I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Aug 28, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 14

By - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

This work of fiction may not be reproduced without MY express permission.

Any deviation there from is a copyright infringement.

I know I have kept you all waiting for another instalment of Alex's journal. I do apologize. However, for those of you anxiously awaiting more about Alex's birthday weekend, you will just have to wait a little longer. I have decided to go back and pick up an entry that happened just about a month into the 13 months of Alex's contract with me. I had skipped it earlier, but decided it would be so much fun, to keep all of you in hard expectation, to read more about our adventures with Jose, that I should share it with you now.

Just a few months before this account I had obtained really good fake id's so we both could get into a leather club in large town just down the highway from the college town we lived in. I had used mine several times, and had gotten to know a few people already. In fact that is where I met Jose's old Master. I had never taken Alex though. So this particular Saturday night I decided it was high time I introduced Alex to my new friends. Unfortunately, Jose and his Master were not there that night, or Alex would have gotten to meet him sooner. Alex had always been rather private about our relationship. We had a few friends in high school that we had invited to play with us but for the most part it had always been just the two of us. I however felt I needed to show off my slave and share him with others. Just the thought of watching Alex preforming for me in front of other people turned me on. Also the fact that he would be afraid and uncomfortable in the situation set my hormones going.

We had a relatively normal Saturday. If you can call one of us being naked and tied up all day normal. Well, perhaps, for us that is normal. Anyway, after dinner I announced to Alex my plans for the evening. At this point I will turn the narrative over to my slave boy.

"Alex guess where we're going tonight? We are going to a cool leather club and I am going to get to show off my bound slave boy," Rick said as he put the last bite of dinner in my mouth. I almost chocked on it, as the reality of what Rick had just said hit me. Had he really just told me we were going out to a club? Had he really said I was going to be his bound slave boy in front of a club full of people? When I had finally swallowed the food in my mouth, I asked in shocked disbelief, "Were did you say we are going?" Hoping, against hope, I might have heard him wrong.

"We are going to a leather club! This is not a request, this is an order and not open for discussion. I don't want to hear any complaints. You are my slave and I, your Master, am going to show you off. I have met several people there and I have every intention of showing them what a good, well trained, slave boy I own. You will make me proud or you will suffer the consequences," was Rick's stern response. Just by the look on his face I knew better than to push the issue. I was going out to a club wether I wanted to or not. It scared me half to death thinking about it. I tend to be a somewhat shy person. I did not want to be on display in front of people I didn't even know. It was hard enough for me to be open with people I knew. Rick and my's relationship had always been just between the two of us. Don't get me wrong, we had played with a few other guys while in high school. But for the most part it had always been just Rick and I. Now suddenly he was taking me out and making me preform for a group of people. God knew what he actually had in mind. All I really could do was grit my teeth and endure it. But most importantly, by doing it, I could make Rick proud of me and also keep myself from being punished. I really think that my biggest concern was to keep from getting punished. I hated it when I made Rick mad. He could hurt my body in ways that made me regret ever being born.

