into the room wearing his household uniform, so to speak. He was clothed in only his collar and his cock and ball harness. That was about all Rick ever let him wear at home. Jose entered the room and stood at attention, hands clasped behind his back, head bowed, feet spread wide apart awaiting Rick's orders. Rick gently moved me off his lap and stood up, walking over to Jose. Rick walked around him as if he was inspecting a piece of meat. When he had made the full circuit he returned to the front and ordered Jose to drop to his knees, which he immediately did. Rick reached his hand out and stroked Jose's head and said," slave, it dawned on me that I have been much to preoccupied with abusing Alex lately. I haven't given you the special attention you need. I think it is about time I make up for that. Besides I want to give Alex a break. I have been hard on him the past couple of weeks and I think it is your turn. I have been reading about a couple new ideas I want to try out. Maybe if you are really good I might just let you cum latter this week. You'd like that slave, wouldn't you? Give me some fun by torturing you, then perhaps reward you if you have been really good."

Jose kept his head bowed, looking at the floor. Or perhaps his cock, which had grown hard in it's harness with Rick's attention. Rick reached down and cupped Jose's chin pulling his head up so he could look him in the eyes. "Who are you, slave and who am I?" Rick asked with his best authoritative voice.

"Sir, I am your slave, Sir. Sir, you are my Master, Sir," was Jose's quick reply.

"And what does that mean, boy," Rick continued, "What do you want me to do with you, boy?"

Jose again quickly responded, "Sir, it means that I belong to you, Sir. Sir, my purpose is serving you and pleasing you, Sir. Sir, all this slave wants is for you to use it's body anyway you see fit, Sir. Sir, this slave's only desire is to please you, Sir."

Rick let Jose's head drop back down and knelt on the floor beside him. He grabbed one nipple in his right hand and grabbed Jose's stretched balls with his left. He pulled on both until I heard Jose suck in his breath in pain. "Who owns these, slave? What are they for?" Rick asked, giving them one more hard tug before releasing them.

Without any hesitation Jose responded, "Sir, they are yours, Sir. Sir, they are to use or not use as you see fit, Sir. Sir, this slave will never touch them without your permission, Sir. Sir, this slave will never cum without your permission, Sir. Sir, this slave will never ask to cum, it will only hope that one day it may please you enough that you might allow it to cum, Sir. Sir, this slave will never touch it's own nipples as they are an extension of it's cock and balls that you own, Sir."

I was very impressed with Jose. He had been trained by his previous Master very well. I knew that Rick had continued that training, molding Jose into his idea of the perfect slave. It struck me as strange while I listened to this. Jose knew what he wanted, he wanted to be a slave to his Master. I had watched him since he had come to live with us and he acted like a slave. He really meant what he was saying. If Rick asked me the exact same thing how would I respond? When Rick first locked my hands behind me, I might have said something similar, but it would have been all a game to me. Just a fun bondage game between two lovers. That had really been the whole attitude I had when Rick had convinced me to sign our contract. It was just a game to me. If I had responded two months ago, how would I have answered? More serious as it was no longer a game but something that I was beginning to want, no something that I was beginning to need. But even then, to me it would still have been something that I thought would end, eventually. Now, though, I realized that the words coming out of Jose's mouth were the exact thoughts I had inside me. I no longer wanted anything but to be Rick's slave. I didn't care if he kept me tied up for the rest of my life. I didn't care if he beat me every day just so he could enjoy himself. I didn't care if my useless cock was ever used again. All I wanted was to be Rick's slave and serve him. As I looked at Jose, kneeling there on the rug I knew he was happy, he was serving his Master. I knew that the only way I could be happy was in serving my Master, Rick. I found myself wishing it was me kneeling there. Me responding to Rick's questions and making him proud of me by my answers.

