I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Apr 29, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 2

by: bndmaster13@yahoo.com

You are probably expecting to hear from my little slave. However, before I let you read more of his wanderings, let me introduce myself. I am his Master, Rick. I like to call his writings wanderings. That really is what they do. As he lays there, tied up and writing, his mind just kind of floats in a horny bondage haze. In the last story I attempted to give you, the reader, a few good parts, which I will do again this time. I don't allow him to write everyday as that would take some of my fun away. Some days I want him hooded and bound immovably in his closet. Other days if I am home, I want to play with him all the time. So really what he does write is a journal which I will give you excerpts from. I am wondering how many of you think I am horrible for what I am doing to my best friend? Well before I turn you over to him let me explain.

First, I love him very much. From the first time I met him I have loved him. However, he has a desperate need to be dominated. Unless he is controlled and tied up as often as possible he is moody, depressed, and lacks motivation. The only time he is happy is when he is with me and I have him in bondage. His senior year in high school I had him move in with me. If I hadn't his grades would have slipped and I am quite sure he would have dropped out. I wanted him to go straight into college but he wanted a year to get his head together. I knew darn well if I did not do something he would never settle down and get on with life. So I came up with my idea of his being my 24/7 slave for 13 months. I must admit that when I first proposed it I didn't really see it going quite were it has gone. However, the more he talked about it and thought about it the more I realized what it was he really needed. Almost everything I have done were the fantasies he told me about once I read him the contract. I must also admit I am having the time of my life! My favorite thing to do is tie him up and dominate him. To be able to do it 24/7 is incredible. What are my plans for him after the 13 months are up? He is starting college. He has no choice or I will never tie him up again. But if he starts as I will order him to do, I will keep him in bondage every second he is not in class. I will devise wonderful punishments to help motivate him to study harder. In other words I am going to give him exactly what he needs to make it in life and be my slave. And in so doing I am going to have the time of my life!

Now over to him. Where shall I let his wanderings take you today?

Rick tells me he has published part of my writings on line. I am so glad, but he refuses to tell me what part. He won't even tell me if anyone has commented on them our not. The only thing he would tell me was that after rereading what he sent he realized that he needed to poof my writing better. He informed me I had made to many errors in grammar and then punished me accordingly. He can be such an ass but god how I do love him. I know that in one place I wrote that in 7 months my hands had been locked behind my back all the time except when I exercise. To be honest that really isn't true. Rick has tied them in front of me one time. The expression, to painful to remember, would best describe it, so I try to forget it happened. But then that really isn't true either. It was the one and only time I have attempted to stop Rick from tying me back up when he changed restraints. It only took one time to impress on my mind that I must never do it again. Let me tell you about it and you will understand.

We were about 2 months into our 13 month contract. I have to admit it was very hard to be tied up all the time. The worst part however was having to get used to only being allowed to cum every other week. There were times during those first months when I would literally pray for even a strong breeze to blow on my cock, as that was all it would have taken for me to cum. Rick was a real asshole about it to. He delighted in tying me up so I could see my cock jutting rock hard out of my crotch and yet being unable in anyway to stimulate it. This particular day Rick had done exactly that. About 7 am he came into my little closet and got me up for my morning routine. He removed all the restraints he had used on me over night leaving just my hands cuffed behind my back as always. We went through or normal bathroom regime. Me peeing while he holds my cock and then me taking a shit and having him wipe my ass. After 2 months I was finally getting used to having him do that. It was still humiliating but I was getting used to it. He then takes me over to the sink and shaves my face with an electric razor. Rick hates me in a beard. When I had agreed to our contract so many normal daily things like shaving never even entered my head. With no hands I was dependant on him for it all. He then brushes my teeth. Again crazy, having someone else brush your teeth. He doesn't have to do anything with my hair though. After the first week he bought a clipper set and keeps my hair in a short crewcut. I look just like an army recruit. Rick says it really turns him on. He loves running his hands over my short hair. Actually I love him running his hands over my short hair. He likes to stroke my ears and the nape of my neck. His hands usually move from there down my chest to my tits. Rick loves to play with them. I get so turned on when he does. In fact just laying here thinking about is turning me on. But then everything turns me on anymore. I just wish I could actually do something about it. Dear god I am digressing again!

Let me get my train of thought back to what I was telling you. We went from the bathroom to the kitchen were Rick feeds me breakfast. I have learned to eat quite well from a dish on the floor. He then washes my face and that day as he had long classes returned me to my closet. The first item he reached for was a leather cock gag. He strapped it firmly in place and added a lock for good measure. He also fitted me with a head harness. This one has d-rings on it to allow him to control the movement of my head. Next came a ball harness. His favorite ones stretch my balls way down in their sack and then have a strap that separates them. He then plugged my ass with a large butt plug and sat me down with my back against the wall. He used leather straps to secure me tight to the wall. One at chest level and one across my stomach. He tightened them so I was allowed no movement of my upper body what so ever. Next came a spreader bar for my ankles. He used the largest one we have, stretching my legs as far apart as possible. He tied the bar off to the wall on the other side of the closet. By doing this I could not bring my feet toward me at all. He then tied by ball harness to the spreader bar. Pulling my balls as far away from my body as he could. By this time I had already realized that there was going to be no possible movement for me today. Next he attached a cord from the head harness to the spreader bar. He pulled my head as far forward as he could and tied it off. Essentially I was staring at my own crotch and was going to be doing so until he decided to release me. Rick patted me on the head and said, "Enjoy the view slave. This is as close to your cock as you are going to get for another 11 months."

