I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Oct 7, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 19

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

It was really strange to read a couple of the responses I received to the last post of Alex's journal. I would have assumed, that everyone would have been glad to find out that I only made Alex suffer for a week. That the whole thing was just about teaching him a lesson. Yet, several people were disappointed that I let Alex go so quickly. Obviously they have never been in the position Alex was. Remember, Alex was chained naked in the middle of a room, hands locked behind his back, mouth gagged, chastity lock on, and totally ignored by me. It might be fun to fantasize about it but, believe me, the reality that Alex endured is totally different. In my opinion Alex did exceptional being able to take the entire week. I challenge anyone out there to actually be put in the same position and make it the entire week. One week with no break, fully documented, I challenge anyone to prove to me they outlasted Alex.

Anyway let's get back to this entry in Alex's dairy. I think I will come back to that weekend again latter. As I recall we left Jose hanging in a rather bad situation. How did it all turn out? As I said I think I will save that account for another entry. I want to move a week forward in Alex's journal. You might have all been wondering why I had been trying to get Alex tanned. Well it was for the purpose of a rather interesting exhibitionist adventure I had planned for the three of us. We were going to be out in the sun quite a bit and I definitely didn't want Alex getting burnt. Hopefully by now you are wondering what it is and hopefully your fantasies are stirring up all kinds of images. However, I really doubt that you will ever envision what I had planned. Would you like to know what it was? Well then let's turn this account over to my beloved slave boy Alex:

Wednesday morning I came awake snuggled deep into Rick's side my head on his shoulder. Having his body pressed against mine, feeling the muscles of his chest under my check felt so wonderful. It had been so awesome, everyday, since Rick released me from that chain, he had allowed me to sleep in bed with him. It had been five glorious nights. He had allowed me the pleasure of sucking his cock just before he fell asleep and then again as soon as he woke each morning. I felt totally fulfilled and happy. What more could I want. I didn't even notice my own useless cock locked away in it's prison, all I cared about was being able to be with Rick and make him happy. As he stirred next to me I moved my head greedily toward his cock, but he pushed me away. "Not this morning Alex. I have a surprise I want to tell you about," Rick said.

A surprise? After the last few months that word had come to scare me just a bit. Sometimes it was good, like getting Jose, but usually it meant that something I wasn't going to like was going to happen. However, after my week chained up I didn't even care which it was anymore. Whatever Rick wanted was what I wanted. "Alex guess where we are going this weekend?" Rick asked stroking my head.

Where could Rick be planning on going? Maybe up to the cabin? Maybe to his parents? We had actually done that once before. That weekend was a real trip. Hopefully Rick has shared that story with all of you. I never really know what he publishes and what he doesn't. The confused look on my face must have been enough of an answer for him, so he said, "Alex, this is opening weekend of the Texas Renaissance Festival. Don't you remember? We have never missed opening weekend and I intend to go. Besides, Jose hasn't ever been to it. We are going to have a great time. I have taken Friday off class and Jose has taken off work so we can drive down and settle into the campground Friday."

Actually I had forgotten. Somehow when you have spent as long as I have tied up and naked days tend to run together. The only days I really remember is the number until our contract is over and the number of days until I get to cum. In my little world those are the only important dates to me anymore. But Rick was right, we loved the Renaissance Festival and had been going for years. We lived growing up, only a few miles from it and went almost every weekend. Now that we had moved to attend college we were still only a few hours away. To be honest I was excited. We always dressed up in period costumes and really got into the festival. Then it hit me, wait, how was I going to be able to go naked and tied up? "Sir, permission to speak, Sir," I asked.

"Permission granted, but I bet I already know what your question is. How are you going to go looking like you do? Well I have it all planned. I am wearing my usual sword fighters outfit, Jose is going as my servant, and you are going as my barbarian prisoner. I even have your costume all ready for you."