Rick cleaned me up from dinner and proceeded to get me ready for our night out. We went into my closet and he began selecting what items I was to wear. I already had leather cuffs locked onto my wrists. These were connected together with an additional small pad lock. Rick chose to keep these on. He said that he didn't want anyone releasing my hands and that the lock would make sure no one did. He removed the chain collar I had been wearing all day and he replace it with a leather posture collar. When on, it forced me to keep my head up and I could not look down at my body. He sealed the buckle at the back with one of his handy locks. Next he filled my mouth with a gag. He selected a large penis shaped one that almost filled my mouth to capacity. He buckled it closed behind my head and I heard another lock snap shut. Next he turned his attention to my cock and balls. All day long he had allowed them to hang free with no restraint. I had sported an almost constant erection all day. It had been almost two weeks since I had been allowed to cum. The only time since I had signed that damn contract almost four weeks ago and allowed Rick to lock my hands behind me. God how I missed it. All I found myself thinking about most of the time was how badly I wanted Rick to take my cock in his hands and make me cum. Just to be able to feel his strong, loving touch on my hard cock. Or just to be able to touch my own hard cock. To stroke my hand up and down the shaft, bringing myself closer and closer until finally... I am drifting again as always, sorry. But you try suddenly going from cumming whenever you wanted to, then being made to go two weeks between it. It makes it hard, in more ways that one. No pun intended. I simply had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Rick held up, in front of my eyes, a simple ball stretcher. He then pulled my balls down in their sack and strapped it in place. Once again I heard the snap of a lock as he sealed it on me. He then turned me around so I couldn't see what he was doing and he filled a small bag with more toys to take with him. When he had finished he snapped a leash onto my ball stretcher and led me out of the closet and back into the living room. My mind was racing. Was Rick going to lead me out of our apartment totally naked? My God what would the neighbors think? Then I remembered the old trench coat he had bought just for such occasions. It is amazing how things escape your mind when you are in a state of panic. That and when you haven't cum for almost 2 weeks and your balls were so full they wanted to explode. When all you can focus on is... God here I go again. You must think I have a one track mind. Well trust me I do!

Rick put the coat around me and buttoned it up. He pulled the collar up to hide the leather gag I was wearing. The leash from my balls he passed through the front so he could still lead me by it. He opened the front door and we headed for the car. Our car is parked only about 50 feet from our door. Of course just as we neared the car one of our neighbors walks by with their dog. I almost panicked and wanted to run back to our apartment. Rick of course was totally in control. He held my leash tight so I couldn't move and then simply leaned back toward me to cover it up. We stood there while the lady went past with her dog. She smiled and wished us a good evening. By the look on her face she obviously never even noticed that I was standing there in a trench coat with no arms showing. Buttoned up to my neck on a hot evening. Or that my legs were bare and so were my feet. I almost passed out with relief as Rick pulled me by the leash and we were finally standing at the passenger's door of the car. He helped me inside and then went around to the driver's side, getting in behind the steering wheel. He leaned over and kissed me gently on the cheek and said, "I'm sorry you got so scared. But you need to trust me more. I love you and would never let anything happen to you." With that he started the car and we drove out of the parking lot.

As Rick drove he unbuttoned my coat so he could play with my tits. Rick may not play my dick but he loves to play with my tits. He loves to twist them and pull them. He loves to just lightly run his fingers over them. He also loves to put clamps on them. I used to love it when he played with my tits. You see they are connected straight to my dick. All he has to do is stroke them and I am hard. I say, used to like it! He used to loving play with them as a prelude to my getting to cum. Now, all that happens is, I get so turned on and hard that I want to explode. He will bring me right up to the edge, knowing how badly I want to cum and simply ignore my throbbing cock as if it didn't even exist. All it does is get me horny and more desperate to please him. But then I guess that really is his idea after all. One of his favorite quotes from the MR. S web site is, "When a slaves balls are full, it's mind is empty." In other words, as Rick explained to me, all the slave's mind is focused on is it's Master. The slave will do almost anything if it needs to cum badly enough. Rick is right, all I want is to make him happy. In addition Rick has said that if I am always really good he might just reward me by allowing me cum more often. (We are 7 months into our contract, as of now he has never let me cum, except for the usual every other week. Obviously I haven't been good enough. But believe me I am still hoping.)

That of course is exactly what Rick did. He got me so incredibly turned on, my dick so hard, and then he simply stopped. He reached over, turned on the stereo and ignored me the entire rest of the drive. As I sat there with my hard cock throbbing between my legs, all I could think about was how much I loved Rick, even if he was a sadistic bastard. We finally arrived at our destination. At least I assumes so as Rick pulled into a parking lot and turned off the car. He came around to my side to help me out. First he re-buttoned my coat so it wouldn't fall off. He then led me across the lot and into the door of the club. The entry way was dark and there was a hall that proceeded down into the building. At the end of hall was a coat check. The man behind the counter was incredible. He looked like he stepped right out of a modeling ad on tv. He was wearing only a small leather g-string and a slave collar. I could see a chain running from his ankle to a ring set into the wall. He asked Rick for our id's which Rick handed him. Until then I had no idea Rick had made me a fake id. Obviously it must have been pretty good as the man handed them back to Rick and asked if there was anything he wanted to leave at the counter before entering the club. Rick reached for my coat. He unbuttoned it and removed it from me. He then handed it to the man leaving me standing there totally naked. I was immediately frightened. Rick must have sensed this as he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and said, "Calm down Alex it will be just fine, trust me." I did trust him and I knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me. However, I was still scared half to death. At least it had the effect of making my hard cock go totally soft.