With that he left. There I was staring at my cock which had grown hard with his tying me up as it always does. What had I gotten myself into, I had no idea. 11 more months! In the last 2 months I had cum 3 times. ONLY 3 times. As I sat there that day staring at my cock, willing it to cum, I decided that I didn't think I could take it. Maybe if I reasoned with Rick he would stop this whole thing right now. Better yet I decided I would not let him tie me back up the next time he released my hands. Yes that was it. Not allow him to tie me back up. Then we could discuss this whole thing and just forget our contract never existed. As I sat there that day in my horny haze it seemed to make perfect sense. I had forgotten one thing however. I had signed a contract and Rick had no intention of letting me out of it. I also forgot the fact that I stand 5' 7" and weigh 150 lbs. Rick stands 6' 1" and weight about 210 lbs, all muscle. Over the years we had wrestled once in awhile and I had never once won. In fact I had always lost very quickly. It really is amazing now that I think back on it that my mind managed to forget all these important details.

Anyway you have the idea now. So picture the scene about 6 hours latter when Rick returns. He releases me from all my restraints except the ever present cuffs on my wrists and the ball harness. It is one of the days for exercises. He leads me out to the exercise machine. The first thing he does is remove my gag. I immediately start trying to talk to him about all the crazy thoughts running through my head. His eyes take on their firm look and he simply says, "No, you signed a contract and you are mine for another 11 months. I am sorry you are horny but your body belongs to me and that is final."

He releases my hands from the cuffs so he can chain them to the weight bar. I decided to try part 2 of my plan. If I refused to allow him to chain me back up then we could renegotiate our contract. So as he reached for my wrist I pulled it away from him. He reached for it again and I pulled it further out of his reach. Before I knew what had hit me Rick had tripped me to the floor, thrown me over on my stomach, and was sitting on my back. He grabbed one of my arms and twisted it behind my back. He applied pressure to it as he said, "slave, I am going to punish you for this! How dare you attempt to disobey me." I attempted to open my mouth and plead with him but he ordered me to shut up. He reinforced this by applying a little more pressure to my arm.

He quickly flipped me over on my back and recuffed my wrists together in front of me. Grabbing me by the cuffs he drug me with him as he went to the closet for what he wanted. Again I attempted to beg his forgiveness but received a slap and once again was told to shut up. He cuffed my feet together and drug me back to the center of the room. He had installed several large rings in the ceiling to which he had already tied me on several occasions. He tied all four of my limbs together and feed the rope through the hook. He pulled the rope until I was just off the floor hanging by my feet and hands. He picked up the gag I had been wearing earlier. He strapped it in place and informed me that he didn't want me disturbing the neighbors by yelling while he discipline me. Dear god what had I done. Whatever possessed me to purposely disobey him.

As I swung there Rick proceeded to lecture me. He reminded me that he loved me and it hurt him that I would attempt to go back on our agreement. He told me how disappointed he was in me. He told me that he thought I loved him too but I sure had a funny way of showing it. He also told me he knew how hard it was on me only being allowed to cum every other week. But that didn't matter. I had pledged him my body and soul for 13 months so I had better get used to it. He then left me hanging there while he went to having something to eat. He said I needed time to fully reflect on what I had done and mentally prepare myself to be punished. I really didn't need to, just hearing the words that he was disappointed in me was enough. I was devastated. How could I have ever done something to hurt the man I loved. What ever punishment he gave me I deserved it and I would take it like a man to prove to him how much I really loved him.

I don't know how long I hung there waiting for him to return. All I know is that he finally did. I had been crying before but when he started laying into my ass with his paddle I really cried. He was going to make sure I remembered this for a long time. Believe me I have. He started on my ass and paddled it until I could feel the heat radiating off it. Then he pulled my balls away from me and took the paddle to them. When he decided they had had enough he started on my thighs. Then back to my ass, then my balls, then my thighs. I pulled and twisted involuntarily but all he did was pull me right back to him. Finally after what seemed like forever he laid the paddle down and started gently running his hands over my ass. Allowing his hand to explore the cleft of my crack and lightly swirl around my whole. "I know boy, you are sorry. I love you boy," Rick said. The tenderness and love in his voice hurt me more that the beating had. How could I have done anything to disappoint him?

I didn't even realize he had picked the paddle up again until he started hitting my ass with it again. He would beat my ass then slowly rub it. He did this over and over until I thought I was going to go crazy. When finally he stopped. He removed my gag and asked, "Well slave, have you learned your lesson?" As I blubbered my answer at him I am sure the only words he could understand were yes and Master. But he got the idea. He released me from the hook on the ceiling and lowered me to the floor. He uncuffed my hands, flipped me over on my stomach and immediately recuffed them behind me. "That is where they are staying boy. It is where they belong." A heartfelt, "Thank you so much, Sir" escaped my lips. Nothing had felt so wonderful to me in so long. My hands were back were they belonged. I felt happy and content once again. Master, Rick picked my body up easily and carried me into his bedroom. He gently laid me in bed and then crawled in with me. He let his hands brush my tits as he kissed me with a wonderful passionate kiss. He then rolled me over on my side and slowly entered my hungry ass. In almost no time he came. I really don't know if I have ever felt more loved than I did at that moment. So safe in the arms of the man I love. As I felt my cock throb I realized that it really didn't matter. Only Rick and his happiness mattered. What a hard lesson to learn but one I needed to learn.

We slept all night with him holding me. I have never again even asked him to let me out of our contract. I still say I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I do know I am enjoying it because he is.

Readers I (Rick) had meant to put 2 excerpts in this edition of Alex's story (Yes his name is Alex. I don't think I have mentioned that.) But after rereading this I think this is a good place to stop for now. Again Alex has more to tell if you want to hear. Just let me know.


Next: Chapter 3

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