Rick got out of bed and went over to his dresser. He pulled out a small rabbit fur loin cloth. It would be just big enough to cover my ass and crotch, nothing else mind you, but it would cover enough to get me into the festival. Over the years I had seen other people with less than that on, parading around the festival grounds. I wasn't sure how comfortable, I was going to be doing it though. It was one thing to be naked in front of a group of guys. I had learned to do that as Rick has forced me to, but to have that little amount of clothing on in front of normal everyday people was a bit frightening. I am not an exhibitionist. I hadn't even liked having to wear a Speedo for swimming in school. I had hated having to stand around with people watching in the skimpy thing. I have always been a very private person and even the things that Rick had already made me do had been hard. This was going to be harder. But then what had Rick just finished teaching me? What I wanted did not matter. The only thing that mattered was what he wanted. Perhaps, if I could remember that, this might just be fun after all.

Just as Rick had promised we left Friday. He and Jose got the car packed and everything together. I of course being tied up wasn't a lot of help. Rick then tied Jose and I up in the back seat for our drive to Houston. When we got to the festival campground Rick found us a camping spot. We had stayed before and he knew what area the other gays tended to stay in. There was several distinct groups. One was the druggies, one the guys and gals that only were there to get laid, the somewhat normal group families, etc., and then our group the guys who wanted to get laid by each other. Each group tended to stay secluded in their own part of the campground. As long as they did, no one really cared what the others were doing. Over the years we had actually met a couple cool guys that we had played with. I was almost hoping they were there. I wanted them to see me as Rick's slave. I had realized over the last two days that I was proud of being Rick's slave, I wanted to be shown off by him, and I would do everything I could to make him proud of me over the weekend.

I already felt strange. Here I was sitting naked in a car and would soon be getting out into a public campground. How did Rick intend to carry this off? Well as usual, Rick had everything under control. Rick first released Jose from the back seat and set him to unloading the car and getting the tent put up. Rick had instructed him , before we left the house, to wear a pair of cut off jeans. Rick had picked them out himself and they fit Jose snugly. If you looked close you could make out the outline of Jose's cock and balls strapped in their harness.

Then Rick turned his attention to me. He released me from the seat belt and helped me out of the car. I really didn't care for this idea, as I was naked. What if someone walked up and saw me? However, Rick hid me from view in the open car door. He pulled the key to my chastity belt from his pocket and removed it, throwing it on the car seat. He then pulled a small black g-string from his other pocket. Holding it up for me to see he said with a wicked tone to his voice, "Here's what you get to wear, Alex. Do you like it? I bought it special for you."

Dangling in front of my eyes was the smallest thing I had ever seen. It consisted of a small black pouch that I assumed was for my cock and balls. Though I really didn't think it would hold them, let alone cover them up. Attached to the pouch was a waist strap and another small strap that I assumed would go up the crack of my ass in an attempt to hold the thing on. As I looked at that particular strap I realized, that once on, it would disappear into my ass crack and I would have nothing cover me at all, except the small pouch in the front. Rick wasn't really serious, was he? There was no way I could be out in public, in the campground, dressed in this tiny little thing. But as always Rick was very serious! He bent down and helped me get my feet through the straps and then pulled it up around me. He adjusted my cock and balls until they were just barely contained withing the pouch. He then made sure that the ass strap was firmly in my crack hiding it from view. When he was done, Rick lightly tweaked at my nipples. As he did this I felt my cock hardening in the pouch. Rick dropped his hand down and rubbed it over my cock making it respond even more. As he did he said, "Alex, we can't have this now can we? If you get hard, the whole world is going to know it. So you'll just have to make sure your cock stays soft all weekend. And no, I am not going to let you run around only in this. You are going to wear you loin cloth all weekend. I will just tell everyone tonight that you are trying to get into your character for tomorrow. However, believe me the loin cloth won't cover to much more than this pouch does right now. The only thing the pouch is really for is to keep your cock from poking out of your loin cloth and scaring anyone tomorrow. So I guess that means you are just going to be forced to not get an erection all weekend. Think you can do that, slave boy?"

