I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jul 21, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 13

BY: BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com

This work of fiction may not be reproduced without MY express permission.

Any deviation there from is a copyright infringement.

I must say, that after reflecting on the last post, I enjoyed getting to do some of the descriptive writing. I have always said, Alex was better at it, but perhaps, I'm not all that bad. Maybe I will have to start putting in more of my thoughts on the scene.

As you recall it is still Saturday. Jose has just gone off to fix lunch and I am snuggling Alex on the couch. I realized that all three of us needed a break. After that I had decided to take our fun outside. The cabin sits deep in the woods. It has a large clearing around it, that touches on the shore of a small lake. My family had owned the property for years. My great grandfather had acquired it back in the early 1920's. He had been the owner of a logging company. When he found this little lake, nestled in the hills, he just had to have it. Because of that, the land has wonderful old growth timber and is truly secluded. Thankfully, over the years, my family has always maintained the acreage in it's original size. The cabin though, I really doubt my great grandfather would even recognize it. It really is a grand cabin and I am proud to be next in line to inherit it. Enough of my glowing description of the property. The whole point I was attempting to make is this, I could take my two boys out and we could have a great time with no interference. I had a few ideas in mind, and was curious to see how they played out. So now over to Alex. I will let him pick up as we are going outside.

After lunch Rick announced that we were going to go spend sometime in the great outdoors. Actually I was looking forward to it. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and I loved being out in the woods around the cabin. Rick had put on shorts and a t-shirt as well as boots. Jose and I had been allowed boots to help protect our feet but of course, we were to remain naked. Rick had Jose load all the toys back into the bags and carry them outside. Rick snapped a leash on my collar and followed after Jose, leading me behind him. When we got down off the porch Rick directed Jose toward the nearby trees. As we walked across the grassy clearing, all I could think about was what a sight we must make. Two naked guys, one collared with his hands tied behind his back, walking with a clothed man. What people would think if they could only see us. When we reached the woods Rick went first and had Jose bring up the rear. Now Rick and I have hiked in these woods before, but I have never been in the woods naked. As I followed Rick, small branches scratched across my bare body. I heard the buzz of an insect and realized just how vulnerable I felt. I looked at the bushes along the trail and thought what would happen if I tripped and fell into them. No clothes to protect my skin. I have always loved hiking, but for the first time, I didn't want to be in the woods. I felt so unprotected and vulnerable. As always it is almost like Rick can read my mind, because he turned to me and said, "Don't worry Alex. I won't let anything happen to you." Then he turned back to the trail and pulled me by the leash further into the woods. I followed him trustingly, until the first fly landed on me and I had no hands to slap it away. I wanted out of the woods, but knew I would do as Rick told me.

We walked on for sometime until Rick came to the spot he obviously had been headed for. He had been all through these woods over the years, so obviously knew where he wanted to play. He had Jose set the bags down then directed him over to a small tree. He made Jose stand up against it and Rick tied his hands together behind it. He then had Jose kneel down and place his ankles around either side of the tree. Rick then tied his ankles together behind the three. A rope was run from Jose's wrists down to his ankles binding them together. This had the effect of pulling Jose's feet up and making him more or less stand on his knees. When Rick was done he led me over to another tree about four feet in front of Jose. He released my cuffs and pulled my hands behind the tree re-locking them together. He made me kneel and finished binding me exactly like he had done Jose. When he was finished, Jose and I were tied about four feet apart looking at each other. Rick went to the bags and pulled out two sets of clover style tit clamps. He tends to like them, as once he sets them in place they stay on. There is nothing Rick hates worse that when he is torturing my nipples and the clamps pop off. There is very little I hate worse than having the clamp come off. First it hurts like hell and then while it is still hurting so bad Rick will snap the clip right back on. The first set went on Jose followed by Rick putting the second set on me. As he let the connecting chain drop on my chest he said, "I know how much you love these Alex." He then gave me a kiss and headed back to his bag. Now out came ball stretchers, again one for Jose and one for me. This time he put mine on first then turned his attention to Jose. When he finished, it was Jose's turn for one of Rick's wonderful kisses. When Rick pulled away he patted Jose on the head and announced to us that the fun was about to begin.

Once again back to the bag. This time he produced long leather laces. He tied one end to my ball stretcher then pulled it toward Jose. He threaded it through the d-ring on Jose ball stretcher and pulled it tight. He pulled until my balls were being pulled away from me by Jose's balls. Jose's balls were in the same situation being pulled by my balls. When Rick had as much tension as he could get, he tied the cord off, keeping our balls pulled severely away from our bodies. The other leather lace was used to create the same effect with our tits. As Rick pulled the cord tight I had to pull my upper body as far from the tree as I could to relieve the pain. Rick pulled and adjusted the lace until he had both of us straining to try and relieve the pressure. He then re- tightened the lace on our balls to make sure they were still stretched as far as possible. He stood back to admire his handiwork, rubbing his crotch, and then said, "Here is how our game is going to go. I am going to add weights to the leather cords stretching you balls and tits, one weight at a time. The first one of you to beg me to stop will loose. The looser will get his ass whipped and be left tied up here all alone until such time as I decide to release you. The winner will get to come back to the cabin with me and take a long hot bath. Then he will get the privilege of servicing my cock. Just like before one of you will get pleasure and one of you will get pain. Either way I win. Ready to start slaves?" With that he grabbed a handful of weights and walked over to us.

