I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jul 12, 2006


"I Had No Idea" - Part 11

BY: BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com

This work of fiction may not be reproduced without MY express permission.

Any deviation there from is a copyright infringement.

As I ended the last segment of Alex's narrative I had left my two slaves sitting on the floor expectantly wondering what was going to happen to them next. As I had told them, we had all weekend and I planned on having lots of fun. That afternoon I wanted to go outside and play, but I had one more adventure for them before that. I had made Alex suffer and now it was Jose's turn. I am not going to say anymore, I am going to turn the floor over to Alex. He is, after all, so much better at it than I am. I can torture him, he can write about it, perfect combination

Rick allowed Jose to finish feeding me and gave me a few minutes to collect myself. When he thought I was recovered enough he pulled Jose to his feet and cuffed his hands together in front of him. With the same rope he had just used on me, Rick pulled Jose's hands above him and tied the rope off. Rick then pulled Jose's feet wide apart and attached them to the same spreader bar. Once done Jose had to stand on his toes or else hang by his wrists. Rick, ran his hands over Jose's body. Slowly feeling each muscle and plane. I watched as he delved into his ass crack, sticking at least two fingers deep inside him. He then held the hand up so Jose could lick Rick's fingers clean. Rick then moved his hand down and began stroking Jose's already hard cock. I looked on, wishing so badly that it was my cock, Rick was touching. I missed so much having Rick's hands caress me. God I missed any ones hands stroking my cock. Just thinking about it made my cock spring desperately to attention. This did not escape Rick's notice. He came over, grabbed me by the arm, and led me into the kitchen. Once there he promptly applied ice to my cock and once it was soft he locked it back up in it's prison.

"You know better than that Alex," Rick said as he snapped the lock in place. "Every two weeks for you and not one minute earlier. No one plays with it and definitely not you. Jose's cock on the other hand is different. Come on let's go see what we can do with it."

Rick led me back into the living room where Jose waited for us, stretched up by his arms. Rick found a parachute ball harness in his toy bag and attached it to Jose's balls. To this he added a nice size weight that pulled Jose's balls down hard in their sack. He then unlocked the butt plug harness from Jose and removed the plug. He held it up to Jose's mouth and made him suck it clean, then took it to the kitchen to wash it. When he returned, Rick pushed me over. I felt him spit in my incredibly sore ass hole and then shove the plug home. The abused skin hurt like hell but I was in no position to protest. Then Rick fitted me with the harness and locked it in place, sealing the plug in my ass. The ass strap on the harness rubbed my sore ass and I attempted to say something but got slapped by Rick before I could get it out.

"Shut up slave. I like seeing you in pain. If you don't be quiet maybe you would like some bengay rubbed all over that sore little hole of yours," Rick said. I realized that I had better just shut my mouth and do as I was told. I really didn't have a choice after all. To drive home the point Rick activated the plug and I dropped to my knees doubled over in pain.

"That's right you are going to be a good slave and do as you are told, aren't you Alex?" I heard Rick's voice saying through the pain.

When the pain finally subsided I meekly replied, "Sir, Yes Sir."

Rick turned toward his bags again and pulled out a leather whip. He came back to Jose and I and explained our new game. I was to suck Jose's cock while Rick applied the whip to Jose's ass. Jose's only job was to tell me when he was about to cum. As soon as he did I was to stop and Rick would stop whipping him. I knelt in front of Jose and took his hard cock into my mouth. As I did I heard the first blow of the whip land on Jose's ass. I began sucking for all I was worth because I knew the beating would continue until I had Jose right at the edge. With each blow of the whip I heard Jose's sharp intake of breath. I could tell when I was getting him close as finally his sounds of pain changed to sounds of pleasure despite the steady blows of the whip. Finally I heard Jose's voice, "Sir I am almost there Sir."

Rick immediately stopped as did I. I pulled my mouth away and saw Jose's hard cock throbbing in my face wanting desperately to cum. Rick walked around to the front and made me take the whip in my mouth and hold it for him. He reached up with his fingers and began to tweak Joses's nipples. He lightly brushed them with his hands. Each stroke on Jose's nipples made his poor cock throb harder in the air. "Boy don't you dare cum", Rick said as he kept up his attack on Jose's nipples. I could tell he was listening to Jose's breathing so he could gauge just how close he was keeping Jose to the edge. Just as I would think Jose was going to have to beg Rick to stop or else allow him to cum, Rick would slow down. Keeping Jose right on the edge until finally again I heard Jose beg, "Sir please Sir, I am about to cum, may I cum Sir?"

Rick pulled his hands away and looked Jose in the eyes, "Remember boy you NEVER cum without my permission and No you do not have it." As he said this he once again lightly brushed Jose's nipples. He did it once more then turned away leaving Jose hanging there in horny desperation. Rick moved across the room to the chair he had sat in earlier taking me with him. He shoved my head into his crotch and made me suck on his dick while he sat and watched Jose's suffering. Before I had gotten very far in my work Rick pulled my head away and shoved it down to the floor. He propped his feet up on my back and settled in to let Jose cool off a little bit. I knew Rick well enough to know that as soon as Jose did, the whole process would start all over again.