As he said this, he continued to rub my now stiff cock. God, no I didn't think I could do that! When you only get to cum every other weekend and you're always horny as hell, how in the world was I going to do that? I could just picture myself walking around in a crown of 16,000 people with my cock jutting out in the air in front of me. I must admit over the years I had seen some pretty weird things at the festival. Me wearing a loin cloth, collar around my neck, hands cuffed behind me, and being led on a leash wouldn't be out of place at all. I had seen lots of wives over the years dragging there husbands around like that. But me sporting a hard on, making my loin cloth stand up in the air, just might get people noticing. It also might just get us kicked out. Dear god, if that happened Rick would kill me. So I knew that I would find a way and make sure that I didn't even think about getting hard tomorrow. Tonight I was hoping Rick would just let me sit quietly on the ground were no one would notice what my crotch might do. Because at this point my cock was hard and most of it was out of the pouch sticking up in the air. Rick stopped stroking my cock and gave me a long kiss. Then he said, "You'll do just fine, Alex. I know you'll make me proud."

Damn yes I would make Rick proud! He sat me back down on the car seat until my erection had subsided. Then he returned with my small little loin cloth. It consisted of two pieces of rabbit fur one that hung in the front covering my crotch and one that hung down the back covering my ass. Let me add when I say covering, I mean just barely covering. The two pieces were held together with a narrow leather cord at the waist. This left my entire thigh exposed on each side. Once Rick had me in the costume he helped my over to where he and Jose were setting up the tent. Rick let me sit on the ground and watch them finish with the tent and then move all our things inside. I won't say anymore about Friday evening. Suffice it to say it was a great evening. We had dinner around our campfire and then the three of us crawled into one large sleeping bag and I fell asleep with Rick's arm around me. As I have said before, when I am laying next to Rick's warm hard body, all is perfect in my world.

Saturday morning started out normal. After breakfast we went back into the tent so Rick and Jose could change into the costumes they were going to wear that day to the festival. Rick always looks great. He dresses like a sword fighter from medieval times. He wore leather pants that laced up the sides and a leather doublet that buttoned up the front. His strong muscular build looked great in the snug fitting pants and tight doublet. In addition he wore a sword belt and a black leather hat. To me he looked like a member of the nobility. Someone I would have no problem being on my knees in front of, in more ways than one. Rick planned on dressing Jose as his servant, but before he did, he decided to do something different with Jose cock and balls. Since Jose has lived with us he has worn a cock and ball harness almost all the time. Rick likes this, as it keeps Jose's cock semi erect most of the time. But in the pants Rick had for him his cock and balls would show through the material if left in the harness. So Rick decided to put Jose into a leather waist harness. It came down the front of Jose's crotch and his cock and balls went through a small built in metal cock ring. The harness then went up the back and locked at the waist belt. The front panel, behind Jose's cock, was a hard piece of leather. Attached to it were straps that went around Jose's cock securing it tight to the panel. This, along with the cock ring, had the effect of keeping Jose's cock hard. Once Rick had Jose's cock strapped down he produced another piece of leather that snapped onto the back panel. It completely covered Jose's now hard cock and made his crotch look like nothing more than a flat panel of leather. The inside was lined in such a way that during the day it would provide just enough stimulation to keep Jose's cock hard. Once Rick had fully locked Jose into the harness he had him put on his pants. You couldn't even tell Jose had a cock and yet I knew, it was still hard, only now it was hidden behind it's covering of leather. Rick added a small open leather vest to Jose's upper body and finished it all off with a hat and boots. Jose looked great. The vest showed off his hard upper body muscles and with his natural dark skin he looked hot!