"Before we go in I have one more thing to add to your outfit," Rick said as he reached into his bag. He pulled out a full leather hood. The only opening it had was nose holes so I could breath. My eyes went wide in panic. Not only was I going to be totally naked in a club full of men, I wasn't even going to be able to see. "Calm down Alex, this will actually make this easier, trust me," Rick said as he worked the hood over my head. He pulled it down working it around the leather gag I was already wearing. Finally he had it snugged tightly in place and had laced it up the back. As always I heard the click of a lock as he sealed it in place. I felt a tug on my balls and new I was to follow him. As I really had no choice I obediently followed Rick as he led me into the club.

The noise hit me first. There were a lot of guys here, voices, music, a cacophony of sounds surrounding me. Then the smells assailed me. Leather, men, sex, beer, sweat, almost to much for me to take in all at once. Trying to sort all this out with no eyes to fill in the details was confusing and only added to my nervousness. As Rick led me forward I heard comments, "Nice slave," "Can I get a piece of that?" "Are you going to share?" "Hot really hot!" "You man enough to give it what it needs?" That last one made Rick stop dead in his tracks. I almost actually bumped into him and had to step back. I heard Rick's voice respond in a deadly tone, "Trust me asshole I am more than enough of a Master to take on anyone. Want to give it a try?" If Rick looked half as scary as his voice sounded it could intimidate anyone.

"Sorry guy, I really didn't mean anything. I just think your boy is really hot, that's all," was the response I heard. I could tell by the man's voice that he had no intention of tangling with Rick. Rick tugged on my balls and we proceed toward what I would later find out was the bar at the back of the room. That one encounter actually helped me calm down. It really brought home the point, Rick was not going to let anything happen to me. He was going to be there to take care of me. Right then I decided to try and relax and enjoy myself and more importantly make Rick proud of me.

When we got to the bar Rick must have taken a stool as he pushed me down to my knees on the floor. This put his leg at the level of my head. He pulled my hooded head over against his leg. Stroking my bound head he said, "Good boy." We sat there for awhile and I assume Rick had a couple beers. I knew he was also talking to someone but through the hood I really couldn't make out what they were talking about. I just happily sat there snuggled up against Rick's leg. Eventually Rick pulled me back to my feet. I felt him slip something over my head. Then he released the leash from my balls and pushed me away from him. Suddenly his hands weren't on me anymore and I was not attached to him by the leash. I wanted to yell but the gag in my mouth prevented that. I was all by myself. Enclosed in a hood, my mouth gagged, hands locked behind my back, and totally naked. My calmness evaporated immediately and I was once again scared. Then the first set of hands grabbed me. I knew instinctively that they did not belong to Rick. I tried to pull away but one hand encircled my bound balls and pulled them toward him. I had no choice but to follow them. He held on to my balls with one hand while his other hand explored my bound body. He ran his hand across my stomach and then up to my tits. Then down my back and deep into my ass crack. By the time he was done the only spot he handed explored was my cock. Which had started out soft due to my panic, but had quickly turned rock hard under his exploring hand. If only he would just stroke my crotch, I wished to no avail. Little did I know at the time Rick had hung a small sign around my neck that read, "You can touch anywhere you want except his cock!"