Eventually Rick got up and took me back over to Jose. Rick took up the whip and applied it to Jose ass until the last of Jose hard on had settled down. Then he added another weight to Jose's balls pushing them further down if that was possible. Then and only then did he push my mouth back onto Jose's cock. As I started my work again the blows on Jose's ass resumed. Over and over the whip fell, harder and harder I worked until I finally had Jose back to the edge. His poor voice called out, "Sir I am going to cum Sir."

I pulled away and Rick stopped the whipping. Once again Rick walked around and let his fingers find there way to Jose's hard nipples. Rick began to slowly trace a pattern around each of those hard nubs. He would run his hands down over Jose's washboard stomach and then slowly, as if to build the anticipation, he would return to Jose's nipples. Jose's cock throbbing all the time. Rick, always listening to Jose's breathing to know just how far he could push him. By this time Jose had a steady stream of pre-cum dripping from his cock. I could tell by Jose's breathing when he was just about to shot his load. Obviously so could Rick because just as Jose's mouth would opened to speak Rick would pull his hands away. He must have kept Jose right there at the edge for at least ten minutes before he stopped. He then drug me back over in front of the chair to be turned into a foot stool while Rick sat and watched Jose suffer. I realized now that Rick's kindness to us yesterday had only been because he was planning on using us hard today. Rick eventually got bored with just watching Jose and took me back to resume our play. As before Rick started with the whip to help Jose's raging hard on settle down a bit. Then my mouth was once again forced over his cock and away we went. Me sucking, Rick whipping, and Jose suffering. Much sooner than before Jose's plaintive voice said, "Sir Please Sir I am going to cum. Please Sir may I cum Sir?"

I stopped, but didn't want to. I so desperately wanted to give Jose the release he needed. But knowing what Rick's wrath could be like, I stopped. Rick moved slower this time in coming around Jose. His hands moved even slower as they sought out their intended targets, Jose's nipples. Rick is a sadistic bastard, (I probably shouldn't have said that as he may get mad, but tough shit, HE IS) and he played poor Jose for all he could get out of him. I could hear Jose literally panting with need when finally he begged, "Sir I am going to cum, Sir."

This time Rick didn't stop but replied, "No you aren't slave, you do not have permission to cum." I watched as Jose's cock swelled until I was sure he was going to blow. I saw him straining to hold back and just when I was sure he was going to loose the battle Rick stopped and walked away. Walked away just leaving Jose there panting, his cock throbbing uselessly in the air. I could just picture Jose praying a stray breeze would pass by and send him over the edge. I came so close to reaching up and giving him one good lick and making it happen but knew I would regret it.

This time instead of going back to his chair Rick disappeared into the kitchen. He reemerged with a bowl of ice. He set the ice on the floor and went to his bag. He rummaged around looking for something and eventually produced a leather penis sheath. He returned to Jose and applied the ice to his cock until it had shrunk back to it's normal state. He then showed Jose the sheath and explained to him how it worked. Rick was going to lace it tight to Jose soft cock. It was lined with small pins. If Jose stayed soft the pins wouldn't press into his cock. If he got hard his cock would swell, pressing against the pins causing a great deal of pain. In other words the game had changed. Now the last thing Jose wanted to do was get hard. As Rick laced the sheath in place I could tell by his smile he was enjoying himself. As soon as he had it on, Rick reached up and began playing with Jose's tits. I knew from experience that Rick's manipulations would go straight to Jose's crotch. As Jose's cock started to swell it pushed against the pins. Jose took a sharp intake of breath. I knew the sheath was having the desired affect and Jose was in pain. As Jose was to tell me latter, his cock immediately went soft from the pain only to brought right back to life by Rick's hands stroking his tits. He would get hard, only to feel knives impaling his cock, making it shrink away. Over and over Rick did this. I could tell just by looking at Jose that he was truly being tortured. His body honestly didn't know how to respond. Rick finally tired of his little game and decided it was time to change it. He went back to his bag and produced a vibrating butt plug. He inserted it in Jose's ass and turned it on. He then turned his attention to me leaving Jose alone to deal with his situation. The butt plug's vibration would start to get him hard only to have his cock hit the pins and make him go soft. It would be a never ending cycle until Rick turned it off. However, Rick had decided that I needed his attention for awhile so he just left Jose there all by himself.