Now it was my turn. Rick had taken off my loin cloth and pouch to sleep but had already replaced them so I could come outside of the tent for breakfast. I was sitting on the floor of the tent so he knelt beside me and slipped a pair of leather moccasins onto my feet. I would have preferred to stay barefoot but the Festival insisted everyone have shoes on. As I already had my collar on I assumed that I was now wearing my entire outfit for the day. I really wasn't excited about walking around among all the people that I knew would be there, in the little bit of clothing I was wearing. Of course, as I should have known, Rick had more to add so I would be even more uncomfortable. He went to the car trunk and removed something I had never seen before. It looked like a long piece of black steel but was hard to really make out through the open tent door. He brought it inside to were I was sitting and I was able to get a better look at it. It was about two feet long. In the center was a place that looked like my neck would go and at each end were places for my wrists. Rick removed my collar and placed the bar across the back of my neck. He put another piece around my neck and then attached the two pieces with small bolts. In other words Rick literally bolted my neck into the device. It wouldn't come off until he removed the bolts. He then released my hands and removed the leather cuffs. He pulled each wrist up and bolted it into a manacle at the end of the bar. When he was finished my hands were affixed into the steel about one foot on either side of my head. I couldn't move them or lower them. They were locked tight to the metal collar encircling my neck. Lastly Rick hooked a chain to a loop in the collar and handed the end to Jose. Rick gave me a kiss and then bent down and kissed my tits, linger over each one. As usual any sensation on my nipples goes straight to my crotch. Rick dropped his hand down to feel my cock starting to expand inside the pouch and said, "Remember we are to have none of that today. If this get hard you are going to be showing it to the entire festival and we cannot have that can we. If you get us kicked out because you can't control your cock I am going to be very unhappy. And you don't like it when I'm unhappy, do you?"

No, I hated it when Rick was unhappy because it usually meant I would get punished severely in some way. I fought down the feelings in my crotch until I had my cock once again under control. This was going to be torture, trying all day not to get an erection. Especially, if I knew Rick, he was going to try and make it as hard on me as he could. When Rick had us all ready to his satisfaction we headed off toward the festival gates. One slave, who was being forced to have a hard cock all day, leading the other slave on a chain, who was being forced to not let his cock get hard all day. What an interesting pair Jose and I made. I was sure our mutual predicament was causing Rick nothing but sadistic pleasure.

Again I won't really dwell on the details of that day. I will just attempt to give you the high points. I was led around all day on my chain. I was fed lunch out of a bowl placed on the ground. I was stopped for pictures by average people who though I looked neat. I remember one picture in particular. I was posed on my knees, between to kids. They wanted a picture with the captured barbarian. The first few hours Rick left me alone and just let me get used to being almost naked on display in public. I eventually got used to it and started actually having fun. I knew that was going to change when we sat down to watch a performance and Rick leaned over and rubbed his hand across my chest, letting it drop slowly down until it was swirling around my belly button. Needless to say, my cock immediately responded. Rick knew it would, that was his intention. As he did this he whispered in my ear, "You better not be trying to get hard slave. Not here with all these people around."

He ended that comment by gently laying his hand on my thigh. He didn't stroke me, but just feeling his hand there made my cock want to continue it's rise. I heard nothing of the performance as we sat there, I spent the entire time mentally thinking of anything I could to get my cock to loose the erection it was trying so hard to get. Thankfully when my chain pulled me back to my feet I once again had my cock under control. However, that was the way the entire afternoon went. Rick would do things to try to get me hard and I was forced to control myself and not allow it to happen. Needless to say it was a very difficult afternoon, but thankfully I made it through it. The only problem was that I was so preoccupied with keeping my hormones in cheek that I failed to notice the plans Rick was making for latter. All I really noticed was guys coming up to him, them glancing my way, and then hearing the word, tonight. As we walked back to our camp site Rick pulled me close and said, "Alex, I am so proud of you. You were the perfect slave today. You learned how to control yourself when you need to. I think we might just have to try that again tomorrow. However, tonight I have a special treat planned for you and I know you will make me proud."