Let me break Alex here for a minute. I know I had said that I was going to spend a little more time on Jose, but that comment is so awesome, I just have to point it out. Alex, has finally learning his place as my slave. To be a Master trying to train someone like Alex, it is extremely rewarding when you see all your hard work paying off. Because, I have every intention of keeping his as my slave for ever. Oh, yes he is going to college. I have no intention of supporting his ass, but he will continue to be my slave and I will continue to be his Master. With the mind set he is finally developing, that of a proper slave, it is going to be an incredible experience. I read so many times of people who want to play at being a slave. Let me state here and now, it is no game. Oh, it can be, if all you want is a meaningless fling. But to have a real Master slave relationship isn't a game, it is a way of life. It is a mind set that allows both people to get what they need out of the relationship. Dear god, I am drifting. Can you tell that I'm majoring in psychology in college? There has always been something about the human mind that has fascinated me and watching Alex's mind respond to becoming a real slave has been incredible. Enough of my writing, let's get back to Alex and see what is going to happen to Jose, shall we?

When Jose had finished responding to Rick's questions, Rick walked back over to me, letting Jose kneel there on the floor. I knew I was wondering just what Rick had in mind for Jose. I was pretty sure Jose was wondering too. All though, after his answers perhaps he wasn't wondering, just willing to trust his Master and take whatever Rick dished out. Rick sat back down on the couch next to me and reached down to retrieve his school bag. Whenever Rick grabs his bag I'm always concerned what he might pull out. He is notorious for getting new toys to surprise on me, well now, me and Jose. I was really curious to see what he had purchased this time. Rick, opened up the bag and pulled out one of the strangest looking things I had ever seen. It reminded me of pictures I had seen of old underwater mines, only a lot smaller. It was about eight inched across and had spikes sticking out all over it. It was made of rubber and was brightly colored. It had a cord tied onto one side and the more I looked at it, the more I decided that if anything, it looked like a giant cat toy. All right, I now that sounds stupid. However, that actually is what it turned out to be. What you would do with it was, tie the cord to a door handle and let the ball sit on the floor. Inside the ball was a small motor. So then you would flip the toy on and it would bounce around the floor allowing the cat to chase it. The toy would pull on the cord if it moved to far away from the door handle and thus prevent it from bouncing all over the room. Any cat worth it's salt would absolutely love it. However, what Rick was intending to do with it, I had no idea. After all we sure didn't have a cat or any pets for that matter. Unless, of course, you might call Jose and I Rick's pets.

Rick directed Jose and I out to the family room bringing the new toy with us. He made me kneel on the floor while he turned his attention to Jose. Rick proceeded to tie Jose's hands together behind his back then feed the end of the rope up through a hook in one of the overhead beams. Once he had done this I was expecting Rick to cinch up on Jose's arms, but for the time being he just let the rope hang there. Next he turned his attention to Jose's ankles. Rick tied rope onto each one and ran the ends through hooks set into the walls on either side of Jose. He then made Jose spread his feet as wide apart as he could which allowed Rick to take up the slack and tie the ropes off, keeping his legs in a wide spread. Once done with Jose's legs Rick picked up a set of tit clamps. He pulled Jose's tits way out from his chest and set each clamp as firmly onto the extended tit as he could. Jose gasped in pain, and his body involuntarily shuddered, as the clamps set their teeth agonizingly into his sensitive flesh. Rick had used these clamps on be before and I knew that they hurt like hell. The initial pain was enough to make you want to scream. Then the steady pull of the chain kept the pain at the same high level until your tits finally went numb. However, with this set Rick loved to play with the chain. He knew that as long as he did, your tits never had the chance to adjust to the pain. In other words, Rick could keep you flying high in agony as long as he wanted to. Now that he had the tit clamps in place Rick pulled the rope attached to Jose's hands down, thus pulling Jose's arms up in the air behind him. Rick pulled until Jose was bent at the waist. Not a painful bend, just enough to bring his head about waist level. Rick tied the rope off and came over to wear I was kneeling on the floor. He still hadn't used the new toy, but by now I had a pretty good idea what he had planned for it's use.

Rick walked past me and disappeared out of sight. He returned a few moments latter with a couple of pillows and a blanket. He spread the blanket out on the floor next to me and then set the pillows on top of it. He removed the pair of jeans he had been wearing and stood over me in all his naked splendor. I wanted so badly to look at his, but as a good slave I kept my head bowed awaiting his orders. He patted me on the head and then moved back over to Jose. Now he grabbed the new toy. He set it on the floor between Jose's outstretched legs and proceeded to tie the cord onto the chain between the tit clamps. Then Rick simply switched it on and turned around, leaving Jose hanging there. It took me no time to understand exactly what was going on. As the toy started bouncing around on the floor it pulled on the cord, which in turned yanked on the clamps biting into Jose's tits. Then when it reached the end of the string it gave his tits a hard yank and reversed it's direction. Which each bounce and pull I heard poor Jose fighting to not scream out in pain. There was no way that it wasn't hurting like hell. What an ingenious idea, Rick could continually torture Jose's tits without even having to be near him.