Finally he was finished and simply released my balls and pushed me away from him. I just stood there. I had no idea what to do or what would happen next. Very soon hands were once again on my body. Whoever they belonged to backed me up against what felt like a wall and began squeezing and tweaking my nipples. The sensation made my cock throb. It must have attracted his attention as one of his hands began making it's way down my body moving slowly toward my waiting cock, while the other hand kept up it's work on my tits. "My God was he actually going to stroke my cock," I thought as my captors hand reached my crotch. He slowly moved his hand just barely avoiding touching my cock. He caressed the inside of my thighs and played with my balls. I was so hard and needed to cum so badly. He came so close to touching my cock but never actually did. I moved my hips in a desperate attempt to reach his hand. But despite my best efforts it was all to no avail. I heard his voice as he finally pulled his hands away from me, "Sorry boy I know how bad you want it but your Master says your cock is off limits."

I stood there with my back against the wall and tried to catch my breath. Somehow, being so turned on and hooded it took me a minute. During this time no one approached me. How could Rick do this to me? I was so damn horny I was going to go crazy. I was that way almost all the time as it was. Then to bring me here and allow other guys to play with me and yet not allow me to cum was cruel. Then it hit me. My full balls actually brought my mind back to Rick where it belonged. He was the only thing that mattered to me. Making him happy was all that I existed for. My needs didn't matter, only his. If what made him happy was for me to be turned on but denied an orgasm, then so be it. I would survive this and make him proud of me. Even my fear of preforming around other people evaporated. My life was all about serving Rick, period. When I had my breathing under control I pushed myself away from the wall and moved forward. I was totally blind but knew that I would eventually encounter someone. It didn't matter who, or what they did to me. The only thing that mattered was the fact that I knew Rick was watching me and I was making him proud.

It took no time before I encountered another person. As his hands touched my body I allowed myself to drift into my slave space. I really don't know how many people took a turn at playing with my bound body. I do know that not one person even so much as brushed my cock. All I really know is that I was constantly hard and horny, right at the edge of cumming but never being allowed to. I totally lost myself in the feelings. I thought only of how happy I hoped I was making Rick. Sometime much latter I felt hands on my body that I knew could only be Rick's. He had finally come to claim his property. His words made everything all right, "I love you Alex, you did good, you made me proud." I felt him clipping the leash back onto my balls and I followed him in a horny haze as he took me back to the car. When we got back to our apartment Rick removed all my bindings except my ever present wrist cuffs. He laid me on the bed and I felt him putting cuffs on my ankles. He then hooked them together and brought my feet up to my hands, locking me into a hogtie. Rick removed his clothes and then slid on the bed in front of my face. He pulled my bound body toward him. His hard cock in my face told me exactly what he had in mind. As Rick slid his cock into my mouth and I felt it's beautiful hardness I knew what my purpose in life was. My purpose was to make Rick happy. I felt my own cock pressed hard against my belly and knew it didn't matter, only Rick's hard cock in my mouth mattered.

When Rick had finally came in my mouth he crawled into bed alongside me. He pulled my hogtied body tight up against him. Stroking my head he said, "Tomorrow you get to cum, Alex. I actually think this time you have earned it." As I fell asleep cuddled against him I felt so warm and loved. This was my world and I couldn't ask for anything better.

This is actually one of my favorite entries in Alex's journal. I had a great time that evening. I sat there at the bar and sipped beer while I watched Alex. He started out so timid and scared. However, after a short amount of time he was really getting into it. When one person stopped playing with him he went searching for another. All the time his cock was sticking straight up like a flag pole. That evening ended his reluctance to play with others forever. I know you remember my birthday party. If it hadn't been for this night Alex would have never been able to be naked and exposed the way he was. I also don't know if he would have reacted the way he did to Jose or not. That night was a real transformation for Alex. He has always been proud of belonging to me. But that night he became willing to let everyone else know how much he loved me by willing preforming in front of others. Since that day all I have to do is say we are going to go to the club, or that we are going to have company and his dick gets hard. But then his dick is always hard. I guess only cumming every other week does that to you.

As always if you enjoy reading Alex's journal let me know. It makes it much more enjoyable to post these when I know people like them. I have even started reading Alex the e-mails. I actually think it makes him proud that people enjoy his writing. E-mail me BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 15

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