As usual I hated that expression, "I have a treat for you," it usually meant I was not going to like whatever it was. I had no idea what Rick was planning but I would soon find out. When we got back to the camp it was already getting dark. We went into the tent so we could get out of our costumes. Rick removed my metal collar and replaced my leather one. He once again put my leather cuffs back on my wrists and locked them together behind me. He removed the loin cloth and pouch then sent Jose out to the car to get my chastity belt from the back seat. When he returned, Rick put it back on me and then I heard the now, reassuring click of the lock as he secured it in place. This might sound strange, but after wearing it as long as I have I almost feel lost with out it's hard plastic confinement pressing around my cock and balls. He then had me sit down on the floor and turned his attention to Jose. He had Jose remove all his costume and then Rick unsnapped the leather piece covering Jose's cock. There was Jose's poor cock still hard, strapped just as it had been this morning. Rick released the straps and then unlocked the back of the harness so he could remove it. In order to get Jose's cock and balls out of the small metal cock ring Rick was forced to use some ice out of out ice chest to shrink his hard cock. When the harness was off Rick replaced Jose's usual cock and ball harness locking it on. He then handed Jose the cut off jeans he had been wearing yesterday and ordered him to put them on. Rick then sent him out to get a fire started and turned his attention back to me.

Rick rummaged in our bag of toys he had brought with us and produced a ball harness and several leather straps. He also pulled out a ring gag. Whenever I see the ring gag come out I know exactly what Rick is intending. As I looked at the gag I realized what had been going on all afternoon while I was busy trying to keep myself from getting an erection. Rick had been arranging for me to spend the evening services all the cocks in the campground. I wished I had been paying more attention to just how many guys I had seen Rick talking to. He had told me this weekend was going to be all about him exhibiting me and now I knew just how far he intended to push me. I had been forced to do this before, but always in our apartment and usually for guys I already knew. Even doing that, I felt like nothing more than a mouth, not a person. Now Rick was pushing it one step further. I hadn't known any of the guys I had seen him talking to, so I would be sucking cock for total strangers. My mind was in conflict. I really didn't want to do this, yet I knew that Rick wanted me to. If nothing else I had learned that what I wanted and felt wasn't important. The only thing that mattered was what Rick wanted. As badly as I didn't want to be used by total strangers, the overwhelming need that I had, was to please Rick and make him proud of me. As Rick made me open my mouth and he buckled the ring gag in place I swore to myself that I would prove that I really was worthy to be his slave. I would do this, and make him proud.

Once the ring gag was in, Rick strapped the ball harness on me. He then attached one of the straps to the harness running it between my legs. He pulled an end through my wrist cuffs and tightened my hands down tight to my ass crack. He tied it off so that I couldn't raise my arms without yanking my balls. He then added a strap around my upper body that held my arms tight at my side. Rick then topped it off with a set of tit clamps. He then made me kneel down and tied straps around my thighs, thus preventing me from doing anything but kneel there on the floor of the tent. As I knelt there, mouth held open by the ring gag, hands strapped behind me, and my tits already aching from the clamps the only cock I really wanted in my mouth was the one in front of me right now, Rick's. But despite that, I would make him proud and pretend that every cock I was given tonight was his. Rick patted my head and said, "Alex you know what is going to happen. I'm not going to tell you how many guys you are going to do, I want you to be surprised. And I sure don't want you counting to see when you will finally be done. Alex, I know how badly you dislike this. But I expect you to do this because it is what I want. Because of that I am going to give you the option of having me blindfold you. Then you don't have to see them, you just have to suck them off. It will be easier for you to tune out and not be scared."

I shook my head no. I wanted to see each and everyone of the guys. I wanted to take this like a man and make Rick as proud of me as I could possibly make him. He nodded in an understanding way and said, "Good boy. You can do this. I have every confidence in you. Trust me I will make sure that everyone wears a condom and that no one hurts you. I want my slave to stay healthy and know that I love him."