Speaking of Rick, I had been so engrossed in watching Jose's torment that I didn't even realize he was sitting on the blanket next to me until I felt his hands on me pulling my body toward him. He pulled me down next to him and started kissing me. The urgent passion in his touch was incredible. He held me tightly in his arms and kissed me over and over, each one longer and better than the one before it. I wished so badly I could get my arms around him and hug him back. He finally broke off our kisses and he pushed me down on my back. He let his mouth explore my body and as he did I felt my cock trying to expand in it's prison. I was getting so into the feelings that it took me a moment to realize that Jose's pants of pain had now turned into sharp gasps of pain as the toy relentlessly continued torturing his tits. Rick however, didn't even seem to notice, he was to busy rolling over on his back and pulling me on top of him. Now it was my turn to explore his body. He held the back of my head and directed me were he wanted my hot mouth to go next. I could feel Rick responding under me as his cock grew hard against my belly. Finally he pulled my head down to his crotch. He refused to let me take him into my anxious mouth but instead made me kiss and lick his balls and cock. All the while as I was getting more and more turned on, and Rick was getting hotter and hotter under my ministrations, in the background I heard Jose's cries of pain rising in intensity.

Finally, Jose's gasps turned into small screams of agony. At that point Rick pulled me away from his cock and helped me onto my knees. He grasped my hips and lowered my ass onto his hard waiting cock. As I felt the hotness of Rick's cock fill my ass, I was in heaven. I started riding up and down, but Rick stopped me for a moment. He made me listen to Jose. Now the screams and moans were even more intense, I could tell that he was really hurting. Rick began moving under me, gauging his thrusts to match the tempo and rythym of the noises Jose was making. As I got the idea I began to move up and down, working Rick's cock also in concert with Jose's pain. This was incredible, the two became one in my mind. The pleasure of having Rick's cock buried inside me, the movement of my ass sliding along it's length, and the moans of pain coming from Jose. The more noise Jose made the harder Rick thrust and the harder I pumped till finally all three had become one. As I have said before, Rick can hold out along time before he allows himself to cum and this time was no exception. But finally he erupted into my ass. My ass clenched as he shot his load and then I collapsed on top of him. At that point I didn't even hear the sounds coming from Jose, all I was conscious of was the incredible feelings in my ass.

Rick rolled me over on the floor and lifted my head up on his shoulder. He held me and stroked my head and told me how much he loved me. I realized all that mattered in my life was just that, Rick loving me and being proud of me. I didn't care that my cock was trapped in it's cage, I didn't care that I hadn't cum. Rick had, he was happy, I was happy. I was so content laying there that again it took a long time for Jose's, now loud cries to pierce my mind. I could tell that he was really in a bad way. Obviously Rick realized this too, as he gently moved me off his shoulder and walked over to Jose. He switched off the new toy and stroked Jose's head saying, "Good boy, I am proud of you."

That was all he did. He didn't release him in anyway, just left him hanging there. Then he came back over to me and laid down again, pulling my head back onto his shoulder. I felt so loved and happy. I actually felt a little sorry for Jose, but only just a little. I had Rick, Rick was happy, I was happy, that was all that mattered to me right then.

I think that this is a good spot to stop. Alex always has so much more to say, but I think the whole point of the evening has been expressed. God, I have to say, that was one of the best climaxes I have had for a while. The sounds of pain from Jose, coupled with Alex's magic little ass enveloping my cock was an incredible combination. I wish I had thought up this particular game a long time ago. Oh well, we'll just have to play it over and over again to make up for lost time. I'm sure my two slaves won't mind. At least I know Alex won't. Jose however, might object, but he better not if he knows what's good for him. As always if you want to hear more of Alex's journals let me know BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 21

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