As Rick hung the first weight on the cord between our tits I vowed that I would win this contest. I could and would take anything Rick could dish out. Besides I wanted Rick all to myself in the bathtub. Rick added weight after weight, pulling on our balls and tits. I had known I could take quite a bit, but obviously so could Jose. Soon my tits hurt so bad I wanted to scream and my poor abused balls felt like they were being ripped off my body. Still more weights followed. I was I was getting close to having to give up and loose. I looked at Jose and saw the same pain written on his face. He must have seen how close I was to giving in because as I looked at him he mouthed to me, "I am giving up. You helped me, now it's my turn." This was immediately followed by his voice loudly saying, "Sir, I give up, Sir." Rick reached over and removed the weights, giving our poor bodies a needed relief. He then turned to me and kissed me long and hard. "Congratulations Alex, you're the winner. I am so proud of you," Rick said when he finally pulled his mouth from mine. I was so happy I could have cried, yet I realized that I hadn't really won. Jose had quit so it would stop. He sacrificed himself for me. Should I tell Rick? No, Jose was trying to repay me for earlier and I wasn't going to take that away from him. I had made an unselfish gesture and I needed to let him reciprocate.

Rick removed the cords on our tit clamps. I actually screamed when he did, it hurt so bad. He released Jose from the tree and retied his hands behind his back. Rick unceremoniously laid Jose over a nearby fallen tree trunk. He went to his bag and returned with a large leather paddle. Without even a word Rick began to wail away at Jose's ass. I could see Jose's face from where I hung still tied to the tree. The look of pain told me how badly it hurt. Rick continued his pummeling of Jose's ass until I finally saw tears begin to stream down Jose's cheeks. Only then did Rick finally stop. I watched as he rubbed his hand over Jose's ass. Rick loves to feel the heat he has caused radiating up into his hand. He left Jose there while he returned to the bag. He rummaged until he found a leather hood. The one he had used on me earlier. No eye holes only a hole for your mouth. Rick returned to Jose and helped him up off the log. Then he proceeded to strap the hood tightly on Jose's head locking it in place. Rick didn't add the gag but left Jose's mouth open. I realized latter that what he wanted to deprive him of was his sight. When he was finished Rick left Jose standing there and came over to finally let me loose from the tree. As always he re-cuffed my hands behind me locking them together. He sat me down on the ground while he went back to finish with Jose. He lead Jose by the arm away from me, deeper into the woods. Eventually I could no longer see them. I sat there on the ground naked wishing Rick would hurry back. I was very grateful that I wasn't going to be the one left here all alone. Just sitting here waiting for Rick was making me nervous. Finally after what seemed like forever Rick return alone. "Is Jose going to be all right?" I asked, "Are you sure we should just leave him all alone out here?"

All Rick said in reply was, "Trust me," as he picked up the bags and started off down the trail headed back to the cabin. I jumped up off the ground and ran after him. I would just have to trust him to take care of Jose, just like I always trusted him to take care of me. I followed along after Rick through the woods, my balls bouncing around between my legs, still bound in the stretcher. Despite Ricks assurance my mind still kept going back to Jose. I knew there were animals in these woods. What if one of them found him and did something to him? The closer we got to the cabin the more my fears manifested themselves. When we eventually stepped out into the clearing I once again was compelled to ask Rick, "Please Rick are you sure Jose will all right? I am really worried about him? What if an animal gets him?"

Rick didn't reply but kept heading for the house. When we got inside he set down the bags and turned to me. He took me into his arms and lovingly kissed me. "Alex I love you. I have never let anything happen to you. I promise I will never let anything happen to Jose." He kissed me again, a long passionate kiss that made me forget all my concerns. "Alex, to help you stop worrying come here," Rick said as he led me by the arm into the downstairs master bedroom. Across the back of the room looking out at the woods is a big picture window. To my amazed eyes, standing on the edge of the woods, not ten feet from the cabin was Jose. He was tied standing up. The ring at the top of the hood was tied to an overhead branch. In addition Rick had put a rope under his arm pits and tied it off to the same branch. That way if Jose lost his balance he wouldn't hurt himself. Rick had removed his boots and spread his legs out cuffing them to a spreader bar. He still wore the ball stretcher which Rick had tied off to the spreader bar. All my concerns were for nothing, Jose was fine. If you could call hanging naked from a tree fine.

