I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Sep 26, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 17

BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create unresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

I really hope that the last story peaked the readers interest. Yes, I had decided to embark on a different journey in Alex's growth as my slave. I'm not going to tell you if, I actually am going to keep him chained the whole time, or if this is all simply a test of his devotion to me. Only time will tell. But believe me I had every intention of doing exactly what I told him, at least as long as it suited my needs. If you could have seen his beautiful eyes well up with tears as I chained his balls to the floor and then walk off, it would have broken your heart. Honestly it did mine. However, that look of pain, mixed with desperation in his eyes was not about to change my mind. I wanted to experiment with Alex's role as a slave and I was going to do it. I wanted to deepen his reliance on me and further cement our mutual need for one another.

What was I planning on doing with Jose? Well perhaps this entry in Alex's journal will help answer that question, at least a little bit. I must add here that Alex amazes me. He will still, as I allow him, squat on the floor and type using the tube that extends out of his gag. Somehow, to him, the telling of his story has become almost as important as the experience itself. I guess in many ways we can all be thankful for that. Without his writings you, the reader, wouldn't be able to tap into Alex's mind and much more importantly, neither would I. His journals help give me such a wonderful insight into what is going on in his mind and where I need to take him next. So then, as always, let me turn this account over to Alex:

As I gradually came awake I felt the hard floor under my naked body. I had hated sleeping in my closet before, but at least it had a rug which provided some padding. Now all I had was hard tile under me. Thankfully, Rick had at least brought me a small pillow last night before he turned off the lights, leaving me in my new prison. Yes, the room was so much bigger than my former closet but it was still just as much of a prison. If Rick really followed through with what he had said yesterday then it would be, a far worse prison that anything I had ever imagined. The thought of being ignored and used as nothing more than a slave scared me. Yet, as I had mentioned yesterday, just the thought of it went straight to my cock. How much I wished sometimes my hands were free and I could feel my own hard cock and be able to do something about it. But then again, even if my hands were free I still couldn't stroke my cock. Rick's little present, my chastity belt insured the prevention of that. No, according to what Rick told me yesterday I had five long months to go. He had taken away my hands, he had taken away my cock, yesterday he had taken away my mouth, and if he really followed through with what he said he was going to take away almost everything else. As I lay there I could only hope that he hadn't really meant what he had said.

When I was finally awake I realized how thirsty I was. Somehow, whenever I wear a gag for any length of time my mouth gets so dry. I squirmed across the floor toward my water dish. My hands were of course locked behind me, but when Rick had brought me the small pillow, he had cuffed my ankles together and then hooked them to my hands in a loose hog tie. I finally managed to get to my dish and lowered my head to get the tube from my gag into the water. I sucked hard on the rubber cock and was rewarded by it jetting water into my parched mouth. I still couldn't get over the feeling that the fake cock was cumming in my mouth.

As I raised my head back up after drinking my fill of water I saw Jose across the room starting to stir. Rick had tied him sitting against the far wall last night to sleep. As I had laid my head down on the pillow, I felt sorry for Jose. Even though I was on the floor at least I could lay down. He was tied tight to the wall and would be forced to try and sleep in a sitting position all night. To further add to his discomfort I had watched as Rick inserted a large plug in Jose's ass. I knew in his sitting position the plug would be forced hard up inside him all night long. In addition Rick had spread his ankles wide apart with a severe leg spreader. This allowed me too see Jose's hard cock in it's cock and ball harness. I might not be able to get an erection in my belt, but poor Jose couldn't help but be hard, and as with me, there was noting he could do about it. As Jose opened his eyes I looked hard at him trying to catch his attention. When his eyes met mine we exchanged that look of fellow felling that only two bound slave boys can. I could tell he had put in a long hard night and I felt sorry for him.

We both could do nothing but sit there until we heard Rick moving around in the kitchen. Soon the smell of fresh coffee permeated the air. Shortly there after Rick finally walked out to check on his slave boys. As he came into view I couldn't help but think what a beautiful sight he was. He stood there naked, one hand holding his coffee cup and the other stroking his already hard cock. His eyes played across both mine and Jose's bound bodies as he said, "Good morning slaves. Did you miss me? I hope you slept well, I sure did."

I expected him to come and release us, however he just stood there drinking his coffee, looking at his two bound boys. His hand continued to play with his hard cock and all I could think of was how badly I wished I was free so I could take it into my mouth. When Rick had finished his coffee he walked over and began releasing Jose. When he was finished he ordered him to the bathroom and Rick followed him. He did this every time Jose went to the bathroom. Rick wanted to make sure that Jose didn't touch his cock. The very first rule that Rick had given Jose when we returned from my birthday weekend was that Jose was never to touch own his cock, balls, ass, or nipples without Rick's permission. Rick had told him that any violation of that rule would results in severe punishment. Rick had then fitted Jose with the cock and ball harness and locked it in place. Since that time Jose had not touched himself and Rick had not allowed him to cum, so Rick watched Jose closely to make sure temptation didn't get the better of him.