With that he left, leaving a small lantern burning in one corner. I sat there and prepared myself. As always, the crazy part to any of Rick's pushing of my limits was my cock trying to get hard. The more I thought about this the more I was getting turned on. Rick wanted this and I wanted to please him. The more I thought about that the more excited I found myself getting. I shortly heard voices outside and then the tent flap was pulled back. A guy I had never seen before came in. He looked at me and then dropped his pants. His cock was already hard as he pulled a condom on. He then leaned forward and slide his hot rod into my waiting mouth. I looked up at him and started working his cock for all I was worth. I pictured Rick in my mouth, and tried as hard as I would have for Rick, to give him the best blow job he had ever had. When he finally erupted in my mouth he pulled out. He dropped the used condom on the floor next to me and left the tent. No thank you, no acknowledgment that I was even a person, just a mouth. I felt degraded but yet I felt fulfilled, I was making Rick happy. And I was still turned on by the whole scene. Over the course of the next few hours I sucked one cock after another until I lost count. Then the tent flap opened and Rick walked in. He was still wearing his leather pants but had no shirt on. He looked like a god standing there in front me, at least my god anyway. In the light from the lantern he was so beautiful that I was almost overwhelmed with my need for him. Rick slowly removed his pants. Sliding them slowly down his hips. What I had been imagining all night was now standing right in front of me. He knew that he was driving me crazy with desire for him. He finally dropped his pants and I saw his hard cock. I wanted it so badly I could hardly stand it. Rick slid his cock into my open mouth. As he did my entire being swelled with joy. After all I had been through I was finally getting what I really wanted more than life itself, Rick's delicious cock in my mouth. Trust me, for Rick, I gave him everything I was worth. With the others I was imagining Rick, now I actually had him. What more could I want? As he finally shot his load into my mouth I was the happiest slave in the world. It had been a perfect day. At one time I couldn't have said that. I had been drug around almost naked all day, then made to suck off, god knew how many guys I didn't even know, and of course my own cock wouldn't get to cum, it was locked securely away in it's prison. But none of that mattered now, my life existed only to serve Rick. That was my purpose in life, that was the only thing that mattered.

Let me stop Alex there. He is right it had been quite a day. Watching him deal with all it was an incredible thing. If you could have seen the looks he would get on his face every time he was fighting to keep his cock soft. A couple of times he looked like he taking a shit right there in his loin cloth. But he did it, that was the important thing. Then when I offered him the blindfold and he turned it down, my heart swelled with pride. My boy was actually learning. He was learning to take pride in what I wanted. He was learning to actually get off on being a slave and serving his master. From my point of view, as a master, Alex is almost perfect and I love him!

Anyone want to know what happened to Jose that same night? Remember, he had been hard all day, needing to cum. Did I let him? Of course not! He spent his evening waiting on the guys around the fire. He served beers, he sucked feet, he had his ass beaten, and anyone that wanted to was allowed to play with his tits and stroke his cock through his pants, but they were not allowed to let him cum. Alex, is my slave that knows that no matter what he does he only cums every other week. Conversely he knows that every other Sunday he will cum. Jose on the other hand knows that he can cum, but only when I will let him. That could mean everyday or once a month it just depends on my mood. So he is always trying to please me in the hope that I will let him. That makes it fun denying him the privilege. Does Jose ever try to jerk himself off? I am almost sure not. His previous master taught him very well the price he would pay if he ever tried it. I have reminded him that I will punish him just as severely. I have also told him that if I ever catch him I will lock him into a belt like Alex's and I won't let him out for at least six months. So then if you think about it, I have the best of both worlds. One slave that knows he can't cum, but gets to every other week and one that knows he can cum, but never gets to. As I have said before, I like my slaves horny. When the balls are full the mind is empty. Thus the empty mind can be filled with thoughts of serving me.

As always if you want to read more of Alex's journal please let me know. When I read some of the e-mails to him it makes him so happy. Please don't deprive him of that small joy. Because depriving Alex of things is my job. BNDMaster13@yaoo.com

Next: Chapter 20

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