"Alex, when we went into the woods I led us in a giant circle. We were only a little way from here when I led Jose off to tie him up. He doesn't know that though. As far as he knows, he is all alone, deep in the woods, hanging from a tree branch. I would never leave him out there. This way I can leave him as long as I want and still keep an eye on him. Remember the Jacuzzi window looks out at the same spot. We can have all the fun we want and still keep an eye on Jose. Let's see if we can make it a little more interesting for him. He looks pretty comfortable right now." With that Rick left me standing by the window. Shortly after that I saw him come around the side of the cabin. He stealthily approached Jose. I wished I could hear what was going on, but I assumed Rick was now making noise, because Jose started thrashing in his bonds. He looked like he was struggling to figure out what the noise was. I watched Rick rattling bushes and I assumed he was making other noises. Poor Jose struggled and squirmed to no advantage. When Rick had finished with his fun he returned to the bedroom once again leaving Jose alone. "Now Alex, I believe I have a bath coming," he said, on entering the room, with the most sexy look on his face. His eyes literally sparked with love combined with a definite amount of lust. He removed my ball harness and released the cuffs. He replaced them with simple rope that he could cut off once it had gotten wet. He replaced my cb3000 and as always, I wished just once, we could make love in the bath like we used to. Rick would get off but I wouldn't. However, looking at him, I realized that just being with him was all I really needed.

I stood there while Rick slowly removed his clothes. Him doing a slow strip tease just for my benefit. I felt a incredible sense of pleasure wash over me. As Rick slowly peeled off his clothes, behind him threw the window I could see Jose. Somehow, knowing he was out there and we were in here sent a rush of hormones straight to my crotch. I felt my cock swelling in it's cage. Rick noticed this and pulled me to him. His mouth found mine and as his tongue filled my mouth his hand reached down and played with my balls. He pulled his mouth away and started kissing my neck, then my chest, letting his tongue play around my tits. God, what I would give to have my cock free. But for now I would be content with Rick's cock. I dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth. His sweet cock filled it and he allowed me to suck for a few moments before he pulled my head away. He helped me to my feet and led me into the bathroom. He started the water filling the tub and then helped me climb in. As I did, my eyes were once again drawn to the sight of Jose hanging from the tree not ten feet away. Jose feeling so alone and scared, while I felt so loved and happy. Rick climbed in with me and lovingly washed my body. Taking extra time to slowly stroke every inch of me. When he was done, I took the wash cloth in my mouth and washed his body. Then dropping the cloth I let my mouth explore. My mouth found it's way to Rick's tits and I sucked and kissed them, eliciting moans of pleasure from him. Eventually I pulled my head away and just looked up at Rick's beautiful face. As I did, once again just over Rick's shoulder, I could see Jose hanging out there all alone. Rick looked at me as he said, "Alex remember what he did for you. I know you were just about to give up. I know he gave in to spare you. Look at him out there. That should be you. He is suffering for you. He is in pain so you can be happy." As he finished his hands traced circles around my tits. At that moment I felt so guilty and yet so happy, all rolled into one. Rick drained the water and helped me out of the tub. He dried my body and then led me to the bed in the next room. We crawled in together and he allowed me the privilege of servicing him.

I am going to stop Alex here as he gets very descriptive. Needless to say I had a great time. I also made sure that while Alex's mouth was working it's magic I could watch Jose hanging outside. It was a real rush. Seeing one boy I was tormenting, while the other one worked on satisfying me. I had said I wanted the chance to do a little descriptive writing so I want to tell you about how the afternoon ended. I left Jose hanging there for hours. Every so often I would go out and rustle bushes and pretend to be an animal. Once I even took a long branch and lightly brushed his legs. Each time I went out to torment him, he would get more and more scared. The longer he hung there the more sensitive he got to every little noise. The last time I went out it was just getting dark. I didn't really want to leave him any longer. This time when I started the noises, Jose started crying. Literally sobbing, I had brought him to exactly the point I wanted him. I left him hanging there and went to get Alex. I forbade Alex to make a sound. As we approached Jose, I started the noises again. His crying grew louder and more intense. I led Alex right up in front of him and made him kneel down. I had Alex slowly start to put his mouth around Jose cock. As Alex's lips brushed Jose's cock head Jose started screaming and thrashing around like a mad man. I grabbed his shoulder and said, "It's all right Jose we are here, calm down." He literally sagged in his bonds. His crying turned from desperation and fear to joy, relief, and happiness. I allowed Alex to take Jose's cock in his mouth and reward Jose for his ordeal with a blow job. When Alex was done I removed Jose's hood and let him see that the cabin had been right in front of him the whole time. "Trust me Jose. You must always trust me. I would never do anything to hurt you," I reassured him as I released him from the tree. I took both my boys back inside the cabin for what I knew would a wonderful evening. As we entered the door Jose turned to me and said, "Sir, I will always trust you. I love you Sir." Yes this was going to be a GREAT evening.

Thank you for letting me finish this story. I wanted to explain the whole scene with Jose. He learned exactly the lesson I was trying to teach him. He must always trust me to take care of him. He needed to learn that what ever I did he would be all right. Now I knew I could push him further in exploring his limits, as he knew I would never do anything to hurt him. Once you can instil that in a slave, especially one you care about, the better the relationship will be. As always If you want to read more just let me know bndmaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 14

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