When they returned Rick came over to me. He released my feet and slapping me on the ass told me that if I needed to piss I knew where my pad was. I wanted to cry out but the gag prevented me from doing it. I always got taken to the bathroom in the mornings. Rick had made me use the pad all day yesterday but I was shocked when he ordered me to use it again this morning. I have commented before about how humiliating it is to have some else wipe your ass when you take a shit. But try taking that shit on a blue dog pad in the middle of a room with two people watching you. Then you will know what humiliating really is. My eyes must have conveyed my thoughts as Rick said, "slave this isn't a choice. Either you shit on that pad or you can hold it in until you explode. I really don't care."

He was right I had no choice. When your hands are bound behind you, your neck is chained to an overhead beam, and your mouth is gagged what choice do you have. I turned around and squatted down the best I could. When I was finished I turned so I could pee and then I heard Rick ordering Jose to wipe my ass, clean up the pad, and get me a new one. As Jose quickly did as he was instructed, I just stood there with my head down wishing there was a hole I could drop into. As for Rick he didn't even acknowledge me, he just walked away into the kitchen. If this was really what he intended to do with me for five months I didn't know if I could handle it. I wanted Rick. I wanted his hands on me. As I stood there waiting I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.

I heard Rick's voice ordering Jose into the kitchen and shortly there after they returned to me, Jose carrying a dish of what looked like tuna with eggs scrambled into it. Rick indicated Jose was to place it next to my water dish. Rick then undid the lock on my gag. He had done this the night before and allowed me to eat. He had told me the that if even one word came out of my mouth, he would put the gag back in and I could just go hungry. The exact same words came out of his mouth again. I was to eat. If I said anything he would leave the food sitting there on the floor and I would miss breakfast. The gag would go back in and the food would sit there and wait until lunch when we would try it again. As Rick removed the gag from my mouth I wanted so badly to ask him why he was doing this, but I knew to well the look in his eyes. He meant what he said. As much as I hated what was happening, I hated the idea of displeasing Rick even more. So like a good slave I knelt down and ate every bite of food in my dish. When I was finished Rick wiped my face with a wet cloth and then slid the gag back into my mouth securing it on with the usual click of a lock. Then without even a word or a glance he just walked away toward the shelves on the far end of the room. As he did he said, "Jose, get your ass over here now!"

Jose hurried after him. Rick took a set of leg irons with a foot chain connecting them down off the shelf. He locked these onto Jose's ankles. Then he selected a set of wrist manacles also connected by a foot long chain. Rick locked these onto Jose. He then added a chain from Jose's collar down to his wrist chain. Once locked on Jose could not lower his hands further than his waist. I knew what Rick's idea was. Jose could work around the house but he couldn't get his hands to his dick. Rick then reached up and selected a set of tit clamps. I assumed they were also for Jose. However, Rick turned toward me, ordering Jose into the kitchen to start cleaning it. Rick walked up to me and without saying a word, set the clamps firmly in place on my tits. He yanked on the chain that connected them, forcing me to the floor. He quickly hooked my ball harness to the floor hook and once again just turned his back on me and walked off. As I stared at Rick's retreating body my heart sank. He really was just going to leave me here. The desperation of my situation hit me. There wasn't a thing I could do about it. Rick could keep me chained right here as long as he wanted. Which is exactly what he was doing. As the time slowly passed I heard Jose working in the kitchen. Eventually Rick ordered him to move onto the next room. I heard Rick's, voice but he never even came to check on me. I just sat there all alone chained to the floor by my balls and the beam over my head by my neck. At first I at least had the pain in my tits to keep me company but after awhile that even settled down as I became used to it. I actually found myself making the chain swing just to keep the pain sharp and my mind off my situation. I never minded being locked up alone before, but then I always knew Rick would come back and release me. Then even though I was still bound at least I could spend time with him. Now all I had was a cold floor and the pain in my tits for company. It had only been a day and I was already losing it, how could I possibly go five months like this? I looked at my poor caged cock again attempting to stir to life locked in it's cage. As much as I hated this idea something about it was turning me on. This was crazy.

Rick's voice in the kitchen brought me out of my self absorbed thoughts. He was ordering Jose to fix lunch. I heard Jose rattling around the kitchen in his chains and then Rick came out carrying another bowl of food. As before he set it on the floor. He unhooked by balls and then removed my gag, once again warning me not to say even one word or the gag would go right back in. I don't know what came over me but as soon as the gag came out I started to beg Rick to let me go. Trust me that was a big mistake! He grabbed me by the back of my head and shoved the gag hard back into my mouth. I tried to struggle but there was no use. When the lock clicked shut I it finally hit me that I had screwed up big time.