Rick disappeared out of the room for a moment and returned with a rolling desk style chair. He forced me to sit in it which forced the plug deeper into my ass. Rick pulled my arms over the back and tied them off to the base. He went back to his bag and found a smaller leg spreader that he uses to keep my knees spread. He will pull my knees as far apart as he can, then place the bar between them and strap it there. He puts the straps just above my knees so it can't slide. Once he gets this on me it is impossible for me to close my legs. Once done with that he pulled my ankles back under the chair and tied them off to the base. Next he brought out a leather strap which he used to securely strap my torso to the chair back. By the time he was done I couldn't move and inch I was effectively one with the chair. He rolled the chair over to the couch and leaned it back so the back was resting one the seat of the couch. This laid me back and gave Rick access to my entire body. He released my cock from it's cage, which really made me wonder what he was intending to do. I didn't have long to wait as soon he was standing over me with candles in his hand. He had tied 5 candles together and as I watched he lit them. "Ready boy?" was all he said as I sat there dreading that first fall of hot wax on my body.

Within no time the candles had burnt enough for Rick to begin using them to torture my bound body. He started on my left nipple. He slowly leaned the candles over allowing the wax to drip. As the searing pain descended on my tit I wanted to scream but didn't. Then I understood why he had 5 candles tied together. The first searing hit of wax was immediately followed by what felt like a river of hot wax that Rick played all around my tit. 5 candles all burning at the same time, 5 times as much wax to torture me with. From my left nipple he moved onto my right doing the exact same thing. Him torturing me with the wax, me trying desperately to get loose from the chair. Once Rick decided he had enough wax on my tits he drew a line down my stomach to my belly button, which he filled with torturous pain. From there I felt it as he slowly made his way to my crotch, the hot wax inching closer and closer to my cock and balls. By this time I could no longer control myself and was sobbing in pain. My cries mattered little to him as he finally reached my cock which he proceeded to cover in wax. Each drip making me buck and squirm while I cried out at every drop. I was expecting him to attack my balls next but instead he blew out the candles. "I think Jose is lonely. I'm going to go play with him. I will save your balls and legs for just a little latter," Rick said as he tipped my chair back up on it's wheels. He rolled me over to Jose so I was forced to watch while Rick tortured him.

"Did you miss me slave?" Rick asked as he let his fingers stroke Jose's nipples adding, "Would you like this to end?"

"Sir, yes please it really hurts, Sir," was Jose quick response. Rick flipped off the butt plug but left it firmly stuffed in Jose's ass. Then Rick unlaced and removed the cock sheath. Jose's shaft had tiny red dots where the pins had hurt him over and over again.

"Does that feel better boy?" Rick asked as he gently stroked Jose's cock back to hardness. Rick didn't expect an answer and Jose wisely kept his mouth shut. I could tell easily what the answer would have been. Just watching Jose moving his hips in time with Rick's strokes said it all. As Rick kept up his stroking with one hand he let his other hand move up to Jose's nipples. The combination was driving Jose wild with lust. As Rick could tell, Jose was getting close and he began slowing down. Slower and slower Rick stroked as Jose's frustration grew worse and worse. "Remember you only cum if I give you permission and you do not have permission", Rick's firm voice reminded Jose. As I watched Jose's face I could tell he was struggling for all he was worth not to cum. Just as I was sure he was going to loose the battle, again Rick stopped. Without even saying anything he just grabbed my chair and rolled me back across the room. I watched Jose as tears of desperation rolled down his face. That was the last I saw as Rick once again laid my chair back.

Out came the candles which he immediately lit. As he waited for them to get hot he picked wax off my chest. When they were ready he lowered them toward my inner thighs. As before the searing pain of hot wax enveloped me. Slowly Rick went up one thigh and down the other. Bathing them in molten wax. Then I watched as he moved the candles over my balls. He tipped them ever so slightly and began dripping wax onto my balls. Try as I might I could not hold back the moans. Finally after what seemed like an eternity he stopped. I watched as the candles moved up toward my tits which Rick had just removed the wax from. I gritted my teeth in expectation of having the pain of the wax once again tear through my chest. He covered my chest again and then began to randomly drop wax all over my body. I really don't know how long Rick kept it up. I lost track of time and became lost in the sea of pain that enveloped me. But eventually I realized that the pain had stopped. "You did good Alex. I am proud of you," Rick's loving voice told me as he stroked my head. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. My whole body and soul responded to him. He could have kept that kiss going for ever. When he broke away he righted the chair and released me from it. When finally all I had left on was the butt plug, harness, and my hands cuffed behind me, Rick held me close and kissed me again. Then he led me back over to were Jose still hung.

Rick made me kneel and take Jose's cock in my mouth one more time. I felt it's hardness and knew it would take very little to make Jose cum. Rick had me suck until once again Jose was right at the edge then pulled me away. As before Rick's hands went straight for Jose's nipples working them to keep him so close to orgasm that Jose had to be going out of his mind. All I could do was wonder how long Rick was going to keep torturing Jose like this, was he ever going to allow him to cum?

I am going to end Alex's account right there. I have decided it would be fun to leave the reader wondering and guessing for just a little longer. At this point Alex did not realize yet that he was ultimately going to decide if and when Jose got to cum. Tell you what, let's pick up right here in our next installment. They say ending with a cliff hanger is good. Well isn't it the same ending with Jose right at the brink? As always if you would like to hear more of Alex's writings please let me know BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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