Knowing Rick I was expecting to be severely punished, instead he simply said, "I told you slave, I would put the gag back in and you wouldn't get to eat. You will just have to go hungry." With that he walked away. I wanted to scream at him. I needed him to beat my ass, do something to punish me, but to simply be ignored was, I realized, going to be the worst punishment he could ever give me. I slumped to the floor dejected as I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I wanted Rick, I didn't care if was only him whipping my ass, I wanted Rick. I just couldn't stand being ignored by him. I listened as Rick ate lunch and then I listened as Jose's bowl was set on the floor and he was allowed to eat. Then I heard Jose start to rattle around cleaning up the kitchen. I glanced toward the door and saw Rick coming toward me. My heart leapt, perhaps he was going to let me go. He did sort of. He unchained my neck from the beam and drug me by the chain out onto the patio behind the house. He walked to the far side of the patio and hooked my chain to something imbedded in the ground. He roughly jerked the clamps off my tits and turned to walk back into the house. As he did he said, "I told you that you needed sun so I am going to chain you out here for awhile. If you need to pee or shit use the grass."

With those words he walked back into the house and shut the door behind him. I tried to yank on the chain and found out what he had locked it to. At the edge of the patio there was an old hook imbedded in the concrete. From the look of it the people at one time must have used it to chain a dog to. So here I was just like a dog, chained up in the backyard. My tits ached as the feeling returned but all my mind could focus on was being left alone, again just chained up and ignored. At least the warm sun felt good, but what I really wanted the warmth of Rick pressed against me. The warmth of his hard cock as it impaled my hungry ass. Even the warmth of my ass after he had given it a hard spanking.

Let me break from Alex here. I didn't leave him out there long. I wanted him to get a nice healthy, all over tan and I knew it would take a little each day until he started getting darker. I didn't want him burnt, just tanned. I hope you have been paying attention through Alex's story. As I read this account the day after he typed it, I already could see that my treatment of him was having it's desired effect. He was missing the attention he was used to getting from me. And it wasn't just the tenderness, he was missing things like getting his ass whipped. I read this and got excited to see how far I could take him with these feelings. I am now going to take you forward and pick up his account the following Friday morning. That would mean, if you are counting, that I have kept Alex chained in the family room (our new playroom) for almost six days. I have not varied his treatment in anyway. I get up, release Jose, who I have kept chained or tied up in a corner of the playroom every night. Jose then cleans up Alex, feeds him, and then Jose goes off to work. Yes, Jose works full time at a construction site. My intention is for him to start college the same time Alex does and only work part time. Then I leave for class and Alex stays chained up all by himself in the middle of the room. Every other day Jose has shaved him and washed him right there in the same spot. Every other day I have drug our exercise equipment over and forced Alex to work out, again right there on the same spot. And every day I have chained him outside. He is actually already starting to get a nice healthy tan. Let me add that if you, the reader are expecting a hot sex scene in this journal entry you aren't going to get it. Oh, believe me I got lots of hot sex. Most of it right in front of Alex. I used Jose's mouth and ass while Alex was forced to watched, chained up in the middle of the room. I could tell by the look on his face how much he wanted to be part of it. But I just left him right where he was chained up like a zoo animal on display in the middle of the room. One last point before I turn this back to Alex. Jose still hasn't gotten to cum. It has been two weeks and the only time he doesn't wear his cock and ball harness is when he's at work, the rest of the time I keep it locked on him. He is so horny that he sports almost a constant hard on. He knows better than to try and touch his cock and do anything about it. But then that's the way I like my boys, horny as hell. One with a constant erection but not allowed to cum, the other deprived even an erection locked in his chastity belt. Anyway enough of that let's go back to Alex for a minute. Remember we are picking up Friday morning, six days into his being chained up.

It has been six days now since Rick chained me here. Six days of being almost totally ignored. Somehow being in the middle of a large room seems to make it even harder and more demeaning. No way to cover up, just constantly on display. In my closet I somehow felt protected. Now I feel so open and vulnerable. My whole world encompasses the few feet my neck chain will allow me. Then when Rick is home he reduces it even further by locking my balls to the floor. I feel like an animal on display for the world to look at. The only difference is my world, Rick, doesn't seem to care. I am just there. He deals with me only when he has to. Even then he seldom says a word, just pushes me where he wants me. Several times he has brought Jose out and tied him up just a few feet out of the range of my chain. Rick has then fucked him like crazy. All I get to do is watch in desperate frustration sucking on the rubber cock in my mouth wishing it was Rick. I want so badly to be Jose at that moment. All I want is Rick. I don't even care what he does with me, I just want him to do something. But all he does is ignore me. The sadistic bastard has done exactly what he said he was going to do. He has turned me into nothing more than a possession, a slave. What scares the hell out of me is as I write this my cock is straining against the confines of it's prison trying to get hard. Rick is still pushing my buttons. I am still getting turned on by what he is doing. Even the air blowing across my nipples makes me think of Rick's hands on them. This is crazy, I had no idea how totally Rick could play my emotions. How the hell am I going to last like this for 5 months. I am going to go crazy. I have to stop writing now. All I want to do is just lay down and cry and that is exactly what I am going to do.

Perfect place to stop isn't it. My poor Alex. But despite my love for him I am going to push him as far as I can. The more I deprive him of me the more desperate he will become. I can hardly wait to see where this will go. I know where I want to take Alex but we will just have to see. As always please let me know your thoughts. Perhaps when I am once again talking to Alex I will tel him. You, the reader's comments always make him happy. E-mail me BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 18

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